Giantslayer: Against the Giants Redux
Game Master
Branding Opportunity
Welcome to Trunau. A town where life is tough and orcs are plenty.
People & Places
Combat Map
Loot List
Male Tiefling Magus (Eldritch Archer) 3 | hp 30/30 | AC 17 t14 ff13; resist cold/electricity/fire 5 | CMB +2 CMD 16 | F+4 R+5 W+4 | init+4 | Darkvision 60'; Perc+7 SM+1 | Speed 30' | Arcane Pool 4/4 | Darkness [_] | Spells: 1st color spray, hydraulic push, ray of enfeeblement, snowball | Active conditions: none
I'm going to wait until the "daughter" scene resolves before having Cetan join at the tavern, because how this plays out *could* change the rest of his day.
Female Half-Elf Bloodrager (Urban) 3 | HP 42/42| AC 16 (T 12, F 14) | CMB +6, CMD 18 | F +5, R +4, W +3 (+5 vs Charm and Compulsion) (All +1 vs Arcane Spells) | Init +3 | Perc +6 | Speed 30 | Rage 10/10
I’m 4 days without power now due to the ice storm. No idea when it will be back on. I’ll be back when possible. Bot me as needed.
Sigrún the Magpie wrote: I’m 4 days without power now due to the ice storm. No idea when it will be back on. I’ll be back when possible. Bot me as needed. So sorry to hear this. I hope you get power back soon.
I have been a bit absent as well. I got hit with a big project at work; therefore, I have been putting in some longer days. Hopefully will have this wrapped up by tomorrow.
I have 1/2 a foot of snow to shovel out this evening and tomorrow I get my first vaccine shot.
Since I consider this an excellent time in the game for character development, I'll wait for folks to get some posts up, if interested in doing so.
I'll catch up over the weekend, when life slows down a bit for me and resolve any pending posts that are currently up.
Sorry for the delay.
Again, best wishes with getting your power back. If you want to fly to Eastern PA, I'll find room for you. And we got snow ...
Male Tiefling Magus (Eldritch Archer) 3 | hp 30/30 | AC 17 t14 ff13; resist cold/electricity/fire 5 | CMB +2 CMD 16 | F+4 R+5 W+4 | init+4 | Darkvision 60'; Perc+7 SM+1 | Speed 30' | Arcane Pool 4/4 | Darkness [_] | Spells: 1st color spray, hydraulic push, ray of enfeeblement, snowball | Active conditions: none
No worries on the delay. There's real (and tough) stuff going on in the world right now.

Female Half-Elf Bloodrager (Urban) 3 | HP 42/42| AC 16 (T 12, F 14) | CMB +6, CMD 18 | F +5, R +4, W +3 (+5 vs Charm and Compulsion) (All +1 vs Arcane Spells) | Init +3 | Perc +6 | Speed 30 | Rage 10/10
So six days until power was restored. No thanks on your offer of more snow Mioki. This storm was enough for me.
Maybe at this point I should explain here what Sigrun is going on about with the thrall stuff. First the disclaimer that Thralldom meant different things at different times and places historically.
In this case though what she means is something closer to indentured servitude than slavery. She has entered into an agreement to pay a monetary debt through a period of unpaid labor. She isn't a permanent slave, and she still has rights (although diminished during the period of thralldom). What she's asking to know is the exactly amount of time it will take to pay the debt.
This piece from the Inner Sea World Guide explains Ulfen thralldom concisely:
The Ulfen traditionally keep thralls—slaves whose period of service ends in a set amount of time. Children born to thralls are always born free, and thralls can file a complaint against a harsh or unfair master (which shames the master, certainly, but also runs the risk of a master’s fury). Thralls have been either captured in battle or condemned to service by a thingmar, a court of justice of the Ulfen consisting of the victim’s peers, overseen by an elder jarl or chief. Even chiefs or jarls can be condemned as thralls if they have foresworn an oath, killed a child, or betrayed their fellow warriors.
Of course Sigrun is aware there are some differences between thralldom and what's she's doing, which is more like a period of community service, so she's trolling all of them some because she's a bit annoyed with having to do it.
So glad to hear that you got your power back.
Also, thank you for this Pathfinder history on Thralldom.
Sorry for my absence. I hope to get some posts up later tonight. It just has not been an easy weekend.
Friday night I got word that a high school classmate past away from leukemia. We were not really close, but this has been haunting me all weekend and I cannot get my head back in the game at the moment. I keep thinking of my own mortality, the goals I have not yet accomplished, and the important people in my life. Finally the skies are clear and I need to go for a long walk.
I'll get back as soon as I can.
