
CDP's Therapist's page

26 posts. Alias of David Fryer.


Smacks CDP with a newspaper

Bad dog, time to take your medicine.

Come now, I though we had dealt with your anger issues.

flash_cxxi wrote:
I no longer hate myself. It is now only extreme dislike. We'll see what tomorrow brings.

Vell zis isz a start. Ve vill zee vat ve can do.

Moorluck wrote:
taig wrote:
Um, wow. What was she thinking?
She doesn't. She's a friggin Ho. And a skank. And a tramp. And a slut. And a bimbo. And a peice of trash. I don't like her, can you tell?

Yez, but tell us how you really feel.

Clinically Depressed Poodle wrote:
runs into thread and drops a big landmine

Zo, explain to me this urge to thread crap.

An adaquate protection from the poodle flu though.

Jack Hammer wrote:
CDP's Therapist wrote:
Jack Hammer wrote:
David Fryer wrote:
Jack Hammer wrote:
David Fryer wrote:
The Northeast United States is supposed to get pounded this winter according to the National Weather Service due to a weak El Nino.
Don't those little blue pills help a weak El Nino?
Nope just a weak Jack.

There's no such thing. You're a liar!

*looks down and whispers, 'It's OK, Thor's Hammer, he was lying'*

That's not what Mrs. Hammer tells me when we're alone.
Mrs. Hammer is responsible for most cold fronts. ;)

Come now, if you blame others you can never help yourself. The first step to a solution is to admit that you have a problem.

Jack Hammer wrote:
David Fryer wrote:
Jack Hammer wrote:
David Fryer wrote:
The Northeast United States is supposed to get pounded this winter according to the National Weather Service due to a weak El Nino.
Don't those little blue pills help a weak El Nino?
Nope just a weak Jack.

There's no such thing. You're a liar!

*looks down and whispers, 'It's OK, Thor's Hammer, he was lying'*

That's not what Mrs. Hammer tells me when we're alone.

Vet us talk about ziz.

Solnes wrote:

I'm rolling up some low will saves today!!! Need to get to school work! Can't resist boards!....

So you still have hope? Just sit back and let it drain away. You cannot resist us.

Vou need to be more zpecific, I am payed by the hour. :)

Solnes wrote:

I'm feeling kinda bitter sweet today.

Tell me all about your problems. That stupid poodle sure isn't going anywhere.


Tell me vat you are feeling.

Facinating. Zis could b bigger zan Sybal.

Clinically Depressed Poodle wrote:
Did someone call my name?

Zo now you are hearing voices in your head. Ven did zis start happening?

You know what I don't understand? Genies. They tell yu to wish for something and then they turn it around and make it all twisted. Like you wish to jump high, so theyturn you into a frog. I mean, who benefits from this, the genie? You should be fighting genies Perry the Platypus, not me.

Zo tell me, ven did you begin to veel as if you didn't vit in with ze other poodles.

Clinically Depressed Poodle wrote:
David Fryer wrote:
CourtFool wrote:
Do Muslims only use Macs?
Why isn't there a flag option of "The poodle's mouth is moving?"
Typical! Everybody pick on the poodles.

Zo, ven did zis martyr complex begin? Iz martyr still an acceptable word?

Clinically Depressed Poodle wrote:
Cockapoo wrote:
Clinically Depressed Poodle wrote:
Cockapoo wrote:
Clinically Depressed Poodle wrote:

Me, I don't like Chirac, and his face inspires a Hulk-like rage in the depths of my soul.

Sure he does CDP. Sure he does.
Exactly! Don't you read/watch the news?
After how long you were his pet? I would of bit him the first day he picked me up from the pound and ran off.

Yeah, but that was when he was president of France. It was a power trip.

Edit: Nothing to see here.

Zo, tell me how long you haz had zees feelings of meglomania?

Clinically Depressed Poodle wrote:
I hate Thrusdays.

Tell me more about zis irrational hatred of days on a calender.

Zo, you have vound some new friends. How doez that make you feel?

Slips some puppy prozac into CDP's water dish

Iz zat so, tell me more about zis.

Verry intervesting. This is what led you to start stealing other dog kibble/

Ve vill keep that in mind.

Zo, CDP tell me about zees feelings of inadiquicy you have been feeling. Vat was your relationship like wiz your mother?