Rohkar Cindren

Thomas Roland's page

698 posts. Organized Play character for Atlas2112.

Full Name

Thomas Roland

Strength 6
Dexterity 18
Constitution 12
Intelligence 10
Wisdom 10
Charisma 18

About Thomas Roland

B3nn1es: 4/3 | W0undz: 0 |P4rry 6/8(Invis) | RATN: 4/6(Invis)/6(Defl.) |  T0ughne$$: 9(4) | P4ce: 6  |Cha:+2| N0t1ce: d6

Age: 22 years
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 190
Eyes: Smiling, but not smiling.
Hair: Black as death.


...---===<<<((({{{[[[Necessary Evil]]]}}})))>>>===---...

Race:  huMAN

Rank: N0vICE
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Current Status:
P4Rry: 6
Pac3: 6
CHArisma: +2
T0ughn3$$s: 9(4)

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ATTRIBUTES 5 to spend
Agility: d4
Smarts: d8 (2)
Spir1t:  d10 (2+2A)
Strength: d4 /(d8)
Vig0r: d6 (1)
- - - - -
SKILLS 15 to spend | total
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Stealth  d4 |2

f1ght  d10 | 7

N0+ice d6 |9

streetwise d4 |10
Persuasion d10 |14

Intimidation d4 |15

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(Human): Charismatic!: CHA +2

(2A): Quick draw!
5:  Two Fisted

SUPER powers!

SUPER powers:

Intangible (Device: Ring of Reality) [5-1=4]

Turning intangibility on or off requires a Spirit roll and is an action.

Healing (Device: Ring of Fullness) [5-1=4]

Then she must contact the patient and make a Spirit
roll as an action with a penalty equal to the victim’s number of wounds if any—there is no penalty for Fatigue.
Failure means the healer suffers a level of Fatigue that can only be recovered after an hour has passed. Success
eliminates one level of Fatigue or wounds per success and raise.

Chameleon(with Voice +2) (Device: Ring of Desire) [5-1=4]

Voice (+2): Your chameleon can emulate voices as well. The mimicry is perfect enough to fool voice identification devices.
Combined with an assumed form, this Modifier increases the Notice roll allowed to detect the chameleon to –4.

Invisibility(1) (Device: Ring of Obfuscation) [4-1=3]

foes get a Notice roll at –2 per level to detect them if given some reason to do so, or if the invisible character closes within 5” (10
yards). Attacks made against invisible heroes suffer a –2 penalty per level,  

Flight(1) (Device: Ring of Gravity) [2-1=1]
Deflection(2) (Device: Ring of Divergence) [2-1=1]

This handy power deflects incoming attacks. Each level applies a –1 penalty to all ranged attack rolls made against the
character. Deflection does not stack with penalties from other powers (use only the highest if a character has more than one power based attack penalty).

Mind Reading [3]
Mind reading allows a character to read another’s thoughts. This is an opposed Smarts roll with a range of 12”.
Failure results in a level of Fatigue for the mind reader that requires an hour to recover.
Success detects the target’s surface thoughts, and a raise reveals a single short memory (no more than 5 minutes) or
known facts about one specific subject in the same amount of time. Regardless of the result, the target is aware that
someone is in his head. Reading a person’s mind without being noticed applies a –4 penalty to the roll, but the target is
only aware if the mind reader rolls a 1 on his Smarts die.

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Dark Secret!:
Shhhh.  I said it was a secret. =}

Major (GM approved 2 majors): Dependent: Red, the Mother.


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four Fusion Grenades and two Blaster Rifles


Body Armor
This lightweight material can be worn under normal clothing with little inconvenience. It adds +4 Armor
and negates up to 4 points of AP from ballistic attacks (but not energy or melee). (4 lb, $200)

2 Molecular Katanas:  Str+d6+2+2 AP5

2 stun batons: STR +d4  
After a target is hit by the weapon (including a Touch Attack), resolve damage. Then the victim must make a Vigor roll or fall prone and Incapacitated. At the start of each subsequent action, he makes a Vigor roll to revive. Success means he revives but is Shaken for the round and can recover on the next as usual. A raise means he revives instantly and is not Shaken.

Molecular knife (w/ Energy upgrade) wt 2 Str+d6+2 AP6 Can not be thrown.
Switchblade (Str + d4) (-2 to Notice)




1)  +2 PP: Super Attribute: Strength.  +1 Edge: Two Fisted.  
2)  +2 PP: Super Attribute: Strength.  +1 Edge: Ambidex.
3)  +2 PP (banked).  Fighting to d10.
4(seasoned):  ???

Thomas is a Psycopath.

That's no insult.  Many of the people you know and like are probably psychopaths.  Just like them, many of the people that met and knew Tom would describe him as "pleasant," "sociable," and "calm".

And like many people, Tom was unfulfilled.  He found he couldn't, or, at least, didn't, experience a range of emotions like other people.  As a last resort he faked being pleasant to other people.  Indeed, he was _only_ pleasant, since if he attempted to express anything else, he only came off as violent.

But Star City wasn't done with him.  In it's way, one day he found he could read people.  Well.  Very well.  He could read minds.

At last his ability to plastically reflect and mimic what he thought people wanted to hear had a road map.  He could tell what someone wanted to hear, and give it to them.

But Tom was a person, and people want more.  He wanted power.  It was really by accident that he befriended Isagoras the Light.  The funny little man was a mage of note, but chronically socially retarded, so when Thomas found him...and his seemed a mutaully agreeable relationship.

"And so, young Thomas, I call them the Ten Rings of Dargor!" the funny little mage said, brandishing his fingers bedecked with the rings of power.  "For 'twas Dargor, when he betrayed Nekron, that he used the power of the Emerald Sword to create an embodiment for every aspect of humanity.  After his death he..."

Thomas only listened with half an ear.  The old man was secretly fearful of a deadly cancer and would be dead soon.  He wanted the man's rings and their power.

"And, so, young Thomas, if you serve me faithfully I shall give you the words of power that activate the rings..."

Ahhhh.  Thomas was elated.  Surely fetching water and cleaning a few bed pans for a bit would be worth...but what's this?  The old man was thinking...

'Hah.  The young fool.  The words are meaningless. I have them written in my cupboard.  Without my mana they can do little.  And the only way for him to get my mana would be by eating my liver.  After my death the rings will go to the Order of the....'

Thomas had never eaten human flesh before, but he admitted that it wasn't as bad as he thought.  Now he just had to figure out what the other three rings did....


The Ring of Desire at last gave him a happy life.  Able to read someone's thoughts he could be anyone for anyone.  The beautiful widow that missed her husband could have him for a night.  The anxious girl that thought no one understood her could at least be understood.

Then the V'Sori came and ruined the good thing he had going.

They would pay for that.

Thomas took the leash off.

Oh yes they would pay.