Aberzombie wrote: Sebastian
I would buy a dozen of those.
How do you think I track you down.
Okay, you really are creepy.
PonyLVR, wrote: And here I thought you were just in it for the Hooves. Not exactly.
He knows what I like too, boys screaming for mercy.
I think that he wants me to tie you down and spank you.
Sebastian wrote: I am filing a restraining order against all of you. You are seriously sick. I know you don't really mean that.
Crimson Jester wrote: Pony Stalker wrote: PonyLVR, wrote: Matthew Morris wrote: Pony Stalker wrote: PonyLVR, wrote: It's MY PONY, but thats not why I am crying. I just sometiimes miss 1E. You can never love the pony the way I do. Because that way is illegal in his state. And physically impossible in this universe. You just lack imagination. No, just a power lift, two cups of egg whites and a ton of scientific equipment. You're after my pony too?
PonyLVR, wrote: Matthew Morris wrote: Pony Stalker wrote: PonyLVR, wrote: It's MY PONY, but thats not why I am crying. I just sometiimes miss 1E. You can never love the pony the way I do. Because that way is illegal in his state. And physically impossible in this universe. You just lack imagination.
PonyLVR, wrote: It's MY PONY, but thats not why I am crying. I just sometiimes miss 1E. You can never love my pony the way I do.
That's because you aren't worthy of my pony.
You all smell like aaracochra.
Champion, ArnesonianNarrativism wrote: Pony Stalker wrote: Champion, ArnesonianNarrativism wrote: Hierarch of Gygaxian Naturalism wrote: David Fryer wrote: Gygax and Goblins FTW I approve. What a douchish, gamist piece of garbage.
For real narrative quality, play
Arneson and Aaracockras. Never, I had a bad experience with Aaracockras once. Not bad enough...you're still here. They used to sneak into my room and watch me while I slept. And then I found the camera in my closet with feathers all around it....
Champion, ArnesonianNarrativism wrote: Hierarch of Gygaxian Naturalism wrote: David Fryer wrote: Gygax and Goblins FTW I approve. What a douchish, gamist piece of garbage.
For real narrative quality, play
Arneson and Aaracockras. Never, I had a bad experience with Aaracockras once.
Armchair DM wrote: Pony Stalker wrote: You look like my uncle. Sho your uncle looks like Brad Pitt? No my uncle likes to sneek in my room at night and watch me sleep.
Spiders are ikky and so are lizards.
Mairkurion {tm} wrote: Seriously, guys, don't help women stalk me. Life is already "interesting" enough as it is. You're not my pony!
James Jacobs wrote: Wow. That was close. I thought for a terrible second that someone was badmouthing Alien. If that were the case, I'm afraid I would have had to lock down this thread and ban a lot of people. And then I'd burn down all of the copies of Pathfinder #28 in punishment and protest and move to Alaska to live life as a misanthropic hermit.
Close call, is all I'm saying. Whew.
Leave my pony alone!
Big Tex wrote: Post as Big as All Outdoors Where's my pony?
You are not! Where's my pony?
Sebastian wrote: James Jacobs wrote: Kyle Baird wrote: I would love to see a high-level AP that deals with gathering things and making preparations to rid the world of the Tarrasque. It would be a great chance to fully flesh out the legends, myths, and history surrounding it. So would I. I've been trying to work the Tarrasque in to an adventure path pretty much since Age of Worms. The stars are not yet right, alas. Just slap him into a random encounter table. That requires one line of text, max. My pony!
Celestial Healer wrote: Sebastian's True Identity wrote: Celestial Healer wrote: So, there is a certain thread welcome a certain new member to the staff of a certain company that we all know and love, and I have to share something about it.
** spoiler omitted ** Wow, just wow. ** spoiler omitted ** Hello Sebastian.
Yah, my pony!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sebastian wrote: Pony Stalker wrote: Sharoth wrote: ~pulls out a collar and a chain attached to it~ Come here my love slave! Naughty dragon, leave my pony alone! Great. I get to choose between the stalker that makes me a pedophile and the stalker that makes me a sub.
