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New GM here running Trailblazer's Bounty in PBP not using it as a Pathfinder adventure per se, just a stand alone. Only one PC of the 4 passed an athletics check to move stones to make fording the river easier. What kinds of consequences should happen? I want there to be some kind of result so that the rolls actually had meaning. Since I am not awarding Discovery points I am not sure what to do.

They are the Mountain Forest Low section page 7 after defeating the ravens.

Aha thanks so much for clarifying!

I don't think it's that exact description as it is a 2e scenario and says two creatures not 2 swarms and take up 2 spaces. You could be right though.

Our group is confused. In the Trailblazer's Bounty Adventure, the PC's meet a Raven Swarm. If swarms act as 1 per the definition of a swarm, why does it state 2 creatures (at least I presume that's what the creature 2 means.) Does the swarm of 2 attack as 1, and die as 1 and if so why say there are 2 creatures? They occupy 2 squares on the map as well.

I am going to run this adventure as a play by post game. I am a new GM. Is it ok to run with 3 players or do the NPC's need to be changed? All PC's will be level 1 and this will not be played as society game with the points etc.

Thank you!!

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We can't find how to figure out the DC that a PC needs to roll for a reflex save when skeleton does this to the PC: "When the skeleton is destroyed, its bones shatter and explode as the necromantic energy holding it together is released. Adjacent creatures take 1d6 slashing damage per 2 levels (minimum 1d6) with a basic Reflex save."

The PC rolled a 12. How do we determine the DC for his save roll?

Any room for a Hellknight Historian Halfling Druid, who has an insatiable thirst for knowledge, tempered with a fun loving spirit that says life isn't all books and learning, and can be exciting and adventurous too.


Jilla is from Barnstable, a small village in the shadow of the Citadel Altaerein. She was always fascinated by the castle and the Hellknight Order and spent her youth researching their history when she wasn't running around playing pranks with her human friends. Alas the fun came to end when the village fields started to become fallow. She knew about the adventurers meetings in Breachill because she often visited the Breachill Archives, looking for records and historical accounts on the castle and the Hellknights. She had become friends with Jorell the librarian there. He suggested she go to the meeting and perhaps seek out new lands for her village in the course of whatever help was being sought, and offer her services.


Jilla is small but stocky with the tip of her left ear torn just a little.


Jilla is not the strongest of creatures, but her cleverness, wit and wisdom can get her out of most sticky situations. She has great skill with the javelin and spear for any distant threats. She is helpful, good-natured creature who struggles with being a little naive due to her trusting nature.

I am pretty new too. Got the book a week ago and am playing the demo adventure to familiarize myself with the rules on another forum. I really love the crunchiness of it and learning it all. I am not particular about whether it's an AP, home brew or whatever. Would just love to play. I can post daily or what ever rate is required.

LuniasM wrote:
Lorden wrote:

How exactly do you guys go about soloing the adventures without stumbling across info that could impact your decisions?

Curious as id like to try it out, but not sure how you would go about it if your the DM and the player.


Well, if I was gonna do it I'd make sure that every character had a well-written personality and such so you have a good idea of how characters would act in a given situation. It's like writing a story without knowing the plot elements ahead of time - just allow the characters to act out the scenario and see what happens.

You can use various solo emulators out there such as the Mythic books.They work really well and allow you to solo any rule system.