
Retzack, the Black's page

195 posts. Alias of Atlas2112.

Full Name

Retzack, the Black




Vampire 1 | HP: 21/21 | Armor: 1 | XP: 5/8 | Blood: 5/7 | Hunger: 0 | FX: scarred










Propoket the Many

About Retzack, the Black

Piercing Eyes,
Slick Hair,
Out-of-style Finery,
Commanding Posture

Str 16 +2
Dex 12 +0
Con 13 +1
Wis 9 +0
Int 8 -1
Cha 15 +1

Bloodpool: 7
Load: 4/8

HP: 21
damage: d8

Background: Cursed! (Though, admittedly, through his own volition)
--Candles and lanterns flicker when you enter a room


You are a vampire! You do not age, nor do you need to breathe.

-Instantly slain by a wooden stake to the heart
-Repulsed by and vulnerable to fire and sunlight
-Repulsed by and vulnerable to garlic
-Repulsed by and vulnerable to silver
-Repulsed by and vulnerable to holy symbols and places

Racial move:
When you enter an important location (your call) you can ask the GM for one fact from the history of that location.


Apex Predator:::

When you feast on the blood of a living person, hold 2 Blood if you leave them alive or if they are already weakened, or hold 3 Blood if you kill a healthy person.

When you hunt for a victim in a steading, roll+DEX if you use stealth or aggression, or roll+CHA if you use guile or charm. *On a 10+, you find someone you can feed from undisturbed. *On a 7-9, you still find a victim, but choose one:
• You only hold 1 Blood
• Someone catches you in the act
• You leave behind incriminating evidence

The Blood is Life!:::
When you make camp, spend 1 Blood or gain 1 Hunger. You do not recover HP when you make camp or rest; you must spend Blood.

You can spend 1 Blood to:

• Take +1 to any roll using +STR, only once per roll
• Make your next melee attack messy, forceful, or deal +1d4 damage
• Heal yourself for 2d4 HP
• Resist a weakness for a short time
• Reduce your Hunger by 1

The GM can spend 1 Hunger to:

• Make you attack the nearest or weakest creature
• Make you drain someone's blood completely when you are feeding
• Make your appearance monstrously inhuman for a while
• Run in terror from a weakness


Ornate rapier (close, precise, 1 weight)
Archaic armor (1 armor, 1 weight)

Jug of animal blood (2 weight, grants 1 Blood when consumed)


Lvl 2:

Lvl 3:

Lvl 4:

Lvl 5:


Burke "Boom-Boom" Hoffa is a man of resources. I should learn more about him. (Retzack is unsure where the man picked up the nickname "Boom-Boom," and whenever he tries to say that that's not his nickname, Retzack just laughs and says that's why the name fits him so well.)

Adir does not trust me. I shall see to that.
Tethys shares my hunger for glory; the earth will tremble at our passing!
Black Kappa is a good wheelman, but does not see the big picture.


When you enter an important location (your call) you can ask the GM for one fact from the history of that location.

has my back when things go wrong.