Giantslayer: Against the Giants Redux

Game Master Branding Opportunity

Welcome to Trunau. A town where life is tough and orcs are plenty.

People & Places

Combat Map

Loot List


[dice=Brogann Initiative]1d20 + 2[/dice]
[dice=Gabsen Initiative]1d20 + 4[/dice]
[dice=Schwertleite Initiative]1d20 + 1[/dice]
[dice=Tooantuh Initiative]1d20 + 0[/dice]
[dice=Cetan Initiative]1d20 + 4[/dice]
[dice=Sigrun Initiative]1d20 + 3[/dice]
[dice=Towering Brother Initiative]1d20 + 0[/dice]
[dice=Nimble Companion Initiative]1d20 + 2[/dice]


[dice=Brogann Perception] 1d20 + 5 [/dice]
[dice=Gabsen Perception] 1d20 + 0 [/dice]
[dice=Schwertleite Perception] 1d20 + 3 [/dice]
[dice=Tooantuh Perception] 1d20 + 1 [/dice]
[dice=Cetan Perception] 1d20 + 5 [/dice]
[dice=Sigrun Perception] 1d20 + 6 [/dice]
[dice=Towering Brother Perception] 1d20 + 0 [/dice]
[dice=Nimble Companion Perception] 1d20 + 6 [/dice]

501 to 550 of 693 << first < prev | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | next > last >>

Male Human Fighter (3) Init+4 HP 45/45 AC 16 FF 14 Touch 10 Fort +6 Ref +2 Will +1 Per+0 Spd 30

No problem with me either.

Discord Chat

GM Stuff:
Brogann Perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (19) + 5 = 24
Gabsen Perception: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (3) + 0 = 3
Tooantuh Perception: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3
Cetan Perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (7) + 5 = 12
Sigrun Perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (3) + 6 = 9

Cast resurrect thread

For a moment you seem to drift off as if your mind were wandering, and you recall a summer day from your childhood, a day that you always thought would come again, but somehow never did.

When your attention returns, you find that you are still in what must have once been the room where the Iomedaeans heated the whole building. An old cast-iron furnace about the size and shape of an overweight dwarf and a pile of coal occupy the corners of this cramped chamber. Ash and fallen rubble clutter the area around the furnace where the chimney above has collapsed.

There is only a single exit to the room: through the door in the southern wall through which you entered.

The young blond man named Othdan whom you just freed scratches his head and clears his throat.

"So, erm, are we leaving and going back to Trunau? I'd rather not be here when the voice I heard returns, not to mention the other person he was talking to. Neither of them sounded like they were talking about anything pleasant. I don't mean to be a bother, but this place terrifies me now."

Brogann, you can't be sure, but you think you can see some burlap sticking out of the pile of coal in the corner. You also think that you see very faint scratch marks on the floor that are in a semi-circular shape along the western wall, as if something heavy was repeatedly dragged back and forth. Come to think of it, maybe it would make more sense if part of the western wall was hinged and opened a door into this room.

Male Tiefling Magus (Eldritch Archer) 3 | hp 30/30 | AC 17 t14 ff13; resist cold/electricity/fire 5 | CMB +2 CMD 16 | F+4 R+5 W+4 | init+4 | Darkvision 60'; Perc+7 SM+1 | Speed 30' | Arcane Pool 4/4 | Darkness [_] | Spells: 1st color spray, hydraulic push, ray of enfeeblement, snowball | Active conditions: none

Cetan frowns at Othdan, hoping the combination of that expression and his demonic face doesn't frighten him.

We would like to wait and ambush those "voices" when they return. The problem with that, is that you would have to venture back to Trunau on your own. Going along does not seem prudent right now, hmm?

M Human Wizard (Sword Binder) 3 | HP 27/27 | AC 16 T 12 FF 14 CMD 15 | F+3 R+4 W+3 | Init +2 | Perception +7 | Active: Mage Armor | Sword 7/7

Brogann nods as Cetan relays the plan to Othdan, but he is distracted.

"Something over there."

Brogann goes over and pokes at the pile of coal with his sword, trying to uncover the burlap.

A sack, maybe?

"I think there's also a secret door in this wall. Everyone stand back."

When everyone is a safe distance away, he will cast Open/Close on the door.

That is going to be my preferred option for doors, if they are within the weight limit of the spell. It is never good to open a door and immediately be within full-attack range of a powerful enemy.

Discord Chat

Brogann goes poking among the pile of coal in the corner and pulls out a burlap sack. Inside is a stack of platinum coins held together with strong dating back at least a century and marked with the sword and sun symbol of Iomedae.

Some of you may have never seen platinum coins like this before, but others could identify these as somewhat archaic (but still legal) Lastwall currency. There are 60 pp here in total.

Once Brogann identifies how the door hinges, he easily opens it with a spell, revealing a dusty corridor smelling of soot and rot that quickly heads south into darkness.

Discord Chat

GM R0B0 made me the GM of the Roll20 game, and I've updated the combat map, fyi.

HP 33/33|AC 18(20 w/ Shield),Touch 14, Flat-Footed 14(16 w/ Shield)|F+3,R+1,W+3 (+1 vs. fear)|Init.+0|Perception +3|Hero Point 1| Shoanti Aasimar(Angelkin) NG Male Oracle 3

"It seems we gave a bit more to explore before setting up our ambush."

Male Tiefling Magus (Eldritch Archer) 3 | hp 30/30 | AC 17 t14 ff13; resist cold/electricity/fire 5 | CMB +2 CMD 16 | F+4 R+5 W+4 | init+4 | Darkvision 60'; Perc+7 SM+1 | Speed 30' | Arcane Pool 4/4 | Darkness [_] | Spells: 1st color spray, hydraulic push, ray of enfeeblement, snowball | Active conditions: none

Indeed, but we should be quick. I have a bad feeling the "keepers of the house" will return while we're in some dark passage away from light and sound.

The tiefling follows his fellow Shoanti's lead.

Discord Chat

Which way do you want to go? Down the new corridor or out the door the way you came? If you look at the map, you'll see that there are other doors to the south that you haven't tried.

