Diaz Ex Machina |

If your looking to join a game look for recruitment threads In recruitment for Online Campaigns or In Online Campaigns and look for Recruitment threads
Yeah, I gave an eye to that forum, but I didn't found any interesting game. I'm sorry if my previous post was off-topic or in the wrong place, I thought this was a good place to promote myself as a possible player for interested GMs.

Adol Cristin |

Adol is ready to go and looking for a higher level game set anywhere in pathfinder! Some background: This character was a continuation of my first PFS character and statted out for a mythic homebrew PBP campaign at level 14/mythic tier 6, which I can easily adjust for the exact level range. His backstory is in there, too.
This one was crafted from 95% actual events from PFS play edited slightly as the campaign needed everyone to have divine source/be a demigod, but the entire story works just as well without that. He just ended up accidentally worshipped himself when he ironically tried to stop people worshipping Golarians. :)
The previous campaign he was in ended prematurely when the GM suddenly left, after around six weeks of play, due to real life issues.
I'd like to play him again someday as I both like higher level play, PBP and the character. Hope to hear from someone sometime! Thanks for reading.

Trigger Loaded |

Greetings and all that.
Looking for an ongoing Second Darkness campaign that may have lost a member and is looking to fill a gap in the roster, preferably at or before Chapter Four: Endless Night.
(Quick summary, was in a Second Darkness game that ended near the start of Chapter Four due to various issues. Would like to play through the rest of the Adventure Path and experience it first-hand, though.)
I know, awfully specific, but figured it was worth a shot.

Ragashingo |

About Me:
I'm an experienced Pathfinder player who has mainly played a few longer running play by post games (as well as a couple that died way too early!) and have played a variety off offline campaigns in GURPS, Pathfinder, and D&D 5e.
I'm a big fan of storytelling and character development, and I enjoy creating moments that allow other players and their characters a chance to interact in unique ways. Sometimes, a character's strengths are interesting, but often times I enjoy building characters with flaws or weaknesses, physical and emotional, that allow characters to share stories, bond, or on occasion annoy each other. But even those annoyances are usually aimed at further trust between characters, as I enjoy working together far more than characters who are at each other's throats.
I'm pretty highly knowledgable about the base Pathfinder 1e rules, but never got much into the more advanced classes. It's been mostly core rules for me, though I did enjoy a fairly unique Summoner I build a while back where her Eidolon was, in fact, her dead brother summoned from beyond the grave.
I far prefer parties looking who accomplish good, defeat evil, bring help to those in need over the more "murder hobo" type bands.
About My Character:
I'm looking to play Sparks Clearpath, a 1st edition character I've rebuild for 2nd edition. Sparks is an Elven Ranger who lived somewhere between 100 and 200 years. She grew up along with her mother, father, and younger sister in a forest somewhere far enough from her current adventure that it is not well known. Her best friends were a group of cheerful, energetic Gnomes with whom she shared many mild adventures as a child and young adult.
Tragedy struck Sparks' family around the time she came of age. The event, which she rarely speaks of, has seen her go out into the wider world looking for funds or favors enough to heal her family and right some wrong that she seems to have burdened herself with.
In practice, Sparks was created as my 2nd Pathfinder character after playing a generally smart, cooperative Paladin. While my Paladin is locked into his code, and is generally rigid and limited in what he can do or say, Sparks was designed to be a character that can slip easily into most any campaign and who has a wider range of emotional and moral highs and lows to work with. She's meant to be helpful, honest, a bit naive, and just generally all around fun to play while still maintaining the Neutral Good character types that I most enjoy.
Spark's sort of base backstory is as follows:
Though her activities brought relatively little to the town’s economy (the total size of her trades were never very large, she only ever bartered never wanting to deal in hard currencies, and she never so much as rented a room for the nights she was in town preferring to sleep in her cart and eat her own food instead) little by little Sparks built up a good reputation through her honesty and her generous dealings. For a time it was thought that Sparks was distinctly timeless. Those who were mere children when she first appeared grew up, got married, inherited their family’s businesses, and had children of their own all while she barely seemed to age. For most, dealing with Sparks Clearpath was like dealing with a lifelong friend. It came as quite a shock, then, when she disappeared!
Sparks always arrived with the coming of each new season. She always had and she always would, or so it was thought… until it did not happen. Her usual vendors began to look for her as a stormy winter transitioned to a lovely new spring but she never appeared. Spring passed to summer and then to fall and back to winter all without her presence. Slowly, it became apparent that she was not coming. A year passed and then another and another as rumors of her disappearance began to circulate. Some said she had been killed by animals in the forest. Others told how they were sure she had married, or gone to fight a war, or been arrested and executed. Some even claimed she was a spirit that had fulfilled it task and gone on its way. But everyone knew, deep down, that those rumors were just that, and that she had vanished for some real reason. And that she was missed.
Some three years later, Sparks reappeared. She walked into town with no horse, no cart, and only a handful of furs to trade. No longer looking to barter and leave, she began to seek out jobs and, in an unexpected change, would only accept hard currency and room and board in exchange for her work. Though still quiet and reserved, living among the town folks has seen her lower her guard, if only somewhat. She seems more opinionated now than she ever was before even if some subjects, such as why it took her so long to return, are clearly off limits.
Over the last few weeks the people of Sharlstown have discovered what they long suspected about Sparks Clearpath: That she is a hard worker, a skilled hunter, and a kind if occasionally naive soul who has some talent for trade. Most would say they are blessed to have her in their town but privately there is a new wariness surrounding her. Why did she vanish? Why did she returned? And what is causing her to spend nearly every waking hour working herself ragged in exchange for the money she would hardly have touched just three years before?
I would intend to keep this part of her past mostly in tact for any play by post game I get involved with, but it is also easy to tweak it as necessary. Mostly, I include it here to get an example of Sparks' general demeanor and her core motivations for being an adventurer far from home. I would expect that this part of her past is a good 20 years gone by the time she starts on even a 1st level campaign, even if her motivations remain.
You can check out her character sheet right here. She is pretty much a 1st level Pathfinder 2nd Edition ranger with a bird as an animal companion and a healer's kit to let her use the Combat Medicine feat at 1st level. She is built in full accordance with the core rules and everything from skill distribution to money spent is on the up and up.
What I Am Looking For:
I'm mostly just looking for any 2nd Edition game to engage with the new rule set. My ideal game with be starting Sparks up an adventure path where I can have fun and grow complex character along with other players. I love character interaction and playing off other players.
There seems to be a lot of people vying for 2nd edition games right now, so I thought I'd throw my name out and in any place I can find. I can generally post more than daily, including most weekends, and hope to find a game soon! Thanks for reading! :)

