
neodam's page

** Pathfinder Society GM. 140 posts (7,157 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 36 Organized Play characters. 8 aliases.


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Grand Lodge

Berato Aquilinus wrote:
Sure, join the fun!

Thank you! I just need to level up my character.

Grand Lodge

Do you guys need one more teammate? I have bloodrager level 6 or gunslinger level 7.

Grand Lodge

Again! Is there anyone willing to run module Carrion Hill (level 4-6). If needed I am willing to pay for module.

We have 5 players but we need a GM.

Grand Lodge

Is there anyone willing to run module Carrion Hill (level 4-6). If needed I am willing to pay for module.

Grand Lodge

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Guys, we have discussion thread for that.

Grand Lodge

MauveAvengr wrote:
I could be talked into running something level 1-2. Any suggestions?

module The Godsmouth Heresy (level 1-2)

Grand Lodge

Redelia wrote:
neodam wrote:
Redelia wrote:
neodam wrote:
Is there anyone willing to run module The Godsmouth Heresy (level 1-2). If needed I am willing to buy module.
How soon are you hoping to start? That does look like fun, but my bandwidth is full for a few more weeks.
As soon as possible.

We'll see if someone else offers to run it sooner, then.

If not, my offer still stands. :)

Thank you! I am grateful to you!

Grand Lodge

Redelia wrote:
neodam wrote:
Is there anyone willing to run module The Godsmouth Heresy (level 1-2). If needed I am willing to buy module.
How soon are you hoping to start? That does look like fun, but my bandwidth is full for a few more weeks.

As soon as possible.

Grand Lodge

Is there anyone willing to run module The Godsmouth Heresy (level 1-2). If needed I am willing to buy module.

Grand Lodge

Oxnard Kettlebeak wrote:
My guess is a lot of people are currently all tapped out with GameDay games- I know I am, but once GameDay wraps I'll look at slotting something to give midlevels a chance.

Carrion Hill module will be great. :)

Grand Lodge

GM Hmm wrote:

Sure. We're the only non-full 3-4 table on Paizo.

Discord has a 3-4 table with only 4 players, and might need you more, but I know that not everyone likes to do PBP on Discord. (I'm not that fond of it myself, actually.)

So either join in here or at Discord, and let me know which you decide.


Thank you!

I will join here!

Sorry, my character is level 4.

Grand Lodge

Hi GM Hmm!

Can I join your game with level 3 soldier?

Grand Lodge 1/5

Maglok you didn't manage to fix statistics refreshing problem? Is that complex?

Grand Lodge 1/5

I don't know if anyone has mentioned this problem before. I have noticed that the statistics stopped refreshing.
I have 67 Starfinder games and statistics still shows 63, Same thing is with Pathfinder.

Grand Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Watery Soup wrote:
neodam wrote:
I still have PFS SFS games I played in October last year that were reported by OSP and there is still no report on Paizo site.
Check again. It seems like a bunch were reported today.

I have checked. I have found only 3 PFS games reported but only those that GM Zer0darkfire have mentioned in his post (I am in his games). I still don't see my 5 SFS games reported.

And as for boons goes, people, don't get me wrong I don't care for boons. Usually I even don't read chronicle sheet so I don't know boons I have What is my point here, since OSP started, 109 games that I have played was reported through OSP (20 - PBP and 89 - VTT). I didn't won a single boon. I don't even know any of the online players who have won boon, and we often in VTT (Roll20) sessions talk about it.

That's why I don't see the purpose of OSP reporting. For me OSP just means that I will have to wait a couple of months to see game that I have played to be reported on Paizo page, and I really like that all my games are reported on Paizo page.

I know my English is bad, sorry for that.

Grand Lodge

I will like to volunteer to help with OSP reporting.

Grand Lodge

OSP slows down reporting things a lot. I don't like OSP, I don't see any point in using it. .
Doing it is just extra work for some people. And I'm already embarrassed to bother those people to report the games I've played.

And if I don't bother them then my games remain unreported for a few months.

I still have PFS SFS games I played in October last year that were reported by OSP and there is still no report on Paizo site.

Grand Lodge

BretI wrote:
neodam wrote:
Thing is that I have played all PFS scenarios except 4 multitable specials. That is the reason why I wanna RETROCON :)

You should have some replays then on your Organized Play page. Check the GM / Event Coordinator tab. You probably will need to hit the refresh points button.

You are still limited since I believe you are only allowed to replay once.

Thank you Bretl, I know that I have 26 Replays. My goal is to play all the PFS scenarios and to achieve that goal I have to play those 4 multi-table specials.

Grand Lodge

Lady Ladile wrote:

PlayDis Con 2020 is happening lieu of RetroCon at this time as our Discord lodges are growing and we wanted to encourage more people to check them out as well as offer a more structured setting for anyone who's been wanting to try Play-by-Discord but wasn't really sure where to start.

But OutPost III: Title Yet to Be Determined will be coming to this space in early 2020 (other details also TBD). So never fear; if Play-by-Discord isn't your jam then there will still be plenty of opportunities for Play-by-Post action in the not-too-distant future :)

In the meantime, we hope that folks will look into giving Play-by-Discord a try if they're able!

Thing is that I have played all PFS scenarios except 4 multitable specials. That is the reason why I wanna RETROCON :)

Grand Lodge

Will we have RETROCON 2020?

Grand Lodge

Voices in My Head wrote:

Heyo folks.

So I'm wondering if any of you fine folks would be interested in GM'ing either or both of We Be Goblins Free or We Be 5uper Goblins?

I am also interested in playing We Be Goblins Free.

