Divinitus |
22 people marked this as a favorite. |

As the title implies, this is an experiment to try and do the impossible: get bundles of PCs together with characters already made for their preferred AP so that prospective GMs can come by, inspect them, and pick some up. It may just be a good Samaritan sort of thing, but I think this is a great way to help out people.
So, any PCs out there with dream APs and the characters to match? Any GMs who want to take them on?

GM Mogthrasir |
16 people marked this as a favorite. |

How about this. Here's a Google Docs Spreadsheet. Anyone can edit it, and people are responsible for keeping their own character info and link up to date.
The current format lists PC name (with link to profile), beside class.
It will stay linked on this post on the first page, or Divinitus could link it into the heading (not sure if that works on recruitment threads though) :/
-------> AP PC Applications <-------
Applicants: Keep linked characters up to date, and remove if you no longer wish to apply. Also a good idea to post interest in this thread to keep bumping it.
GMs: Either remove the applicant if you accept them to your campaign or (preferably) have the player of the PC do so. That way those still on the list are still looking for games.

Fal the Reborn |

I know he's absolutely not optimized, but he's flavorful as heck and a very hilarious character concept.
Fal the Reborn, a LE kobold oracle of flames who believes he's a reincarnated dragon that his tribe used to serve. He's trying to find a suitable dominion, so he's got a decent reason to be most places, though I think he'd be the most outlandishly funny in either Rise of the Runelords or Wrath of the Righteous (I am fully aware a LE character in a game about being a big good guy would make him stick out, but... the possibility of a funny redemption is amusing, and he's not really evil so much as he is selfish and conceited - he can be persuaded to go play the hero if there is a promise of profit/reward).
Basically, anywhere that he'd be playing the big hero, even though he's not looking to do that. I'm flexible, hopefully the GM is too...

Rogar Valertis |

I've got some characters meant for APs that failed to get into games or saw games end too early...
Almar Ashfield was originally meant for a Jade Regent game he could not finish (because of some trouble in RL for me)
Dimral Windstrider was in a Shattered star game that ended prematurely
Keris Katrala is a character I created for a Rise of the runelords game, I tried to keep things simple with her background... it didn't help get her chosen...
Lauran Jalar has had an interesting evolution, from evil thief-assassin for a Way of the Wicked that later changed into a good alligned aasimar inquisitor of Iomedae for Carrion Crown. While she had some fun as a evil character before yet another ignominous early finish she was never chosen to star in Carrion Crown
And of course... Rogar Valertis was and is my main character, an Aldori Swordlord (well... would be Aldori Swordlord...) meant for Kingmaker. He was in a great game and played well up to lvl 3 when the aforementioned RL trouble caused me to drop everything for a long while, it was almost 2 years ago, and I've been posting regularly for the last 2 years, yet I never managed to find an open spot in a kingmaker game again.

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I've been going nuts trying to get my tiefling necromancer into a decent game. My current DM disapproves of necromancy, event though I'm chaotic good, and keeps making up rules specifically to inconvenience me. I'm especially interested in a long term game.
So your GM is making up crazy rules to inconvenience you? Such as?
Raise Dead is an evil spell, and I'm sure you're aware of that. So why a CG character would want to run around enslaving dead corpses is beyond me, since it sounds both evil, and not very chaotic.

Alynthar42 |

For one thing, he decided that my skeletons all get a -5 penalty to stealth because "the bones rattle around," and the zombies get a -2 because they stink. He also makes it almost impossible to find bodies that can be reanimated, claiming that they are too severely damaged to be useful. As far as the evilness of the spell, I don't really understand that. My perspective is that unless the ritual for casting the spell involves some inherently evil act, such as murder of an innocent, then magic is neither good nor evil- it depends on how it is used. As for "enslaving dead corpses," it's hard to enslave them once they're already dead.

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For one thing, he decided that my skeletons all get a -5 penalty to stealth because "the bones rattle around," and the zombies get a -2 because they stink. He also makes it almost impossible to find bodies that can be reanimated, claiming that they are too severely damaged to be useful. As far as the evilness of the spell, I don't really understand that. My perspective is that unless the ritual for casting the spell involves some inherently evil act, such as murder of an innocent, then magic is neither good nor evil- it depends on how it is used. As for "enslaving dead corpses," it's hard to enslave them once they're already dead.
Yep, those are both screwy rules, since your critters should have the stats right out of the Bestiary.
As for spells being good/evil, complain to Paizo, and WOTC/TSR before them. Some spells are aligned. And since the creatures created in this case tend to be evil, that makes sense to me.
I know not where you live, but most of the civilized world has viewed necromancy, grave robbing, and other such things as evil for centuries. Most of us treat corpses with a certain amount of reverence, and even the game has spells to protect a corpse and its soul, from necromantic activities. So I think the "evilness" of necromancy is consistent across both Golarion and Earth.
QED, but I suppose YMMV.

Alynthar42 |

I know not where you live, but most of the civilized world has viewed necromancy, grave robbing, and other such things as evil for centuries. Most of us treat corpses with a certain amount of reverence, and even the game has spells to protect a corpse and its soul, from necromantic activities. So I think the "evilness" of necromancy is consistent across both Golarion and Earth.
My personal view is that it's better for the guy's corpse to be doing some good (helping fight bad guys) than to just be decomposing.

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Zahir wrote wrote:My personal view is that it's better for the guy's corpse to be doing some good (helping fight bad guys) than to just be decomposing.
I know not where you live, but most of the civilized world has viewed necromancy, grave robbing, and other such things as evil for centuries. Most of us treat corpses with a certain amount of reverence, and even the game has spells to protect a corpse and its soul, from necromantic activities. So I think the "evilness" of necromancy is consistent across both Golarion and Earth.
I am glad no one actually has necromantic powers, since apparently some would use them.

BigP4nda |
Undead are naturally evil. You don't even HAVE to control them, if you are evil all you do is raise them and let them loose, they will begin killing any living life form they come across, that's just how they are.
Necromancy is evil in the way that it's generally not in a good person's best interest to hire an evil bounty hunter to aid in their journey. Seeking the help of Evildoers is not an act of Good, and depending on the situation can be considered evil, such as this.
It is a combination of factors:
1) They are half-decomposed carcasses that would scare the living s*$+ out of any normal civilian.
2) They themselves are evil beings, regardless of their past life because their soul is not within them.
3) You are increasing the amount of evil in the world when you raise the dead.
4) You are seeking aid from evil creatures
5) Most civilized and good people try to preserve and protect graves and ensure that corpses are respect and undisturbed, hence the phrase "Rest in Peace."
6) Hanging around the undead for any significant amount of time should and would have serious consequences on your sanity and mental stability.