Mistress Kayltanya

Paynne's page

15 posts. Alias of Atlas2112.

Organized Play Characters

The Illegitimate
Dark Archive Dieb Geist

M Elven Arcanist 1 hp6/6 init: +5 Spells: 1st:2/3 AC:12 AR4/5 (100 posts)
Ageless Master
Liberty's Edge Galador Imrael

Init:+0 Perc: +4 | Insp = Yes! Human Artificer 2| AC:17 | HP: 19/19 | 1st: 2/2 2nd: 0/0 | (501 posts)
Vhalhisstre Vexidyre
Dark Archive Imagine

HP 46/46 SP: 49/49 DR: 6/- FF: 5/2 RP: 10/10 | 1st: 6/6 2nd: 4/4 3rd: 3/3 EAC: 20 KAC: 21 | Init: +2 | Perc: +15/16 | F: +6 R: +7 W: +9 | Atk:+8/2d4| Human Mys 7 | (408 posts)
Liberty's Edge Bannock

M| Atk:+4/2d6+4 |Bless: 4/4| FX: Dwarf WarPriest 1 | AC:18 | HP: 11/11 | Per: +3 | 1st: 2/2 | F:+5 R: +1 W:+5 | Init: +5 (258 posts)
Liberty's Edge Liath Gwenilian

Atk:+12/d8+8| Init: +3|CMD: 15 Perc: +9|FX: | F: 5/6 |SW rnds: 5/5 | SA mins: 3/5| Warpriest 6|DF: +3 |AC 22/11/16| F:+8 R+4 W+8| HP 41/67| 1st: 3/5 (4/4) 2nd: 2/4 (2/2) 3rd: 2/2 Bls: 5/6 | (166 posts)
Dark Archive Fr. Murphy
(184 posts)
Female Fighter
Liberty's Edge Gwendolen

F Human Warpriest 1 AC 17 HP 10/10 Blessings: 3/4 1st: 2/2 Ranseur:+5/+6, w/Reach (114 posts)
Erdrinneir Vonnarc
Dark Archive Retzack the Black

m Goblin Necromancer lvl 5 | HP: 18/20 | Armor: Wait, what? | XP: 3/12 | Toe Eaten?: Nope | Bodies: 4/5 |Power: 3 (250 posts)
Dark Archive James Zenfon

m Human(Revolution) Golemoid 2 Init.+4 AC 20 HP: 21/21 (43 posts)
Jagrin Grath
Dark Archive Orion the Hunter
(229 posts)
Dark Archive Geist Denken

m Elf Arcanist 1 (1 post)
Dark Archive Isagoras the Light
(544 posts)
Dark Archive Volita Involo

| 49/56 PP | Init: +6 | Per:+8 | HP 35/35 | AC: 21 | F: +3 R: +5 W: +6
Humavian lvl6 Psion Shaper (210 posts)
Sunlord Thalachos
Dark Archive Imrael

Outsider WarPriest 6 | HP 48/48 | AC 20/13/16 | Init +7 Perc: +6 | 1st: 5/5 2nd: 4/4 | Fervor: 4/4 ||Atk: +10/2d4+10 w/REACH |FX: +1 save War blessing (211 posts)
Darius Finch
Dark Archive Anton P. Merovach

Viv: HP: 20/20 | +5/d6 x2 | AC: 15| Human Robotiscist Mech 2 | HP 16/16 SP: 12/12 RP: 5/5 | EAC: 13 KAC: 14 | Init: +7 | Perc: +5 | F: +3 R: +6 W: +0 | Atk:+4/d6 (395 posts)
Rohkar Cindren
Dark Archive Thomas Roland
(698 posts)


Vhalhisstre Vexidyre
Dark Archive "Imagine," Kara Luthor

Girl Human | A: +0/+12 |D: +2 | T:+22|F: +10||R:+5 |W:+16(MS11)|Conditions: Flying; |
useful pastes:
[i][b]' '[b][i]
(113 posts)
Marcos Farabellus
Acquisitives Agnar Valbrandr

Init:+5 Perc: +4 |ATK: +7/d10+5| Shots: 1/2| Mv = 40'| Ogrun GunMage 1| AC:19 | HP: 12/12 | 1st: 0/1| (156 posts)
Priestess of Nethys
Dark Archive Alanna "Wraith" Whiteangel

Android Op 3 | HP 22/22 SP: 14/21 RP: 7/7 |  EAC: 19 KAC: 19 | Init: +6 | Perc: +8 | F: +1 R: +7 W: +3 | Atk:+7/d6+1 (507 posts)
Priestess of Nethys
Liberty's Edge Alison "Wraith" WhiteAngel

Gynoid Op 2 | HP 22/22 SP:21/21 RP: 7/7 |  EAC: 16 KAC: 17 | Init: +4 | Perc: +5 | F: +1 R: +7 W: +3 | Atk:+7/d6+1 (193 posts)
Priestess of Nethys
Liberty's Edge Allison "Wraith" WhiteAngel

