Init +0; Proficiency: +2 Perception +
AC: 17 (12 armor, +2 Shield, +3 Dex),
HP: 10+7* {+d8,+2Con}/lvl
Dexterity +6,{+3Base,+3D}
Charisma: +6,{+3Base,+3C}
Speed: 30 ft.
Base Atk: +2
Melee:+5{+2Base,+3 Dex}
Str: 8, Dex: 16, Con: 14, Int: 10, Wis: 12, Cha: 16
Trait: I ask a lot of questions.
Ideal: Change. The low are lifted up, and the high and mighty are brought down. Change is the nature of things.
Bond: No one else should have to endure the hardships I've been through.
Flaw: I'd rather kill someone in their sleep then fight fair.
----------------=Race Traits=-------------------
Normal Speed
War Caster
You have advantage on Constitution saving throws
that you make to maintain your concentration on a
spell when you take damage.
• You can perform the som atic com ponents of spells
even when you have weapons or a shield in one or
both hands.
• W hen a hostile creature’s movement provokes an
opportunity attack from you, you can use your reac tion to cast a spell at the creature, rather than making
an opportunity attack. The spell must have a casting
time of 1 action and must target only that creature.
---------------=Skills=- (0 points; 0 class, 0 INT)---------------
Saving Throws: Dex, Cha
All skills: Perception, Deception*, Persuasion*, Insight, Nature, Stealth
* Expertese
Class skills: Perception, Deception, Persuasion
Background: Order of the White Angel: Insight, Nature
Human: Stealth
-=Non-Standard Skill Bonuses=-
-=Languages=- Common and Orc, Draconic.