Male Tiefling Magus (Eldritch Archer) 3 | hp 30/30 | AC 17 t14 ff13; resist cold/electricity/fire 5 | CMB +2 CMD 16 | F+4 R+5 W+4 | init+4 | Darkvision 60'; Perc+7 SM+1 | Speed 30' | Arcane Pool 4/4 | Darkness [_] | Spells: 1st color spray, hydraulic push, ray of enfeeblement, snowball | Active conditions: none

I assumed Sky Voice was referring to the immediately new passage.

Female Half-Elf Bloodrager (Urban) 3 | HP 42/42| AC 16 (T 12, F 14) | CMB +6, CMD 18 | F +5, R +4, W +3 (+5 vs Charm and Compulsion) (All +1 vs Arcane Spells) | Init +3 | Perc +6 | Speed 30 | Rage 10/10

Sigrun shrugs casually.

"I don't care which way."

I'm turned around on the map at this point and have no idea what's better.

Discord Chat

Oops, I just realized that the room I thought you hadn't explored down here was in fact the room that had the gelatinous cube in it. As soon as your open the secret door at the far end of the corridor you will be aware of this. That means you have "cleared" the bottom level of the Plague House and may now decide to figure out where and how you will ambush whomever was keeping Othdan captive.

M Human Wizard (Sword Binder) 3 | HP 27/27 | AC 16 T 12 FF 14 CMD 15 | F+3 R+4 W+3 | Init +2 | Perception +7 | Active: Mage Armor | Sword 7/7

"I think that's the whole of this place. Whoever took Othdan isn't here now. So let's get outside. Maybe in the woods nearby.
As soon as they come in, they will see signs of us being in here and be on their guard. Better to catch them unawares."

Brogann, while always down for a good fight, is not totally stupid. With the only information about the captors being that they speak Giant, he could well be facing a battle with an ogre or something equally formidable.

Not sure of the layout above-ground, but some woods maybe 60-100' from the exterior door might be good. Enough distance to give a decent bonus to Stealth, but close enough that we can hit them with ranged attacks when they show up. At least, that is my suggestion.

Discord Chat

I want to state that the sun will be going down in another hour or so.

HP 33/33|AC 18(20 w/ Shield),Touch 14, Flat-Footed 14(16 w/ Shield)|F+3,R+1,W+3 (+1 vs. fear)|Init.+0|Perception +3|Hero Point 1| Shoanti Aasimar(Angelkin) NG Male Oracle 3

Yah even with us few with darkvision that is still only 30ft.

Male Tiefling Magus (Eldritch Archer) 3 | hp 30/30 | AC 17 t14 ff13; resist cold/electricity/fire 5 | CMB +2 CMD 16 | F+4 R+5 W+4 | init+4 | Darkvision 60'; Perc+7 SM+1 | Speed 30' | Arcane Pool 4/4 | Darkness [_] | Spells: 1st color spray, hydraulic push, ray of enfeeblement, snowball | Active conditions: none

Why wait for them to discover clues of our presence? As soon as we have the advantage of ambush we should attack. Cetan muses, considering Brogann's plan.

M Human Wizard (Sword Binder) 3 | HP 27/27 | AC 16 T 12 FF 14 CMD 15 | F+3 R+4 W+3 | Init +2 | Perception +7 | Active: Mage Armor | Sword 7/7

"Yes, Cetan, attack them outside before they see signs of our presence. Just as they go to open the door. Sorry if I was unclear.
I can't see in the dark, nor do I have Light prepared. Sky Voice, can you cast that spell? If Cetan can spot them and open fire, then you illuminate our area if they come after us... but then they might not come after us...."

Isn't Darkvision normally 60'? Outside at night is a case where Low-Light Vision is better, but I think none of us have that.

"I don't know. I'm not great at tactics. Maybe we should wait just inside the door. That way we can have light, and we don't have to count on them doing exactly what we expect."

Discord Chat

The land around Plague House is cleared of anything larger than a small bush, because it is within bowshot of Trunau's walls. Finding a hiding place for all of you outside would be very difficult but not impossible (Survival or Knowledge (local) DC 18).

Male Tiefling Magus (Eldritch Archer) 3 | hp 30/30 | AC 17 t14 ff13; resist cold/electricity/fire 5 | CMB +2 CMD 16 | F+4 R+5 W+4 | init+4 | Darkvision 60'; Perc+7 SM+1 | Speed 30' | Arcane Pool 4/4 | Darkness [_] | Spells: 1st color spray, hydraulic push, ray of enfeeblement, snowball | Active conditions: none

Survival: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (11) + 1 = 12

Cetan peers out one of the gates, surveying the surrounding area.

Hmm, maybe we will have to ambush from within here.

HP 33/33|AC 18(20 w/ Shield),Touch 14, Flat-Footed 14(16 w/ Shield)|F+3,R+1,W+3 (+1 vs. fear)|Init.+0|Perception +3|Hero Point 1| Shoanti Aasimar(Angelkin) NG Male Oracle 3

Survival: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (10) + 5 = 15

"I can cast light, but I don't think there are many places for us to hide outside. Also we have to talk about hiding the elephant in the room." Sky Voice says the last part trying to hide a smirk while looking at Towering Brother. The beast responds with a snort of air from his trunk, seeminly not liking the 'dad' joke.

Female Half-Elf Bloodrager (Urban) 3 | HP 42/42| AC 16 (T 12, F 14) | CMB +6, CMD 18 | F +5, R +4, W +3 (+5 vs Charm and Compulsion) (All +1 vs Arcane Spells) | Init +3 | Perc +6 | Speed 30 | Rage 10/10

"If we're going to wait and try surprising them, it should be inside so we're close when it happens. I have a bow but it is weak, perfect for rabbits but bad for things that speak giant. I am at my best in close."

Male Human Fighter (3) Init+4 HP 45/45 AC 16 FF 14 Touch 10 Fort +6 Ref +2 Will +1 Per+0 Spd 30

I'm not good at archery.Close combat is my thing too. I'll follow your instructions about the settings of the ambush

Discord Chat

OK, seems that the consensus is to hide inside somewhere. Given that Othdan was found in the northwestern-most room of the basement, where do you want to set the ambush? The only access to the basement is via the stairs in the southern part. Once you have picked a room(s) for the ambush, how do you want to place all of you?

