All According To Plan
When you get into danger in a location where you or someone loyal to you has had time to prepare, roll (INT). On a 10+, hold 3. On a 7-9, hold 2. On a miss, hold 1, but something goes horribly wrong.
The GM will tell you what. Spend 1 hold and describe the
preparations you activate to:
-Deal your damage to all enemies in the area.
-Open or seal a passage or escape route.
-Make an ally's failed Hack and Slash, Volley, Defend or Defy Danger work as if they rolled a 7. They still mark XP.
When you give a grandiose speech about your plans or motivations (actual or made up) roll+CHA.
On a hit,you have the full attention of your audience and they are unable to do anything until you stop talking. On a 10+, your speech builds up to a climactic action gain +1 forward to any move you make at the end of your speech.
On a miss, you should have kept your mouth shut.
My Loyal Servant
Servant = Hireling with no cost and no skills and never need to make a loyalty roll.
Your servant can never be permanently lost, by getting them back may require some work.
A wagon the size of a small cottage.
Camouflaged. (Difficult to spot due to SEP field.)
Legged (can climb at any angle).
Secret. (No one knows about it until you tell them.)
Staffed. (hireling with cost:Remain at Headquarters. loyalty 2 and 3 in a single skill. Priest 3)
Ministry—When you make camp with a priest if you would normally heal you heal +skill HP. First Aid—When a priest staunches your wounds heal 2×skill HP. You take -1 forward as their healing is painful and distracting.