Edward Sobel |

not so sure this is getting much attention anymore.
noticed many more private only games coming in. most recruitment threads have been homebrew games and many are invite only.
Also I have been in some recruitment threads where I did not get in (expected form time to time) but here is a suggestion to GM's out there.
When an opening does occur in your game, and you said at the end of your recruitment that you will consider those not chosen if anyone drops... Then actually do that.
I have seen a few games loose a player and the GM bypassed the original recruitment and privately invited someone else that never applied in the first place.

GM Rednal |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
I don't really understand the point of creating a recruitment thread when all you're doing is inviting people you know are playing. o_O They're... not necessary, are they?
As far as open recruitments go, the Northlands Saga Complete should be out soonish. According to a recent update, the PF version has gone through final approval, and the S&W version is currently being worked on. ^^ Shouldn't take too much longer for it to be released. I may check here for applicants in addition to whoever gets posted in the thread - the main thing I'll be looking for is characters who can fit in a nordic setting.

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Altan the Broken |

Here I am, the Defender of The Eternal Rose
I would really love to play either a Jade Regent, Carrion Crow, or Giantslayer campaign, for any who have positions available.

DM The nines |

After the holiday season I will starting up a homebrew campaign of sorts using old living greyhawk modules set in Golarion. I have a couple people already involved will probably take in 2 to 4 more. I will be looking in the any tab for possible applicants, and I will totally accept pm's with interest as well. Thank you for your time.

DM Callaway |

Here's a modified CotCT campaign that I'm working on. If any of you find it interesting, go ahead and apply!

fraker |

I have some characters already planted here that I had purposefully marked for certain campaigns, but I am looking for any campaign out there. preferences, I have because I have played some with friends in person, but better to try anything just once.
for those who want to hear the preferences:
reign of winter
carrion crown
hells rebels
mummys mask
rise of the runelords
jade regent
skull and shackles
giant slayer
again, those are only preferences. I'm looking forward to join any campaign if nothing else for the sake of telling a story once more.

Something Wicked |

I am a former home-game GM that had to cancel my live gaming life due to scheduling conflicts. I have GM'd Books 1 and (most of) 2 of Runelords and book 1 of Crimson Throne. I'm now looking for a PbP campaign (due in part to the flexible time requirements).
My GM and PC style has been described as extremely "theatric" in that I place great emphasis on mood. As a GM I will spend hours selecting the right music, lighting, props, and developing an appropriate written "script" to present to my players. I am less interested in "crunch" and tend to favor characterization and story. I love the written word!
For an example, here is a link to my website content for a former home campaign (Curse of the Crimson Throne SPOILERS).
I am especially interested in RotR (yes, even though I've played it--I am excellent at keeping my mouth shut) and Carrion Crown, though I am certainly open to other APs.

Amgir |

When I was on here before my absence I tried to run a game on here, but it failed quite poorly and I have since learned where I went wrong. I am a tabletop GM and found PBP GM'ing a lot harder, however I think I shall put myself out there to try and run another game.
This will be in the new year though and I shall make the recruitment thread once I have gone over everything and re-read the adventure path that I wish to run. So any little tips on PBP GM'ing would be a welcome help.

Jerac Al'dur |

As a long time tabletop player, I had to stop running all my campaigns after my daughter was born. I was also getting burned out because I was always the GM and never the player (No one else in my group would step up to run) so I'm here now to play some APs.
I'm pretty much interested in running anything. I can run this character, but I also have multiple other builds and can pretty much fill any needed role (Healer, Controller, DPS, I even have a great Tank build). I can also adjust to any play style (Role\Roll playing).

Markov Wolfpelt |

Hey ya all. I posted a recruitment thread for a Kingmaker game that needs a few more players. I'm going to re-post the post here to see about if anyone wants to apply. Please apply within the thread there. Thank you!
A rough looking man walks forward to a crowd gathered.
"Right then. I see many here, that is good! The charter that was sent into the Stolen Lands needs a couple more good men and women!" He pulls out a large scroll and reads it. "We need a person knowledgeable of healing, and another that is simply knowledgeable! All may apply, but only a few can join! I will stick this on the tree and you can see what is required! Right, with that is done, I'll be waiting in the nearby Inn for ya. Also, whom will apply, will need to be self-motivated!" He takes the unfurled scroll and pulls out a dagger and stabs the scroll onto the tree.
Here what the scroll describes.
- 20PB
- Two Traits, one being a Kingmaker trait - Can take a drawback for an extra trait
- Unchained Background are okay
- Only Pathfinder material
- Start at Second level
- Start with Second level gold
Post your character build and backstory within the recruitment thread. If you are chosen, you will be directed to our discussion thread.

The Wyrm Ouroboros |

I know it isn't a Pathfinder AP, but this might be the second-best place to throw out a flare.
Looking for someone to pick up playing a mostly-undefined paladin in the Homecoming Campaign. Only real requirements are a) character's race is Eberron-style changeling (minor shape-shifting ability), and b) character is a non-local (coming from the south of Mosval, the campaign starting point). Virtually everything else - character background, gender, crunchy details, etc. - are available for you to define.

