Game Master Divinitus




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Looking for AP online.

In PST, would prefer Ironfang Invasion, GiantSlayer or Carrion Crown.

Pm me if you need a player, lots of experience and plays well with others.


I don't know if any GMs are still scouring this forum to find players ... but I have 11 years of PF2 experience, and I played D&D 3.5 for many years (5?) prior to that. I was a GM for a group of people for about 2.5 years.

I don't really have a preference for APs, but I've played in and run RotRL so I don't think I'm looking for a 3rd go of that one.

I probably prefer PF 1st, but I own the player's handbook for PF 2nd and I'm willing to try my first character. I definitely post regularly; the first PbP I was in, I was one of the most frequent posters in, but the GM was unable to keep the game running due to RL calamities.

Don't mind being the party healer or the party arcane person. I am pretty creative with archetypes and filling needs and making the character fun for myself, and useful to the party.


Currently screening for one more player for our Wednesday night Emerald Spire campaign. We're talking to people on Roll20 as well, so express your interest sooner rather than later.

Stop by the thread for more info.

Emerald Spire/Thornkeep Recruitment

Not sure how regularly GMs check this, but if anyone is starting up a Way of the Wicked campaign sometime soon, I'd love an opportunity to join, provided they don't mind me having run it a few times. Would also be interested in any other potentially "evil" campaigns (feeling a need to scratch that itch), or Attack of the Swarm or Threefold Conspiracy (Starfinder)

Happy gaming.

Liberty's Edge

Hi. Ever since it was announced I have wanted to play Agents of Edgewatch. Is anyone looking to run this?

Looking to play SF: Dawn of Flame game preferably but will play any SF AP except AtAT or SoS. Don't care about SFS credit but that would help. And all PBP as I don't have time for VTT at the moment.

Please and thank you. Happy rolling!

Been away from these boards for little over a year now. Thought I would try and get back into things.

Looking to join a game but I prefer something just starting as opposed to trying to fill a slot in an existing game. Though I am not opposed to that it is sometimes harder to find your place in an already existing group.

Anyway, if anyone out there is looking to run an AP OR some other game I can bring some fun and exciting character to your table.

Note: I don't do any society stuff anymore.

I’ve been here in the boards for many years. I’d love to see a good AP to last - especially Ironfang Invasion, Hell’s Vengeance and Hell’s Rebels. I was able to play the beginning and it never got too far, but loved how it starts. I prefer games with more “sane” rules, only paizo, without much power creep or gestalt.

I was looking at the AP Sign-Up Sheet and there is nothing on there for SF AP's.

Am I missing a thread somewhere for that sheet or has this one not been updated for SF yet?

Hello there to any game masters stopping by to look for players!

I've been playing pen and paper games for close to 15 years now. I've played mostly Pathfinder, d&d, and the warhammer 40k games. I am however interested in a play by post game. I have never played in one and honestly having trouble finding a game. I'm willing to play any system and put together a character that fits the best for your game!

Please let me know if you have any openings.

Liberty's Edge

Hi Taylor. Are you looking for an Adventure Path game, or perhaps a more bite sized Pathfinder Society game?

Ietsuna wrote:
Hi Taylor. Are you looking for an Adventure Path game, or perhaps a more bite sized Pathfinder Society game?

I would perfer an AP but definitely open to a Pathfinder Society game.

Liberty's Edge

This thread is where you'll find AP Games.

We have a Pathfinder Society Lodge (and Starfinder Society too, and Second Ed lodge aswell) at the below links.

Flaxseed Lodge (1st Edition)

Cottonseed Lodge (2nd Edition)

Flaxseed Station (Starfinder)

There should be some games kicking off in the next week or so. We are just about to wrap up an online convention and special run. If you get super stuck message me and I will see if I have the bandwidth to run something.

Heya, still hunting for an Ironfang game, if anyone has a spot in one!

Dark Archive

Ietsuna wrote:
Hi. Ever since it was announced I have wanted to play Agents of Edgewatch. Is anyone looking to run this?

Same for me. I am currently DMing Extinction Curse with some friends and biweekly scenarios of PFS2.

I am DMing way more than playing and I'd like to play an AP for a change.

I’m planning to run Agents of Edgewatch as soon as it releases, with a slight wrinkle depending on how the Player’s Guide and Book 1 look.

More than likely l’ll run it as a play by Discord on the Roll for Combat server (discord games routinely sustain a faster pace of play - and thus, a better level of engagement -than PbP) but am happy to grab any excited players from the thread here....

Liberty's Edge

Ok, sign me up the-infidel.

No sign ups happening or anything yet - we’re still, what, two months out? But I’ll be sure to pop back in here in a month or so, and you’re at the top of the list! Should be timed so that all published ancestries and all the APG material will be fair game for the campaign too...

Hi. I have a group that is about half way through book 1 of Iron Gods. A couple of players have dropped off so we are looking for 2 players, preferably front liners. Level 2. If interested please send me a PM.

Liberty's Edge

Looking for an ap to play in. let me know if you have an opening. I have any number of characters that have started and the DM has poofed.