Fast 2 Dedicated 1 | +7 2d6 | HP: 22/22 | 27/18/19 | Perc: +2 (425 posts)
Priestess of Nethys
Sovereign Court Anya "Wraith" Whiteangel
(457 posts)
Tallow Golem
Dark Archive Assaultmech Atlas 21-12

C0mbat Cyb0rg B3nn1es: 2/3 | W0undz: 0 | T0ughne$$: 24 (12) | P4ce: 8[d10] | Notice:d4+2 |
useful :
[bigger][b] [b][bigger]
(336 posts)
Akron Erix
Silver Crusade Brian WhiteAngel

Init:+4 Perc: +3 |ATK: +5/d8+3| Ins: 2/3| Brian WhiteAngel Human Bard 3| AC:17 | HP: 22/24 | 1st: 4/4 2nd: 2/2| (355 posts)
Silver Crusade Brother Aterro

Human Paladin(FEAR) 7/Warlock {FEAR} 1| AC: 20 | HP: 75/80 {0}{Fire & Acid Resistance}|HD 7| LoH: 10/35| Sense: 4/4|Dread: 2/3| Con:+5 Wis:+5 Dex:+4|Smite: 2d8/lvl|CDiv: 0/1| melee: +8/2d8+6 {x2}|Init: +0 Perc: +2 | Insp = YES! |1st: 4/4 2nd : 2/3 | W 1st: 0/1 Hex (1,262 posts)
Silver Crusade Brother Aterro Dominatus

PP: 9/10 B3nn1es: 3/3 | W0undz: 0 |P4rry 8[10]/RATN:[6] |T0ughne$$: 22(11) | P4ce: 8/d10 |Cha:+2| N0t1ce: d4 (113 posts)
Silver Crusade Brother Attero Dominatus

Armor: 1, Special: 1 Heavy: 1 | Rig 2 Helm 1 Scramble 1 Scrap 2 Command 1 Sway 1 | | Insight: 1 Prowess: 3 Resolve: 2 | Stress: 0| XP: 0 (204 posts)
Silver Crusade Captain Attero
(45 posts)
Bloodstone Swords
Liberty's Edge Daniel "Sharpshooter" Morgan

Atk:+5/d10| Init: +7|CMD: 15 Perc: +3|FX: | SnkAtk +0d6 Slayer (Sniper) 1| |AC 19| F:+5 R+4 W+0| HP 12/12 (253 posts)
Legion Archon
Dark Archive Dunwich Horror

Injury: 0 | HP:3 Perception +5 | Initiative +12 | Fortitude +8 | Will +4 | Dodge +8 | Parry +8| Toughness +8| Atk +8, DC23, multi. (131 posts)
Dataphiles Emma Whiteangel

Parry: 4| TOU: 6(2) {}|PP: 10/15| Bennies: 3/3| (148 posts)
Lictor Severs
Liberty's Edge Gauis Marcus Arvitus

Init:+1 Perc: +4{Passive: 19}{P. Invest: 22} | Insp = Yes!| +7/d8+4 x2| FS: 1 C: 1| Artificer 5| AC:19 | HP: 43/43{5} | 1st: 4/4 2nd: 2/2| (314 posts)
Dark Archive GM_Atlas2112

SWBT test map (410 posts)
Akron Erix
Silver Crusade Gorn Steelbreaker

Init:+3 | Perc: +5| Insp = | +5/d8+3|Shillelagh| Berries: | Shape: 2/2|W:+6 D:+4 C:+4 Druid 3 {Circle of the M00n}| AC 16 | HP 27/27 | 1st: 3/4 2nd: 2/2 (709 posts)
The Exchange Hank Rearden

M Human | Charges: 0/3 | Gadgets: 4/4 | Ammo: 2/3 | HP: 16/19 | Armor: Wait, what? | XP: 11/8| LvL: 1 (101 posts)
Ageless Master
Liberty's Edge Jack Elroy Powers

High Concept: Technophile! Trouble: Curiosity Trumps Caution. PHOENIX HAWK (445 posts)
Karzoug the Claimer
Dark Archive James "Power" WhiteAngel

Heelz: 5/5 |Lucky: 2/3 |FX: Human Celestial Warlock 4| AC: 14 | HP: 36/36[8] | 2nd: 2/2 | Init: +3 Perc: +4 | (155 posts)
Aron Kir
Liberty's Edge Jimmy, the Survivor
(10 posts)
Wayfinders John "Johnny Boy" O'Connell

Init:+3 | Perc: +6| Insp = | +6/d8+4| Shillelagh Hill Dwarf Druid 1 {Circle of the M00n}| AC 16 | HP 14/14 | 1st: 1/2 | GB: 6 (104 posts)
Vhalhisstre Vexidyre
Dark Archive Kara "Imagine" Luthor

Hybrid Girl| Notice d4|BennEEz: 4 Parry:6 Tough:12(2) ForceF: 1{Life}| RATN: 7| Wounds: 0/4|Absorb: All{R}| (430 posts)
Liberty's Edge Kara the Silvertongue

