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Agent Dee's page

42 posts. Alias of David Fryer.


meatrace wrote:
Lord Fyre wrote:
thejeff wrote:
Impeachment hearings before the end of the term.

I am not so sure about that.

If the GOP's attempt to impeach is seen by the public as political, then it will likely backfire on them.

This would be true even if there is substance to the charges - a.k.a.: Bill Clinton.

Except that the GOP are so completely sealed in their bubble that they would never have any notion that it might backfire. They're gonzo. I'll be willing to bet someone will at least make a motion before the year is out. Probably a teabagger.

Kinda like Dennis Kucinich did with Bush in 2008? Or John Conyers did in 2005? Or like the New Mexico Democratic Party put a plank in their platform demanding Bush's impeachment in 2006? Or like the Vermont Democratic Committee voted to call for in 2007? Or like the Vermont legislature voted on in 2008? Or like the New Hampshire legislature also voted on in 2008? The point is there was not a whole lot of faux outrage over people talking about or drafting articles of impeachment when it was Bush in office. And honestly, No smart Republican would vote to support articles of impeachment against Pres. Obama, because Pres. Biden would be an even bigger train wreck.

Charlie Sheen wrote:
David Fryer wrote:
DM Wellard wrote:
GeraintElberion wrote:
Caligula managed to run the Roman Empire while being called a patronising childhood nickname. Gadaffi's off the pace.
Caligula was however totally insane..Gadffi is still marginally hanging onto his sanity
I'm not sure about that Gadffi strikes me as being about as sane as Charlie Sheen right now.

There's a distinct difference.

He has F-18s flying over him.

Me? I'm an F-18, bro.

Mr. Sheen? I'm gonna have to ask you to come with us. You have been neglecting your meds again.

Keep moving, nothing to see here.

There is nothing new here, it all just an archtype of another thread.

Move along, nothing to see here. Please just look at my pen for a moment.

It is highly unlikely that a volcanic eruption in northwest Saudia Arabia would threaten the bulk of the oil reserves which are located in the eastern and central regions of the country. In fact a close reading of the article shows that the region where this is happening is known for it's volcanic activity. So nothing to see here.

Remember, you can't spell law enforcement without LE

Kicks body Is it dead yet?

Move along citizens. Nothing to see here.

Move along citizen.

Joshua J. Frost wrote:
Joseph Raiten wrote:
Joshua J. Frost wrote:
A Man In Black wrote:
Players tend to be human ...
I'll need you to cite sources on this assertion as I rarely play at a table with humans.

I agree none of the current group I am running are playing humans

but they are actually humans

That's the distinction. While the denizens of my gaming table might be playing humans, I can see through their veil and know the truth. They are aliens. Aliens playing humans. And sometimes gnomes.

That's because you live in the Seattle area. We locate them there because they blend in with the grunge scene.

Move along citizen, nothing to see here.

Move along citizens, there is nothing to see here. Really there isn't.

Move along citizens, there is nothing to see here.

Jingle all the way.

Stand back, he's going to blow!

Orthos wrote:
Agent Dee wrote:
Orthos wrote:
Agent Dee wrote:
Crimson Jester wrote:
Does anyone else notice who comments in one thread can spill over to another?
Move along citizens, nothing to see here.
Holds up a ballpoint pen. Can everyone look this way for a second?

You'll never get me copper!!


They always run. Activates portable rocket segway and chases the perp down.

Ross Byers wrote:
I removed a post. It's all fun and games until the name calling starts.

]Holds up a ballpoint pen. Can everyone look this way for a second?

Orthos wrote:
Agent Dee wrote:
Crimson Jester wrote:
Does anyone else notice who comments in one thread can spill over to another?
Move along citizens, nothing to see here.

Holds up a ballpoint pen. Can everyone look this way for a second?

Crimson Jester wrote:
Does anyone else notice who comments in one thread can spill over to another?

Move along citizens, nothing to see here.

CIA Director Leon Panetta wrote:
I'm taking down names.

Sir, I have to ask you to move along. Department Seven has things well in hand.

Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
Cheel Vorastrix wrote:
Gnome ninjas, who's brilliant idea was this!? Arrrrrrrghhhh!!
Just be thankful they aren't tinker gnome ninjas. Or kender samurai.

Whisper Gnome ninjas FTW!

Keep moving people, nothing to see here.

flash_xxxx wrote:
Secretlyreplacedwith wrote:
Aberzombie wrote:
Gagvoyle wrote:
Aberzombie wrote:
Yeah, but sometimes it's more fun when people know you're talking to yourself.
Gee, do you really think so?

Who does #2 work for?

There is nothing to see here. There is no John Conner. Please move along.

Back off it's mine.

David Fryer wrote:

On the record, WMDs were found in Iraq. They were found on multiple occassions, and by multiple nations.

Edit: This is just a brief sample of the 10,300 results returned when I searched for the news reports on this.

This message is not approved by the central overseers. Please move on and ignore this message. The meat unit which posted it will be dealt with in a humane and appropriate manner.

Move along, there is nothing to see here.

You didn't see anything.

Stealthily plants a program in the computer systems to prevent Borg or Smvrf tampering or the deletion of any video files.

We have an intruder! Seal down the building!

Uzzy wrote:

What can I say? I find the copyright laws as they currently exist to be ridiculous and anti-consumer, especially as we move towards an Information Society. Life + 70 years is insanely long,

Particularly when the advances in medical and geriatric sciences are pushing us toward a theoretical 1000 year life span.

You don't have at least three aliases.

yellowdingo wrote:
Silicon Messiah wrote:
Sharoth wrote:
Just threaten France and it will surrender.

France has pretty much been taken over by the musslims at this point. The France we think we know no longer exists.

Such a shame.

And it is precisely because they are unprepared to conform to a process of government in which every act of government, law, constitution, executive requires the direct and regular approval of every citizen that the inequality and civil unrest will continue to grow until they resort to anti-muslim racism to keep the scraps they have. Then the Nazis will be back in power and every one will say 'why didnt we pat Adolf on the back? Oh how we were wrong...damn Jews, etc.'

Frankly simply respecting fundamental human rights to an equal share of the benifits and obligations of citizenship would have protected France from that sort of bigotry.

Nations are a fantasy. It is the individual life that matters.

Reports Silicon Messiah and yellowdingo for trying to make this a serious thread.

Mac Boyce wrote:
Old French Guy wrote:
Welcome comrades. Enjoy the cheese.
reports David to anyone in general for acting French.

Reports Mac for being suspicious in over reporting.

If you expected this thread to stay on topic, your are seriously a n00b.


Move along, move along, nothing to see here.

Move along, nothing to see here.

Move along, nothing to see here.

Move along, move along, nothing to see here.

Keep moving, keep moving, nothing to see here.