Game Master Divinitus




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Silver Crusade

An interesting idea, and seems to have had some success already!

Decided to try my own luck and added a character for Iron Gods.

Silver Crusade

This looks like it is a great idea! I'll see about making a character for Kingmaker that I have been thinking of.

Ready with Character for Kingmaker, hopefully.

Also this will be my very first PBP, let alone being my first real AP. So I am excited!

Silver Crusade

Well I got a PM about a Wrath of Righteous game for my Paladin..and as my luck would have it...

he fanished from the boards and never even started the recruitment.

Oh well hopefully a new Wrath of Righteous game will open soon and Sabrina will find a home.

This is an awesome idea for a thread.

I've been wanting to play in a Mummy's Mask game for a while. So I built this character for that purpose. Hope someone gets interested enough to run MM.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Hey everyone, I finally made it back to the boards!

While I have lost interest in the ideas for campaigns that I had stated that I would run, I will be putting up a recruitment for a gestalt Wrath of the Righteous campaign tonight.

I will make sure to pop by here and get a few PCs, because there seem to be some really good PCs available!

I believe that I will select 2 or 3 of the 5 open slots from this list and then do a recruitment for the rest, because that seems the most reasonable.

Dang, WotR is one I don't have a character posted for. Will await your recruitment, and build something based on what you choose.

Interesting, I don't have him in the spreadsheet yet, but I have an idea for a character who would work perfectly as a Bard/Paladin gestalt and would fit well into WotR, look forward to the recruitment thread.

Gestalt Wrath of the Righteous recruitment is up!

Now, those of you that I will be slotting as PCs, expect a message in your inbox soon!

a CotCT game is re-recruiting check this link for details

I have returned everyone! Imagine my surprise when I saw that this thread has exploded with applicants and I see all the people who say that they have gotten into the games that they want. I am proud to see my baby grow like this!

Out of curiosity, is there anything that I can do in editing this campaign and threads to make it better?

I'm adding a gameplay tab so that potential PCs can add roleplay samples and such, as well as a discussion thread. I believe I might add a few tabs in the document link as well for modules and Pathfinder Society stuff.


PS: Totally checking out that gestalt WotR campaign!

Added a discussion thread for getting everyone to talk about their characters, pose questions about their characters, ask me questions, and such.

Added a gameplay thread so that PCs could offer an introductory roleplay sample, as well as have a way to dot this project so that they can see any updates for it and have easy access to it. Potential GMs may, if they so desire, request PCs to roleplay with them in the thread to determine if they are what they seek in a PC.

Added some basic rules and suggestions under the campaign information tab. The last suggestion is just a joke, by the way.

Divinitus wrote:

I have returned everyone! Imagine my surprise when I saw that this thread has exploded with applicants and I see all the people who say that they have gotten into the games that they want. I am proud to see my baby grow like this!

Out of curiosity, is there anything that I can do in editing this campaign and threads to make it better?

I'm adding a gameplay tab so that potential PCs can add roleplay samples and such, as well as a discussion thread. I believe I might add a few tabs in the document link as well for modules and Pathfinder Society stuff.


PS: Totally checking out that gestalt WotR campaign!

hay happy to here your doing better hows the healing going, hope you have an easy and smooth recovery

Divinitus, welcome back.

I had posted these suggestions earlier, but obviously you were out. Any thoughts on these? Sounded like you may have done something similar to the first suggestion already.

Some ideas I had for the doc would be to add an Instructions tab to the doc, giving some basics for posting a character on it, size of font to use, whether to bold or not, what to do if your character is chosen, etc... with an example or two perhaps? Also at some point I foresee using tabs for each AP, rather than spreading them out within a single tab. Seems it'd visually consolidate the spreadsheet real estate while making navigation for players and GMs slightly faster and easier.

I would just make these changes as it's a community effort, but they seem significant enough changes that I wanted to bring the ideas up here first.

Sovereign Court

I have added on my own characters. Here's to hoping I'll get in at least one of them lol.

I've added three characters:

  • Alleria Hawkins, a human vanguard slayer specializing in improvised weapons (her fluff is set up for another setting right now, but it'll be edited to bring it into Golarion),
  • Kierana Doran, a half-elf sacred huntsmaster inquisitor of Calistria, focusing on melee combat with her wasp companion,
  • and Rennai Barzanslag, a dwarf ranger who focuses on taking down undead with her bow and her wolf companion.
I've never done play-by-post before, but I'm seeking to get into it. If any character sounds like a fit for your campaign, check them out. I'd love to join in a game!