How about no? I'm not a kid, I'm an immortal spirit possessing a very realistic doll. Now you naughty dragon, leave my pony ALONE!
Sharoth wrote: ~pulls out a collar and a chain attached to it~ Come here my love slave! Naughty dragon, leave my pony alone!

Solnes wrote: Pony Stalker wrote: Solnes wrote: Pony Stalker wrote: Solnes wrote: Pony Stalker wrote: Solnes wrote: Pony Stalker wrote: Solnes wrote: Pony Stalker wrote: Solnes wrote: David Fryer wrote: Solnes wrote: Aberzombie wrote: Sebastian wrote: I'm in as one of Erik Mona's forlorn rejects for friendship. All I want is the ability to post whatever drivel spills from my fingers onto his facebook page along with pictures of me in a thong. Is that so much to ask? Welcome to the club. By the way, are we "Friended" on Facebook? I can't recall. Sebastian also isn't my friend...maybe we should start a club for that too...... Sebastian's not my friend either. Maybe we should start stalking him. I've never been a stalker before...this sounds exciting!!! You stay away from my pony, you naughty peoples. I just have to say...that avy is kinda creepy! Thank you. Now stay away from my pony! And if I don't?! I will stand at the foot of your bed and stare at you. Ok that is beyond creepy, the only thing worse would be staring from the closet... What if I stare at you from the heating ducts? Eh, I would just turn the heat on full blast.... Closet it is. Of course my closet is stuffed full of baby clothes all packed up. So when you open the door they fall out and squash you. Funny...not scary..
Until I bust out of the pile of baby clothes.

Solnes wrote: Pony Stalker wrote: Solnes wrote: Pony Stalker wrote: Solnes wrote: Pony Stalker wrote: Solnes wrote: Pony Stalker wrote: Solnes wrote: David Fryer wrote: Solnes wrote: Aberzombie wrote: Sebastian wrote: I'm in as one of Erik Mona's forlorn rejects for friendship. All I want is the ability to post whatever drivel spills from my fingers onto his facebook page along with pictures of me in a thong. Is that so much to ask? Welcome to the club. By the way, are we "Friended" on Facebook? I can't recall. Sebastian also isn't my friend...maybe we should start a club for that too...... Sebastian's not my friend either. Maybe we should start stalking him. I've never been a stalker before...this sounds exciting!!! You stay away from my pony, you naughty peoples. I just have to say...that avy is kinda creepy! Thank you. Now stay away from my pony! And if I don't?! I will stand at the foot of your bed and stare at you. Ok that is beyond creepy, the only thing worse would be staring from the closet... What if I stare at you from the heating ducts? Eh, I would just turn the heat on full blast.... Closet it is.

Solnes wrote: Pony Stalker wrote: Solnes wrote: Pony Stalker wrote: Solnes wrote: Pony Stalker wrote: Solnes wrote: David Fryer wrote: Solnes wrote: Aberzombie wrote: Sebastian wrote: I'm in as one of Erik Mona's forlorn rejects for friendship. All I want is the ability to post whatever drivel spills from my fingers onto his facebook page along with pictures of me in a thong. Is that so much to ask? Welcome to the club. By the way, are we "Friended" on Facebook? I can't recall. Sebastian also isn't my friend...maybe we should start a club for that too...... Sebastian's not my friend either. Maybe we should start stalking him. I've never been a stalker before...this sounds exciting!!! You stay away from my pony, you naughty peoples. I just have to say...that avy is kinda creepy! Thank you. Now stay away from my pony! And if I don't?! I will stand at the foot of your bed and stare at you. Ok that is beyond creepy, the only thing worse would be staring from the closet... What if I stare at you from the heating ducts?
Solnes wrote: Pony Stalker wrote: Solnes wrote: Pony Stalker wrote: Solnes wrote: David Fryer wrote: Solnes wrote: Aberzombie wrote: Sebastian wrote: I'm in as one of Erik Mona's forlorn rejects for friendship. All I want is the ability to post whatever drivel spills from my fingers onto his facebook page along with pictures of me in a thong. Is that so much to ask? Welcome to the club. By the way, are we "Friended" on Facebook? I can't recall. Sebastian also isn't my friend...maybe we should start a club for that too...... Sebastian's not my friend either. Maybe we should start stalking him. I've never been a stalker before...this sounds exciting!!! You stay away from my pony, you naughty peoples. I just have to say...that avy is kinda creepy! Thank you. Now stay away from my pony! And if I don't?! I will stand at the foot of your bed and stare at you.
