Brogann is a bit of an oddball. He was always large and strong, but had an affinity for the arcane arts. Certainly he knew there was more power to be gained by mastering the fabric of the universe than by swinging a piece of steel. So he dedicated himself to the study of magic, attending the Arcanamirium in Absalom.
And yet, while there, he learned of a most interesting technique, the Way of the Sword Binder. With a small circle of other students, he explored this mystery. There was Saquiel, the aasimar rapier-hurler who claimed to be distant relative of Arazni. There was 'Aroden the Second', a presumptuous youth who carried a longsword and dressed in the Azlanti fashion. There was Sabriel, an Elven woman with a Curve Blade. And there was Fazienza the Mad, a tall Taldan woman with a falcata. Brogann put his great strength to use carrying the mightiest sword he could, a massive greatsword.
Brogann is scholarly, relatively charming, and slightly impulsive. He tries to be patient, but he does enjoy a good scrap (particularly if it for a good cause).
Brogann is a beast of a man, broad-shouldered and standing six and half feet tall. He has long red hair, wild brown eyes, and tanned skin. His greatsword is well-made and kept in good shape. He also carries a gnarled oak club that he calls "The Ugly Stick."
Brogann is a wizard who will focus on ranged combat. He will stock some battlefield control spells, though I will be very judicious in using them since they can slow down a PbP game. More often he'll aim for offensive buffs or straightforward damage. And of course he'll have a range of utility spells.
Character Sheet:
Human Wizard 1 (Sword Binder)
CG Medium Human
Deity: Gorum
Init +3; Perception +3
AC 12, touch 12, flatfooted 10 (Dex +2)
HP 9 (1d6+3)
Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +2
Speed 30 ft.
Melee MW Greatsword +4 (2d6+4/19-20)
Ranged MW Greatsword +5 (2d6+4/19-20, 25’)
Str 14 (16), Dex 14, Con 14, Int 16 (18), Wis 10, Cha 10
BAB +0; CMB +3; CMD 15 (17 vs Disarm)
Feats Scribe Scroll (B), Precise Shot
Traits Roll With It, Arcane Temper, Iron Grip
FCB Wizard +1 Hit Point
Skills (6 per level)
Climb 1 +4
Swim 1 +4
Spellcraft 1 +8
Knowledge (Arcana) 1 +8
Knowledge (Local) 1 +8
Perception 1 +1
Background Skills
Knowledge (Engineering) 1 +8
Knowledge (Nobility) 1 +8
Languages Common, Orc, Giant, Dwarven, Elven
Burning Hands, Enlarge Person, Long Arm, Mage Armor, Magic Weapon, Protection from Evil, Shield, True Strike, Vanish
Spells Prepared (4/3): Detect Magic, Acid Splash, Open/Close, Disrupt Undead, Mage Armor, Long Arm, Enlarge Person
Concentration +7 (+2 CL, +4 Int, +1 trait)
Special Dual Talent Human (+2 Str/Int), Bonded Item (Sword), Sword of the Mage (7/day)
(Starting 70)
Paid for Scribing 2 1st-level spells (30)
Spell Component Pouch (5)
Backpack (2)
Traveler’s outfit
Waterskin (1)
Journal (10)
Inkpen (0.1)
Ink (8)
Acid (10)
Remaining: 3.1 GP