Successful Int or Knowledge (dungeoneering) check DC 10:
You realize that you have left trails and disturbed things in both the upper and lower level of the Plague House. Anyone passing by these disturbances with any ranks in Survival who is familiar with what the environment looked like would immediately see evidence of your passage. Is this an issue you'd like to address? An opposed Survival check (which you can "Take 10" on) would be needed to cover these tracks and place things back where they used to be and not be discovered.

M Human Wizard (Sword Binder) 3 | HP 27/27 | AC 16 T 12 FF 14 CMD 15 | F+3 R+4 W+3 | Init +2 | Perception +7 | Active: Mage Armor | Sword 7/7

Knowledge (Dungeoneering): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (17) + 7 = 24
"We should try to cover our tracks upstairs. I think that there were some good spaces upstairs, if we want to assemble there. Engaging them upstairs would also mean less time for them to notice anything is amiss."

As I recall, there was a pretty big open area upstairs where we could bring our numbers to bear. Down here, there are some okay spaces, like the room in the middle with the Iomedae symbol.

"I am pretty sure that whoever comes here uses the back door upstairs, not the main doors."
Based on this post.

Brogann is sorely tempted to use the hapless pig-farmer as bait to lure the captors into an ambush, but decides the poor young man has suffered enough.

Female Half-Elf Bloodrager (Urban) 3 | HP 42/42| AC 16 (T 12, F 14) | CMB +6, CMD 18 | F +5, R +4, W +3 (+5 vs Charm and Compulsion) (All +1 vs Arcane Spells) | Init +3 | Perc +6 | Speed 30 | Rage 10/10

"Yes, we should be as close to where they enter as we can be. Less time for things to go wrong."

HP 33/33|AC 18(20 w/ Shield),Touch 14, Flat-Footed 14(16 w/ Shield)|F+3,R+1,W+3 (+1 vs. fear)|Init.+0|Perception +3|Hero Point 1| Shoanti Aasimar(Angelkin) NG Male Oracle 3

"Well Towering brother can not take the trap door down here so I suggest we take places upstairs. Also I have a number of spare weapons I can give one to Othdan so he can defend himself. Although hopefully that won't be needed I would put my body on the line to protect him if need be.

Sky Voice will offer his longspear to Othdan.

Longspear is simple and reach so even a commoner should be able to wield it and it will keep him away from any bads because of the reach and not knowing what we are fighting I want to wield my shield and gauntlet anyway.

M Human Wizard (Sword Binder) 3 | HP 27/27 | AC 16 T 12 FF 14 CMD 15 | F+3 R+4 W+3 | Init +2 | Perception +7 | Active: Mage Armor | Sword 7/7

I believe commoners are normally only proficient in one simple weapon, and I'd guess the dagger, club or quarterstaff to be the most likely ones for any given commoner. But I don't know for sure.

Brogann has no idea why Sky Voice is so intent on protecting the pig-keeper boy. He looks a bit confused, then looks around.

"Okay, I saw a lot of tracks around that back door in the northeast. Coming in there you'd have a good view of most of this floor, except the closed room with the beds.
So I'd say we make the area around that entrance look the way it was when we found it - "

meaning a Survival check from whoever is best
" - and hide in the room with the beds. We keep our ears open. We have Sigrún and Gabsen up against the doors. I'll have a Light on my sword from Sky Voice, but keep it sheathed.
When we hear something, we burst out and attack. I'll draw my sword and cast Open/Close on the doors.
Othdan can hide in the back corner of this room.
Sky Voice, Towering Brother, and Cetan can come out the other doors to cut off escape.
What do you all think?"

I placed us on the map, just to try to nudge things along, but am happy to do any other plan.

Female Half-Elf Bloodrager (Urban) 3 | HP 42/42| AC 16 (T 12, F 14) | CMB +6, CMD 18 | F +5, R +4, W +3 (+5 vs Charm and Compulsion) (All +1 vs Arcane Spells) | Init +3 | Perc +6 | Speed 30 | Rage 10/10

"It sounds good to me."

Sigrun gets in place. She leans her spear against the wall and draws her sword.

Discord Chat

Tooantuh has the highest Survival skill check (+5). He is welcome to "Take 10" if he likes and up to two others may Aid him in this check. You can't take 10 on the Aid checks, however.

Discord Chat

I'm going to not move forward until at least one more person chimes in that they are okay with Brogann's plan, comes up with a different one, or has modifications on Brogann's.

Female Half-Elf Bloodrager (Urban) 3 | HP 42/42| AC 16 (T 12, F 14) | CMB +6, CMD 18 | F +5, R +4, W +3 (+5 vs Charm and Compulsion) (All +1 vs Arcane Spells) | Init +3 | Perc +6 | Speed 30 | Rage 10/10

It looks like Sigrun is no worse off than anyone else for the survival role so I'll go ahead.

Survival (Aid): 1d20 ⇒ 2


Discord Chat

Sigrun, please, please, please RP that roll. :)

Female Half-Elf Bloodrager (Urban) 3 | HP 42/42| AC 16 (T 12, F 14) | CMB +6, CMD 18 | F +5, R +4, W +3 (+5 vs Charm and Compulsion) (All +1 vs Arcane Spells) | Init +3 | Perc +6 | Speed 30 | Rage 10/10

It'll have to wait for this evening. I don't do my best work splitting my attention between posts and work.

Male Tiefling Magus (Eldritch Archer) 3 | hp 30/30 | AC 17 t14 ff13; resist cold/electricity/fire 5 | CMB +2 CMD 16 | F+4 R+5 W+4 | init+4 | Darkvision 60'; Perc+7 SM+1 | Speed 30' | Arcane Pool 4/4 | Darkness [_] | Spells: 1st color spray, hydraulic push, ray of enfeeblement, snowball | Active conditions: none

I will go along with this plan. I can help try to restore that area, but then I should stand back at the ready with my bow.

Survival (untrained): 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (14) + 1 = 15 He spends most of his time following Sigrun around and undoing her work.

Um... I don't think that went there Sigrun. Or that... or...