I think its time for a chance of gears.Ive bern seeking countless adventures for my dwarven character,E-Terah Deepheavy,only to have the GM fall sick or outright abandon the game,leaving her to wander aimlessly acros Golarion and beyond,misadventure after misadventure.

I think I'll start anew and give another character a try--namely the quirkly named she-goblin,Pumpkin--also known as the pet/adopted daufhter of said dwarfmaid,who ran off to find her wayward 'mamy' and have fun along the way.

Anyone up to take her on?

Duck Pumpkin Skullbasher wrote:

I think its time for a chance of gears.Ive bern seeking countless adventures for my dwarven character,E-Terah Deepheavy,only to have the GM fall sick or outright abandon the game,leaving her to wander aimlessly acros Golarion and beyond,misadventure after misadventure.

I think I'll start anew and give another character a try--namely the quirkly named she-goblin,Pumpkin--also known as the pet/adopted daufhter of said dwarfmaid,who ran off to find her wayward 'mamy' and have fun along the way.

Anyone up to take her on?

Depends on if she wants to join a tribe, I posted a We be Goblins recruitment.

Hello Im new to Pbp but I was looking to try out a giantslayer game!
I have a Half Orc Cleric of Cayden Cailean, Gnome Fighter, and a Dwarf Wizard

Once I saw Wrath of the Righteous Gesalt mentioned here I had to submit a character to the google doc.

Ty Shadowsbane Warder last living descendant of the Solar Al'asadriel. Is waiting to be called upon

Sovereign Court

Duck Pumpkin Skullbasher wrote:

I think its time for a chance of gears.Ive bern seeking countless adventures for my dwarven character,E-Terah Deepheavy,only to have the GM fall sick or outright abandon the game,leaving her to wander aimlessly acros Golarion and beyond,misadventure after misadventure.

I think I'll start anew and give another character a try--namely the quirkly named she-goblin,Pumpkin--also known as the pet/adopted daufhter of said dwarfmaid,who ran off to find her wayward 'mamy' and have fun along the way.

Anyone up to take her on?


well this is working grate I will have 4 characters that were picked up into a game with this, every one spread the word and lets make this big ^_^ oh and now that things in my RL have gotten more stable I wanted to GM again I might just start with small AP's to get beck into the flow and get my GM juices flowing again but I will recruit from here first. and who knows maybe one Small ap will turn into a full campaign. Since I only use the Ap's as a starting point ^_^ so yaaa lol

I MIGHT be recruiting for another campaign, since I have WAY too much free time on my hands and I MIGHT do a version of an existing AP with a twist.


Examples include (Thanks to Gary McBride for the first two ideas that he submitted for the Wayfinder e-zine!):

Curse of the Coral Throne- Curse of the Crimson Throne as an aquatic campaign that replaces Korvosa with an ancient Azlanti city long since sunk beneath the waves. The plot would mostly stay the same, but would be altered for the specifics of an underwater campaign. I rather like this idea, since it would let me use the Cerulean Seas books I have and use the roughly 15-20% of monsters from Paizo's bestiaries that get unused. I even have figured out a solution to three dimensional combat: one tactical map for above view to see horizontal layout and another tactical map for a sideways view to see vertical layout. It would be easier just to show people.

Council of Night- Council of Thieves as a Drow campaign set in the Underdark, within one of the more cosmopolitan of Drow cities. The PCs would all be Drow (Possibly favored Drow servants too!) that are all part of House Araelyth, a House that was formed by the disgraced First Daughter of the Asmodeus-worshipping House Zaeryth, who rule the great city-state with an iron fist. Eager for vengeance, power, and all the other things the Drow crave, the PCs plot House Zaerth's downfall and, in doing so, set into motion events which will see city forever changed.

Jarlmaker- Kingmaker set in the Land of the Linnorm Kings. That's right, you heard me correctly! The PCs would be the huscarls and retainers of one the land's Jarls, going forth to claim land, honor, and glory in his name. Unexpected events occur and the PCs stand to inherit their own kingdom. Will they be able to carve out a kingdom in the Frozen North or will they be naught but frozen corpses bereft of honor or dignity? Only the Norns know... and they aren't saying!

