
Perigia's page

442 posts. Alias of David Fryer.

Full Name



Genasi Firesoul


Wizard 7







Strength 12
Dexterity 13
Constitution 16
Intelligence 19
Wisdom 14
Charisma 12

About Perigia

HP: 52, Bloodied: 26, Surge Value: 13, Surges: 8, Current: 6
AC: 21, Fort: 16, Ref: 19, Will: 19, AP: 1
Init: +9, Speed: 6, Passive Insight 21, Passive Perception: 16
Race Features: Elemental Origin, Firepulse, Resist Fire 5,
Class Features: Arcane Implement Mastery (Staff of Defense), Cantrips, Ritual Casting, Spellbook
Skills: Arcana +13, Diplomacy +9, Dungeoneering +11, Insight +11, Nature +11
Feats: Armor Proficiency (Leather), Battle Caster Defense, Burning Blizzard, Elemental Empowerment, Improved Initiative, Ritual Casting
At-Will: Ghost Sound, Light, Mage Hand, Magic Missile, Prestidigitation, Ray of Frost
Encounter: Chill Strike, Lightning Bolt, Shock Sphere
Daily: Acid Arrow, Fireball, Bigby's Icy Grip (spellbook), Freezing Cloud (spellbook)
Utility: Disguise Self, Shield, Feather Fall (spellbook), Levitate (spellbook)
Rituals: Gentle Repose, Silence
Magic Items: +1 Luck Dagger, Mnemonic Staff
Other Gear: Leather armor, longsword, adventurer's kit, ritual book, spellbook, ritual components.
Languages: Common, Primordial


Perigia was raised in a broken home. Her mother died giving birth when Perigia was three. Her father was a drunken brute of a man who barely cared about his two young daughters. He used ale and violence as a way of venting his fustrations about being stuck as a mid-level functionary in Waterdeep's government. The only mother figure that Perigia ever had was the parade of strange women that her father brought home at nights, but who never stuck around.

At age eight, Perigia showed some apptitude with the Art and was sent to apprentice with her aunt in Silverymoon. This was a happy time for Perigia. Her aunt was a kindly and good women, and treat Perigia just like her own child, since her aunt could have none of her own. Her father, feeling well to be rid of one child did not keep in contact and rebuffed any efforts of Perigia to keep in touch with her family.

When her apprenticeship ended at 19, Perigia returned to Waterdeep. When she arrived, she discovered that her father had been killed in a drunken brawl many years earlier, but not before selling her sister to a band of slavers from Thay. Determined to find her sister, Perigia set out to Spellgard Tower to seek the advice of the lady of the tower.

Along the way she encountered a band of pilgrams and joined them. They have worked together exploring the mysteries of Spellgard. Along the way, she has made good friends and the group has become something of a surregate family for her.

Wish List

+2 Staff of the War Mage, +2 Fireburst longsword, +2 Sylvan leather armor