Female Half-Elf Bloodrager (Urban) 3 | HP 42/42| AC 16 (T 12, F 14) | CMB +6, CMD 18 | F +5, R +4, W +3 (+5 vs Charm and Compulsion) (All +1 vs Arcane Spells) | Init +3 | Perc +6 | Speed 30 | Rage 10/10

Being quite tall, Sigrun's eyes are far from the ground, so are her hands. She understands, and surely the others must know as well, that she's not going to walk around all crunched down, or crawl around on her knees fixing things.

Instead Sigrun takes an executive approach. As she walks around and notices this or that, she points it our for someone to take care of. It is boring work so she does it quickly, to get it over with. When it becomes apparent that the fixers can't scurry along making things right as quickly as she can point out problems, Sigrun begins to mark what she sees. She places a scratch or a gouge on the floor with her spear so she can move on at her pace, and they can continue at theirs while finding what she's spotted.

Done in a jiffy, one stroll though was plenty, Sigrun finds her spot by the door and makes herself comfortable leaning against the wall while the work is finished.

HP 33/33|AC 18(20 w/ Shield),Touch 14, Flat-Footed 14(16 w/ Shield)|F+3,R+1,W+3 (+1 vs. fear)|Init.+0|Perception +3|Hero Point 1| Shoanti Aasimar(Angelkin) NG Male Oracle 3

"While I am no slouch in combat I am not a tactician, I will trust the warriors to their plans. I am also well versed in the giant tongue so maybe if we take whatever we are to face alive I can question it."

I am very much a tactician but Sky Voice is not and if he can end something without bloodshed and make a friend that is a bonus.

Discord Chat

OK, last call on any preperations you'd like to make before you wait for the "voices" that the pig herder heard to return. If no one posts anything else, I will move the story forward this evening.

Male Tiefling Magus (Eldritch Archer) 3 | hp 30/30 | AC 17 t14 ff13; resist cold/electricity/fire 5 | CMB +2 CMD 16 | F+4 R+5 W+4 | init+4 | Darkvision 60'; Perc+7 SM+1 | Speed 30' | Arcane Pool 4/4 | Darkness [_] | Spells: 1st color spray, hydraulic push, ray of enfeeblement, snowball | Active conditions: none

Cetan just remembers something he has at his disposal. He almost doesn't mention it because he tends to get a lot of suspicion related to his ancestry and the "devilish" abilities that come with it.

I could... plunge the back section of the room into darkness for a time. Those with darksight could join me and attack from this cover.

He can cast darkness as a SLA, duration 2 minutes.

Male Human Fighter (3) Init+4 HP 45/45 AC 16 FF 14 Touch 10 Fort +6 Ref +2 Will +1 Per+0 Spd 30

Survival: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 4 = 9

Gabsen obviously tries to help, but without too much success.

At least he doesn't step on the tracks.

He takes position near the door, as instructed, and waits until the next fight, without showing much emotion.

Discord Chat

I'm going to repost the description of the room you are hiding in and see if it changes your preparations. I could have you make Int checks, but this is more fun :)

Two rows of scorched, wrought-iron bedframes take up most of the space in this soaring chamber, resting between a fire-blackened altar to the southwest and double doors to the northeast. A second set of double doors leads to the northwest, and a single iron door exits the chamber to the southeast. Brightly colored holy figures stare down from the stained-glass windows built into the blackened stone walls, their visages noticeably less damaged than the rest of the room.

HP 33/33|AC 18(20 w/ Shield),Touch 14, Flat-Footed 14(16 w/ Shield)|F+3,R+1,W+3 (+1 vs. fear)|Init.+0|Perception +3|Hero Point 1| Shoanti Aasimar(Angelkin) NG Male Oracle 3

Did I forget to roll survival?
Survival: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (1) + 5 = 6

Ouch well hopefully that is my 1 for the combat.

Male Tiefling Magus (Eldritch Archer) 3 | hp 30/30 | AC 17 t14 ff13; resist cold/electricity/fire 5 | CMB +2 CMD 16 | F+4 R+5 W+4 | init+4 | Darkvision 60'; Perc+7 SM+1 | Speed 30' | Arcane Pool 4/4 | Darkness [_] | Spells: 1st color spray, hydraulic push, ray of enfeeblement, snowball | Active conditions: none
Cetan "The Dark Wind" wrote:

I could... plunge the back section of the room into darkness for a time. Those with darksight could join me and attack from this cover.

He can cast darkness as a SLA, duration 2 minutes.

Any takers? Good idea, bad idea?

Discord Chat
GM BrOp wrote:

I'm going to repost the description of the room you are hiding in and see if it changes your preparations. I could have you make Int checks, but this is more fun :)

Two rows of scorched, wrought-iron bedframes take up most of the space in this soaring chamber, resting between a fire-blackened altar to the southwest and double doors to the northeast. A second set of double doors leads to the northwest, and a single iron door exits the chamber to the southeast. Brightly colored holy figures stare down from the stained-glass windows built into the blackened stone walls, their visages noticeably less damaged than the rest of the room.

*cough* *cough*

Male Tiefling Magus (Eldritch Archer) 3 | hp 30/30 | AC 17 t14 ff13; resist cold/electricity/fire 5 | CMB +2 CMD 16 | F+4 R+5 W+4 | init+4 | Darkvision 60'; Perc+7 SM+1 | Speed 30' | Arcane Pool 4/4 | Darkness [_] | Spells: 1st color spray, hydraulic push, ray of enfeeblement, snowball | Active conditions: none

Oh, lol, the statues shoot flames?

Cetan looks up at the statues, suspicious of their nature and how they might affect a battle in this room.

Cast detect magic
Knowledge (arcana): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (12) + 8 = 20

M Human Wizard (Sword Binder) 3 | HP 27/27 | AC 16 T 12 FF 14 CMD 15 | F+3 R+4 W+3 | Init +2 | Perception +7 | Active: Mage Armor | Sword 7/7
Cetan "The Dark Wind" wrote:
Cetan "The Dark Wind" wrote:

I could... plunge the back section of the room into darkness for a time. Those with darksight could join me and attack from this cover.

He can cast darkness as a SLA, duration 2 minutes.

Any takers? Good idea, bad idea?