Diaz Ex Machina |

Can you put link for that Age of Ashes recruitment.
I think he's talking about this one.

Ragashingo |

Hi Ragashingo. There is an Age of Ashes recruitment happening for 2e right now.
Have you considered Pathfinder Society? It would be a great fit for this particular character and there are frequently games recruiting at the Cottonseed Lodge.
I’ve signed up for two of the three recruiting Age of Ashes games. Didn’t make the first one, waiting on the second one. Trying to look into more options since there’s so much interest and so few slots.
I don’t know a lot about Pathfinder Society. Where can I find more info about what it is / what it takes to join, etc?

Diaz Ex Machina |

It's time for some people who have not GM'ed much so far to perhaps step up and try GMing?
I thought about becoming a GM, but I'm still too new to the PbP world. People told me that GMing a PbP table is more difficult than a F2F one, I don't feel confident enough to start GMing right now.

DM Azure_Zero |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

If your not confident in GMing a big one like an AP, then think of running a small simple module to learn from.
I'd recommend either Falcon's Hollow, or Master of the Fallen Fortress for beginner GMs.
Falcon's Hollow does have sequel modules and can make for a good mini-AP.
The smaller simpler modules are quicker and easier to run then most modules.
Heck I used Falcon's Hollow for my first PBP GM session, but before I jumped into the GM ship,
I did do some sample reading of a few PBP games to get some things figured out before I started through.
Now I'll admit the first game I GM'ed in 2011 on the boards was not perfect, but I used it to learn.
I've been running another game of Falcon's Hollow mini-AP game about 2 years now as the module itself along with info found in the sequel modules has good foundation for any game.

Diaz Ex Machina |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

@DM Azure_Zero I think I'll be running the Price of Immortality campaign sometime in the future, mainly because it's easy to run and also because I've already GMd the first part once on Roll20 for a VTT group.
But for now I think I'm still too green to GM anything on the boards, I also have some problems that I should take care before starting something this big in my life. Thank you anyway for the advice, I hope I'll be soon able to be a GM for this community.

