Sajan Gadadvara

Ballard Roebuck, SAMAS Pilot's page

9 posts. Alias of David Fryer.


Coalition post


Long live the Coalition!


After all of the battles are over,
After all of the fighting is done,
Will you be the one
To find yourself alone with your heart? (looking for the answers...)
When it feels like tomorrow will never come,
When it seems like the night would not end,
Can you pretend
That you're really not alone?

You're out here on your own.
Lonely soldier boy.
You're out here on your own.
Lonely soldier boy.
Yes I'm lonely, but are you alone?
Lonely soldier boy.
With all the glory, without the joy,
A lonely soldier boy...

Do you believe in the causes you're fighting for?
You used to believe yesterday.
Now what can you say,
Now that you're so far from home?

You're out here on your own,
Lonely soldier boy.
You're all alone,
Lonely soldier boy.
But are you really alone?
Lonely soldier boy...

You're out here on your own,
Lonely soldier boy.
But are you really alone?
Lonely soldier boy.
You're out here on your own,
Lonely soldier boy.
Are you lonely, out here on your own...
Lonely soldier boy.
Yes I'm lonely...
Lonely soldier boy.

Coretta Young, Coalition Stalker wrote:
Sparky Windsprint wrote:
<put helmet on, looks to Coretta>

Coretta nods in a calm and kindly fashion to Sparky. She taps the distinctive spiked Dead Boy helmet under her arm, reluctant to let it go.

To the elder gentleman, Coretta says, "With all due respect, sir, a Psi-Stalker and a Dog Pack... we are not exactly a friendly presence once we put aside our CS markings. Sir, I would not want to be seen as a traitor, nor would I want my pack to appear as enemies of the state. How do we leave the CS safely, and return again? We have pledged ourselves to humanity's service... for us to appear as if we are leaving it, even under orders for detached duty - it's a difficult and complicated matter, sir. If we might have a defined way back to the CS, it would aid us in our mission."

"Not to mention that I'm more dead weight then useful without a Sam. Sure, I can operate other mecha like a Flying Titan, but not as good as I can pilot a Sam."

"Kid, we all volunteered the moment we joined the army," A Slightly grizzled looking man says. His uniform displays several campaign badges, most notably the Tolkeen campaign. "Once you're in, everything else is academic. Name's Ballard Roebuck. Anyone know what the job is this time?"

Sorry, still working on Ballard. I haven'ty had as much free time as I had hoped for.

I'll get my profile up soon.

Current Campaign

GM_DBH's Shattered Star

Called together by the Pathfinder society our heroes will find themselves on a long and dangerous trail to unlock the secrets of the

A vision of Windsong Abbey in smoking ruins sends our heroes north along the Lost Coast in search of the latest fragment of the Shattered Star.

Dire rumors and whispers of the devastation hint that an ancient evil has returned to the abbey.
Shattered Star Folder

Loot sheet



Abbey requests

Abbey area

Abbey Hamlet

Windsong abbey

Abbey exterior


The party