I think it's not likely to be very useful, but as long as it isn't where I am, go for it.

Brogann does not really consider the scorch marks important. This place did burn down, after all. And as to the holy figures being less scorched than everything else, he figures that has to do with stained glass being different than stone and iron. Or maybe some lingering holy blessing.

He has a marked lack of curiosity as Cetan investigates.

Discord Chat

Guys, you're in the room with the haunt.

M Human Wizard (Sword Binder) 3 | HP 27/27 | AC 16 T 12 FF 14 CMD 15 | F+3 R+4 W+3 | Init +2 | Perception +7 | Active: Mage Armor | Sword 7/7

Ah. That was quite a while ago IRL and very underplayed at the time. Still, I should have gone back and read it.

Brogann doesn't know if the prior event in this place will recur, or how long it would take, or where exactly is the trigger point. He just remains on guard and listens for movement in the hallway.

Discord Chat

DC 15 Intelligence or DC 10 Knowledge (religion):
Haunts tend to reoccur on a regular if unpredictable schedule. They can be temporarily suppressed via the application of positive energy (such as via channeled energy or cure spells) as they are manifesting. The only way of "clearing" them permanently is via the application of powerful holy magic.

Male Human Fighter (3) Init+4 HP 45/45 AC 16 FF 14 Touch 10 Fort +6 Ref +2 Will +1 Per+0 Spd 30

Know Religion untrained: 1d20 ⇒ 20 Wow

It should come back sooner or later, it's linked to the place after all. We would need powerful holy magic to get rid of it for ever

Female Half-Elf Bloodrager (Urban) 3 | HP 42/42| AC 16 (T 12, F 14) | CMB +6, CMD 18 | F +5, R +4, W +3 (+5 vs Charm and Compulsion) (All +1 vs Arcane Spells) | Init +3 | Perc +6 | Speed 30 | Rage 10/10

Sigrun didn't really understand exactly what Cetan was suggesting by bringing up darkening and area. So she replies in a noncommittal fashion so to not look dumb.

"If you have some plan for making part of the room dark and it helps you go ahead. But keep it away from me. I can't see in darkness."


When the haunt is brought up, Sigrun grumbles. "Are we supposed to move somewhere else then? We would need to clean again if we did."

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Below are character creation guidelines:

- 20 Point-Buy; no Ability Scores below ten, before Racial Adjustments

- Characters will start at 1st level with max HP and max gold. Levels 2-4 will also progress at max HP. Level 5 and above, the player will have the option of rolling or taking 1/2 +1 HP.

- Two traits, one trait being AP specific mentioned in the Player’s Guide for this AP.

- No evil characters.

- Characters will start with 1 Hero Point. Hero Points are awarded for in-game ideas and heroic deeds.

Expected Prelude Start Date: 2/1/21

M Human Wizard (Sword Binder) 3 | HP 27/27 | AC 16 T 12 FF 14 CMD 15 | F+3 R+4 W+3 | Init +2 | Perception +7 | Active: Mage Armor | Sword 7/7

Brogann is ready!

Male Human Fighter (3) Init+4 HP 45/45 AC 16 FF 14 Touch 10 Fort +6 Ref +2 Will +1 Per+0 Spd 30

Gabsen should be ready, will twist maybe a thing or two before the beginning

Hello! Escharid/Gabsen mentioned you might need a few more hands for fighting giants - is this true? If so, who is already in the party? I've got some ideas I'd be happy to present for possible participation, but wouldn't want to step on anyone's toes (unless all parties involved agree to having a pair of similar characters XD).

Female Half-Elf Bloodrager (Urban) 3 | HP 42/42| AC 16 (T 12, F 14) | CMB +6, CMD 18 | F +5, R +4, W +3 (+5 vs Charm and Compulsion) (All +1 vs Arcane Spells) | Init +3 | Perc +6 | Speed 30 | Rage 10/10

Sigrun is close to ready. I just need to change her backstory to link with Giantslayer rather than the old Jade Regent campaign.

Female Half-Elf Bloodrager (Urban) 3 | HP 42/42| AC 16 (T 12, F 14) | CMB +6, CMD 18 | F +5, R +4, W +3 (+5 vs Charm and Compulsion) (All +1 vs Arcane Spells) | Init +3 | Perc +6 | Speed 30 | Rage 10/10

Hiya Hawthwile! Whatcha got in mind for characters?

I’ve got an idea for a dwarven inquisitor of Torag who seems like a fun time in an anti-giant campaign. But I can also see that we’ve got quite a few folks jostling for the front lines already - are we worried about too many cooks and not enough sous-chefs? An inquisitor would have rather limited support capabilities due to being a spontaneous caster, but still be able to use wands and scrolls for restorative magics if need be.


M Human Wizard (Sword Binder) 3 | HP 27/27 | AC 16 T 12 FF 14 CMD 15 | F+3 R+4 W+3 | Init +2 | Perception +7 | Active: Mage Armor | Sword 7/7

I asked a player from my War for the Crown game (motteditor) to take a look at Mioki's style and see if they wanted in.

I pointed out that we look good for melee but could use skill/support. They were thinking it over and considering Investigator.

@Hawthwile, Inquisitor could work, but would you consider the Preacher archetype? That "make enemy reroll attack" ability would be fantastic to use on crit threats.

@Sigrún - Urban Bloodrager is a pretty cool archetype. I have one in Strange Aeons (Destined Bloodline).

Female Half-Elf Bloodrager (Urban) 3 | HP 42/42| AC 16 (T 12, F 14) | CMB +6, CMD 18 | F +5, R +4, W +3 (+5 vs Charm and Compulsion) (All +1 vs Arcane Spells) | Init +3 | Perc +6 | Speed 30 | Rage 10/10

@Hawthwile: I think we're largely in play what you want mode, but a campaign called Giantslayer needs a dwarf!

@Brogann: Awesome! I'm in a game with motteditor as well! That's great! Tell him Emi says 'hi'!

Female Half-Elf Bloodrager (Urban) 3 | HP 42/42| AC 16 (T 12, F 14) | CMB +6, CMD 18 | F +5, R +4, W +3 (+5 vs Charm and Compulsion) (All +1 vs Arcane Spells) | Init +3 | Perc +6 | Speed 30 | Rage 10/10

@Brogann: Yeah, the Destined Bloodline looks really cool. I almost switched over to it from Arcane.

