
Volita Involo's page

210 posts. Organized Play character for Atlas2112.

Full Name

Volita Involo (nee Donough )




Humavian lvl6 Psion Shaper


| 49/56 PP | Init: +6 | Per:+8 | HP 35/35 | AC: 21 | F: +3 R: +5 W: +6







Strength 11
Dexterity 16
Constitution 13
Intelligence 21
Wisdom 13
Charisma 11

About Volita Involo

Age: 22 years
Height: 5'4"
Weight: 130
Eyes: Sky Blue eyes
Hair: Harvest Wheat hair
Character Level: 5
EXP Points Gained:
EXP To Next Level:
AC 21 (+5 armor, +3 shield, +3 dex), touch 15, flat-footed 16
CMD 12
HP 33 (6+1+1)(3+1+1)(3+1+1)(3+1+1)(3+1+1)
Fort (1) +3, Ref (1) +5, Will (4) +6 (+1 cloak)
Init +5
Speed 30 ft, fly 40'
CMB +0
Ranged (+2 BAB, +3 dex) = +5
Melee (+2 BAB, +0 str)

Strength: 11 (+0)
Dexterity: 16 (+3)
Constitution: 13 (+1)
Intelligence: 21 (+5)
Wisdom: 13 (+1)
Charisma: 11 (+0)


Reactionary: You were bullied often as a child, but never quite developed an offensive response. Instead, you became adept at anticipating sudden attacks and reacting to danger quickly. You gain a +2 trait bonus on initiative checks.

Psigifted (DSP PU:UP): Astral Construct is +1 effective manifester level

Class traits:

Summoner’s Call (Ex)

At 2nd level, if you maintain focus when manifesting a power of the creation subdiscipline, the duration is increased by 1 round plus 1 round for every four psion levels. In addition, your astral constructs gain an additional menu option of the highest menu available when you manifest the power.

Spooooooky traits:
She also gains Devil Sight out to 60 feet, meaning even supernatural darkness does not hinder her sight. Oh, and you treat the Mancatcher as a weapon you have proficiency with. You lose the devil sight when it's not in your hand.

----------------=Race Traits=-------------------

Normal Speed
Fly Speed

1st(Racial): Talented (Expend Focus to not take damage from Overchannel)
1stP: Boost Construct (+1 advance from highest)
1st: Overchannel (take 1d8 damage to boost power by +1 lvl)(8th lvl, +2/3d8)
3rd: Expanded Knowledge (Vit2--Empathic Transfer)
5th: Advanced Construct (more options)
5thP: Expanded Knowledge (Vit3--Empathic Transfer, Hostile)
---------------=Skills=- (0 points; 0 class, 0 INT)---------------
Autohypnosis11 6--y--Wis+2
Craft (Int)____+8{+3rank,+5Int}
Disable Device____+0{+0rank,+0Dex}
Disguise (Cha)____+4{+1rank,+3Cha}
Escape Artist*(Dex)____+0{+0rank,+0Dex}
Handle Animal (Cha)____+0{+0rank,+0Cha}
Knowledge (Arcana)(Int)____+0{+0rank,+0Int}
Knowledge (Dungeoneering)(Int)____+0{+0rank,+0Int}
Knowledge (Engineering)(Int)____+0{+0rank,+0Int}
Knowledge (Geography)(Int)____+0{+0rank,+0Int}
Knowledge (History)(Int)____+0{+0rank,+0Int}
Knowledge (Local)(Int)____+6{+1rank,+5Int}
Knowledge (Nature)(Int)____+6{+1rank,+5Int}
Knowledge (Nobility)(Int)____+0{+0rank,+0Int}
Knowledge (Planes) (Int)____+0{+0rank,+0Int}
Knowledge (Religion) (Int)____+0{+0rank,+0Int}
Sense Motive(Wis)____+3{+1rank,+2Wis}
Sleight of Hand*(Dex)____+0{+0rank,+0Dex}
Stealth* (Dex)____+5{+1rank,+4Dex}
Use Magic Device(Cha)____+2{+2rank,+0Cha}

ACP -0

*ACP applies to these skills
^In Class Skill Bonus +3
-=Non-Standard Skill Bonuses=-

-=Languages=- Common[/spoiler]

---===Special Abilities===---:

-------------------------------=SPECIAL/CLASS ABILITIES=-------------------------------
Summoner’s Call (Ex)

At 2nd level, if you maintain focus when manifesting a power of the creation subdiscipline, the duration is increased by 1 round plus 1 round for every four psion levels. In addition, your astral constructs gain an additional menu option of the highest menu available when you manifest the power.


PP: 15+35+6(FavCls) = 56

Powers Known:

0) Detect Psionics

Astral Construct
Vigor (+5 hp, +5/1PP)
Ectoplasmic Sheen (Grease)
Decceleration (speed is halved)
Disable (W or believe Disabled)
Crystal Shard (1PP/+1d6 dmg)
Entangling Ectoplasm (Ranged touch, no save, entangled)

Energy Adaption, Specified (Resist 10 one type)
Energy Stun (Lightning)
Share Pain (2 subjects, one takes half dmg of other)
Inflict Pain (+4 Attacks, save W -2)

Emapathic Transfer(Ex. Know: Vitalist 2) (Target heals 2d10, I take half that. +1PP/+2d10)

Share Pain--Forced (Ranged: Close (25+ Fort or take half my damage)
Body Purification
Ectoplasmic Cocoon (R or held)
Body Adjustment (heal 1d12, +2PP/+1d12 hp)
Vit3--Empathic Transfer, Hostile) (Touch attack, 50 hp of damage, W for half, heal equal amount)

