Rank: Novice
Power Points: 2
Range: Smarts
Duration: Instant
Trappings: Glue bomb, vines, handcuffs,
Entangle allows the caster to restrain a target
with ice, bands of energy, or other vine-like
Trappings (Hardness 5). If successful, the
target is Entangled. With a raise, he’s Bound.
Victims may break free on their turn as
detailed under Bound & Entangled on page
AREA OF EFFECT (+2/+3): For +2 points the
power affects everyone in a Medium Blast
Template. For +3 points the area of effect is
increased to a Large Blast Template.
STRONG (+2): The entangling material is
particularly resilient. Rolls to break free are
made at −2 and its Hardness increases to 7.
ENTANGLED: The victim can’t move and is Distracted as long as he remains so.
BOUND: The victim may not move, is
Distracted and Vulnerable as long as he
remains Bound, and cannot make physical
actions other than trying to break free.
Breaking free is an action. With success,
an Entangled hero is free of one particular
entanglement or grappler. A Bound character
improves to Entangled with a success; with
a raise, he’s free
Trappings: Fire, ice, light, darkness, colored
bolts, a stream of insects.
Bolt sends damaging bursts of energy, streaks of holy light, or shards of matter toward one’s foes.
There are no Range penalties, but the arcane skill roll is affected by Cover, Illumination, and all other usual penalties.
The damage of the bolt is 2d6, or 3d6 with a raise.
DAMAGE (+2): The bolt causes 3d6 damage (4d6 with a raise).
Old Ways [Minor}:
You forgo modern technology. You gain a free reroll on any spirit reroll, but lose this for 24 hours if you use modern Technology, and seven days if you use Ghost rock
all thumbs {minor}
X-tra Powers! {+2 Powers}, AB {Shaman}
Gear: Native armor (+1),
native shield (+2 Parry, subtracts 2 from ranged attacks from front and shielded side),
knife (Str+d4),
Rapier (Str+d4, Parry +1)
tomahawk (Damage Str+d6),
bow (Range 12/24/48, Damage 2d6, RoF1),
hair pin breastplate,
a good horse,
Lantern, Provides light in a 4” radius for three hours per pint of oil.
5 pints oil
box matches
10 lbs bacon
mess kit
canteen, water, full
bottle whiskey
Lord Borak was a fraud.
That is not entirely accurate.
Lord Borak (not his birth name, but it is not known if any who live still know that, and he certainly isn't sharing) had dreams. Dreams of Power.
When young, he tested his mettle in various schemes and cons in the cities of a few Northern states but, either failing or seeing success come far more slowly than he had envisioned, he drifted West in search of greater strategies.
Through a quirky series of events that involved his natural charm, but also a case of mistaken identity and a random coincidence of natural events, he found himself at the head of an uprising of an oppressed population in Oklahoma. Having little knowledge of warfare and unable to bring victory to the vastly outnumbered rebels, his force was quickly routed.
Finding himself alone and left for dead in the desert, he was ready to commend himself to whatever came after this life, when a tiny snake slithered up to him...and wrapped around his finger.
'Greetings,' it echoed in his mind.
'Who are you?' Borak replied in rapt curiosity.
'I am the Black Ring. You shall be my servant, and we shall reach new heights.'
'I am no lackey to be thy playthi--.'
'You shall do this or die.'
Preferring a life of possible power to dying alone in the desert, he agreed. It wasn't entirely involuntary. His curiosity was piqued and the only thing he loved more than victory was a good mystery.
He travels now, learning the arcane knowledge from the ring, and setting himself as a spiritual leader. The role comes easy to him.
Most of his travels have him doing good deeds for the general populace: Curing ailments and the like. The Ring calls this training. Lord Borak has no complaints if the price of Power is Power.
Lord Borak likes to walk peaceably amidst the chaos, dispensing such knowledge as:
"Aspiration requires exploration. This life is nothing short of a refining leap of pranic serenity.
Without wellbeing, one cannot exist.
We are at a crossroads of awareness and stagnation. We are in the midst of an authentic awakening of knowledge that will amplify our connection to the totality itself.
Who are we? Where on the great vision quest will we be aligned?"