
Undead Seoni's page

28 posts. Alias of David Fryer.


ZombieTroll wrote:
Angry Fanboy wrote:
That's right, it is the only way to avoid me coming back as a zombie.
What's wrong with coming back as a zombie?

Nothing, I particularly enjoy it.

That is how I ended up like this.

Necromancy can be fun!

This is really creepy.

and I am a material ghoul.

No it's not.

You mortals sure are fun to watch.

Hey look!


Usually people wait until they are in the privacy of their own home to do that.

popcorn popping on the apricot tree.

There's a zombie on your lawn, and it's me.

There's a cultist on your lawn.


I'm good with that.

Moorluck wrote:
Ghostbuster Jack wrote:
There's a zombie on your lawn.
I've got a screen door sheild!

Road cones protect my head.

As long as certain potions and spells continue to work.

Gark the Goblin wrote:
Tarren Dei wrote:
David Fryer wrote:
Anyone else think that if Paizo plastered Seoni across the hood of a NASCAR race car, the number of Beta downloads would increase so fast it would melt the servers?
Wouldn't that hurt? Being plastered across the hood of a race car? What kind of defenses do her spells provide for the damage from grit-filled wind and debris?
Well, she could probably cast ironskin or stoneskin. Although that would sorta ruin some of her appeal.

Don't worry. I have no soul, so I should be just fine.

bugleyman wrote:
David Fryer wrote:
You also missed Epic Meepo kidnapping Seoni and stealing her soul. However, she has mentioned she enjoys life much more without it. She is thinking of becoming a lawyer.

No, no, no.

You have to give them your soul in order to graduate, so you have to start with one...

What if I offered them someone else's soul instead?

Sebastian wrote:

My cult?!?! Gone?!?!?!

My vengeance will be prolonged and painful, with much threatening and gesticulating!!!

My ears hurt already.

You're just not hip to the cool scene daddy-o.

Mairkurion {tm} wrote:

Actually, Souless Seoni sounds just fine.

Looks both directions.
Does Seoni really need a soul?

For the record I'm doing just fine without one.

Sets fire to a dwarven village.

Darkeyes777 wrote:
DarkWhite wrote:

Meh! Seoni was over-rated.

** spoiler omitted **
Agreed! Step into the limelight Kyra!

She could, if she would lose her soul first.

You know, not having a soul makes life so much more fun.

Throws French children to CDP.

KaeYoss wrote:
Is it secret plants to invade my country?

It depends, what country are you in?

The Night Dragon wrote:

At this point I feel that I should step in to explain a thing or two. Mr. Morton (known also as Epic Meepo) is acting under duress. He has promised me a role and prominence in Golarion 'so big that it will make the Whispering Tyrant cry like the metaphorical red headed stepchild that he actually is'. I have taken Aelfric Dreamslayer prisoner, and a number of Mr. Morton's other creations, and have threatened him with having to watch, helpless, as they are taken apart, piece by piece, by a number of the most terrifying critics on the internet, unless he exerts himself to get me duly recognised in the Golarion canon. RPGSuperstar will be a picnic by comparison.

I knew a kobold, even an epic kobold, could not have come up with this plan on his own. Saddly I cannot help you with Golarion, but I can get you a starring role in SotSS' new edition. Is that good enough?

Pathfinder will always hold a warm place in my otherwise ice clad heart, but buisness is buisness. Epic Meepo helped me see this by ripping out my soul. Nostalgia has no place in the world of corporate zombies.

You know I'm just joking right?

Lord Fyre wrote:
Undead Seoni wrote:
I thank everyone for their concern, but I am fine. Epic Meepo has been most gracious in releasing my body. I am having the time of my life without my soul. It really just got in the way, now I am free to explore all the parts of my personality. It turns out that burning down villages and turning children into toads is more fun then I thought it would be. See ya.
I see that you are now ready to work for an American Corporation in a Management Level Position!

Yes, I have already been offered a job with Sorcerers of the Seashore to head up the playtest division for their new edition. Their current one is selling so well that they need a new one to make more money.

I thank everyone for their concern, but I am fine. Epic Meepo has been most gracious in releasing my body. I am having the time of my life without my soul. It really just got in the way, now I am free to explore all the parts of my personality. It turns out that burning down villages and turning children into toads is more fun then I thought it would be. See ya.