GM Cody Age of Ashes

Game Master Codanous

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Spell Area Templates ☘️☘️ = Hero points

Hey so with the flow of things, I'm not going to Bot Oppa. I want to make sure they have agency in this climatic fight.

Especially since, spoiler, it feels like we are nearing the end of this final fight. Voz has taken 41 points of damage, and believe it or not, she is in-fact a squishy wizard and is nearing the end of her life lol

Dwarf Male Barbarian 4 | HP 70 | AC 22 | Fort +11; Ref +7 ; Will +10 | Perc +10 | Exploration Activity: Search

Works for me.

Also, heads up from me: Family vacation starts Friday, back home Thursday, 3/20. I expect to be available, but might be slower than normal.

Female Half-Elf Wizard/Chronoskimmer (Unified Magic Evoker) 5 | AC: 22/20 | HP: 17/53 Hero:1 | Fort +10 Ref +12 Will +11 | Perc +9 | Stable Timestream (Initiative = 24)

One thing I'll never forgive PF2e for is combining Sense Motive and Perception, as someone who's IRL Perception score is probably a good bit higher than Sense Motive :P

Spell Area Templates ☘️☘️ = Hero points

Yeah I definitely think being perceptive of ones surroundings and being able to pick up on social cues that might tip one off about someone being dishonest are not the same set of skills.

But I understand PF2E wanting to cut down on skills somehow and sense motive and perception both going off wisdom make sense on paper to combine.

Female Half-Elf Wizard/Chronoskimmer (Unified Magic Evoker) 5 | AC: 22/20 | HP: 17/53 Hero:1 | Fort +10 Ref +12 Will +11 | Perc +9 | Stable Timestream (Initiative = 24)

If that's the end of book one, is there an upgrade to level 5 already?

Spell Area Templates ☘️☘️ = Hero points

Believe it or not, yes, you guys do level up to 5.

That is what the book says, it kind of catches me off guard because I don't see where the 1000 xp comes in, if I add up where it says you guys are at level 4 to now the end of the book and level 5. But we are using milestones and the book says y'all level up to 5 !

I know level four was probably a little anti climatic lol since y'all spent such a short time there.

Also i fixed the permissions on the letters, you should have access now hopefully.

Female Half-Elf Wizard/Chronoskimmer (Unified Magic Evoker) 5 | AC: 22/20 | HP: 17/53 Hero:1 | Fort +10 Ref +12 Will +11 | Perc +9 | Stable Timestream (Initiative = 24)


- Ancestry: Elven Verve. (Might change to Elemental Wrath - Cold. Not sure if it's worth it being CHA based... but I may be missing rules on innate spells?).

- Ability Boosts: INT, DEX, CON, and WIS, to line up with her stat-spread in 1e this'll be the only boosts she chooses ever.

- Skill Increase: Arcana.

- Spell 1: Fireball! Oh come on she's literally an evoker in all but mechanics, not giving her fireball is a mistake. Still a bit sad Flame Arc isn't in 2e... though it does mean she'll be more varied than just spamming it with eventually Chaotic spells for literally EVERY situation.
- Spell 2: Elemental Annihilation. Debating whether I want to actually use this or a pilfered Mirror Image.

Meanwhile Violant is just dying in the background at the subtle hint-hint-nudge-nudge Alseta references in the first one.

Spell Area Templates ☘️☘️ = Hero points

Its easy enough to learn the new spells, if you don't want to waste one of your free spells on Mirror Image, especially with downtime coming up.

Female Half-Elf Wizard/Chronoskimmer (Unified Magic Evoker) 5 | AC: 22/20 | HP: 17/53 Hero:1 | Fort +10 Ref +12 Will +11 | Perc +9 | Stable Timestream (Initiative = 24)

Oh, I meant for preparing. Elemental Annihilation is going in her spellbook as well as Mirror Image :)

She probably should get Invisibility on that list at some point as well, to be honest.

