1st: Point-Blank Shot
You get a +1 bonus on attack and damage rolls with ranged weapons at ranges of up to 30 feet.
Favored Class: Golemoid
1stlvl: +1hp
2ndlvl: +1hp
Manite Override Programming(Never Stop Shooting): When the meat brain is no longer able to progress toward the mission objective, an auxiliary system will engage.
If your hit point total drops to 0 or lower but you are not dead, you may act as if disabled rather than dying (as if you possessed the Diehard feat). However, you can use your actions only to draw a firearm, reload a firearm, or attack with a firearm.
Enhanced Dampening Field (Highlander): Rubberized topical applicants and lubricants resistant to viscosity breakdown reduce significant operational noise.
You gain a +1 trait bonus on Stealth checks, and Stealth is always a class skill for you. This trait bonus increases to +2 in hilly or rocky areas.
Basic Combat Specialization: Gunner: The golemoid has a powerful integrated firearm
mounted in his body. This implant is mechanically identical to a
Rifle. This special implanted firearm cannot
be disarmed, and can be readied, fired, and reloaded while leaving
the hands free. The golemoid reloads his weapons as if he had the
Rapid Reload feat for his internal firearm’s type, so long as he
uses his internal stockpile of ammunition. The golemoid can store
up to twice his Constitution in spare ammunition in this stockpile,
and can refill this reservoir as a standard action. The golemoid
may store any combination of ammunition types, and may choose
freely from among them when reloading his weapon.
Magical weapon enhancements and abilities may be added
to the golem’s integrated firearm as per the normal rules for
Gunner firearms are mounted in an arm, and can be drawn or stowed
with a move action. While stowed, the artillery system is difficult
to detect (+10 to Sleight of Hand checks to conceal the weapons).
A gunner can spend a steam point as a swift action to gain a +2
bonus to all ranged attack rolls with his integrated firearm until
the start of his next turn.
Steam Mastery (Su): In addition to using steam points to
power his various implants, a golemoid can also spend a steam
point to do any of the following:
l Cast detect magic as a spell-like ability, using the golemoid’s
class level as his caster level. This is a standard action.
l Release a burst of steam from his body as a swift action,
granting the golemoid a +2 deflection bonus to Armor Class until
the beginning of his next turn.
l Gain a +4 morale bonus to his attack rolls or Strength
checks to break inanimate objects, and ignores the first 5 points
of hardness when breaking objects. This is a swift action.
l Release a burst of steam from his feet as a free action,
allowing him to make any Acrobatics check to jump as if from
a running start.
A golemoid’s artificial body grants him an innate +2 bonus
on all saving throws against poison and disease.
Even a low level golemoid is immediately recognizable as a heavily
augmented being and may face distrust or derision at the hands
of those who fear his kind. The Disguise skill can be used to
attempt to conceal his artificial nature, though this is as difficult
as concealing himself as a member of another race(-2). Obvious use
of golemoid abilities will, naturally, ruin any attempt at passing
for normal.
Steam Reserve (Su): A golemoid is more adept at utilizing
manite implants than most, allowing him to generate an intense
personal reserve of magical power to facilitate their use. While
many implants offer passive effects, some are activated through the use of steam points. The number of points in a golemoid’s
steam reserve is equal to his level + his Constitution modifier. A
golemoid can regenerate his steam reserve by resting for 8 hours,
once per 24 hour period.
Integrated Scabbard (Ex): This implant adds a (non-concealed)
sheath or scabbard to the golemoid, allowing him to securely
carry a single weapon or a pair of light weapons. Weapons in
integrated scabbards can be drawn as a free action. Alternately, a
Gunner golemoid can use this implant to store ammuniction for
firearms. It can store up to 50 bullets, which are considered part
of the golemoid’s internal ammunition stockpile.
Skill Booster (Su): Select one skill when this implant is
implanted. The golemoid gains a +2 enhancement bonus to that
skill. This implant may be taken multiple times, but affects a
different skill each time it is implanted.
Minor Resistance Generator (Su): The golemoid gains a +1
resistance bonus to one of his saving throws (Fortitude, Reflex,
or Will). The user may change the affected saving throw by
spending a Steam Point as a standard action. The bonus affects
the chosen saving throw until the golemoid spends another Steam
Point to change it again.
Iron Corium - The golemoid’s skeletal structure is reinforced with a thin leafing of alchemically treated iron. This provides DR 1 / -. This damage resistance stacks with damage resistance from other sources.
Wall Walker (Su): Due to a series of magical adhesive pads
built into his hands, elbows, knees, and feet, the golemoid gains a
climb speed equal to his base movement. This ability is activated
by spending a steam point as a standard action and lasts up to ten
minutes per level.
In the third year of the reign of Most Illustrious Praetor Pevensy, the mega-colony of Ravendusk was hit by what would later be called the "AngelFire": A massive fire elemental burned a potion of the town and razed the Praetorian Palace before leaving as quickly as it had appeared.
The Ravendusk legion had been away rending assistance to the city-state of Hardrada in a year-long campaign against the Forces of Shadow, and returned to face an enraged Praetor.
The Most Illustrious Praetor casually mentioned to Drakona-Legatus Avitus that the legion would need to forgo the next three years pay for the sake of rebuilding the Palace. While this was a suggestion, refusal would of course mean death.
Avitus refused.
With the legion not yet fully bivouacked, Marcus commanded all personnel to follow him into the Stamford Marsh, an area considered uninhabitable due to an unnaturally hostile wildlife. The legion carved out a place of its own, and began selling its swords to the highest bidder.
The Ravendusk Legion (now renamed the "Grey Death") continued in this manner until Quartermaster Tiberius mention to the Drakona-Legatus that, while wounds of almost any level could be alleviated, the deaths had mounted to the point that the legion needed fresh blood. Thus began the "Crowning Campaign" and the legion began accepting qualifying applicants. Due to the need, both Drow and surface-dwellers were considered and enrolled into the non-enhanced Scouting Forces.
One such applicant was James Zenfon who eked out a living as a Major in the local militia. After he found out what the legion did and how much it paid, he enrolled as a Legio and signed his name with a vengeance. Before long his exemplary service had earned him the rank of Decurio.
It was during the Harthacanute campaign that an exemplary Decurio was wounded direly. His commanding officer, Forward Hastati Centurion Varus, pleaded desperately for the one operation that could save his life.
So persuasive were his words that Decurio James Zenfon became the first surface dweller in legion history to undergo golemification.
His existence might have gone forward without note, were it not for the beseeches of the colony Athen-Umbra. It had been beset by a wave of abominations, and the Grey Death legion marched quickly to its untenable situation, and its promises of gold.
While camped outside a farm of little note, the farmer himself approached Drakona-Legatus Avitus and advised him of some...disturbing happenings at a nearby mining town of Hollow's End.
The Drakona-Legatus was about to ignore the ramblings and march on when the farmer came out with ten dozen loaves of bread and 12 suckling pigs.
It was decided that the legion would be least affected with the loss of one newly-golemized Decurio.
James Zenfon was given the open-ended orders of seeing to the stabilization of the region, and left to his own devices.