The Clockwork General

Training mech "Golem"'s page

16 posts. Alias of Atlas2112.


Battlemech | A: +10 | D: 0 |T:+15|F: +15||R:+0|W:+11(MS11) | Init: +12 |Conditions: Flying

About Training mech "Golem"


Power Level: 10; Power Points Spent: 157/165

STR: 10 +0, DEX: 10 +0, CON: 30 +10, INT: +0 10, WIS: -2 (6), CHA: 10 +0/17 +3*

*=with illusion

stats: Con(+20 pts), wis (-4 pts)

Tough: +15, Fort: +15, Ref: +0, Will: +11(from Mind Shield 11)

(Fort +5, 5 pts)

Attack: melee: +10
Ranged: +0
Defense: +0

Skill Ranks:
Bluff: 8, Diplomacy 10, Gather Intelligence 1, Intimidate 10 , Notice 10, Search 5, Sense Motive 1, Stealth 15, Wealth 4(default)

60/4 = 15 pts

Attack Focus (melee) (10pts), Die Hard, Hide in Plain Sight, Chokehold, Improved Grab (start grapple with unarmed attack), Improved Grapple, Ambidexterity, Improved Pin, Prone fighting, Improved Initiative (+12)(pts), Fearless, Skill Mastery (Stealth, Diplomacy, Disable Device, Bluff) ,
Lucky (5), Ultimate Effort (Save),

27 pts


Absorption: 5 (both types--25 pts)(slow fade +1)(26pts)
--(Alt application--Healing +1 pt)

Regeneration rate: 6 (Bruised AND injured:1 check per round) (6 pts)
Resurrection: 1, Ability Damage:1 (needs Source: Plugged in.)(1 pt total) (+Regrowth) (+1pt)

Flight Rank 7 1000 MPH (14 pts)

Stun: 10 (20 pts)

Device: Argus Z-Belt
(Hard to Lose) (20pts-->25 pts worth)

---Immunity 1: (Vacuum)
---Immmunity 5: EMP
---Illusion-Rank 1 ([-1 Phantasm, does not effect electronics,] [+1, Action, can maintain as a free action] visual only, 1 pt)
---Illusion of Handsome Man gives +7 Charisma. (7 pts)
---back-up hard drive gives Mind Shield 11 (11 pts)

Device: L-Phone X (w/ Bluetooth)

(Easy to Lose) (3pts--5pts worth)

Knowledge (Current Events) 7,
Investigate 8

Gear Definition: Things that are bought with filthy, filthy money. ;-)
