Game Master Divinitus




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Hey all I'm looking for a starfinder game. I would prefer to be a part of one of the adventure paths. Background and crunch for Mira in profile. I am very willing to play any kind of character to fit a group.


New on the board, and would love to get into a pathfinder campaign, play by post.

I'm brand new when it comes to all things Pathfinder, but I do have some experience from playing D&D and Vampire the Masquerade back in the day.

Currently refreshing the recruitment section, fingers crossed!

I recently purchased the Numenera Humble Bundle and would love to join a game as a player to get a handle on the rules and atmosphere. Any games need an extra?

Hoping to play in AP where it's modified to start at higher level perhaps level 3 or 4.

Kain here is looking for any Ironfang or Kingmaker games needed a frontliner/face.

Grand Lodge

Looking to get back in to PbP AP game now that my work schedule is settling down. I don't have a specific AP that I'm looking for. I just want to play. If I need to create a character for any specific AP I will.

Hi, looking to try and get in on a Jade Regent campaign. I have two really fun character ideas I want to try out and have been dying to get in on a JR game since it was released.

Looking to join in on a Way of the Wicked game.

Please and thank you

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I'm hoping to join a Kingmaker game at some point, just getting back on the forums over the last few months. I've got a selection of characters to choose from.

Arisl'arial Tathmir - Elf Arcanist (occultist) - She's a bookish character, a Forlorn elf from Port Ice who, until recently, worked as a librarian and cartographer for one of the Swordlords.

Anja of the Inner Iron - Ex-Unmonk/Barbarian - A Gorumite raised to use her body as the strongest of weapons. She'd require GM fiat if below level 4-ish.

Eha'luul - Faun (race-builder, 10 pts.) Paladin (chosen one) of Magdh - She's an oddball, and the one I want to play the most.

If you have any interest in having any of them in your game, let me know and I'll link you to their Google Docs or profiles.

GM Aest wrote:

I'm hoping to join a Kingmaker game at some point, just getting back on the forums over the last few months. I've got a selection of characters to choose from.

Arisl'arial Tathmir - Elf Arcanist (occultist) - She's a bookish character, a Forlorn elf from Port Ice who, until recently, worked as a librarian and cartographer for one of the Swordlords.

Anja of the Inner Iron - Ex-Unmonk/Barbarian - A Gorumite raised to use her body as the strongest of weapons. She'd require GM fiat if below level 4-ish.

Eha'luul - Faun (race-builder, 10 pts.) Paladin (chosen one) of Magdh - She's an oddball, and the one I want to play the most.

If you have any interest in having any of them in your game, let me know and I'll link you to their Google Docs or profiles.

Same here. New to the forums. But I can easily come up with a character to fit the campaign.

Like Aest, I wont mind using race builder =^^=

I, too, am new to the forums. While a Kingmaker AP game sounds like fun, I'm currently on my first playthrough of it from the video game. As such I'm hoping to get in on a Jade Regent game, the AP that made me interested in Pathfinder since a friend was telling me about the AP in question a long time ago and got me to actually buy the core rules. Sadly I never got to play in it since said friend moved away and my group decided to pick up 5e instead. I've played some Pathfinder on and off again over the last few years but never a long term campaign sadly.

GM Aest wrote:
Arisl'arial Tathmir - Elf Arcanist (occultist) - She's a bookish character, a Forlorn elf from Port Ice who, until recently, worked as a librarian and cartographer for one of the Swordlords.

Just as a reminder -- the Swordlords are in Restov, south end of Brevoy, on the Shrike river. Port Ice is firmly in anti-Swordlord north of Brevoy, and is in fact the stronghold of the family of the current King of Brevoy, the Surtovas. So working for the Swordlords in the stronghold of their enemies ... might involve working as a spy, if that's the way you want to go, but otherwise would definitely not be a good gig.

Hey hey! I'm somewhat new here and looking to jump into a PbP game. Been GM for about 2 years now, all homebrew campaigns, so I have next to no experience with APs. I'm planning to go in blind, so any AP is okay with me. I'm currently running my own at-home game, and figured this would be great for the chance to play my own characters.

Jumpy Sparktail - CG Kobold ♂︎
Animal Speaker Bard, Conjuration Wizard or Summoner. Whichever party needs or a gestalt of any of those classes.

He's mostly designed for light-hearted play and is the one I've been tinkering with the longest.
Personality: Jumpy is Impulsive and soft-hearted, with the traditional kobold cowardice. His soft-hearted nature tends to bring about courage when needed.
The Story I've told about him make him appear more lusty than he actually is. It was life or death, I swear!
Flaws: Can't swim, probably needs glasses and has Common as a second language.

Pikpok Brighteyes - LG Kobold ♀︎
Paladin, Oath against the Wyrm or Standard. Would gestalt into Rogue if need be/allowed.