Agents of the Palatine Eye- Carrion Crown with the PCs all being members of the Esoteric Order of the Palatine Eye, the mysterious Freemason-esque organization (If you believe the conspiracy theories about the Masons, of course!) that has chapters all throughout the land of Ustalav. When the PCs go to pay their respects to Professor Lorrimer, himself an Exalted Brother of the Palatine Eye, they find themselves embroiled in a conspiracy that stretches throughout Ustalav. While the AP will follow the same basic path, there ARE some differences that need pointing out. First, although there will be plenty of gothic horror, the presence of Lovecraftian horror will be more prevalent. Second, the Palatine Eye will be an invaluable resource for the PCs, as well as something that helps keep the party cohesive. Third, expect some of the encounters to be altered to be more thematic, particularly in books 5 and 6. No details for you all though! And lastly, for those who had made it a rather long way in the AP, the threat behind the events of the AP will be changed significantly and the 'big threat' from the normal AP is nothing but a pawn.

Jade and Honor- Jade Regent set ENTIRELY in Tian Xia! While the first 3 books will be heavily reworked, the last 3 need almost no alterations, save for a few minor ones. The PCs can be from any country in Tian Xia where the normal races can be found. If you ever wanted to play as an oriental character in Jade Regent, but always hated having to do the contrived 'my family was exiled, blah, blah' line, this is the campaign for you!

The Saffron Regent- A HEAVILY altered Jade Regent campaign set entirely in Vudra! Expect all Tian Xia-specific and oriental references to be replaced with similar things drawn from Vudra and Indian folklore.

Reign of the Russian Winter- An altered Reign of Winter campaign set entirely on Post World War I Earth, slightly after the Bolshevik Revolution and Grigori Rasputin's numerous executions. The campaign would be MUCH lower in the prevalence of magic than Reign of Winter, but would also have more technology, allowing for an interesting inverse of 'fighters can't have nice things' trope. The plot would remain much the same, but would be a bit different regarding major enemy NPCs and the location of the adventures in Russia. The PCs can be from anywhere, but the campaign would assume that all the PCs are in Paris, France during the early days of Summer. It should prove interesting to see what PCs might be generated for this one!

Final Unity- Iron Gods set on Androffa! The PCs are normal residents of the planet Androffa when a star falls from the heavens, a star of shining blue and orange light. Going to investigate, the PCs find a savior for their world from it's corrupt ruler, a man known most widely as the Sable Regent, a sorceror-king of unimaginable power who blends magic and technology in a way reminiscent of the Ancients of yore. Empowered by the entity, they journey forth through Androffa, a land of ancient technology and old magic, a world destroyed by petty gods aeons ago and currently ruled by a tyrant, to achieve their destiny as saviors of the land, Iron Gods to bring Androffa into a golden age.

Legacy of the Sands- Legacy of Fire altered a bit in terms of the antagonist, though the villain's goals are pretty much identical. The reworking is pretty light, apart from book 5, which will be changed in several ways, primarily the location and enemies.

Serpents and Seers- Serpent's Skull campaign set exclusively within the Mwangi Expanse, requiring the first module to be altered and the second to have a different location.

Sovereign Court

Interesting. Well this link has alot of characters ready to be picked.

Sir Awesomesauce McSnazzlepants wrote:
I MIGHT be recruiting for another campaign, since I have WAY too much free time on my hands and I MIGHT do a version of an existing AP with a twist.

What cool variant AP ideas! Good luck finding the right players!

I agree that the spreadsheet would be easier to manage with a tab dedicated to each campaign.

I'll third the idea for a separate tab for each AP/campaign!

So I just made some fairly significant changes to the layout of the spreadsheet, including a separate tab for each Pathfinder AP, and separate tabs for Homebrews, 3rd Party, and D&D APs. There's also a separate tab for those wanting to submit a character without a specific AP in mind.

If this doesn't help add value/clarity/etc... to the spreadsheet it's not too hard to switch it back. Let me know!

Much thumbs up on what you did for the page very nice, to me its much easier to see and find players

This is a great idea. Any interest in adding a section for modules other than APs? For instance, I'm running a Feast of Ravenmoor / Carrion Hill sequence on the boards here and, since the recruitment thread hasn't had any hits yet, I was looking to do some headhunting. (O'course, anyone who sees this and might be interested, feel free to drop me a line!)

Maybe people could list characters by level for those of something.

From what I can see, there are people who are listed under 'Any AP'. They might be amenable to joining! But yes, that would be a great tab to add to the list!

Mug wrote:

So I just made some fairly significant changes to the layout of the spreadsheet, including a separate tab for each Pathfinder AP, and separate tabs for Homebrews, 3rd Party, and D&D APs. There's also a separate tab for those wanting to submit a character without a specific AP in mind.

If this doesn't help add value/clarity/etc... to the spreadsheet it's not too hard to switch it back. Let me know!

I think you made a great job. I do not agree though with the "D&D tab".