I'd love to play Strange Aeons sometime. What do you think of it so far?

Hawthwile wrote:
Hello! Escharid/Gabsen mentioned you might need a few more hands for fighting giants - is this true? If so, who is already in the party? I've got some ideas I'd be happy to present for possible participation, but wouldn't want to step on anyone's toes (unless all parties involved agree to having a pair of similar characters XD).


A spot is yours if you would like it.

You can check out my Azlant Game if you want to review my GM style.

I see there is already a discussion brewing. We currently have:

A Sword-Binding Wizard, Fighter, and BloodRager.

TBD: possible Shaman of Shoanti ancestry.

Sigrun speaks truth. Play what you want. Don't worry about filling holes. Although she is also right that we are missing a Dwarf.

M Human Wizard (Sword Binder) 3 | HP 27/27 | AC 16 T 12 FF 14 CMD 15 | F+3 R+4 W+3 | Init +2 | Perception +7 | Active: Mage Armor | Sword 7/7

I really like Strange Aeons. We are most of the way through Book 4.

I might look to run it.

Dark Archive

Male Outsider (PNW) | Expert 2e AP conversions from one of my own GMs | PFSTracker | Useless husband of Warah

Nice, I'm currently in book 2 of a 2e conversion of strange Aeons. So far it's done pretty well (the conversion -- at least as far as I can tell based on challenge).

And yeah, I see interesting is hopping quickly, so I'd better settle on my class (shaman or not) sooner :)

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Hah! Boodiddly sends his regards, Jevar! Maybe we'll not all go insane quite yet. XD

Brogann wrote:
@Hawthwile, Inquisitor could work, but would you consider the Preacher archetype? That "make enemy reroll attack" ability would be fantastic to use on crit threats.

I know, but I've also never played with Teamwork feats and thought I might give them a try. That being said, if this inquisitor does end up going with Preacher, then y'all better be ready to hear the good word of Torag. A lot. XD

@GM, what are your thoughts on Crafting in this campaign? I know it's a subsystem that not everyone wants to use due to how it messes with expected wealth-by-level, and it depends greatly on the time available for creating things and how much the GM/players want to track that. But it would be highly thematic for a follower of Torag, so I thought I'd ask.

M Human Wizard (Sword Binder) 3 | HP 27/27 | AC 16 T 12 FF 14 CMD 15 | F+3 R+4 W+3 | Init +2 | Perception +7 | Active: Mage Armor | Sword 7/7

Well, Teamwork feats are pretty sweet, so I can't fault you there. And inquisitors do get the Shared Training spell (in addition to Solo Tactics of course).

Shield Wall, Lastwall Phalanx, Escape Route, Lookout, Shake it Off, Coordinated Charge... I have a cavalier and a fighter in PFS who both make extensive use of teamwork feats; the cavalier has Tactician, and the fighter has both Tactician (Drill Sergeant archetype) and also Solo Tactics through Advanced Weapon Training.

Divine casters can eventually get Divine Interference to negate crits, and Brogann has the campaign trait to do so 1/day.

M Human Wizard (Sword Binder) 3 | HP 27/27 | AC 16 T 12 FF 14 CMD 15 | F+3 R+4 W+3 | Init +2 | Perception +7 | Active: Mage Armor | Sword 7/7

And it looks like motteditor will take a pass on this one due to busy schedule.

So it looks like we have 6 PCs, if Malakar is in with his nature oracle.

@Brogann, I appreciate the advice and I trust that it is coming from a place of good intent, but it really does feel as if you don't trust me and don't think I can design a competent character - and that makes me sad and hurt. I'm certainly happy to know that I've got an experienced source of wisdom if I have questions or want advice, but I'd appreciate being able to ask for help before receiving it.

@GM, another question: Is this campaign using Background skills? I didn't see them mentioned in the Character Creation guidelines posted earlier, but I can see some folks have included them in their profiles and some folks haven't.

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M Human Wizard (Sword Binder) 3 | HP 27/27 | AC 16 T 12 FF 14 CMD 15 | F+3 R+4 W+3 | Init +2 | Perception +7 | Active: Mage Armor | Sword 7/7

@Hawthwile, we've played together before in a high-level game (Passing the Torch) and I know you know your stuff. I was more just thinking out loud about how cool they are. I'm a huge fan of teamwork feats and was sharing my enthusiasm. I apologize.

@Hawthwile: I have not read through the entire AP, nor have I used the Craft subsystem. I kind of learn as I go. I am very much into the story of the game and if Crafting adds to the story, then I am all in. We'll make it work somehow.

Regarding Background Skills: I knew I was forgetting something. I have been a bit scatterbrained lately. Yes, please take a couple of Background Skills.

Thanks for taking the time to notice that.

Male Human Fighter (3) Init+4 HP 45/45 AC 16 FF 14 Touch 10 Fort +6 Ref +2 Will +1 Per+0 Spd 30

Informations about Giants enter the "Know-Nature" skill, right?

still working a few things here and there

Gabsen wrote:

Informations about Giants enter the "Know-Nature" skill, right?

still working a few things here and there

Nature would work. Depending on the info: could use geography, history, local also.

M Human Wizard (Sword Binder) 3 | HP 27/27 | AC 16 T 12 FF 14 CMD 15 | F+3 R+4 W+3 | Init +2 | Perception +7 | Active: Mage Armor | Sword 7/7

I think that with the party composition shaping up as it is, Brogann as I had originally envisioned him would not be a good fit.

He just doesn't bring to the table a capability that the party lacks.

And I don't feel inspired to create another PC.

I will withdraw.

