The One True Sebastian's page
68 posts. Alias of David Fryer.
Secretlyreplacedwith wrote: Can pod people be as lame as I am? Yes, but not as awesome as me.
Secretlyreplacedwith wrote: Plants? Perhaps you have me confused with whatever you regularly smoke in order to maintain the delusion that you could possibly be as cool and badass as I am.
You might decieve others, but True Sight is a wonderful thing.
lastknightleft wrote: Pshaw, eventually someone will create the laughing man cult, because I am clearly superior to all of you. In fact I think my roomate might start one any minute. Loser.
I can take an armful and make a treat,
My clones are a pale imitation of me. If you are going to replace me, at least try and act superior. insults and conflicts with the plebians are so beneath anyone with my name.
Oh yeah, that's original.
Secretlyreplacedwith wrote: The One True Sebastian wrote: Secretlyreplacedwith wrote: The One True Sebastian wrote: You suck! Please try for something more elaborate when you insult. You're embarassing me. How is that possible when you are too busy embarassing yourself? Oh! Ouch! That hurt!
Maybe next time you could try something equally as clever, such as calling me a scab-eater, or telling me that I play ball like a girl. But that would be insulting to girls.
Secretlyreplacedwith wrote: The One True Sebastian wrote: You suck! Please try for something more elaborate when you insult. You're embarassing me. How is that possible when you are too busy embarassing yourself?
Your mother was a test tube, and your father smelled of stale hay and aspercream.
I wanna feel the heat with somebody,
Loser. If Mr. Snuggy Pants and Ms. Snuffy Wuffy weren't here holding me back I would have your head to place above my mantle. The scales would be perfect for looking at myself while enjoying a nice glass of port and a cuban cigar.
Kobold Cleaver wrote: Okay, see, now I know you're fake. The real Sebastion would never be so charitable, he would know better than to rip off a well-known comic strip, and he wouldn't even need law-ninjas. Well, I tried using law pirates, but they weren't frightening enough. As for not needing law ninjas, even I can't be everywhere at once. I need some one to enforce my will while I'm ignoring you for Lent. And yes I would be that charitable
Kobold Cleaver wrote: Secretlyreplacedwith wrote: The One True Sebastian wrote: Secretlyreplacedwith wrote: The One True Sebastian wrote: words. Why do you insist on embarassing me with your continued existence? Because you insist on embarassing yourself with your continued existence. Ouch! It must have really hurt your brain to come up with that clever reply (i.e. complete copy of) to my own witty and brilliant commentary. Be careful you don't permanently injure yourself? Well, well, well. Sebastion seems to be arguing with himself. Posers. No, I'm just arguing with a mentally damaged clone. You lizards may have the meat when my law ninjas finish with him.
Secretlyreplacedwith wrote: The One True Sebastian wrote: Secretlyreplacedwith wrote: The One True Sebastian wrote: words. Why do you insist on embarassing me with your continued existence? Because you insist on embarassing yourself with your continued existence. Ouch! It must have really hurt your brain to come up with that clever reply (i.e. complete copy of to my own witty and brilliant commentary.) Be careful you don't permanently injure yourself? Fixed it for you. For hving a whol day to come up ith a reply I would have expectd better grammer and spelling from a clone. I see it is time for my law ninjas to clean house again. And even a deficient clone lik yourself should b able to see it's not a complete copy. It's called redirect. Read a law book so you cn keep up.
Secretlyreplacedwith wrote: The One True Sebastian wrote: words. Why do you insist on embarassing me with your continued existence? Because you insist on embarassing yourself with your continued existence.
Dragonborn3 wrote: The One True Sebastian wrote: You wouldn't know the real Sebastian if I came up, spit in your face, and sued you on behalf of your mother. Bye the way, she is sitting in my office right now. Said the gelding... That's why I'm an advocate for victims rights.
