Man in the Mwangi Expanse

Big Bubba's page

9 posts. Alias of David Fryer.


yellowdingo wrote:
Machaeus wrote:
Said Some crazy thing about this being the fault of Politicians...
No. This is your fault for not standing at the last presidential Election against Obama and the other sock puppet. This is your fault for not participating directly in the Governing of your nation as an equal.



Leafar the Lost wrote:

I don't get what the problem is with this. The title I have given myself is "Overlord" not "Ovenlord". It has nothing to do with ovens or baking pies. This is not complicated...

So you're not the overlord? Are you the Piemaster then? You know, in charge of the no bake kind?

Ah hates hippehs


Git er done!

Uh yep.

That's just the chilis in the bbq sauce.

Come on in yall, have a seat and grab a brew.