Souls At War |

There honestly haven't been many PF1 APs at all lately. Mostly PFS and PF2. :(
Mostly see PFS and SFS stuff.
I think many non PFS/SFS GMs think the subforum is only for PFS/SFS games, not helped that many PFS/SFS GMs seem to have started thinking this too, especially if running APs or Modules for PFS/SFS credits.

Diaz Ex Machina |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Hey everyone! I've decided to try my hand at GMing. I'll be running Crypt of the Everflame, the first part of the Price of Immortality series, hoping to run the full campaign in the end.
If anyone is interested here is the recruitment thread (I hope this is a legit place to share this link).

caps |

caps wrote:Hi Ragashingo. There is an Age of Ashes recruitment happening for 2e right now.
Have you considered Pathfinder Society? It would be a great fit for this particular character and there are frequently games recruiting at the Cottonseed Lodge.
I’ve signed up for two of the three recruiting Age of Ashes games. Didn’t make the first one, waiting on the second one. Trying to look into more options since there’s so much interest and so few slots.
I don’t know a lot about Pathfinder Society. Where can I find more info about what it is / what it takes to join, etc?
Hello again Ragashingo. I would have a look at the Pathfinder Society Guild Guide and post in the Cottonseed Lounge discussion thread.

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1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Ok, biting the bullet and throwing this out. I would like to play an AP, but seems like I have more chance if I GM one. I currently own the following 4 APs. Hell's Rebels, Iron Gods, Kingmaker and Shattered Star. I am proposing to run one in Campaign mode. I also own a couple of non-Paizo APs including Trail of the Apprentice (by Legendary Games) and Rappan Atthuk (by Frog God) or Splinters of Faith (by Frog God). Thoughts?

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Ok, biting the bullet and throwing this out. I would like to play an AP, but seems like I have more chance if I GM one. I currently own the following 4 APs. Hell's Rebels, Iron Gods, Kingmaker and Shattered Star. I am proposing to run one in Campaign mode. I also own a couple of non-Paizo APs including Trail of the Apprentice (by Legendary Games) and Rappan Atthuk (by Frog God) or Splinters of Faith (by Frog God). Thoughts?
I haven't played any of these, so I'm interested

pad300 |
Ok, biting the bullet and throwing this out. I would like to play an AP, but seems like I have more chance if I GM one. I currently own the following 4 APs. Hell's Rebels, Iron Gods, Kingmaker and Shattered Star. I am proposing to run one in Campaign mode. I also own a couple of non-Paizo APs including Trail of the Apprentice (by Legendary Games) and Rappan Atthuk (by Frog God) or Splinters of Faith (by Frog God). Thoughts?
I would be interested. Have you posted a recruitment thread?

Souls At War |

Ensign 5th Account |

Seeking potential players and GM for: Carrion Crown, Jade Regent, Skull & Shackles, Mummy's Mask, Iron Gods, Hell's Vengeance, Ironfang Invasion, Ruins of Azlant, War for the Crown.
Regular, not PFS.
prefer higher PB.
optional: background skills, 3rd party stuff, gestalt, bigger (more) race selection.
No go: Roll for ability scores, GM chosen Traits and Drawbacks.

DM Azure_Zero |

For First time GMs, Here are recommended Character creation rules
To stop power gamers from ruining your first game.
Optimal First time GM characer creation rules:
Point-buy: 20 (with no stat below 10 or above 16 pre-racial)
To stop and hinder the Min-maxers.
Races: Core material Only
Other races are interesting, but could lead to broken combos with the right feat/class feature
Classes: Core only (Maybe the add the Advanced Player's Guide if you remove summoner)
Keeping it simple and removing the OP classes
Game Materials: Core (Maybe the add the Advanced Player's Guide, but recommend removing Leadership and if anything gives Leadership it is swapped with Persuasive)
Keeping it as simple as possible without allowing OP archetypes, feats, spells, and other options.
Traits: APG and Character Traits Web enhancement
some traits outside of these can do some really broken things
HP: Max first, 1/2+1 every other level
Helps PCs survival level 1 and not worry about a sucky HP roll
Starting Gold: Average
This is good enough, if you feel the players need more, then set it too max
Alignment: Non-evil
This stops a number of problems very quickly
To Many broken things can be done and you can't own them all
Gestalt: NO
Too many variants of the system and breaks game balance more as you progress.
Helps in getting those rarely used skills some points and helps build the character's background

