About Ronin-
Elven Street Samurai
Body: 3
Agility: 5
Reaction: 5 (7)
Strength: 4
Charisma: 5
Intuition: 4
Logic: 4
Willpower: 4
Initiative: 9
Active Skills: Automatics 3, Computer 2, Etiquette (Corp) 2, Etiquette (Street) 3, Infiltration 4, Intimidation 3, Pilot Ground Vehicle 2, Pistol 2
Languages: English 3, Elven 2, Japanese 2
Gear: Ares Predator smartgun, Ingram Smartgun, 60 rounds of regular ammo, 30 explosive rounds, 9 clips, lined coat, armored clothing, Yamaha Rapier, earplug cellphone, Middle Lifestyle (10 months prepaid), 4,729 nuyen
Cyberwear: Dermal Plating 2, Wired Reflexes 2, Retractable Hand Blades, Smartlink, Cybereyes with low-light and flare compensation
Contacts: Contact-3 (Mouse, street kid), Contact-2 (“Tiger" Tanaka, Yakuza Fixer)
Qualities: Guts, High Pain Threshold, Addiction (Mild, Stimulant), Incompetent (Hacking)
Contacts: Fixer, Street kid