She's more serious than Jumpy, suited for most standard campaigns. I've designed her as a test of my own roleplaying ablility, and am well aware of the stigma involving Paladins, which I hope to avoid. Building Draconic(kobold) feat line and Eldritch Heritage(draconic)
Personality: Down-to-earth type, unafraid of dirty or hard work. Personal oath to show mercy, even if that mercy is a swift death. Due to this oath is lenient on those showing the will to improve. Pikpok thinks that avoiding fighting altogether (stealth/diplomacy) is usually the way to go.
Flaws: Grossed out by Insects, massive chip on shoulder for dragons, doesn't fight in public.

These two are the ones I'm most comfortable with playing, but have others if interests are piqued. (They're not kobolds)

Been wanting to play a while, though my last PbP game left me drained.

Hoping to play something more of Soulknife, Augmented blade, Psion or Sorcerer. (Though Druid, Healer, or Rogue as well or some other side role is workable too)

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

For some reason, I have spent the last couple of weeks noodling around with character ideas for use in a Tyrant's Grasp campaign, with an all-duskwalker party entirely made up of 6-level casters. So, um, if anyone wants to run that (or a Tyrant's Grasp campaign where a duskwalker, 6-level caster class PC would not be out of place), please let me know!

Looking for a new player or two for Falcon's Hollow Mini-AP.

I do recommend reading OP and Thread to know what will make a good submission.

Not sure if anyone is running this anymore, but I've been hoping to be in a Strange Aeons campaign ever since I read the player pdf for it. I'd honestly be willing to play anything, though in particular leaning toward a bard, a wizard, or a slayer. If anyone would happen to be doing so, please let me know!

Just added Henric a HAlf-Elf Paladin (Mind Sword/Oath Against Corruption ) for Strange Aeons.

Hey guys. I'm looking for a PbP game, preferable an AP like Rise of the Runelords. Anybody looking to start one in the near future? I have experience in pbp games and dnd as well

1 person marked this as a favorite.

There’s currently quite a few recruitments at the moment, including ones for Tyrant’s grasp and Hell’s Rebels. You May want to check those out.

Is anyone running an evil alligned game?

Looking to join a new game. Doesn't matter if it's an AP or homebrew. I've gamed for more than 20 years, but have not tried PBP yet, so I will have a learning curve. I'll be adding aliases as I get time, but can also make something individually suited for a particular game if needed.

Grand Lodge

Looking for a new PBP game. I would love to jump into an AP but I'm also open to homebrew games

'Ou la Mort' is open for application.

Liberty's Edge


Interested in any Adventure Path, especially Iron Gods, but open to anything, including homebrew.

I am an item guy - Ultimate Equipment is my favorite of the Ultimate books, though I also like the many archetypes / Oracle mysteries / flexibility of a good PF game.

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path Subscriber

Hello there!

I'm looking to be a little more active in playing in PbP games. I'm active in a current game and on standby for another one, but I'd like to get into a third game, preferably an AP game.

I'm looking to stay away from homebrew variants and play in an AP as written and I'd like to start at the beginning of an AP game and not be a replacement player.

My preferences are Curse Of The Crimson Throne, Carrion Crown, Strange Aeons, Shattered Star, Return Of The Runelords, and Tyrant's Grasp but I'll willing to play in whatever AP I'm recruited for. If you're looking to start an AP game and are looking for a player, feel free to get in touch with me!

Silver Crusade

Is there any activity for Ruins of Azlant? Want to know before making a character idea.

For those interested...
Ironfang Invasion recruitment

I'd love to find a group for any of the Starfinder scenarios or campaigns! I'm cool with play-by-post games or with online platforms--just let me know which!

Liberty's Edge

Is anyone running Carrion Crown?

I second a Carrion Crown AP, or Council of Theives.
I'm new to the PBP boards and still learning the Pathfinder system and looking for a game that posts once a day.

Hey guys,
I'm looking to join any game, possibly starting from medium levels. I'm an enthusiastic player and would really like to start joining this wonderful world that is this forum and PbP.
I have a great experience in Pathfinder in general and like to find new strange build concepts that no one has (possibily) seen before.
Let me know!

I have opened a recruitment thread for Iron Gods. Link is below.

Click me

Hi there, I'm looking to get back into PbP, I've started playing in a few, but they all didn't work out. Im interested in Tyrant's Grasp, having both played in and DMed a Carrion Crown (although I would totally play that again as well). Crimson Throne is also a favorite of mine!

I’m going to run the Ironfang Invasion AP and will have a thread up later tonight. There is a ton of folks that missed out on a run and I’ll have five spots as my son will be playing (he’s heading off to college so opportunity for us to continue to play together).

I’ll do a lottery for selection as it’s obvious there is so many great submissions already.

Liberty's Edge

Anyone else running Ironfang Invasion?