F LG Dwarf Warpriest 2 | HP 22/22 | AC 19 T 11 FF 18 (+4 vs giants) | CMB +4, CMD 15 (+4 vs bullrush, trip) | F: +5, R: +2, W: +6 (+2 vs poison, +4 vs spells, SLA) | Init: +1 | Perc: +3 (+2 vs unusual stonework), SM: +7, Darkvision 60 ft | Speed 20ft | Spells: 1st 3/3 | Blessings: 4/4 | Fervor: 4/4 | Roll With It: 2/2 | Active conditions: None
Hugs, GM. Take all the time you need.
Male Tiefling Magus (Eldritch Archer) 3 | hp 30/30 | AC 17 t14 ff13; resist cold/electricity/fire 5 | CMB +2 CMD 16 | F+4 R+5 W+4 | init+4 | Darkvision 60'; Perc+7 SM+1 | Speed 30' | Arcane Pool 4/4 | Darkness [_] | Spells: 1st color spray, hydraulic push, ray of enfeeblement, snowball | Active conditions: none
Schwertleite, Child of Stone wrote: Hugs, GM. Take all the time you need. Same. Games shouldn't add stress, and we're doing pretty good here so far.
Male Human Fighter (3) Init+4 HP 45/45 AC 16 FF 14 Touch 10 Fort +6 Ref +2 Will +1 Per+0 Spd 30
Yeah life is tough sometimes. This is a place for levity and play, and you have to be in the right frame of mind for that.
Male Tiefling Magus (Eldritch Archer) 3 | hp 30/30 | AC 17 t14 ff13; resist cold/electricity/fire 5 | CMB +2 CMD 16 | F+4 R+5 W+4 | init+4 | Darkvision 60'; Perc+7 SM+1 | Speed 30' | Arcane Pool 4/4 | Darkness [_] | Spells: 1st color spray, hydraulic push, ray of enfeeblement, snowball | Active conditions: none
Hello, I just wanted to let everyone know I will be away from access to computers and unable to post this Saturday, 2/27 (all day). I will be back and able to catch up early in the afternoon (US/Pacific time) the next day. Bot me as needed.
HP 33/33|AC 18(20 w/ Shield),Touch 14, Flat-Footed 14(16 w/ Shield)|F+3,R+1,W+3 (+1 vs. fear)|Init.+0|Perception +3|Hero Point 1| Shoanti Aasimar(Angelkin) NG Male Oracle 3
For the festival day besides the free service he will over to Shoanti, I think Sky voice will offer half price small tattoos to the other residents. There is 3rd party pricing saying a small 3"x3" should be 5gp so 1.5gp per.
Not expecting to get rich just a way for Sky Voice to get some spare change as he is basically broke from character creation.

Hey everyone,
I am going to be stepping away from the computer for a few months. Two weekends ago I did some introspection and considered the goals I have on hold. One main goal is to hike the Appalachian Trail, and I decided that I do not want to put this off until retirement. Although my wife is not crazy with the idea, she has accepted that this is something that I need to do.
Last week, more on a whim and an attempt to put my goals into action, I put in a request at work to use all of my accrued PTO in one lump sum and take an additional no-pay leave of absence. To my surprise, this was approved today. So I have some prep to do because I leave April 1st.
I am going to end the games now since you have not actually started Giantslayer yet. It seems to be a fun adventure, if you get to play it in the future.
Sorry about this, but this is something I feel I need to do while I am still relatively young and healthy. It has been awesome playing with all of you. I wish you all the best and many future Nat 20’s.
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Female Half-Elf Bloodrager (Urban) 3 | HP 42/42| AC 16 (T 12, F 14) | CMB +6, CMD 18 | F +5, R +4, W +3 (+5 vs Charm and Compulsion) (All +1 vs Arcane Spells) | Init +3 | Perc +6 | Speed 30 | Rage 10/10
You're doing the right thing Mioki. Good for you! I'm sad the games are ending, you did a really great job with them. But, you have to put RL before the games.
Take care and I hope the backpacking is wonderful. Maybe we'll see you around here again in a few months.

HP 33/33|AC 18(20 w/ Shield),Touch 14, Flat-Footed 14(16 w/ Shield)|F+3,R+1,W+3 (+1 vs. fear)|Init.+0|Perception +3|Hero Point 1| Shoanti Aasimar(Angelkin) NG Male Oracle 3
Grumble grumble. . .that sucks (Sorry my knee jerk selfish reaction to losing games)
Honestly tho man I am happy for you and a little bit jealous that you know what you want to do no matter what sparked the need.
I hope you find peace and adventure and wonder out there.