Spell Area Templates ☘️☘️ = Hero points

Oh gotcha, okay sounds good.

I need to continue reviewing book 2, but we are entering a period of downtime in the adventure where there is an expectation you guys are willing to keep the Citadel and have a desire to spend the downtime repairing and fixing the place up.

Its not quite clear, I think, but the adventure kind of assumes your next goal will be to travel through the Huntergate to stop the Cinderclaw Cultists from any further invasion attempts.

Male Human Rogue/Juggler 5 | Perc 10 | AC 22 | ♥️ 58 | Fort 9, Ref 13, Will 10 | Exploration Activity: Avoid Notice | ◆◇↺

>General Training
>> Fleet

Ability Boosts

Skill Feat
Quick Identification

Skill increase

Dwarf Male Barbarian 4 | HP 70 | AC 22 | Fort +11; Ref +7 ; Will +10 | Perc +10 | Exploration Activity: Search

@GM Cody, I'll have Stom's level up figured out ASAP.

And I have to say, what a fun final fight for book 1. Definitely on a razor's edge for a bit. Sorry that my vacation coincided with the post-combat wrap up. But, Stom would have been pretty quiet for a lot of this anyways.

Male Gnome - AC-20(22), | HP 63/63 MV 25 Summoner /5| Perception +12| F+10| R +11| W +12| Sorcerer Archetype

STAT Increases: WIS, DEX, INT, CHA
Skills: Acrobatics (Expert), Society
Ancestry Feat: Energized Font (Instantly regain (1) Focus Point once per day.
Ability: Doxy increases to exert in unarmed combat.

Spell Area Templates ☘️☘️ = Hero points

Helpful guide for how to rebuild and rule your new citadel!

As part of that spreadsheet they also made this handy guide, believe that or not lol, on the different downtime activities available to start repairing the citadel.

Before the PCs can get to the task of upgrading portions of Citadel Altaerein or even comfortably living in the fortress, they must complete the following basic repairs. All location numbers mentioned below refer to locations keyed to the maps of Citadel Altaerein in “Hellknight Hill.” The citadel must be completely Cleaned first, since no repairs can begin until this most basic of basic tasks is completed. Some repairs have requirements. If a PC with the appropriate training or feat isn’t available to take part in the activities, an NPC must be hired from elsewhere to do the work. See the “Hired Help” below for more details.

Each of these basic repair downtime activities (except Clean) requires a successful Crafting check. As with Crafting or Earning Income, the PC can continue on with the activity after the roll, continuing to make progress at the same rate and cost. On a critical success, the PCs complete 2 days’ worth of work each day. Each day of repair activities costs 1 gp for supplies, as well as any wages paid to organized workers or specialists (typically 1 gp for a group of laborers or 5 gp for specialists). On a failed check, the day’s costs are wasted. If a hired craftsperson takes the role of leading the repairs rather than a PC, the check is automatically successful (but can never result in a critical success).

Additionally, here is a really handy spreadsheet, its overwhelming to start but I think as we start getting into the nitty gritty of it, it'll make more sense as we fill it out.

Citadel Spreadsheet

I've added both of these resources to the top of campaign area as links.

Spell Area Templates ☘️☘️ = Hero points

The helpful guide also lists residents in Breechhill that have different skill specializations for helping with repairing different rooms.

Going off Book 2 and the guide, we have like 1 to 2 months of downtime ahead of us. When everyone's leveled up and familiarized themselves, I'll start.

When y'all are ready, do you want to report your progress to the City Council? Additionally, might need someone to go through the inventory list, clean up and sell a bunch of stuff as needed as contracting out for repairs costs gold.

I know its a lot of work, but if you all could also look at your characters and tally up your current individual wealth. I feel like getting to level 5 already, the book didn't provide nearly enough wealth even with my adding more here and there.

