GM BrOp |

I'll try to check on the Lines and Veils. I don't have many taboos, so I'll respect others peoples lines.
What do you mean by "Classism", just to be sure?
We probably each have a slightly different definition, but I'm guessing its prejudice against people who are of a different social class.

Sigrún the Magpie |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

And so now I simply must post THIS

GM BrOp |

And so now I simply must post THIS
I guess you had to :)
On a completely different topic, what do you think we should now call this game? Anyone have suggestions?
Here are mine:
Giantslayer AP: The Bigger They Are ...
Giantslayer: Orcs are just the beginning
Giantslayer: G 1-2-3 for Pathfinder
Giantslayer: Against the Giants Redux
Giantslayer: Trunau in Trouble

Cetan "The Dark Wind" |

Giantslayer AP: Revenge of the Little(r) People

GM BrOp |

Here are the selections for the new name of the Game. Please vote for one of them. My vote is marked with an asterisk.
Giantslayer AP: The Bigger They Are ...
Giantslayer: Orcs are just the beginning
Giantslayer: G 1-2-3 for Pathfinder
Giantslayer: Against the Giants Redux*
Giantslayer: Trunau in Trouble
Giantslayer AP: Revenge of the Little(r) People
Giantslayer: One Giant steps on Mankind.

GM BrOp |

I have also changed the links for the combat maps as my Roll20 subscription is about to run out. That means we'll be using Google Slides from now on and doing all the dice rolling in the IC thread. Sorry for the change.
I've also changed the picture thread, and am in the process of updating it. I've made both slides editable by anyone with the link, so please put yourself in the position you wish to hide in for the ambush. Sorry the map is so small.

Sigrún the Magpie |

Against the Giants Redux is fine with me.
I'm still a bit turned around on the map so I'll wait until some other people have placed themselves to follow their lead.

Sigrún the Magpie |

Where on the map did we find the kid again? If he's getting fed, they'll probably be going there. Can we back into the building to a similar chokepoint on the route they'd probably take?

GM BrOp |

You found the kid in the northwestern-most room in the basement. If you want to hide in the basement, the central room (with the picture of the sword on the floor) would be a good ambush point, as (whoever is coming) have to travel from the staircase (in the southeastern corner), and the "sword room" is on the shortest route betweeen the two rooms. In that larger room you would also be able to bring more of you into the combat. You also think it would be a good idea to have a stealthy character at the top of stairs as a lookout so that the rest of the group doesn't have sit in complete silence for the entire time you are waiting (especially the dinosaur who doesn't understand "be quiet" very well, at least not for long). I know you didn't ask for help from the GM for planning, but I love this kind of stuff :)

GM BrOp |

I'm waiting to hear from at least one more player before I move everyone down to the "sword chamber" and continue.

GM BrOp |

Also, I want to remind everyone again that I will leaving town this coming Thursday (7/28) and won't be back until August 16th. My computer access will be VERY sporadic as I will be camping most of that time, and although I may post from time to time, don't expect much until I return home in mid-August.

Brogann |

I'm waiting to hear from at least one more player before I move everyone down to the "sword chamber" and continue.
I don't really want to be taking on the tactician role in this game (although I will offer some suggestions now and again), but if it will help move things along then I will give a +1 to this plan.
I had originally identified the sword chamber as a potential ambush spot due to its size - I preferred the upper floor due to less chances for the enemy to notice our disturbances. But if there is no good spot above, then here it is.

Cetan "The Dark Wind" |

Yeah, forgetting the haunt really threw a monkey wrench in that plan. Sword chamber it is.

GM BrOp |

Do you want to send a scout up to watch out for anyone coming into the ruin? If so, who, and where do you want them to wait?
I also forgot to remind you that the "sword room" has a ladder in it that leads to a trap door in the floor of the "haunted infirmary", so there are actually two ways to get into the basement. You found it open when you arrived here, but the trap door is capable of being barred, although it is in disrepair. Judging from the evidence of the foot traffic in the Plague House, whoever imprisoned Othdan entered the "sword room" in this way. You guess that they either have a way of bypassing the haunt, or stay out of the parts of the room where it is triggered (there was a clear path from the double doors in the northern wall of the "haunted infirmary" to the trap door, which I have marked with an "F" on the map).

GM BrOp |

Sorry for any confusion about this, but this place has a somewhat complicated layout and I just want to make sure that everyone is "on the same page".

Cetan "The Dark Wind" |

Getting there :)
So it seems near the ladder in the basement is one good entryway to scope out for ambush.
Re: scouting: is that essentially just hanging out by a window?

GM BrOp |

Getting there :)
So it seems near the ladder in the basement is one good entryway to scope out for ambush.
Re: scouting: is that essentially just hanging out by a window?
The ladder seems the only way people have been coming and going here. Scouting could be hanging out a window or just near the door to the next room until someone else is spotted. The scout then quickly retreats down the ladder and warns that the ambush is abou to begin.

GM BrOp |

Aaaand I'm back. Sorry for the slight delay, but I thought it was a good idea to eat spoiled food upon my return, thereby gifting myself to mild food poisoning. All better now, thankfully!

Tooantuh "Sky Voice" |

@GM I don't see it being an issue but can I change towering brothers level 1 feat from improved unarmed strike to weapon focus gore? I had originally planned for his build to use dragon style and feral combat training but looking at how spread out Animal companion feats are it would take forever to come online for only a small benefit of x2 str for first attack each round.
I instead am now planning to be a bit more traditional with him currently aiming for something like weapon focus> power attack> improved overrun> ect.