Do me a favor and find one of those caves out there that has literally never seen man and that is literally older than bones. The Appalachians may not be the biggest or grandest mountains but they are some of the oldest some of that stone is literally older than bones and some probably older than that. And while that may not be comforting to some to me the fact that something can be that old and is going to get much older and to know that I was formed by the same stardust gives me some perspective if that makes sense.
Good luck and see you on the other side.
Male Human Fighter (3) Init+4 HP 45/45 AC 16 FF 14 Touch 10 Fort +6 Ref +2 Will +1 Per+0 Spd 30
No problem with me. Real Life first.
May Desna smiles on your travels
Male Tiefling Magus (Eldritch Archer) 3 | hp 30/30 | AC 17 t14 ff13; resist cold/electricity/fire 5 | CMB +2 CMD 16 | F+4 R+5 W+4 | init+4 | Darkvision 60'; Perc+7 SM+1 | Speed 30' | Arcane Pool 4/4 | Darkness [_] | Spells: 1st color spray, hydraulic push, ray of enfeeblement, snowball | Active conditions: none
That's awesome! You're right that you don't get many chances to pursue a huge goal like this. What's next on the list? Pacific Crest Trail? ;)
F LG Dwarf Warpriest 2 | HP 22/22 | AC 19 T 11 FF 18 (+4 vs giants) | CMB +4, CMD 15 (+4 vs bullrush, trip) | F: +5, R: +2, W: +6 (+2 vs poison, +4 vs spells, SLA) | Init: +1 | Perc: +3 (+2 vs unusual stonework), SM: +7, Darkvision 60 ft | Speed 20ft | Spells: 1st 3/3 | Blessings: 4/4 | Fervor: 4/4 | Roll With It: 2/2 | Active conditions: None
No worries, GM - do what you need to do. Best wishes in these crazy times.
M Human Wizard (Sword Binder) 3 | HP 27/27 | AC 16 T 12 FF 14 CMD 15 | F+3 R+4 W+3 | Init +2 | Perception +7 | Active: Mage Armor | Sword 7/7
Best wishes and stay safe.
Thanks for all of the support.
If I hit the PCT next, I'll have to visit. (hmmmm, thinking)
Might as well Triple-Crown it and go for the CDT as well.
Hey, all. I'm potentially going to take the reins of this game. Give me a few days to familiarize myself with the table and with the campaign. In the mean time, could the players sound off and let me know that you're all still here?
HP 33/33|AC 18(20 w/ Shield),Touch 14, Flat-Footed 14(16 w/ Shield)|F+3,R+1,W+3 (+1 vs. fear)|Init.+0|Perception +3|Hero Point 1| Shoanti Aasimar(Angelkin) NG Male Oracle 3
Good thing I checked in here. Most of us are still active in Mioki's other game discussion thread for Ruins of Azlant
M Human Wizard (Sword Binder) 3 | HP 27/27 | AC 16 T 12 FF 14 CMD 15 | F+3 R+4 W+3 | Init +2 | Perception +7 | Active: Mage Armor | Sword 7/7
F LG Dwarf Warpriest 2 | HP 22/22 | AC 19 T 11 FF 18 (+4 vs giants) | CMB +4, CMD 15 (+4 vs bullrush, trip) | F: +5, R: +2, W: +6 (+2 vs poison, +4 vs spells, SLA) | Init: +1 | Perc: +3 (+2 vs unusual stonework), SM: +7, Darkvision 60 ft | Speed 20ft | Spells: 1st 3/3 | Blessings: 4/4 | Fervor: 4/4 | Roll With It: 2/2 | Active conditions: None
Oh, that would be wonderful!
Male Tiefling Magus (Eldritch Archer) 3 | hp 30/30 | AC 17 t14 ff13; resist cold/electricity/fire 5 | CMB +2 CMD 16 | F+4 R+5 W+4 | init+4 | Darkvision 60'; Perc+7 SM+1 | Speed 30' | Arcane Pool 4/4 | Darkness [_] | Spells: 1st color spray, hydraulic push, ray of enfeeblement, snowball | Active conditions: none
Cetan is still here, pondering his life decisions :P
Male Human Fighter (3) Init+4 HP 45/45 AC 16 FF 14 Touch 10 Fort +6 Ref +2 Will +1 Per+0 Spd 30
Cool. Good to hear from you all. I look forward to the game. :D
Hey, guys. I'm still here. Recently had a grandparent pass away, so I'm helping my mother with some things. I'll get this up and running in the next few days. Thanks for the patience.
