GM_ZenFox42 |
Just to be clear, the sword has flames merely licking over its surface, it barely produces any light. Anything it touches, in combat or out, might catch on fire (6 on a non-Acing d6). It doesn't add any damage to the attack.
Evesk noticed that the goblin had a sheath on its belt, and took it. When the sword is in the sheath, the flames go out.
Evesk |
Oh okay so a nearly useless flame on a sword -- still if I were to touch it to a torch it would light a torch or if I were to stick it in to some wood that eventually it would start the campfire ;-)
Suggestion that instead of giving off bright light in a 4" radius like a torch -- have it give off weak light (aka dim light) in a 4" radius and allow it to ignite torches or other flammable substances with a single action like a Tindertwig (of if that is too quick a Full-Round Action) and it takes at least 1 minute (GM discretion based on the substance) for it to ignite items that can burn but are not necessarily flammable -- although the 6 on a non-aceable 1d6 works as well for the latter part.
Basically make it have a very minor use besides just looking impressive that mirrors what a flame ought to do.
GM_ZenFox42 |
The sword already can possibly set aflame things which can burn (like leather armor and wood) during a melee turn (and out of combat, without a roll). It just makes sense that it would also light things which are flammable just as quickly (but without a roll). But it gives off no appreciable light to speak of.
FWIW, in Pathfinder, Light Generation is a separate magic-item effect, and neither PF or SW's description of the "flaming" quality says that it also creates an appreciable amount of light.
GM_ZenFox42 |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Stunned is the worst condition in SW (both in-game, and mechanically), and conceptually I hate its complexity. But it was in the AP, and I've never actually tried it, so here's how it goes...
When you become Stunned, you :
• Are Distracted (-2 to all Trait rolls; this is removed at the end of the victim’s *next* turn as usual, regardless of their Stunned condition)
• Are Vulnerable (opponents are +2 to attack you; this remains until you recover from being Stunned)
• Fall prone (or to their knees, GM’s call)
• Can’t move or take *any* actions (other than recovery rolls)
At the start of a Stunned character’s turn, he makes a Vigor roll as a Free action (at –2 if in the first and second rounds because of the Distracted). Success means he’s no longer Stunned (and so can take actions, at –2 if in the first and second rounds) but remains Vulnerable until the end of his *next* turn. With a Raise, his Vulnerable state goes away at the end of this turn.
So, that's 5 non-normal states you can be in :
Stunned & Distracted
Stunned & not Distracted
Vulnerable & Distracted
Vulnerable & not Distracted
Not Vulnerable & Distracted
AND you have to keep track of which round the character lost the Distracted and Stunned conditions in, because Distracted and Vulnerable don't disappear until the end of the *next* round!
Simple, isn't it? :(
Jzero Katzu |
Gives me additional reasons to value the stun power in SWADE.
Thanks for the summary. I'll probably refer to it as necessary.
GM_ZenFox42 |
After talking with some folks on Reddit, I've realized I misinterpreted the use of the phrase "on the next turn". So, here's the updated recovery process :
At the start of a Stunned character’s turn, he makes a Vigor roll as a Free action (at –2 in the first turn because of the Distracted). Success means he’s no longer Stunned (and so can take actions, at –2 in the first turn) but remains Vulnerable until the end of his *next* turn. With a Raise, his Vulnerable state goes away at the end of this turn.
The Distracted condition automatically goes away at the end of the character's first turn of being Stunned.
Evesk |
Just FYI as I can go with your call on this.
So yeah I know that the flaming sword in PF1e does not explicitly state that it gives off light but dang a candle gives off light and a sword on fire (not just red hot metal) would give off at least as much light as a candle which is as follows:
Candle: A candle dimly illuminates a small area, increasing the light level in a 5-foot radius by one step (darkness becomes dim light and dim light becomes normal light).
This is why I as a GM have always simply said a flaming weapon gives off dim light within the same radius as a torch which in PF1e is a 20-foot radius. So more effective than a candle but less effective than a torch.
Oh and yeah thanks for clarifying that Stunned Condition definitely need to auto remove that one if it drops which I hope is possible.
GM_ZenFox42 |
I'm thinking of removing the Distracted condition from Stunned altogether, so the process would look like this :
Fail at first roll to recover :
Stunned (can't act), Vulnerable (for however many Turns you fail recovery)
Vulnerable (only if Success on recovery, until end of this turn; skip if Raise on recovery)
Succeed at first roll to recover :
Vulnerable (until end of first turn)
Raise at first roll to recover:
Evesk |
Okay so from what I understand from what you have outlined (if I did not get confuzzled that is). Oh and I am not covering the Raise condition just the basic flow.
Creature Stunned
Distracted (-2 to all Traits) (last until End of Turn)
Vulnerable (Opponents +2 Attack) (last until Recovery)
Fall Prone (or to Knee)
No Actions (except Recovery roll)(last until Recovery?)
Creature Rolls Vigor (-2)
-------{ Creature Succeeds immediately }-------
Distracted (-2 to all Traits) (last until End of Turn)
Vulnerable (Opponents +2 Attack) (last until End of Next Turn)
Still Prone (or on Knee)
-------{ Creature Fails immediately }-------
Distracted (-2 to all Traits) (last until End of Turn)
Vulnerable (Opponents +2 Attack) (last until Recovery)
Still Prone (or on Knee)
No Actions (except Recovery roll)(last until Recovery?)
-------{ Repeat Following Until Recovery }-------
-------{ Next Round after Success }-------
Vulnerable (Opponents +2 Attack) (last until End of Turn)
-------{ Next Round after Failure }-------
Vulnerable (Opponents +2 Attack) (last until Recovery)
Still Prone (or on Knee)
No Actions (except Recovery roll)(last until Recovery?)
Creature Rolls Vigor (-0)
Okay so with the Distracted a Creature is generally going to be Stunned for 1 full round as the -2 makes it pretty tough to succeed especially at our current level. However, later on a highly vigorous creature could actually make that first save even with the -2. So at our current level getting Stunned is not a good thing but we have Bennies to deal with that (yes/no?) Which if applicable would seem like a very good time to be using a Benny. There is also the chance of getting an Ace so another means of canceling it out early on.
So all-in-all I think while nasty at low levels it is setup to remain viable even at higher levels and removing the Distracted tones it down a lot. But that is just me opinion and yours is the one that counts.