GM BrOp |

@GM I don't see it being an issue but can I change towering brothers level 1 feat from improved unarmed strike to weapon focus gore? I had originally planned for his build to use dragon style and feral combat training but looking at how spread out Animal companion feats are it would take forever to come online for only a small benefit of x2 str for first attack each round.
I instead am now planning to be a bit more traditional with him currently aiming for something like weapon focus> power attack> improved overrun> ect.
That's fine.

Brogann |

Does somebody want to be in charge of tracking the loot?
I see there is a loot tracker that GM R0B0GEISHA set up. Things not included on there:
From the dead half-orc in the rubble: suit of sturdy chainmail, Wand of CLW (8 charges, Sky Voice has it), a fine silver dagger, a red gold holy symbol depicting a bloody double axe, and six gems of polished black onyx.
From Daktani: four different magical potions (CLW, 2x Pass Without Trace, Vanish), smoke pellets (2), tangleburn bag, leather armor, 5 daggers (some well-concealed on his body), a masterwork morningstar and short sword at his hip, a magical belt, a few pieces of alchemically treated coal, a crowbar, thieves' tools, a key, a garnet (worth 50 gp), and 30 gp in a coin purse.
I would rather not do the tracking but I will if nobody else wants to.

GM BrOp |

Does somebody want to be in charge of tracking the loot?
I see there is a loot tracker that GM R0B0GEISHA set up. Things not included on there:
From the dead half-orc in the rubble: suit of sturdy chainmail, Wand of CLW (8 charges, Sky Voice has it), a fine silver dagger, a red gold holy symbol depicting a bloody double axe, and six gems of polished black onyx.
From Daktani: four different magical potions (CLW, 2x Pass Without Trace, Vanish), smoke pellets (2), tangleburn bag, leather armor, 5 daggers (some well-concealed on his body), a masterwork morningstar and short sword at his hip, a magical belt, a few pieces of alchemically treated coal, a crowbar, thieves' tools, a key, a garnet (worth 50 gp), and 30 gp in a coin purse.
I would rather not do the tracking but I will if nobody else wants to.
The GM would very much appreciate it if he didn't have to do it :)

Cetan "The Dark Wind" |

Right now it's read only for me (and likely for others?)

GM BrOp |

Right now it's read only for me (and likely for others?)
Woops! Looks like the Loot List was still owned by the old GM. I made a copy of it and opened it up for editing by anyone: LINK
EDIT: I also updated the link at the top of the page.

GM BrOp |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Apologies on my own absence this week. I took last weekend off and then got a new COVID booster which knocked me on my butt for two days now, but I'm back now!

Tooantuh "Sky Voice" |

No worries. A cold and Covid have been going around in my area and I caught the cold and am only back at like 90-95% after a week it sucked so I fell ya with the booster response.

GM BrOp |

I just checked something, and it's a good thing I did! Everyone should level themselves up to 3rd level! Congrats! Just in time to face the oncoming army of bloodthirsty orcs! Please let us know here after you have leveled up and make sure to change your displayed stats. Once everyone has done this, I'll get the fight going.

Cetan "The Dark Wind" |

Cetan is leveled up.

Sigrún the Magpie |

Sigrun is leveled up.
Bloodrager 3
+1 BAB
+1 REF and WILL
+13 HP
+2 Rage
Class Ability: Restrained Magic
Feat: Power Attack
Skills: +1 Acrobatics, Intimidate, Stealth, Swim

Cetan "The Dark Wind" |

Okay, I'll do highlights :)
Magus Arcana Arcane Accuracy
New spells Hydraulic Push, Ray of Enfeeblement
Feat Precise Shot
Skills knowledge (arcana) +1, knowledge (nature) +1, perception +1, spellcraft +1, stealth +1
Background Skills knowledge (geography) +1, knowledge (history) +1
HP +10
BAB +1
Reflex +1

GM BrOp |

OK, looks like we are good to go. Gabsen, you still need to update your "displayed below your name" stats, please.

Tooantuh "Sky Voice" |

Very sorry about the delay. Had a bad weekend pinched a nerve in my neck or something so I have been in bed groaning not wanting to do anything.
3rd Level Revelation: Natures Whispers, Cha to AC and CMD instead of Dex(Full details on sheet)
New Spell Known:Summon Natures Ally 1
Feat 3rd:Extra Revelation: Friend to Animals, adds all summon natures ally spells to Oracle spell list, still have to use spells known to learn.
SkillsCraft:Tattoo +1, Diplomacy +1, Handle Animal +1, Perception +1, Ride +1, Survival +1
HP +11(I assumed max since you haven't said otherwise
BAB +1
Fort +1
Ref +1
Towering Brother Changes
Natural Armor +2
Str +1
Dex +1

Tooantuh "Sky Voice" |

@GM just checking in to see that you are ok. I know you took on this game while running others so I won't rush you but it has been a little over two months since your last post here and we left of with a lot unfolding.
@rdknight maybe you have some insight since you play in their other games? I am more concerned that they are ok than moving the game forward. I would obviously like to continue but at the same time this game has had a lot of starts and stops and I wouldn't judge anyone for shelving it.

Sigrún the Magpie |

As far as I know secondhand BrOp is fine. I've had no word on the status of this game though. He hasn't been active on the Paizo boards anywhere for a couple of months.