Solnes wrote: Pony Stalker wrote: Solnes wrote: David Fryer wrote: Solnes wrote: Aberzombie wrote: Sebastian wrote: I'm in as one of Erik Mona's forlorn rejects for friendship. All I want is the ability to post whatever drivel spills from my fingers onto his facebook page along with pictures of me in a thong. Is that so much to ask? Welcome to the club. By the way, are we "Friended" on Facebook? I can't recall. Sebastian also isn't my friend...maybe we should start a club for that too...... Sebastian's not my friend either. Maybe we should start stalking him. I've never been a stalker before...this sounds exciting!!! You stay away from my pony, you naughty peoples. I just have to say...that avy is kinda creepy! Thank you. Now stay away from my pony!
Solnes wrote: David Fryer wrote: Solnes wrote: Aberzombie wrote: Sebastian wrote: I'm in as one of Erik Mona's forlorn rejects for friendship. All I want is the ability to post whatever drivel spills from my fingers onto his facebook page along with pictures of me in a thong. Is that so much to ask? Welcome to the club. By the way, are we "Friended" on Facebook? I can't recall. Sebastian also isn't my friend...maybe we should start a club for that too...... Sebastian's not my friend either. Maybe we should start stalking him. I've never been a stalker before...this sounds exciting!!! You stay away from my pony, you naughty peoples.
taig wrote: Moorluck wrote: taig wrote: David Fryer wrote: I've often wondered why so called optimizers have limited imaginations. I've noticed a rise in hostility in the threads lately.
By the way, I hate you all. :)
No you don't. Your just projecting your secret admiration of Sebastian into a dislike of the rest of us. Minus the ladies of course. Next thing you know, I'll be sporting a Bella Sera avatar! :)
You don't look like my pony.
Joseph Silver wrote:
So how about it, almighty moderators? Can we have a CharOp forum for Pathfinder?
Please? That way I can collapse it and not have to deal with optimizers telling me how I don't know how to play the game because my character that I have spent five years building through play isn't as good as the character they slapped together in a few hours by doing nothing but reading rule books.
Stay away from my pony! n00b!

Sebastian wrote: KaeYotik wrote: Sebastian wrote: Heathansson wrote: Sebastian wrote: Celestial Healer wrote: Sebastian wrote: IssacX wrote: You need more moderators and Cut the number of pages down to 10 per thread, then start new thread plz! Most of the comments are 1 liners and the threads go all over the place I know these forums are young and under funded but 551 pages on one topic is insanity!
Issac I agree! Wow... Way to bring it back to the OP. I felt like people were forgetting our true goal here. To get 551 pages!
Hey, here's a fun new rule - quote the prior post everytime you post.
Mha ha ha... Uh......I did that for a while. Read the damn thread before you say something. Okay, so maybe it's not a "new" rule.
Or, maybe you used your time machine to go into the future when I would have the idea of doing it and then did it before me, thus stealing my idea FROM THE FUTURE!!!
I think that's more likely. Lookee a horsey!! Damnit. Haven't you noticed that I'm into little girls, not whatever the f!%@ it is you are (inbred hillbilly jester? leering mentally challenged trick-or-treater? Heathy?) Yeah, my pony.
The One True Sebastian wrote: Secretlyreplacedwith wrote: The One True Sebastian wrote: You suck! Please try for something more elaborate when you insult. You're embarassing me. How is that possible when you are too busy embarassing yourself? You're not my pony either! Where! Is! My! Pony!?!
Secretlyreplacedwith wrote: The One True Sebastian wrote: You suck! Please try for something more elaborate when you insult. You're embarassing me. You're not my pony!
That's not true! My pony doesn't like turnips.
and the women swoon whenever the hear him say,