Full Name |
Gabsen |
Race |
Human |
Classes/Levels |
Fighter (3) Init+4 HP 45/45 AC 16 FF 14 Touch 10 Fort +6 Ref +2 Will +1 Per+0 Spd 30 |
Gender |
Male |
Size |
Medium 6'0", 235 lbs |
Age |
21 |
Alignment |
N |
Languages |
Common |
Strength |
18 |
Dexterity |
10 |
Constitution |
16 |
Intelligence |
10 |
Wisdom |
10 |
Charisma |
10 |
About Gabsen
+2 racial bonus to Str
Gabsen Halrydun
Human Male
Fighter 3
God: none
Favored Class Fighter: +1 HP
Init +4 Perception +0
HP 45/45
Ac 16 (msw lamellar leather+4, heavy steel shield +2)
FF 14
Touch 10
Fort +3 (+6)
Ref +1 (+2)
Bravery: +1 to Will saves vs Fear
Speed 30
Bab +2
Melee +6
Ranged +2
Longsword +8, 1d8+4, C19-20 (*2) S
Light flail +7,1d8+4, C20 (*3) B
Dagger +7, 1d4+4, C 19-20 (*2) P
Great Axe (2H) +7, 1d12+6 C20 (*3)
(Base 2+Int 0+ FC 0+ Race 1=3/level) (AP-1, -3/shield)
Intimidate +5 Rank 2
Know Dungeonering +4
Climb+8 (AP -3)
Swim +8 (aP-3)
Ride+5 Rank 2
Survival+5 Rank 2
Background skills (4)
Profession-Soldier +5 Rank 2
Know Nature +1
Know Engineering+4
Handle Animal+4
Lore-Trunau +4
Improved initiative
F1--Power attack
F2-Improved Sunder
L3-Weapon Focus-Longsword
Orphaned by Giants: You grew up in a tranquil, happy home near the mountains, but that peace was shattered when giants came down from the mountains to raid your settlement. The giants killed your parents and left you a young orphan, and since that day, you’ve sworn to avenge the deaths of your kin. You gain a +1 trait bonus on attack rolls against creatures with the giant subtype, and a +2 trait bonus on rolls to conf irm critical hits against creatures with the giant subtype
Deft Dodger: Growing up in a rough neighborhood or a dangerous environment has honed your senses. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Reflex saves.
Gear &Money
Money 300
Equipment (91/100)
Armor (40) Msw lamellar leather, heavy steel shield
Weapons (22) longsword, light flail, dagger , Great axe
other: (29) Fighter kit ( a backpack, a bedroll, a belt pouch, a flint and steel, an iron pot, a mess kit, rope, soap, torches (10), trail rations (5 days), and a waterskin.)
GP 16
Not bright. Not quick enough. No social skills. Not pretty. Not particulary wise. Not rich. When he was a young boy, Gabsen couldn't be anything the women would like, even less love.
So he went away, as soon as possible, after being rejected one more time by the girl he liked, months after his family was slaughtered by giants, who raided his dad's farm in Trunau's vicinity . He served first as mercenary, then as a regular soldier, for the last two years, in Lastwall.
He never got rich.
He still wasn't cute, or bright, or wiser. His social skills were still non existent.
But his physical training payed BIG.
Muscles grew, endurance build.
He wasn't really that quick, but he could read a man's body langage now, react before it was too late and get the upper hand in most fights. He wasn't a fairytale hero. He was no stranger to killing people. He was just himself, and no one could be Gabsen more than him.
Now he was looking for a new job, and found a contract as a caravan guard, who was coming to Trunau. A few months on the roads, and a return in his old town... And with all the trouble in Truneau, a sellsword was pretty sure to get some employment.
Besides, Gabsen had some scores to settle, for a long time... Some vey BIg scores.
Grim, gruff, having lost his illusions and a good share of his comrades of arms, Gabsen knows he's not the greatest talker. But he doesnt care.Standing there, bulging his muscles is enough sometimes.
He's holding a silent grudge against those men more fortunate in the affairs of love.
He doesn't enjoy to fight, but knows how to end fights.
He doesn't bother much with religion, gods and priests.
He keeps silent about his origins, never telling anything about his hometown or family. Perhaps he has forgotten about them. Perhaps he just doesn't care anymore. He just introduce himself as "Gabsen", never telling his family name if he can avoid it.
Not particulary tall, Gabsen is rather massive. He's got his share of scars. There's still something of the "typical" soldier in his attitude and demeanor. He would probably never rised too much into an army's ranks, but that wouldn't probably have bothered him. He takes good care of his weapons,armor and shield, but his most prized possession is a small pouch, which he rubs in one big hand and smell from time to time when he must takes a decision. No one has ever seen what's inside of the pouch.