Heelz: 3/3 |Lucky: 3/3 |FX: Human Celestial Warlock 2| AC: 13 | HP: 19/19 | 1st: 2/2 | Init: +3 Perc: +4 | (274 posts)
Priestess of Pharasma
Scarab Sages Kyrie, the Remorseless

Evoker 3| HP 23/23 | 1st: 4/4[(P:3/3)] 2nd: 2/3 Focus: 1/1 | FM: 7/10 | AC (MA:16)12/12/10 | F+4, R +5, W+6 | Perc:+4 | Initiative +9 (360 posts)
Lictor Severs
Acquisitives Lex_Luthor
(10 posts)
Bloodfire Sorcerer
Sovereign Court Liath Jasmine

Thaco: 19 Half orc Cleric 2 (Scholar Priest)/Fighter 2 | HP: 13/18 | AC: 6 |spells: 1st: 2/4 | melee: +4/d4+8 (114 posts)
Count Haserton Lowis IV
Dark Archive Lord Borak the Despoiler

Notice: d6, Parry: 7, Faith!: d10 | [RATN: 6]| Toughness: 6(1) PP: 10/15 | Bennies: 2/3 |wounds 0/3 (288 posts)
Liberty's Edge Mal Steelcutter

Parry: 8| TOU: 10(2){Bal}| RATN: 6 {shield}| PP: 15/15| Notice: d4| Bennies: 3/3| (206 posts)

Dark Archive Nekron, the Dark Lord
(1 post)
Sargavan Pathfinder
The Exchange Nicola Tesla

Bluff: (+5)***, Concentration 5, Diplomacy (+5)***, Gather Information +10***, Notice 10, Search 10, Sense Motive (+5)***, Stealth 2, Investigate 10***, Knowledge (Technology) 10***, Profession (Engineer) 6
Human | Init: +13 | F: +2 R+1 W+1 | Def: +0 Atk: +0/+5 | Tou: +10 | Dmg: HP: 36/40 | (100 posts)
Mistress Kayltanya
Dark Archive Payn

Female Half-Elf Magus 4| AC (18)16/14/12| F:+5 R+3 W+3| HP 34/34| 1st: 4/5 2nd: 1/2 | APool: 7/7 |Atk: +6| Init: +2|CMD: 18 | Perc: +2| FX: Bull's Strength, Shield (186 posts)
Masquerade Womane
Dark Archive Payn, the Bloodthief

Theurge 1| AC 12/12/10| F:+1 R+2 W+6| HP (1)5/8 | 1st: A: 1/2 D: 0/2 |Atk: +2| Init: +4| Perc: +6| FX: (60 posts)
Mistress Kayltanya
Dark Archive Paynne

H Female| Cleric 1/Sorc 4 | AC 12 | Hp 35/35 | Init: +8 | Perce: + | (15 posts)
Akron Erix
Liberty's Edge Phraanz the Pahpinator
(7 posts)
Sunlord Thalachos
Dark Archive Propoket the Many
(1 post)
Imron Gauthfallow
Dark Archive Rankev "Power" Davis

Human Evoker 1| HP 8/8 | 1st: 1/3 2nd: 0/0 Focus: 1/1 | FM: 5/7 | AC 12/12/10 | F+1, R +2, W+2 | Perc:+5 | Initiative +4 (363 posts)
Dark Archive Red the Mother
(12 posts)
Dark Archive Retzack, the Black

m Human(?) Vampire 1 | HP: 21/21 | Armor: 1 | XP: 5/8 | Blood: 5/7 | Hunger: 0 | FX: scarred (195 posts)
Mistress Kayltanya
Dark Archive Sophie "Payn" Calrin

Tiefling (Sexy!) female Warlock 2| AC: 14 | HP: (0)13/17 | 1st: 2/2 | HD: 0/2 | Init: +2 Perc: +0 | Insp?: no =( |FX: (71 posts)
The Fifth Archdaemon
Dark Archive A stranger, in the dark.

MasterMind 1 | HP: 16/18 | Hold: 0 | XP: 1/8 | Armor: 1, but can't we make an arrangement? | (48 posts)
Liberty's Edge Thorgrim of the Red Shield

Insp = YES!| SURGE! = 0 | 2ndWind = 0| Shadow = 1/0 | Rage? 0/1| male weaponMASTER 7| AC 16 | HP: 60/74| Pass Percep 16 | Melee x2: [dice d20+10[/dice [dice 2d6+7[/dice (575 posts)
The Clockwork General
Silver Crusade Training mech "Golem"

Battlemech | A: +10 | D: 0 |T:+15|F: +15||R:+0|W:+11(MS11) | Init: +12 |Conditions: Flying (16 posts)
Silver Crusade Varus Arminius

Commander (265 posts)
Imron Gauthfallow
Dark Archive Wolfgang von Goethe

Human gentleman Warlock 1| AC: 13 | HP: 8/10 | 1st: 1/1 | Init: +3 Perc: +0 | FX: FX: (349 posts)