Hi guys!

I'd really like to find a group to play Strange Aeons. Hopefully with no use of any player knowledge and no GM-playing-favorites, no third party shenanigans but all Paizo sources, just a regular plain PF1 game. I'd rather play with 20-pt-buy or more with smaller groups of 4-5.

If the GM so chooses, we can try to give it a spin like some groups nowadays - I saw the all-fighters, all-paladins, all-clerics, all-bards thing, so we could maybe do it "all-oracles", "all-rangers", "all-sorcerers" or "all-monks", I don't know. Or we could do something like "only Asian themed" or "only Middle Eastern themed", or "only characters with Aberrant bloodline" (bloodragers, sorcerers, other classes with archetypes that give bloodlines, etc.).

It's fine if it's "only core races" or "core and standard", I don't mind - although I don't really have anything against the other races (except the obviously overpowered ones like Noble Drows or Svirfneblins).

Anyway - just trying to find a group to play it fair and square. I wasn't too luck in the past for this AP (with GMs disappearing or groups that just abused player knowledge, etc.) so hopefully I can get into a good one now. I am a seasoned and active player here in the forums, having GM'd and played in many dozens of games, and right now in about five games.


Silver Crusade

The Archlich wrote:

Hi guys!

I'd really like to find a group to play Strange Aeons....

Hey, I'd love to join this if it become reality. I love the potential of this AP. I own it, but haven't read it. I only GM what I've played, so I'm not the GM for this, but I'm eager to play it!

Liberty's Edge

anyone running Ironfang invasion?

Qstor wrote:
anyone running Ironfang invasion?

Yes that would be awesome too. I had a Dwarf in one that the GM disappeared early, but I *loved* the beginning.

Qstor wrote:
anyone running Ironfang invasion?

Hasn't been a recruitment for it in a while. There certainly are many games of it, but they're all full, iirc.

Been trying to get back into one since the one I was in fell apart, so I feel your pain.

I am in the other table of the all-fighter Ironfang Invasion game that Archlich was in. Our table got a new GM (and one of the other table's players) and are having a great time.

I might look at picking up Archlich's old table as a GM, with some new recruits. Sticking to all-fighter (although VMC and PRC allowed). As long as we were a book behind the one I am playing in, I wouldn't be spoiling anything for myself.

Archlich and Litejedi, would that be interesting?

Hi Aldi,

I don't even remember what it was this other table, but yes - I am probably game for it! Was it the table that died when the GM disappeared? Can you link me?


@Archlich - Shisumo had two tables of all-fighter Ironfang Invasion. Your PC Gareth was at one table along with some others. My character Benedict was at the other. It looks like you had to take a break from the boards before the GM did. When he did, your table died, ours got a new GM and continued.
Here is the old campaign link.

Oh I think I remember it! It would be great to get another group going.

Would it be all fighters or would multiclassing be permitted? I’d like to play a mounted gnome hunter. The build and RP can’t really be done with fighter, even with VMC and prestige classes (it isn’t an outlandish powerhouse but it is fun, has a lot of decision making round by round).

I’m not ruling out interest, I’m just a little skeptical about whether I’d enjoy it as much with only having access to the fighter class. Is there a specific reason why you’re inclined to go in that direction?

Qstor wrote:
anyone running Ironfang invasion?

I could run this Qstor, with open recruitment OSP logging of course (I must work towards that changeling boon!)

However, from having played this as a player already F2F, I must warn you that the sandbox nature of the AP would perhaps require a bit of help and hand holding and some parts fast tracked by the GM (such as the initial 'survival' mode experience, which I am not eager to cater to in PbP). If you are fine with a quicker styled, more fast-paced Ironfang Invasion, I could be convinced... :)

Quick paced would be great. The handholding worries me a little bit, though - what do you mean by that?

It's fine to include some clues to guide the flow if it's too sandboxy (same for APs like Kingmaker) - or even NPCs suggestions. I just don't like when it's right in the open if you know what I mean. If you can manage to adapt it organically then I'm all game for it.

If it worries you I wouldn't apply to my game. I'm very detailed oriented but sometimes I just want to run something with a few mysteries that's a more straightforward dungeon-style experience. APs have a lot of subsystems and minigames that I plan to underplay if I run this in PbP. I also plan to linearize some of the sandboxyness, if that makes any sense to you. For a full Ironfang experience with all the mysteries and head scratching and growing pains, without any GM modifications, I'd recommend you play F2F with a local group wherever you live.

Am I in an Ironfang Invasion game right now. The last few months have been difficult for the GM and their posting rate has gone way down. I am checking in with them to see if there is a light at the end of the tunnel. I like the GM and I like the group so if he thinks we will return to normal at some point anywhere in the future I will probably stay with them

TL;DR I may be interested in switching to your table, but don't know yet

I have not offered to run a table yet. I'm waiting for feedback from the original poster above (Qstor) to see if my style of fast-paced GMing would be what he's looking for. Once I hear from him I'll make up my mind. This is a huge commitment so I don't want to run this with people having the wrong expectations. This would be in campaign mode and some parts of the AP would be adapted or modified to be less sandboxy and more streamlined. I would probably not worry about the custom survival rules for this AP or the militia subsystem for instance, and instead focus on the main plot and the PFS-legal sections of each book, providing narration for the parts that have happened in the background.

