Lily Parmenter

Bunny the Intern's page

32 posts. Alias of David Fryer.


Vince for Sham-WOW wrote:
David Fryer wrote:
The only spam I ever get is warnings that my credit card is about to be locked, or that I am entitled to refinance my credit card at a lower rate. I don't even have a credit card.
Really? You should get one, and it just so happens that I've got a deal for you...

No thank you, credit cards just get me in trouble.

Trust me, he deserves a lot of praise for his...skills.

Is it cheating if the other person is a robot?

Lord Fyre wrote:
Bunny the Intern wrote:
Lord Fyre wrote:
Eekster Buhnay wrote:
{hops in} Would anyone care for a Slaadbury Creme Egg?
Does anyone else think that this would be a better avatar for Eekster Buhnay?
But where would that leave me?
For you, I would go with ... this.

me likey! But are you sure they don't have something more comfortable? I would feel like a spinster in a nun's habit in that. ;)

Lord Fyre wrote:
Eekster Buhnay wrote:
{hops in} Would anyone care for a Slaadbury Creme Egg?
Does anyone else think that this would be a better avatar for Eekster Buhnay?

But where would that leave me?

Taunting seems to be okay.

I like it when other people burrow.

Could you keep it down, Lord Jason and I are trying to...sleep, that it.

Wow, a doctor. My mom always wanted me to hook up with one of them.

I'm sorry, we'll try to keep the noise down below decks. Slips back into Lord Jason's cabin.

Bulmahnaut #5 wrote:
Do we even celebrate St. Patrick's Day? Is the Lord Jason Irish-blooded?

According to my research the Buhlman family comes from Germany.

Bulmahnaut #1 wrote:
Sorry, #5, I put the ad out. Here, Bunny, take these cigars and this slinky outfit and meet me in the first mate's cabin when you're ready.

Ay, ay captain!

Did you advertise for an intern?

Rone told me I was his only Bunny and know he wants to tell Sebastian about the rabbits in the feild. Boo hoo!

The Jade wrote:
Sebastian's True Identity wrote:
The Jade wrote:
Sebastian's True Identity wrote:
Celestial Healer wrote:
The Jade wrote:

Of all of these, I think Roneism seems to make the most sense. Convert now! Our operators are standing by!

It's true. Rone grants me my spells.
Forget the wolf, worship me!
Pfff... you've got no health plan. Get outta here.
Bah, I will just sue you and take your health plan.
Come with me to the fields for a moment, boy-o. I'll tell you about the rabbits.

Hey, you told me I was the only Bunny in your life!

IssacX wrote:

You need more moderators and Cut the number of pages down to 10 per thread, then start new thread plz! Most of the comments are 1 liners and the threads go all over the place I know these forums are young and under funded but 551 pages on one topic is insanity!



And now a word from our sponsors.

Tiny Tina wrote:

SLUT! :) When is your next openning?

I can always find an openning for you.

Tiny Tina wrote:
Jack Hammer wrote:
Bunny the Intern wrote:
Ward wrote:
June Cleaver wrote:
Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
I support women being on top.
Ward never lets me be on top. He actually prefers to have me sedated.

Speeds into thread.

That way, she doesn't know when I push her out of the bed for a girl from the secretary pool.
Peels out, swerving for June.
You mean there are others? You told me you were the only one Ward!
More likely that you told him that he was the only one.
That's what she told me too.

You were the only one, that night.

Ward wrote:
June Cleaver wrote:
Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
I support women being on top.
Ward never lets me be on top. He actually prefers to have me sedated.

Speeds into thread.

That way, she doesn't know when I push her out of the bed for a girl from the secretary pool.
Peels out, swerving for June.

You mean there are others? You told me you were the only one Ward!

I just recruited a spokesmodel. This is a sample of her work.

NSFW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I mean it!

Hillary wrote:
Algore wrote:
Hillary wrote:
Former Preside....I mean former First Lady post
Don't you mean First Doorstop?
At least I was able to get elected after Bill left office.

Madam president, I'm your election present.

I get paid in college credit!

Can I Call My Guy Drizzt? wrote:
This is Management. The beatings will continue until morale improves. Carry on.

More beatings? Please?

Whimsy Chris wrote:
Bunny the Intern wrote:
Whimsy Chris wrote:
Bunny the Intern wrote:
Aberzombie wrote:
We need to synchronize behaviors to support desired company results and internalize change by seizing our opportunities.
I can syncronize your behaviors for you. I get college credit instead of money.
Hey Bunny, how's our back-end?
Just fine sir.
That's good, because our infrastructure is growing and I'm about to maximize my deliverable.

Glad to hear it sir!

Whimsy Chris wrote:
Bunny the Intern wrote:
Aberzombie wrote:
We need to synchronize behaviors to support desired company results and internalize change by seizing our opportunities.
I can syncronize your behaviors for you. I get college credit instead of money.
Hey Bunny, how's our back-end?

Just fine sir.

typo post

Has anyone seen my boss?

Aberzombie wrote:
We need to synchronize behaviors to support desired company results and internalize change by seizing our opportunities.

I can syncronize your behaviors for you. I get college credit instead of money.

CourtFool wrote:
Delivers efficient action-items by humping the intern's leg.

Is this good touch or bad touch?

Hi. My bosses sent me to make sure their reservations are on record.

I'm here. Who's dict am I suppose to be taking?