-----------------------------=0th (at will)=--------------------------------

------------------------------=1st (0/day)=------------------------------


-------------------------------=GEAR/POSSESSIONS=-------------------------- -----
Scholar's Outfit (0 lb.)
Mithril Shirt +1(Power Resistance 13) (6/+6/-0)
Heavy Wooden Shield of Heartening (+2/-2) (+5 hp as Immediate Action)
Boots of Landing
Cloak of Resistance +1
1-pt Cog Crystal x
1-pt Cog Crystal x
1-pt Cog Crystal
3-pt Cog Crystal

Bandolier-R Shoulder (0 lb)
flask of acid 1 lb
Bandolier-L Shoulder (0 lb)

Handy Haversack holds:
50' Silk Rope (5lb)
Water skin (4 lb.)
5 Days of trail rations (5 lb.)
Hooded lantern (2 lb.)
1 Oil [1-pint flask] (1 lb.)
Hip flask--strong Rumboozle (1lb)
Flint and steel, whistle, chalk (0 lb.)

-=Carrying Capacity=-
Light 0-33 lb. Medium 34-67 lb. Heavy 68-100 lb.
-=Current Load Carried=- 27 lb.

-=Money=- 172 GP 8 SP 20 CP

Construct stats:

Construct stats: lvl 4 A:Utility, Trip | B: Extra Attack, Muscle(+4)

[dice=attack1] 1d20 + 14 [/dice]
[dice=damage] 1d6 + 12 [/dice]
[dice=attack2] 1d20 + 14 [/dice]
[dice=damage] 1d6 + 12 [/dice]

AC: 22/12/20
HP: 47
F: +1 R: +3 W: +1
Speed: 40
Size: M

Construct stats: lvl 4 A: Trip, Flight(20') | B: Extra Attack, Muscle(+4)

[dice=attack1] 1d20 + 14 [/dice]
[dice=damage] 1d6 + 12 [/dice]
[dice=attack2] 1d20 + 14 [/dice]
[dice=damage] 1d6 + 12 [/dice]

AC: 22/12/20
HP: 47
F: +1 R: +3 W: +1
Speed: 40
Size: M

Lvl 1 construct:

Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, Perception –
AC [19], touch 14, flat-footed 17 (+2 Dex, +5 natural, +1 size)
HP 20 (1d10+10+[5])
Fort +0, Ref +2, Will +0; Immune construct traits

Melee slam +4 melee (1d4+3)
BAB +1, CMB +2; CMD 14

[/dice=PhoneixHawk Attack 1!] 1d20 + 14 [/dice]
[/dice=damage] 1d6 + 12 [/dice]
[/dice=PhoneixHawk Attack 2!] 1d20 + 14 [/dice]
[/dice=damage] 1d6 + 12 [/dice]

[/dice=Hunchback Attack 1!] 1d20 + 14 [/dice]
[/dice=damage] 1d6 + 12 [/dice]
[/dice=Hunchback attack 2!] 1d20 + 14[/dice]
[/dice=damage] 1d6 + 12 [/dice]

[/dice=Griffin Attack 1!] 1d20 + 14 [/dice]
[/dice=damage] 1d6 + 12 [/dice]
[/dice=Griffin attack2] 1d20 + 14 [/dice]
[/dice=damage] 1d6 + 12 [/dice]

3 List A: Utility, Buff (+5 hp), Deflection (+1 AC)


Character History:

Born to a poor Dorough farming community, Volita saw the world differently, and as such learned that her life had little value. Pestered and abused daily by the larger children for saying such crazy things like "Isn't there something better than keeping slaves?" and that she'd prefer to not marry the Blacksmith's third son who had three toes and never brushed his teeth, she yearned leave this life and go somewhere. Anywhere.
After spontaneously manifesting a Crystal Shard and severely lacerating the aforementioned blacksmith's child, she was sold to the local Mage College. She was worked hard as an indentured servant, over time she gained access to books, but still she longed to leave the dreary halls and see something other than the clan lands.

As fate would have it, while slaving as a scullery maid on a shipload of high-quality salt bound for trade, the ship was attacked by the hated Reville pirates. Fearing for her life, she hid in a small pantry, but as the pirates searched the ship after slaying all else aboard, she was found by a pirate. A pirate who's rich, brown hair and blood red wings framed his handsome face. He introdced himself as Gaius Involo, and that was all it took.

But Fate was not done with Volita. In a month's time, as the couple celebrated their honeymoon aboard a rented yacht, they passed too close to a Clan Borough barge, who, spying her Clan features, assumed she had been stolen, and soon the air was full of "rescuing" clansmen.

Gaius took to the air and fought like a demon, but weight of numbers cut him down swiftly. Mad with rage, Volita crafted an enormous construct which smashed and slew with great abandon. After losing half-a-dozen of their members, the Dorough barge turned with a headwind and sailed away.

Although she is now learned in the ways of the arcane, her stunted emotional life has left her with a mild sociopathic leaning. She finds it difficult to view other people as something other than pieces on the game board to be cherished, used, or sacrificed, depending on what her over-active mind deems the greater need, at the time. She understands that this is not how other people function, but, knowing little else, is at an end to seek the condition's cure. She travels now, selling her trickery, trying to find a deeper truth to the puzzle that she's missing

---===Appearance and Personality===---:

Eyes:Sky Blue eyes
Hair:Harvest Wheat hair
Height: Just short enough
Weight: Lithe

want: Psionic Meditation