Scarab Sages

I’d like to play an AP. Recently tried out a medium for a bit and I’d really like to play one of those again. Also really wanna try a Unicorn or Phoenix bloodline Sorcerer.

I’ve already played most of Curse of the crimson throne, all of skull and shackles, and am currently on book five of war for the crown, other than that, good to go.

We have one spot left for our Emerald Spire campaign. The PCs are in the first level of Thornkeep at present, so you still have time to get in on all the glorious Emerald Spire exploration.

Recruitment thread here.

Six days until I close it again.

Scarab Sages

Anyone planning on running a Return of the Runelords game? I’m going to try and start one up IRL in a few months and I’d appreciate a going through it (at least a little bit) in order to get a solid grasp for how to run at least the first book.

Grand Lodge

I'm looking to play an AP, any AP really. Currently running Ruins of Azlant IRL, so that would be a last choice. I don't have any specific characters I would throw out there, but would be willing to fill any spot.

How's Ruins of Azlant? it keeps looking at me seductively from my shelf... I've wanted to read it for a while but saving it in case I get to play it one day.

PS: our group is currently towards the end of book 5 of Hell's Rebels, and we've been playing it for 3 or 4 years not at the average rate of once a month. We play about 2-3 AP simultaneously, each Friday (1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, etc.) alternating GM to make it easier on prep and less likely to result in burnout. But APs are a bear. They require massive commitment and extreme luck in order to keep a group together long enough to finish one. It was easier to run through an AP back in the days of the Dungeon magazine due to their smaller installment size... APs are fantastic in terms of quality, but I find their huge size and the required time commitment the main disadvantage in running/playing them.

I am a PC from a Ruins of Azlant game that couldn't get through the first book; the GM ghosted. My personal experience is that GMs ghosting on games is the leading cause of them not making headway.

I liked what we played through and wanted to play more.

Silver Crusade

I’ve got a sage sorcerer concept I’ve been saving for Ruins of Azlant!

Me too. I have a summoner that made it through a few battles in Ruins and the GM quit. I really, really liked how the character was working in the game.

As for commitment, that is my strong suit. You will find better writers (I'd say I'm average) but you will NOT find someone with a higher level of commitment. Even vacations and deaths in the family don't keep me from posting.

Grand Lodge

I really enjoy the story of Ruins, but our group is also seeing an issue with commitment. We are just finishing book 1 now and are likely to be loosing half of the players soon. Luckily, we have found new blood to take their place.

We tried starting Hell's Rebels, but one of our players was a complete newbie and she didn't particularly like the rebellion mechanic, so we stopped after only a couple sessions.

I would love to be a player on something. I have a catalog of characters that I create as I dream of playing them. I have read the entirety of Ruins, so I feel like that would be an unfair advantage to play, however.

Hello everyone.

Is this thread (or the entire forum, really) only for PbP games? Because I'm looking for a game, but had an awful experience with PbP, and I'm not so sure I want to try it again. Might change my mind, if convinced by someone's honeyed words.

Yep. PBP only. There's another forum (Gamer Connections) for in-person games.

Let me just say, though, PBP is great. Well, as great as in-person playing. As always, you'll have good games and bad games, but the overall experience is net positive.

A few tips when figuring out what games to go for (none of these are absolutes, but are trends I've noticed across dozens of games I've been in, good and bad):
Generally speaking, the higher-powered the creation rules (templates, Mythic, monsters as PCs, etc.) the shorter-lived the game.
GMs who run APs are generally more likely to carry through their plan.

Hopefully you give PBP another chance, it's an entirely different type of game compared to in-person, which is just something that needs to be accepted, but if you can accept it, you will never* again be in want of a game.

Ok Dαedαlus, I will give PbP another chance.

So, what I'm looking for is a Rise of the Runelords game. I've played through the first module a couple of years ago, but never managed to finish the second one with my former group. It would be great to play the entire story, and even if I know some bits of it I won't do meta-plays, of this I can assure you.

I prefer medium sized groups, 4-5 PCs top, and don't like the use of 3rd party material or houserules. I'm open to play other APs, but prefer to play those connected to Varisia and the Runelords in chronological order, to get the best experience storywise.

For RotRL (do we still use this acronym now that Return of the Runelords has been published?) I have already a character concept in my mind, a human cleric of Desna, but can adapt to the rest of the party, and in case we're playing some other AP I can come up with character ideas pretty easily. Just don't make me play a wizard, please.

Ok, so now that I have stated what I'm looking for, how does this recruitment work? Do I just have to wait for someone to send me a message? Or do I have to keep an eye on this thread? Also, is this the only place to search for a group to play Pathfinder PbP with?

Thank you in advance for your answers.

PS: I'm from Italy, my time zone is CEST (GMT+2). I don't know if it's necessary to specify this for a PbP group, but better safe than sorry, no?

If your looking to join a game look for recruitment threads In recruitment for Online Campaigns or In Online Campaigns and look for Recruitment threads

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