Male Tiefling Magus (Eldritch Archer) 3 | hp 30/30 | AC 17 t14 ff13; resist cold/electricity/fire 5 | CMB +2 CMD 16 | F+4 R+5 W+4 | init+4 | Darkvision 60'; Perc+7 SM+1 | Speed 30' | Arcane Pool 4/4 | Darkness [_] | Spells: 1st color spray, hydraulic push, ray of enfeeblement, snowball | Active conditions: none
Sorry to hear, and sorry for your loss. Don't sweat it, a game shouldn't add pressure to life. We're here when ready.
Female Half-Elf Bloodrager (Urban) 3 | HP 42/42| AC 16 (T 12, F 14) | CMB +6, CMD 18 | F +5, R +4, W +3 (+5 vs Charm and Compulsion) (All +1 vs Arcane Spells) | Init +3 | Perc +6 | Speed 30 | Rage 10/10
I'm sorry for your loss. Take all the time you need.
HP 33/33|AC 18(20 w/ Shield),Touch 14, Flat-Footed 14(16 w/ Shield)|F+3,R+1,W+3 (+1 vs. fear)|Init.+0|Perception +3|Hero Point 1| Shoanti Aasimar(Angelkin) NG Male Oracle 3
Take your time GM. This group is pretty laid back. Looking forward to playing and getting to kniw you.
Male Human Fighter (3) Init+4 HP 45/45 AC 16 FF 14 Touch 10 Fort +6 Ref +2 Will +1 Per+0 Spd 30
No problem, take your time.
Sorry for your loss
Male Tiefling Magus (Eldritch Archer) 3 | hp 30/30 | AC 17 t14 ff13; resist cold/electricity/fire 5 | CMB +2 CMD 16 | F+4 R+5 W+4 | init+4 | Darkvision 60'; Perc+7 SM+1 | Speed 30' | Arcane Pool 4/4 | Darkness [_] | Spells: 1st color spray, hydraulic push, ray of enfeeblement, snowball | Active conditions: none
This is an FYI that I'll be away from computers and unable to post starting this Friday (3/26) evening (US/Pacific time) and until Sunday (3/28). I will be able to catch up and resume posting that evening.
Hey, guys.
It's been a busy couple of weeks, but I should have us back up and running this weekend. I like to use Roll20 for combat maps, so if you don't already have an account, please head over there and make one.
Thanks for your patience!
Male Tiefling Magus (Eldritch Archer) 3 | hp 30/30 | AC 17 t14 ff13; resist cold/electricity/fire 5 | CMB +2 CMD 16 | F+4 R+5 W+4 | init+4 | Darkvision 60'; Perc+7 SM+1 | Speed 30' | Arcane Pool 4/4 | Darkness [_] | Spells: 1st color spray, hydraulic push, ray of enfeeblement, snowball | Active conditions: none
Gotcha. If it starts before Sunday afternoon when I return I should be able to catch up in short order.
HP 33/33|AC 18(20 w/ Shield),Touch 14, Flat-Footed 14(16 w/ Shield)|F+3,R+1,W+3 (+1 vs. fear)|Init.+0|Perception +3|Hero Point 1| Shoanti Aasimar(Angelkin) NG Male Oracle 3
I have been on roll20 since beta. Although I stopped my sub a few months ago. The competition is getting much better and cheaper. Anywho here is my profile so you can add me to the game for maps.
roll20 profile
Male Tiefling Magus (Eldritch Archer) 3 | hp 30/30 | AC 17 t14 ff13; resist cold/electricity/fire 5 | CMB +2 CMD 16 | F+4 R+5 W+4 | init+4 | Darkvision 60'; Perc+7 SM+1 | Speed 30' | Arcane Pool 4/4 | Darkness [_] | Spells: 1st color spray, hydraulic push, ray of enfeeblement, snowball | Active conditions: none
I've never used it, but I did setup a profile a long time ago:
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Okay. I'm all caught up and ready to go. If it's alright with you all, I'm going to transition us into the opening scene of Giantslayer proper.
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Here is the campaign link for the game. Nothing here just yet, but it will be populated with a map and tokens when relevant.
Male Tiefling Magus (Eldritch Archer) 3 | hp 30/30 | AC 17 t14 ff13; resist cold/electricity/fire 5 | CMB +2 CMD 16 | F+4 R+5 W+4 | init+4 | Darkvision 60'; Perc+7 SM+1 | Speed 30' | Arcane Pool 4/4 | Darkness [_] | Spells: 1st color spray, hydraulic push, ray of enfeeblement, snowball | Active conditions: none
Looks like I joined it. Unsure if there's a place to set my character profile (as opposed to just appearing as my site username).