Grand Lodge

Kasimir vonVang wrote:
I’ve played (and could run) Thornkeep 1 and 2.

If you will run I will play.

Grand Lodge

GM Jhaeman wrote:
Now recruiting for Thornkeep: The Dark Menagerie here.

That is the only one that I have played. I am looking for someone who can run the other 4 parts.

Grand Lodge

I have read the gameplay.

Grand Lodge


I have level 2 magus and level 1 bloodrager.

Grand Lodge

OK, since Kirill will be a barbarian, I'll be a ranger.

Grand Lodge

I have Ranger for this game or fighter.

Grand Lodge

I have a human fighter.

Grand Lodge

GM Rinaldo wrote:
I just finished my Eyes of the Ten group, so I have bandwidth, but as I haven't GMed that module before, I would need to take a few days to get ready. If no one else is available in the next couple of days, I will step in.

Thank you!

Grand Lodge

Tyranius wrote:

I can take over your Ungrounded but Unbroken game to help speed that one through to the end since it has been going on for quite a while.

Anyone out there with the bandwidth to pick up Midnight Mirror and help see them through Gameday successfully? :)

Thank you, Tyranius!

Grand Lodge

We have two games that could use a replacement GM.

First is S08-05: Ungrounded but Unbroken (1-5). We are playing that scenario three months now and we are in the second half of it. The current GM does not have time to post regularly.

Second is Midnight Mirror (Gameday game). We are still somewhere at the beginning. The current GM has real life problems.

Please, if any of you be willing to take over we will be very grateful?

Thank you!

Grand Lodge

This one is not short. We needed 3 hours to finish that one.

Grand Lodge

OK, I will make a Pistolero - gunslinger.

Grand Lodge

Which classes will you guys play?
I ask because I need to create new character.

Grand Lodge


Grand Lodge

I'd love to play Iron Gods

Grand Lodge

I am interested to play one of these

1. Hell's Rebels
2. Iron Gods
3. Kingmaker
4. Shattered Star

I will build character when we decide which one we will play.

Grand Lodge

If we will play one of first 4, will we get chronicle sheets for PFS, since we can play campaign mode and receive chronicle sheets?

Grand Lodge

Ietsuna wrote:
Ok, biting the bullet and throwing this out. I would like to play an AP, but seems like I have more chance if I GM one. I currently own the following 4 APs. Hell's Rebels, Iron Gods, Kingmaker and Shattered Star. I am proposing to run one in Campaign mode. I also own a couple of non-Paizo APs including Trail of the Apprentice (by Legendary Games) and Rappan Atthuk (by Frog God) or Splinters of Faith (by Frog God). Thoughts?

I haven't played any of these, so I'm interested

Grand Lodge

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Gilfalas Character sheet 1.09 is out.

Now is the 'Modfied' attribute fields that determine the bonuses used on the sheet. This should be more intuitive.

So the 'left' column will be to record the base, unmodified states. The right column will determine bonuses for the page calculations.

Starfinder Fillable Autocalc Character Sheet.

Grand Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

There is one open spot for Escaping the Grave (row 79) in Scenario Signups PBP GD VIII spread sheet.

Grand Lodge

There is one open spot for The Mosquito Witch (row 73) in Scenario Signups PBP GD VIII spread sheet.

Grand Lodge

There is one open spot for Origin of the Open Road (row 60) in Scenario Signups PBP GD VIII spread sheet.

Grand Lodge

caps wrote:

Hi Ragashingo. There is an Age of Ashes recruitment happening for 2e right now.

Can you put link for that Age of Ashes recruitment.

Grand Lodge

GM Batpony wrote:

Neodam, would you be wanting me to report/chronicle for a level 5 character?


And I will create character here on Paizo page with some other name (not Amiri) and that will be Amiri. So that I can use that character (profile) later.

Grand Lodge

caps wrote:

Amiri is not one of the options.

I have never played a Wizard, and 2e seems like a good time to start. I will go for Ezren, but I will concede him to anyone else if they want. My backup would be Valeros.

I would prefer to wait for gameday, but I won't hold us up if there is a quorum to start now.

Amiri is one of the options, Seelah is not.

I will not play with this group if we will wait for Gameday to start. That was my condition that I have told to GM Batpony

Grand Lodge

I am ready to start as soon as possible.

I will play Amiri barbarian.

Name: neodam
Character name: Randall Cathloy
Class/Levels: barbarian / 5
PFS ID: 137484-2003
Faction: Vigilant Seal
Day Job: TANNING LORE: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (20) + 7 = 27
Any other info?:

Grand Lodge

GM Batpony wrote:
RedWolfe77 wrote:
Still interested in playing. Do you have to have a free character to apply it to, as the only one I have is currently signed up for gameday.

You don’t necessarily need to apply the credit if you don’t want to! But since you’re playing with a pregen you could assign to your character in game, but the benefits only apply after your character completes his current game.

With Rewolfe77 it will be 4 players by my count including cybermemphit! So we’re good for a table. Will post up link for table soon.

GM Batpony, you have PM. I have send a message 40 minutes after your initial post.

Grand Lodge

neodam wrote:
Imperia Rex wrote:
Anyone looking to run a fast paced game before Gameday starts? :D
If someone can run Pathfinder Society Quest Fane Of Fangs.

Is there someone who will run Quest Fane Of Fangs (it is very short) before GAMEDAY VIII?

Grand Lodge

Imperia Rex wrote:
Anyone looking to run a fast paced game before Gameday starts? :D

If someone can run Pathfinder Society Quest Fane Of Fangs.

Full Name

Melvin Ngo