Curse of the Crimson Throne, Second Darkness and Legacy of Fire are all D&D APs in the same way as Shackled City, Age of Worms and Savage Tide are. Rise of the Runelords was originally also published for D&D3.5 and not for Pathfinder RPG.

I think those 3 APs should have the same treatment, as they set what an AP is and were the origin of Pathfinder as we know it nowadays.

In any case the only difference between those APs and the newer ones is the format Paizo used for it's publication, the Dragon magazine, instead of the Pathfinder. In fact Shackled City is along with Raise of the Runelords the only AP that has been compiled and revised into a single volume.

Please, treat them as you treat Legacy of Fire. Paizo cannot, but we can.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Sounds fine to me. I used paizo's Adventure Path page to determine which to include as D&D, but I have no problem giving those APs their own tab. Just means a few more tabs is all, no biggy. I'll make the change when I get a chance.

I understand.

They do not include those APs in that page because their rights are hold by Hasbro through Wizards of the Coast even if they were originally created by Paizo.

It is a pity, but legal things work like they work. Anyway, as a community of players, I think we are free of those restrictions, and after all, Legacy of Fire, Second Darkness and Crimson Throne are also D&D and have never been officially pathfinderized, so setting the distinction as D&D was misleading, although I understand what you meant by it.

So, thanks a lot for your understanding and effort Mug :)

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

Maybe it's just me, but my iphone doesn't play well with tabs in google docs, so I can't get where I want to see a specific tab. It was ok with just three tabs, but I can't now scroll over to see the ones I want to see.

Any iphone geniuses out there have advice?

Hey Zahir, for me I have to touch and drag the tabs to see more than the 2-3 displayed when I load the page. Maybe give that a try to see if it works?

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

Well, I had surely tried that, but the iPhone wasn't cooperating, so I spun it up on the iPad, and since the display was larger, I could see more tabs.

Got my character added.

I tried to swipe on my phone but I kept dialing new numbers

I just realized I've been using the google Sheets app to look at the spreadsheet. That's another option for those having trouble viewing it on a mobile device.

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

Mug wrote:
I just realized I've been using the google Sheets app to look at the spreadsheet. That's another option for those having trouble viewing it on a mobile device.

Indeed, that works for me as well.

Edward Sobel wrote:
I tried to swipe on my phone but I kept dialing new numbers

Bwahaha. I just clicked the link.

I need to add Velkaria my female beastbrood tiefling paladin of Shelyn and my male dwarf paladin to the wrath of the righteous list, Jerieth to Skulls and Shackles list, and Lyrev the female half orc winter sorceress to the reign of winter list. Got to do that tomorrow. I hope I eventually get in any of these APs.

Liberty's Edge

I added my Halfling Bard Fletcher Woodward to the Jade Regent tab.

He's been lucky enough to be selected for two previous JR games but unlucky enough to have them both die within a couple of weeks :/

Would this list only be a listing for PbP? I am looking to run a biweekly iron Gods campaign on skype, but don't want to waste time bothering people if this is only for PBP

Hey Zwolfe, I think this list was probably made with pbp in mind, but I'd suggest reaching out to those who have characters posted on the list for Iron Gods and see if any of them would be interested in a skype game. Or you could appeal to the Any tab for characters which could be for any campaign I'd be surprised if you didn't get some folks interested. Maybe a combo of putting something up in the Recruitment thread then posting a link here. You could always reach out to people directly but that takes a bit more work.

Reposting to correct thread.

I am new to Pbp, but would really like to get involved if you are willing to take a chance on a new player.

My attempt at my first character is in the linked profile.

I advise you look for Pathfinder Society scenarios. They are usually published under the PFS initials and are a good test to see if you fit into the PbP format, because they are short and GMs are not demanding about your character. Look for them in this recruitment forum.

There are also threads where some people has gathered to propose games by pre-registering into a spreadsheet. But this method is much obfuscating, it takes more time navigating spreadsheets rather than a daily look to the recruitment forum, and usually when players are called a considerable amount of the registered ones are not found and a recruitment thread has to be opened anyway. A good place if you are interested in this method is the Flaxseed Pathfinder Lodge.

It is advisable you read some of the guides on PbP gaming so you can learn the basics.

Although intended for GMs, I find also particularly useful for players Painlord's Guide to PbP GMing.

Good luck!

Here's a Halfling Ranger built for a Rise of the Runelords game.

Welp, I've got this guy for Carrion Crown. But as a fair warning, most of my posting will be limited to weekends.

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

I've added my Half-orc bloodrager, Kalrog, to several of the listed APs. He's a bit brash and uncivilized, but has room for redemption from his orcish ways. I look forward to seeing where this goes!

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