1/2 Orc Cleric of Serenrae 5HP: 63/63 |Shield HP: 20/20 | AC:24 26 w/ shield,| Fort:+12 , Refl:+8 , Will: +13 | Percp +13 | Healing font 5/5 | Spells 1st: [ ][ ][ ] 2nd: [ ] [ ] [ ] 3rd: [ ] [ ] Battle Medicine: [] [] [] [] []

I will be working on leveling up Lyra to 5 this weekend! I’m excited for heavy armor and a new shield! And my healing font increases too

Male Human Rogue/Juggler 5 | Perc 10 | AC 22 | ♥️ 58 | Fort 9, Ref 13, Will 10 | Exploration Activity: Avoid Notice | ◆◇↺

Net worth of Samael is 198.84 gp (of which 33.74 is cash)

Female Half-Elf Wizard/Chronoskimmer (Unified Magic Evoker) 5 | AC: 22/20 | HP: 17/53 Hero:1 | Fort +10 Ref +12 Will +11 | Perc +9 | Stable Timestream (Initiative = 24)

When was the last time we were each handed out cash? I think I forgoy yo update my number.

Dwarf Male Barbarian 4 | HP 70 | AC 22 | Fort +11; Ref +7 ; Will +10 | Perc +10 | Exploration Activity: Search

Seems like we'll have a stronghold 'mini-game' within the main quests. Is that correct, GM Cody?

Stom Level 5:

Skill Increase: Medicine
Ability Boosts: STR, CON, WIS, INT
Skill Training (from INT): Society
Ancestry Feat: Defy The Darkness

Class Ability: Brutality (expert proficiency & weapon crit specialization when raging)

Spell Area Templates ☘️☘️ = Hero points

The last two times y'all sold stuff was here: Back in October

And it was only 24gp, 5sp, and 1.5 cp.

And here Back in November for 65 gp

@Stom, yeah there is a stronghold mini game, between you guys venturing through the huntergate and now you're look at like 1 or 2 months of downtime to fix the Citadel and repair the Huntergate. I'll adjudicate it almost like combat but taken in week long increments.

Kind of like: Week 1: everyone tell me what your three downtime actions are, make your relevant checks then I'll do a post week round up, summarizing the successes and failures, etc.

On the wealth topic:
I'm sure we are behind the wealth curve a bit, rules state as a party y'all should have combined 3810gp in wealth, with about 400 gp in currency for emergencies.

I'm sure we are well behind that, so I'll need to know how far behind we are so I can take corrective measures.

That said, definitely look at the item spreadsheet, I've added prices to a lot of stuff and listed certain stuff for sale that I imagined you guys were going to want to sell. There is some stuff that isn't claimed, but definitely take a look please.

1/2 Orc Cleric of Serenrae 5HP: 63/63 |Shield HP: 20/20 | AC:24 26 w/ shield,| Fort:+12 , Refl:+8 , Will: +13 | Percp +13 | Healing font 5/5 | Spells 1st: [ ][ ][ ] 2nd: [ ] [ ] [ ] 3rd: [ ] [ ] Battle Medicine: [] [] [] [] []

Leveled up and adjusted my character sheet.

Lyra Level 5:
Skill Increase: Religion
Ability Boosts: STR, CON, WIS, DEX
Ancestry Feat: Athletic Might

Class Ability: Perception Expertise, 3rd level spells, +1 Heal from healing font.

My current wealth is 398 gp, with 94 gp in cash, though most of that is going into the +1 Hellknight half plate I claimed which was seemingly worth like 185 gp.

Being able to wear heavy armor though has really increased my AC, went from 19 to 24!

Female Half-Elf Wizard/Chronoskimmer (Unified Magic Evoker) 5 | AC: 22/20 | HP: 17/53 Hero:1 | Fort +10 Ref +12 Will +11 | Perc +9 | Stable Timestream (Initiative = 24)

I think I may have spent the first one on copying Acid Arrow, but no other spells. She's definitely copying any premaster or non-remastered spells she can get.

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