Alright, I got the inquisitor built, was finalizing stuff, and realized they weren't actually doing what I wanted for a dwarven priest of Torag. XD So I remade them into a warpriest, which then shifted into warpriest/evangelist, and I think I'm happier with the result for the following reasons:
- Take advantage of Torag's Divine Fighting Technique for decent crowd control via Combat Patrol
- Extra frustrating for enemy spellcasters thanks to Disruptive and Spellbreaker (which will eventually affect everyone inside the Combat Patrol area)
- Built-in Heavy Armor proficiency (what dwarf wouldn't have this, lol)
- Swift-action casting means no need to worry about having hands full of warhammer and shield
- Prepared spellcasting and automatic access to all cleric spells makes meeting Crafting requirements much easier

I didn't leave room for Craft Wondrous Item, but I could shuffle stuff around if we really want it (probably dropping Greater Shield Focus and pushing Dodge a level later). If you want to check out the planned build progression, you can find it here! Sheet is "Schwertleite, Daughter of Stone", and feedback/comments are welcome and appreciated!

Brogann wrote:

I think that with the party composition shaping up as it is, Brogann as I had originally envisioned him would not be a good fit.

He just doesn't bring to the table a capability that the party lacks.

And I don't feel inspired to create another PC.

I will withdraw.

This bums me out. I was really looking forward to this big guy whipping a greatsword into the chest of a giant.

We'll always have Azlant.

Hawthwile wrote:

Alright, I got the inquisitor built, was finalizing stuff, and realized they weren't actually doing what I wanted for a dwarven priest of Torag. XD So I remade them into a warpriest, which then shifted into warpriest/evangelist, and I think I'm happier with the result for the following reasons:

- Take advantage of Torag's Divine Fighting Technique for decent crowd control via Combat Patrol
- Extra frustrating for enemy spellcasters thanks to Disruptive and Spellbreaker (which will eventually affect everyone inside the Combat Patrol area)
- Built-in Heavy Armor proficiency (what dwarf wouldn't have this, lol)
- Swift-action casting means no need to worry about having hands full of warhammer and shield
- Prepared spellcasting and automatic access to all cleric spells makes meeting Crafting requirements much easier

I didn't leave room for Craft Wondrous Item, but I could shuffle stuff around if we really want it (probably dropping Greater Shield Focus and pushing Dodge a level later). If you want to check out the planned build progression, you can find it here! Sheet is "Schwertleite, Daughter of Stone", and feedback/comments are welcome and appreciated!

I think I'll need a manual for this guy.

Everyone else knows this. I am not the strongest with rules. So when I mess up a post with your character, let me know so I can fix for next time.

Dwarven Warpriest sounds perfect.

No worries, GM - the nice thing is that we’ll be learning how she works one new thing at a time. And if something seems off, I’m always happy to explain where it was found and how it can be used as I currently understand. And at least this character doesn’t have stuff like Parry/Riposte. XD

I’ll try to finish up a profile and have her post here tomorrow - or at least by Sunday. Back to work tomorrow, so we’ll see how much time is left after reading a million emails.

Hawthwile wrote:
... Back to work tomorrow, so we’ll see how much time is left after reading a million emails.

I recommend 'Select All' then 'Delete'

Are your sure?


This leaves us with 5 players. I would like to start with 6.

10% increase to max gold referral bonus

Gabsen - you get a referral bonus.

They also stack.

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M Human Wizard (Sword Binder) 3 | HP 27/27 | AC 16 T 12 FF 14 CMD 15 | F+3 R+4 W+3 | Init +2 | Perception +7 | Active: Mage Armor | Sword 7/7

I've been going back and forth on this.

I guess I'd still be in if that is okay.

I am really concerned that this party will be too powerful. We'd have 3 9-level casters and 4 powerful martials (including the animal companion). Brogann's damage-dealing would be irrelevant and overkill. But that doesn't usually become a problem with APs until mid-high level.

If we get to level 8 and we are just one-rounding everything and it is boring, well, I'll cross that bridge when we get to it. Maybe I'd change characters down the road. No sense worrying too much about it now.

Dark Archive

Male Outsider (PNW) | Expert 2e AP conversions from one of my own GMs | PFSTracker | Useless husband of Warah

Taking stock again:

A Sword-Binding Wizard

Seems like we could use some stealth? Even if I keep the Shoanti character idea I had I would probably shift gears from shaman, but I might look for a different idea too.

PaleDim wrote:

Taking stock again:

A Sword-Binding Wizard

Seems like we could use some stealth? Even if I keep the Shoanti character idea I had I would probably shift gears from shaman, but I might look for a different idea too.

You have time. My 2/1 start might be ambitious for me. I have some staff out due to Covid. I see a few long days for the next two weeks.

I mentioned this before, play what you want instead of filling a hole. I value you as a player in the game, and I want you to be happy with your character choice.

Glad to still have you here, Brogann.

There’s nothing in the sword-binder archetype preventing you from using utility or buff/debuff spells if you think we’re too focused on dealing damage, is there? You just have another tool for when some giant thinks they’ve got you defenseless and then you stick a sword up their arse.

Also, who has an animal companion?

M Human Wizard (Sword Binder) 3 | HP 27/27 | AC 16 T 12 FF 14 CMD 15 | F+3 R+4 W+3 | Init +2 | Perception +7 | Active: Mage Armor | Sword 7/7

Another player is bringing a Nature Oracle who will dip Mammoth Rider to get a Huge animal companion.

@PaleDim - stick with the Shaman if you want - having more casters will give either one of us the leeway to get creative instead of always feeling obligated to prep the standard most optimal spells. I guess that's a big upside of having such a powerful party.

HP 33/33|AC 18(20 w/ Shield),Touch 14, Flat-Footed 14(16 w/ Shield)|F+3,R+1,W+3 (+1 vs. fear)|Init.+0|Perception +3|Hero Point 1| Shoanti Aasimar(Angelkin) NG Male Oracle 3

Alias created need to work out a few details before I fill it in. Also for max moeny do you mean max for class or max.

Tooantuh "Sky Voice" wrote:
Alias created need to work out a few details before I fill it in. Also for max moeny do you mean max for class or max.

max gold for class

@Brogann - Has Brogann officially signed on to be part of the militia?

I'll ask all of you to tie into your backstory that you have either been in Trunau long enough to have some relationship with the militia or you are on a supply caravan from parts north and traveling south to Trunau.

If part of a caravan, this could be your destination or just a stopover for places farther south. In Gabsen's case, he could have signed on as a long-time guard for this route. This is just an example though. The reason you are there is, of course, yours.