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For my part, I wouldn’t mind hand waving that part. The challenge that I enjoyed was the strategy, difficulty, and survivability issues that come up. I know it wasn’t directed to me, PDK, but I thought I’d mention that I’d be on board.

I want to add my Seraphina to the list of PCs with unrealized destinies. I ran her in a Kingmaker Campaign that went through 2 GMs before it finally wound down and died. I even tried being both GM and PC to get her through it, but it just didn't work out.

I know plenty of us have ended up in this same frustrating situation. So rather than just shouting into the void, I thought I would attempt to offer a GM AP trade. You GM a Kingmaker game for Seraphina and I will GM the AP of your choice. It would need to be Play by Post, preferably here on these forums. I'm brushing up on my writing skills, so I will work to make the game I GM descriptive and immersive. I will expect the same from whomever I trade with, so I will need to review some past PbP games (or at least a writing sample) to make a decision.

Full disclosure, I have fallen off the boards due to RL issues before, so I'm not a perfect GM by any means. But I'm very committed to seeing this character fully realized so that should help keep me motivated. Since we will be GMing for each other, we can help to anchor each other and keep both AP's going.

To keep from cluttering this thread, please PM me if you are interested. Good Luck to us all!

Litejedi wrote:

Would it be all fighters or would multiclassing be permitted? I’d like to play a mounted gnome hunter. The build and RP can’t really be done with fighter, even with VMC and prestige classes (it isn’t an outlandish powerhouse but it is fun, has a lot of decision making round by round).

I’m not ruling out interest, I’m just a little skeptical about whether I’d enjoy it as much with only having access to the fighter class. Is there a specific reason why you’re inclined to go in that direction?

A few years ago, a GM recruited for an all-fighter Ironfang Invasion game. There was a lot of interest and he got two tables. Then he took a leave from the boards and one table folded. My table got a new GM and kept going.

It has been a very rewarding experience. Forcing us to be resourceful and savvy, with generally lower-powered characters. And also to discover just how much versatility and potential there is within this seemingly limited constraint. We've never had a lack of interest when we've had to recruit for a replacement.

If there were interest, I might seek to revive the other table, and take on some new players.

But if PDK is also recruiting, I might hold off for now and do that in a few months (probably when my Red Hand of Doom game finishes). I admit I have an irrational dislike of Small mounted characters and think your gnome would be more likely to find a fit in his game.

I probably would employ the Survival mechanics in the AP.

I would be very interested in playing in an AP pbp, especially a fast paced one. I am currently playing two pfs characters and a couple of home brew pbp characters, which move much too slowly imo. I'd love to add another game, and I have yet to play an AP in pbp.

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I'd run KM again, but learned from experience that one seems to be best served in Table-Top Format, not PBP, so I won't run it again.
And be prepared to make changes to her as each GM has different Character Creation rules and you might need to give up those custom feats she has.

I've switched to Modules and modifying them both in story into a mini-APs, rather then Full APs, since full APs take forever to get done in PBP format and has more risks of falling apart before completion.

Right, I understand I may have to rebuild her. I have her previous builds archived so she's easy to roll back or adjust. The custom feats came from her last PbP GM, not a deal breaker by any means.

I don't really have a prayer of playing it Table-Top, since that would require coordinating schedules and just never works for long. So PbP is really my only option. I will probably make a regular recruitment post soon as I'm not getting any nibbles here so far except for people who want to join one game or the other. Thanks for the input!

Well I hope there is a GM who'll take the character,
if not just start your own KM game and make her a; NPC, GM-NPC, or GM-PC.

I have been working on a sea singer Bard for s&s... Um, skull and shackles. Sounds too much like s&m when I abbreviate it. Thought about a water singer udine Bard, but they are not as much of a team player.

I'm looking for Pathfinder 2 and Starfinder games. Please pm me if you got a free spot of some sort.

For Starfinder i got an elf operative and a lashunta envoy.

For Pathfinder 2 i'm open to different roles.

The Exchange

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Pathfinder LO Special Edition, PF Special Edition Subscriber

I would love to get into a Skull and Shackles game as well. I want to play a Seascarred Skinwalker Inquisitor (Leaning Umbral Stalker or Sanctified Slayer).

Looking for a game of Rise of the Runelords, with my half-elf druid!

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Looking to join a Starfinder AP, interested in playing a technomancer or witchwarper.

EST online play preferred. Currently GM for an attack of the swarm AP.

Looking for a campaign for an Ifrit warrior poet
Has a dark past involving the underground of the Tianese city of Goka if one likes plot threads built into characters

We are looking for a sixth for our Iron Gods AP. We are about 2/3 of the way through book 1. Since you will be coming in to an existing group I would like you to PM me with your concept etc and the group will pick who they gel with.

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