The Lore Masters |

For anyone looking for a supreme challenge with a nice Gestalt / Unchained play, I'm hosting a homebrew dungeon based game, sort of a Dark Souls knock off in regards to how it will play.
I try to recruit from people already looking for a game, and hate bump posts, so here is the link!
Information outside of what is normally given to introduce a game is purposefully withheld to show just how "foreign" to you this entire place is xD

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I am a former home-game GM that had to cancel my live gaming life due to scheduling conflicts. I have GM'd Books 1 and (most of) 2 of Runelords and book 1 of Crimson Throne. I'm now looking for a PbP campaign (due in part to the flexible time requirements).
My GM and PC style has been described as extremely "theatric" in that I place great emphasis on mood. As a GM I will spend hours selecting the right music, lighting, props, and developing an appropriate written "script" to present to my players. I am less interested in "crunch" and tend to favor characterization and story. I love the written word!
For an example, here is a link to my website content for a former home campaign (Curse of the Crimson Throne SPOILERS).
I am especially interested in RotR (yes, even though I've played it--I am excellent at keeping my mouth shut) and Carrion Crown, though I am certainly open to other APs.
I'm just had a healer drop out of a livestreamed roll 20 Shattered Star game. Does that interest you?

Edward Sobel |

well now.. I wonder the value of this thread anymore.
It seemed to be working well but I seldom see any reference to this thread for players or replacements players.
some things I have noticed:
1. games begin with open recruitment and several are not selected (expected really) but the one post I see often and actually find a bit frustrating:
"If a spot opens up I (the GM) will check back here for replacements" --- this almost NEVER happens.
2. most replacements are now coming via friends of current players via private recruitment's.
I guess I speak from experience here, having not been selected in games and foolishly believed the post of the GM saying that they will check back regularly to the original recruitment for replacements.
So please to all the GM's out there. I ask is honesty in your games. If you will not be asking original applicants to be replacements then don't post that you will.
Also If you GM's need players or are wondering which game to run... take a look here you can find which type games have plenty of interest and will probably have the most success.

mittean |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Here's one for you...this is to let anyone who wanted to play RotRL AE, or/and play in Eberron, I have a recruitment going on right now, and would love to see people bringing in some incredible stories.
In regards to your post Edward, I can't speak to any other DM's, but we don't know if they do check back, and find that no one else fit their personal criteria...it's hard to say. Because they will never post "I checked, and none of you are what I want. Sorry."
I think this board works well for the community. It may not affect all individual players, all the time, but it has positively affected some, and that is good for the community. :)

mittean |

I've just sent out about fifty PM's to people who had characters up on the RotRL Excel file, or stated they were interested in "any" or "RotRL" on this board, inviting them to come apply for my campaign. I've also posted on Reddit. I did not send PM's to the "any" characters on the file, as I was 50 in by that point, lol.

Alyksandrei |
This player is interested. I just don't have a character ... I suppose I could dig up an old one, but they're all variations on a theme, and I'd really like to try something different. I've got a concept (or at least most of one), but not nearly enough system mastery to build it alone. Not to mention, a preference for hardcopy and a distinct lack of non-online resources...

Ellis Benus |
I read the intro to PBP here and I assumed this is where I should go to find a game to play?
I created a forum to try PBP and it seems like none of my past players are interested in keeping up with posting, so I'm branching out. I've played D&D since 2nd edition, and I've played one Pathfinder campaign. I've DMed for over 10 years.
I've got a 9th Level Rogue (custom developed mobile character sheet: http://erbtech.com/dnd/belie/).
Or I'm willing to start at Level 1.
I'll play anything, and do just about anything as long as it's a high fantasy campaign, no star wars or anything like that. Swords & Magic.
If I'm posting this in the wrong place, I'm sorry and please let me know.
I've DMed for along time, so if anyone wants me to run a game, I'm even willing to do that, but I don't know anything about this forum.
P.S. I used Vanilla Forums free software for my game (v3p.org/dnd) and it's been really great with email notifications AND it's mobile friendly if anyone is wanting to run their own game that way.

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looked at the homecoming... not sure about that one...
in any event still looking for a wrath of righteous game. have had 3 failed ones so far.
Have a paladin that I have been trying to play for a very long time in one.
Looks like there is interest in a Wrath game over on this thread.

mittean |

You are in the right place, Ellis.
Put a link to your character(s) in the Excel file, likely under the 'any' tab.
You can also browse this recruitment forum for games that might interest you to join, and see if they are still recruiting. Some DM's will ask you to make the stat sheet, some just some will ask you to come up with a character concept.
There are good guides for pbp's on here, especially Painlord's.
Welcome to the community. :)

Edward Sobel |

Sabrina De'Foe wrote:Looks like there is interest in a Wrath game over on this thread.looked at the homecoming... not sure about that one...
in any event still looking for a wrath of righteous game. have had 3 failed ones so far.
Have a paladin that I have been trying to play for a very long time in one.
already posted there.
but I am having my doubts about that thread.

Dorin Thell |

Dorin Thell added to the AP application list (Any, but specifically Stolen Lands). CN Cleric of Azathoth, so he obviously won't appeal to every GM, but I intentionally made choices for the character that would lend to party cohesion (like positive channeling and having a distaste for evil actions).
Dorin is reasonable, if paranoid, but doesn't believe in a higher law beyond Entropy (change over time).