M Human Wizard (Sword Binder) 3 | HP 27/27 | AC 16 T 12 FF 14 CMD 15 | F+3 R+4 W+3 | Init +2 | Perception +7 | Active: Mage Armor | Sword 7/7

Yes, Brogann is part of the militia.

With enough experience so that dipping a level of Fighter or Constable Cavalier could be reasonable in the future if I wanted to go Eldritch Knight.

Scarab Sages

We do have a powerful lineup, and maybe a little light on skills. I don't know if skills would matter quite so much in this campaign though.

One thing I could do if we would like to dial fighty down a notch and utility up a notch is I could trade out Bloodrager for Skald. I could still do the same things character-wise with Sigrun as a skald. If I went with urban skald the ability score bonuses don't mess with spell casting.

I might want to go with a ranged build though.

Any opinions or input anyone?

M Human Wizard (Sword Binder) 3 | HP 27/27 | AC 16 T 12 FF 14 CMD 15 | F+3 R+4 W+3 | Init +2 | Perception +7 | Active: Mage Armor | Sword 7/7

As long as Brogann gets the chance to mix it up in melee once in a while then I'm good.

Moreso once he can cast Transformation and Giant Form. Yes, I know it is suboptimal. But it will be awesome. Way down the road.

F LG Dwarf Warpriest 2 | HP 22/22 | AC 19 T 11 FF 18 (+4 vs giants) | CMB +4, CMD 15 (+4 vs bullrush, trip) | F: +5, R: +2, W: +6 (+2 vs poison, +4 vs spells, SLA) | Init: +1 | Perc: +3 (+2 vs unusual stonework), SM: +7, Darkvision 60 ft | Speed 20ft | Spells: 1st 3/3 | Blessings: 4/4 | Fervor: 4/4 | Roll With It: 2/2 | Active conditions: None

Ooo, skald could be fun!

HP 33/33|AC 18(20 w/ Shield),Touch 14, Flat-Footed 14(16 w/ Shield)|F+3,R+1,W+3 (+1 vs. fear)|Init.+0|Perception +3|Hero Point 1| Shoanti Aasimar(Angelkin) NG Male Oracle 3

One of the benefits of fighting giants and their kind is that they are large or larger so there will be plenty of room to mix up the melee.

@GM Mioki, I saw up thread someone mention background skills. I really like that system hiwever it does in a way replace the default skill system so a confirmation on wether or not we are using it would be helpful.

Female Elf Skald (Twilight Speaker) 1

I went digging around on the back shelves and I actually have a skald already built who could maybe work for the campaign. Built for applying to another campaign but didn't get in.

She's be a fish out of water but I kind of like the idea of a traveling ambassador/explorer getting caught up in things by accident. Kind of a 13th Warrior feel to it, if anyone remembers that movie from back when.

I'll give bloodrager vs skald some thought.

Tooantuh "Sky Voice" wrote:

@GM Mioki, I saw up thread someone mention background skills. I really like that system hiwever it does in a way replace the default skill system so a confirmation on wether or not we are using it would be helpful.

You can add 2 ranks per level toward background skills.

Naumys Sariandi wrote:

I went digging around on the back shelves and I actually have a skald already built who could maybe work for the campaign. Built for applying to another campaign but didn't get in.

She's be a fish out of water but I kind of like the idea of a traveling ambassador/explorer getting caught up in things by accident. Kind of a 13th Warrior feel to it, if anyone remembers that movie from back when.

I'll give bloodrager vs skald some thought.

I really enjoyed The 13th Warrior. It got panned for some reason, but I liked it.

HP 33/33|AC 18(20 w/ Shield),Touch 14, Flat-Footed 14(16 w/ Shield)|F+3,R+1,W+3 (+1 vs. fear)|Init.+0|Perception +3|Hero Point 1| Shoanti Aasimar(Angelkin) NG Male Oracle 3

Ok just typed a much longer than intended backstory for Sky Voice. Give it a once over and let me know what you think. I did it at work so it may be a bit all over the place idk. I am off work tomorrow and will post his stats and description.

TLDR for others who don't want to read the whole thing.:

Basic outline tho is Sky Voice is a s Aasimar Shoanti who during his coming of age rites developed Oracle powers and the Tongues curse. He was sent to seek out a fabled mountain mentor to better understand his powers. The mentor ended up being an Elderly Cliff Giant who taught him the ways of nature(to go with the Student of Giantkind trait). During this mentoring he gained his animal companion a Deinotherium calf whos parents were killed. After returning to his Quah after many years he didn't feel at home there and took every excuse to work out in nature. Culimnating in him taking journey to the town of Trunau where his Quah heard that the children of some exiled Shoanti who live there are coming of age and have no one to perform the rites and give them their tattoos.

Scarab Sages

I'm kind of warming to the idea of an Ilverani Twilight Speaker who has ventured down into the darkest heart of unknown Avistan to explore and search for hints of goodwill in the far south.

Trunau is a stopover on her way to Lastwall and then Ustalav. She was almost about to leave. Stupid coincidences.

Also Sigrun is a good all around character who could be used in about anything (especially a Strange Aeons campaign if one ever came along), while I don't see a Skald working in many other scenarios.

F LG Dwarf Warpriest 2 | HP 22/22 | AC 19 T 11 FF 18 (+4 vs giants) | CMB +4, CMD 15 (+4 vs bullrush, trip) | F: +5, R: +2, W: +6 (+2 vs poison, +4 vs spells, SLA) | Init: +1 | Perc: +3 (+2 vs unusual stonework), SM: +7, Darkvision 60 ft | Speed 20ft | Spells: 1st 3/3 | Blessings: 4/4 | Fervor: 4/4 | Roll With It: 2/2 | Active conditions: None

I'm thinking to have Schwertleite also be a part of the town's militia, or at least serving in it as a way to get lessons from the town's giantslayers before she heads deeper into the Hold. @Brogann, do you want to already know each other?

M Human Wizard (Sword Binder) 3 | HP 27/27 | AC 16 T 12 FF 14 CMD 15 | F+3 R+4 W+3 | Init +2 | Perception +7 | Active: Mage Armor | Sword 7/7

Happily... although it means I have to learn to spell your character's name... copy-and-paste it is!

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