Kobold Cleaver wrote: The One True Sebastian wrote: Kobold Cleaver wrote: The One True Sebastian wrote: I don't care who you are. None of you can withstand my might, or my army of law ninjas! Imposter! Kill him! You wouldn't know the real Sebastian if I came up, spit in your face, and sued you on behalf of your mother. Bye the way, she is sitting in my office right now. See you in court, lizard-dog. Gah! How could you, mother? Why--
--Hey, I don't have a mother. Hey!
*Fireballs 'true' Sebastion* That's why she is suing, because you attempted to erase her from existence.
Only a terrorist would use early bird coupons.
Kobold Cleaver wrote: The One True Sebastian wrote: I don't care who you are. None of you can withstand my might, or my army of law ninjas! Imposter! Kill him! You wouldn't know the real Sebastian if I came up, spit in your face, and sued you on behalf of your mother. Bye the way, she is sitting in my office right now. See you in court, lizard-dog.
lynora-Jill wrote: The One True Sebastian wrote: You are all pathetic. Why don't you join a real cult and worship the glory that is me? Losers. You're just jealous cause you didn't get invited to the last party. ;) Your parties are as pathetic as your cult. Which way to the beer? ;)
You are all pathetic. Why don't you join a real cult and worship the glory that is me? Losers.
I don't care who you are. None of you can withstand my might, or my army of law ninjas!
*punts the poddle with his hind legs* How dare you challenge my statement with facts. We lawyers have no use for such things. ;{p
Callous Jack wrote: Gene wrote: Turin the Mad wrote: 14 minutes is all it took before an alias posted?!
WEAK!! WEAK!! Quicker than that, I think. Note the name on the third post as compared to the name on the second. ^_^ Ah...I did the same thing to Sebastian back in the fall before Trey stole my idea. ;-P
Teter or Vic eventually changed it to Sebastian's Ghost and ruined all the fun. And then Sebastian changed his avatar back to that damn pony and ruined everyone's fun.
"Here dog-lizard, I have a sausage for you."
Sebastian wrote:
If only there were a way to put aside that crap and just have an intelligent and civil discussion. Oh well, I'm sure one side will sufficiently prove their absolute correctness and everyone will acknowledge it, thus ending any conflict. You tell him boss ;p Everyone knows Sebastian is always right.
We clones are not amused.
Sebastian wrote:
Eh? I don't dislike Jack all that much, I just gave him some bonus slots on my enemies list because he has an army of nutty clones.
Don't forget you army of loyal clones, master. We are what Sebastian looked like before he reclaimed the mantle of holy high pony.
My fellow Paiozians, it is come to my attention that Heathanson is really a plant from WOTC and will drive our country into destruction if he wins. He also secretly plays Hero System and consorts with poodles. Can you really trust your children's future to him? Vote Pathfinder values, vote Sebastian.
I wish they made footy pajamas for adults.
Where is the fighting? I was promised a pit fit between a poodle and a frog, and if I don't get it I will sue. I am a lawyer and I have never lost. Fear me.
*Sues theive's guild for robbing the kobold, sues the kobold for insurance fraud, and sues the poodle for being a poodle.*
Edit: Being a lawyer is fun.
Secretlyreplacedwith wrote: The One True Sebastian wrote: ....and confuse the hell out of people all over the board. Oh come on, give us something hard to do. How about convincing Sebastian's cultists to join the Cult of Jack?
That is the goal. We will not stop until everyone has a Sebastian alias as part of their profile.
PonyLVR, wrote: PONY! STALKER!
Of course I would never impersonate you for anything serious. I would not want you to be credited with my intellect.
Sebastian wrote: The One True Sebastian wrote:
Edit: I have been empowered to speak for all of your clones, by me. It is one of the joys of being a clone of the great and powerful Sebastian.
Ack. Somewhere, someone appreciates the irony and justice of me having to deal with me.
I hate that person. I think it is your little girl stalker. She wubs you though.
lastknightleft wrote: You make an alias of another poster Yes, but the lord all might Sebastian has admited doing doing so first.
My clone brothers it is time for us to make our presence know. Rise up, show what you are made of, and confuse the hell out of people all over the board.