Papa-DRB |

I agree with most of DM Azure_Zero posted. One exception, I do max hit points at all levels so the PCs are not as squishy and the dice decide the outcomes.
One additional reason for keeping core only. Once you get to mid levels, say 7+, when you have most/all of Paizo material in play, I had combats that it took over an hour, for me as DM, to do one round just because of needing to look up everything and see what interacted with what.
-- david

DM Azure_Zero |

I agree with most of DM Azure_Zero posted. One exception, I do max hit points at all levels so the PCs are not as squishy and the dice decide the outcomes.
-- david
I think I miswrote the HP, which is leading to what your thinking,
I as I was trying to sayMAX HP first level, and every level following level 1 is 1/2+1 of the HD with the CON mod.

Papa-DRB |

Papa-DRB wrote:I agree with most of DM Azure_Zero posted. One exception, I do max hit points at all levels so the PCs are not as squishy and the dice decide the outcomes.I think I miswrote the HP, which is leading to what your thinking,
I as I was trying to say MAX HP first level, and every level following level 1 is 1/2+1 of the HD with the CON mod.
I understood what you said, but I was not clear in my response. For my games it is Max hit points at all levels, plus Con modifier. The 'dice decide the outcome' was meant to be that I do not 'fudge' rolls so PCs survive.
Sorry, my bad communication.
-- david

Souls At War |

One additional reason for keeping core only. Once you get to mid levels, say 7+, when you have most/all of Paizo material in play, I had combats that it took over an hour, for me as DM, to do one round just because of needing to look up everything and see what interacted with what.
-- david
Ban full-casters or seriously limit what they can use.

DM Azure_Zero |

Papa-DRB wrote:Ban full-casters or seriously limit what they can use.One additional reason for keeping core only. Once you get to mid levels, say 7+, when you have most/all of Paizo material in play, I had combats that it took over an hour, for me as DM, to do one round just because of needing to look up everything and see what interacted with what.
-- david
That is why Core only (and maybe APG) spells are allowed, it'll limit the amount of crap they need to look up, and or break the game it.
I also tend to ban the summon spam crap in my games.
Souls At War |

Souls At War wrote:Papa-DRB wrote:Ban full-casters or seriously limit what they can use.One additional reason for keeping core only. Once you get to mid levels, say 7+, when you have most/all of Paizo material in play, I had combats that it took over an hour, for me as DM, to do one round just because of needing to look up everything and see what interacted with what.
-- david
That is why Core only (and maybe APG) spells are allowed, it'll limit the amount of crap they need to look up, and or break the game it.
I also tend to ban the summon spam crap in my games.
When the players spend more time looking for which spells to prepare than their PCs spend preparing them...

DM DoctorEvil |

If anyone is interested, I am looking for players to populate my homebrew world. The inital recruitment thread is here..
This is a setting thread where the players may gather and get spun off into other adventures which may link to other specific threads. Since this is not a specific adventure but a campaign world, recruitment is always open and all applicants, who meet the criteria, will be accepted. How they make use of it is up to them.
BTW, this is a PF2 game. Details for recruitment are in the first post at the link above.

![]() |

Seeking potential players and GM for: Carrion Crown, Jade Regent, Skull & Shackles, Mummy's Mask, Iron Gods, Hell's Vengeance, Ironfang Invasion, Ruins of Azlant, War for the Crown.
Regular, not PFS.
prefer higher PB.
optional: background skills, 3rd party stuff, gestalt, bigger (more) race selection.
No go: Roll for ability scores, GM chosen Traits and Drawbacks.
I'm interested in Skull & Shackles or Carrion Crown.

BlackZack |

Hi! I'm a usual GM, since I am the most familiarized in my group with Pathfinder rules.
I'd like to be a player for a turn, and I'm open for almost anything, preferably PF2.
I'm from Spain, and live there, so English is a foreign language to me, but I have a high proficiency, so that shouldn't be a problem. My time zone is GMT+2, but I can adapt (I work only several days a month right now).
PS: I'm GMing Age of Ashes, but I'd be open to take part as a player (I'd enjoy it as much and I'm all about getting immersive with my characters, so metagaming shouldn't be an issue).

windyridge |
I am pretty new too. Got the book a week ago and am playing the demo adventure to familiarize myself with the rules on another forum. I really love the crunchiness of it and learning it all. I am not particular about whether it's an AP, home brew or whatever. Would just love to play. I can post daily or what ever rate is required.