About "Imagine," Kara LuthorImagine
Power Level: 12; Power Points Spent: 180/182 Attributes: [14pts]
Saves: [5 pts]
* = with Z-Belt ** = With Undercover Vest. (Defense/Toughness trade-off. Max Def/Tough = +2/+22) Combat
Skill Ranks: [4 pts]
*** = With L-Phone X
Feats: [39]
Powers: (118) Regeneration: 4 (1 check per round)
Communication (Mental) 3 (cost 3) Mind Shield 12 (Cost 12) Concealment rank 4--all visual (Cost: 8) Flight Rank 3 50 MPH (cost 6) Mind Over Matter array:[15pts]
Boost 3 (All Traits (+12)) (cost 38)
Mind Reading 12 (cost 6)
Device: LexCorp Z-Belt
Device: L-Phone X (w/ Bluetooth)
Complications: Reputation, because Luthor. Temper. Also, because Luthor. =) Gear Definition: Things that are bought with filthy, filthy money. ;-) Gear: Flashlight
Grenade belt: (5 of each:) Fragmentation
Personal Armored Car
Minions (LexCorp Elite Security) stats: Rank 12 = (10 at 135 pts each) 135/135pts Attributes: [42]
Saves: [3]
Feats: [9]
* - with LexCorp AS7-D Atlas-class Assault Suit Powers: [] Device: LexCorp AS7-D Atlas-class Assault Suit
---equivalent of Masterwork Full body assault suit: Tough+6 Gear Definition: Things that are bought with filthy, filthy money. ;-) Gear: Flashlight
GPS Receiver
Masterwork Weapons:(+1 attack roll):
Grenade belt: (5 of each:) Fragmentation
Masterwork Full body assault suit: Tough+6 Unit has Armored car (rarely uses) and helicopter and Private jet Minion: Stats 12 + Saves 5 + Feats 4 + Powers 39 LexSec rolls:
[dice=Attack1--Blaster Rifle]d20+10+1+1[/dice] [dice=Attack2--Blaster Rifle]d20+10+1+1[/dice] [dice=Attack3--Blaster Rifle]d20+10+1+1[/dice] [dice=Attack4--Blaster Rifle]d20+10+1+1[/dice] [dice=Attack5--Blaster Rifle]d20+10+1+1[/dice] [dice=Attack6--Blaster Rifle]d20+10+1+1[/dice]
Blaster power 8. Toughness save DC 23. LexSec rolls!:
[dice=Attack1--Assault Rifle Autofire!]d20+10+1+1[/dice] Hit, exceeds defense enough for autofire increase DC +5 [dice=Attack2--Assault Rifle Autofire]d20+10+1+1[/dice] Hit, exceeds defense enough for autofire increase DC +5 [dice=Attack3--Assault Rifle Autofire]d20+10+1+1[/dice] Hit, exceeds defense enough for autofire increase DC +5 [dice=Attack4--Assault Rifle Autofire]d20+10+1+1[/dice] Hit, exceeds defense enough for autofire increase DC +2 [dice=Attack5--Assault Rifle Autofire]d20+10+1+1[/dice] Hit, exceeds defense enough for autofire increase DC +5 [dice=Attack6--Assault Rifle Autofire]d20+10+1+1[/dice] Hit, exceeds defense enough for autofire increase DC +5 [dice=Attack8--Assault Rifle Autofire]d20+10+1+1[/dice]
Autofire power 10. Toughness save DC 25.
[dice=Drone2 Toughness Save!]d20+10[/dice] [dice=Drone3 Toughness Save!]d20+10[/dice] [dice=Drone4 Toughness Save!]d20+10[/dice] [dice=Drone5 Toughness Save!]d20+10[/dice] Telekinetic throw, PL 12. Str 60. [dice=Telekinetic throw Attack!]d20+12[/dice]
::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Totals: Abilities 10 + Skills 5 + Feats 21 + Powers 81 + Combat 10 + Saves 13 + Drawbacks 0 = ??? Backstory: Catherine Grant had twins. Exactly how she met Lex Luthor has been lost to history: She won't tell and Lex always gives a different story, but during her separation from Joe Morgan, before the divorce was finalized, the two grew close. Although the relationship didn't last, children have a way of being around for awhile, so Lex, in the round-a-bout logic of geniuses, offered to take care of his half of responsibility. And that he did. He took one child. Lex Luthor being Lex Luthor, he wasn't one to leave nature alone, so he seized on a golden opportunity to conduct a massive genetic experiment. Of course he focused on the genes governing intellect. Of course he went too far. As Kara went from a precocious toddler to a school-aged child, her advanced intellect began to assert itself, and when she was advanced three grades in one year, he considered it a success. But it didn't stop there. Around puberty she had to be sent to Arkham because "the voices...Th3 v0iCEs w0n'T ST0p." Kara's mental ability was beginning to engage, so she heard the inner monologue of everyone around her. Unbearable in a normal school setting, it was a hellish nightmare in an insane asylum. By excerting her Luthor-gifted force of will she was eventually able to control the telepathic powers, and by the age of 18 she was not only able to read minds, but control them as well. In time she focused her dominating will into a moderate ability to fly. During one of the ubiquitous Arkham breakouts, Kara exited her cell and searched for her father. It didn't take long. Though she went there with the intent of killing him, he, being who he is, talked her into not only not killing him, but of taking up the mantle. He would give her executive powers over a sub-division of LexCorp, and there she could prove herself. Sink or swim, she controlled her destiny. Suffice to say business comes easy to a telepath. Kara can be said with no exaggeration to be a Captain of Industry. As the Executive Vice President of Intelidyne, a R&D division of LexCorp, she has access to the latest in technological research and several hundred employees. Although Kara has recovered enough sanity to function in polite society, her upbringing has left her sociopathic tendencies...and an altruistic shooting like a lone man in an abandoned prison. She is in a constant mental struggle, at once not caring about people, while also knowing that she is in a position to help mankind on possibly a global scale. Two inventions of Intellidyne have caught even her eye. The first is the personal protection device called the Z-Belt. Capable of projecting a field impervious to normal bullets as well as mildly enhancing the body of it's users through focused photo-electrical stimulation of cells, the belt is only limited by its short charge. However, plugging it in to any normal outlet will usually replenish it to full strength in about an hour. Also, in a bow to pragmatism, Lex has assigned a full squad of his elite Lex-Sec security guards to "watch after his little girl." These men are hardened fighters, trained in the use of modern tactics and weapons, such as the STG-3R Stinger stun gun, and the WHM-6R Warhammer pulse rifle. But most impressive are the jump-suits the Lex-Sec wear. The AS7-D Atlas Battle Suit is designed for close combat, personal flight, and generates a personal protection field nearly the equivalent of a Z-Belt. Integral in the suit is a medical unit capable of saving a trooper from death, or bringing them back, if left in the suit long enough. The Lex-Sec troopers standard operating procedure is to tail Imagine and camp out on the roof of whatever building she is currently in. If she leaves the country, they have their own jet in which to follow. |