Male Tiefling Magus (Eldritch Archer) 3 | hp 30/30 | AC 17 t14 ff13; resist cold/electricity/fire 5 | CMB +2 CMD 16 | F+4 R+5 W+4 | init+4 | Darkvision 60'; Perc+7 SM+1 | Speed 30' | Arcane Pool 4/4 | Darkness [_] | Spells: 1st color spray, hydraulic push, ray of enfeeblement, snowball | Active conditions: none
FYI, I will be away from computers and unable to post from this coming Friday evening (US/Pacific time) until Sunday afternoon. Since it's a weekend and I will fully catch up on return, I would expect minimal to no disruption.
HP 33/33|AC 18(20 w/ Shield),Touch 14, Flat-Footed 14(16 w/ Shield)|F+3,R+1,W+3 (+1 vs. fear)|Init.+0|Perception +3|Hero Point 1| Shoanti Aasimar(Angelkin) NG Male Oracle 3
Don't mind the slow pace just making sure we aren't dead here. I see you posting in your other games so I assume you have a lot on your plate.
Yeah, the last week has been very hectic. I work for a small brewery and the tourist season opens with a weeklong event here in town. I haven't had the time in the past couple of weeks to post as much as I'd like, and the other games have taken a bit of priority because they're currently in combats.
I should be good to go very soon though. Thanks for your patience.
Female Half-Elf Bloodrager (Urban) 3 | HP 42/42| AC 16 (T 12, F 14) | CMB +6, CMD 18 | F +5, R +4, W +3 (+5 vs Charm and Compulsion) (All +1 vs Arcane Spells) | Init +3 | Perc +6 | Speed 30 | Rage 10/10
Oooh! What's the name of the brewery? Do they bottle and distribute?
HP 33/33|AC 18(20 w/ Shield),Touch 14, Flat-Footed 14(16 w/ Shield)|F+3,R+1,W+3 (+1 vs. fear)|Init.+0|Perception +3|Hero Point 1| Shoanti Aasimar(Angelkin) NG Male Oracle 3
GM R0B0GEISHA wrote: Yeah, the last week has been very hectic. I work for a small brewery and the tourist season opens with a weeklong event here in town. I haven't had the time in the past couple of weeks to post as much as I'd like, and the other games have taken a bit of priority because they're currently in combats.
I should be good to go very soon though. Thanks for your patience.
I know that feeling. I work for a pool company and not only is now go time there is also a huge national chlorine shortage and because of Covid we haven't gotten many summer part timer applications so we are short staffed. I did about 70k in retail sales last Monday and Tuesday running the store solo.
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I've replaced the Slides link in the Campaign Header with a gallery of NPCs, places, and monsters. As we progress with the game, I'll keep adding to it!
HP 33/33|AC 18(20 w/ Shield),Touch 14, Flat-Footed 14(16 w/ Shield)|F+3,R+1,W+3 (+1 vs. fear)|Init.+0|Perception +3|Hero Point 1| Shoanti Aasimar(Angelkin) NG Male Oracle 3
Nice. Trunau is bigger than I though. And Halgra is handsomer... than I thought. Hopefully ruby takes after Cetan
Male Tiefling Magus (Eldritch Archer) 3 | hp 30/30 | AC 17 t14 ff13; resist cold/electricity/fire 5 | CMB +2 CMD 16 | F+4 R+5 W+4 | init+4 | Darkvision 60'; Perc+7 SM+1 | Speed 30' | Arcane Pool 4/4 | Darkness [_] | Spells: 1st color spray, hydraulic push, ray of enfeeblement, snowball | Active conditions: none
Tooantuh "Sky Voice" wrote: Nice. Trunau is bigger than I though. And Halgra is handsomer... than I thought. Hopefully ruby takes after Cetan Haha Halgra is strong, which is what passes for fair in Trunau. :D
Also, the official art makes Trunanu look huge, when its population is only 780.
Male Tiefling Magus (Eldritch Archer) 3 | hp 30/30 | AC 17 t14 ff13; resist cold/electricity/fire 5 | CMB +2 CMD 16 | F+4 R+5 W+4 | init+4 | Darkvision 60'; Perc+7 SM+1 | Speed 30' | Arcane Pool 4/4 | Darkness [_] | Spells: 1st color spray, hydraulic push, ray of enfeeblement, snowball | Active conditions: none
This is an FYI that I'll be away this coming weekend, 6/12-13, with no access to computers or phone signal. I should be able to resume Sunday evening (US/Pacific time). Given that it's a weekend I expect minimal disruption.
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Hey, guys. Super encouraged by all the posts. Today's my 10 year anniversary with my SO, so I'll catch up tomorrow!