In my country ve call the crepes
Ahhhhhhh!!! runs for the hills
Pokes his head out of his bunker Is it safe to come out? Are all ze poodles gone?
She is not French, looks more like a Russian to me.
What does a poodle know anyway?
Clinically Depressed Poodle wrote: Crimson Jester wrote: fier d'être cajun!!!!!!!! Aaaaahhhhhh!!! More frenchies! They're everywhere! Grrrrrrrrrrrr....... Yes we are!
The Professor wrote: Mr. Tiggles may be right but I am Proper But you never got jiggy with Mary Ann. How can I trust anything you say?
The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote: Adam Daigle wrote: Someone needs to crack a whip on those artist types. ;) *self-flagellates*
*whap* *whap* *whap* *whap* I think you areenjoying that way too much. Perhaps you are French, no?
This whole thread is an attempt at humor no? It can't be serious yes?
Shut up old woman, You don't know just how good you had it.
Shut up old woman! Your voice grates on my nerves.
Canadian barbarian horde post
"The plane Khan, the plane!"
jocundthejolly wrote: Celestial Healer wrote: I think it's about time we started leveraging our human capital to become an industry leader. I suggest a Diversity Initiative. As long as it doesn't interfer with our quotas.
Get that dog away from me!
I like funny poodle poop jokes.
Miserable Old Bitty wrote: Moorluck wrote: Celestial Healer wrote: Hey, nobody answered my earlier question properly.
What did I miss? Well Taig and I, mostly me, went nuts and Granny came out to play and we discovered she is an incestuous undead freak who gets turned on by being thrown up on. Then we traded music. Granny must not be allowed to come out and play again. :/ You're all a bunch of filthy perverts! And you are a bitter frigid old women who has no sense of adventure.
Oh boy, this is a code TMI.
Very well, we will fax over the surrender documents right away.
Solnes wrote: Yall sleepin or something? I was admiring my autographed poster of Jerry Lewis.
Garydee wrote:
Don't let Sumo the Clinically Depressed Poodle know there's a Frenchman in here. ;)
Hey you zombie! Get off my lawn!
Saint_Meerkat wrote:
If you never had to ink your dice yourself, you don't know "back in the day."
Ink? Back in my day we had a little white crayon. Have you ever tried coloring in heiroglyphic covered dice with a little white crayon?
Labradoodle wrote: Little Timmy wrote: Labradoodle wrote: This is sewious! My wittuh doggie pawul who shawuhs a speech impediment! Licks Little Timmy Mmmmmmm, dewicious. Starts to drool and look at Timmy with a strange look in his eye. Exécutez garçon ! C'est le même aspect que le chien avait avant il m'attaqué !
Can someone get me Taylor Swift's phone number?
At least PonyLVR hasn't shown up yet.
Run! Ze poodles are coming!
Emperor7 wrote: David Fryer wrote: Seven new deadly sins. Great....I'm gonna burn.... I never knew you had that problem.
Descendre ma pelouse vous enfants!
Descendre ma pelouse vous enfants!
Welcome comrades. Enjoy the cheese.
bugleyman wrote: Frankly, the whole thing appears to be a calculated attempt to shut down the system by those unwilling to accept its outcome, which is the principal historical path to fascism. Voicing one's dissent == good; shouting down all opposing viewpoints == bad (not directed at you).
I agree, comparing your opponents to Nazis, th Ku Klux Klan, and calling them Unamerican because you disagree with what they are saying is calculated attempt to shut down the system. o istelling someone they are spreading vicious and malicious rumors when the read to you directly from the bill. Interestingly enough, in 2006 it was acceptable, even patriotic to go to town halls and shout down your opponents, as long as it was left wing protestors doing it.
Just keep the clinically depressed poodle away from me. He bites.
Devlyn, Jack o' Nine Dales wrote: Back for a wee bit :) After that much to drink, I'll bet.
Zombieneighbours wrote:
Eugenics is an ideology. It has more in common with a religion than it does with atheism.
Ideology: 1. The body of ideas reflecting the social needs and aspirations of an individual, group, class, or culture.
2. A set of doctrines or beliefs that form the basis of a political, economic, or other system.
Please explain how atheism does not fit the first definition.

Kirth Gersen wrote: David Fryer wrote: However, another survey of scientists in general reported 40% of scientists in general believe in a personal god. That study was performed in 1997. A more recent study, performed in 2005, found that 2/3rds of scientists surveyed believe in a personal god. As a counterpoint to your rather extraordinary-sounding results, I personally wouldn't lump software engineers ("computer scientists") and cultural anthropologists ("social scientists") in with biologists and chemists. Calling those people "scientists" stetches the definition far enough that you could include janitors ("sanitation scientists") and priests ("theological scientists") while you're at it!
I'd contend that, in my experience, natural scientists (biologists, chemists, geologists, physicists) are far more skeptical than are programmers, sociologists, used car salesmen, etc. when it comes to what gets preached on Sundays. Your references suggest much the same -- that discipline matters a great deal. Compare what happens when we get a bit more strict with respect to who qualifies:
In 1998, a study by Larson and Witham (Nature, 394:6691, "Leading scientists still reject God"), showed that, of the American scientists who had been elected to the National Academy of Sciences, only about 7 percent believe in a personal god. LINK
See also the makeup of the much-lauded "100 scientists who doubt evolution" list (it includes mostly engineers, etc.) vs. the rejoinder "4,000 scientists named Steve who support evolution" list.
Callous Jack wrote: CourtFool wrote: Comes in sniffing the ground.
I smell French people. It's Seldriss, get him! Yes, yes; get him!
Caesar Slaad wrote: Enough niceties. Slaadtown's been a breeding ground for bacteria for too long. I say it's time to put someone in the spinner. That's right. Time for a turf war. I surrender.
Joe Biden wrote: Dick Cheney wrote: Joe Biden wrote: lastknightleft wrote: Joe Biden wrote: Sarah Palin wrote: No politics or religion? Oh, darn... Yeah, they don't want us around Sarah. But, hey! Wanna come over to my place and see the secret bunker? Hey, looks like the eldritch mr. shiney and aberzombie are going to hook up, bow chicka wow wow! Jealous? What say you and I fight to the death? Aw relax Dicky-boy. Just because I changed the decorations in what used to be you study from wood-panneling to a nice floral wallpaper doesn't mean you need to get all upset. Don't tase me bro! Funny, I would have pegged you for a rainbows and unicorns type of guy. Oui Oui, have some stinky cheese.