Vaëlorin |

Vaëlorin will cast holographic interface and try and see if he can connect up to any internal monitoring, cameras, or diagnostics type systems to be able to scout the as yet unexplored areas of the ship.

Burlap 'LongTail' |

El-Tee, can you grab that... Kinda cramped in there.
Wary of it being a trap, Burlap slides into the room, gun ready, before he taps the data pad with an armored toe. If it doesn't blow up, he kicks the pad just enough to slide it out into the corridor.

James "Joyride" Maxwell |

James moves to pick the device up. Thanks, brother.
Let's make sure this thing doesn't run completely out of... juice. Could be the thread we need to pull to unravel this mystery.

Cherry Bomb |

Cherry will take a look.
First she will make sure its not a trap of somekind.
Engineering: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (8) + 9 = 17
Then after inspection will begin to see if she can manage anything on the device to assurtain power and basic function.
Computer: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (1) + 11 = 12
Engineering: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (12) + 9 = 21

rando1000 |

Vaëlorin wrote:Vaëlorin will cast holographic interface and try and see if he can connect up to any internal monitoring, cameras, or diagnostics type systems to be able to scout the as yet unexplored areas of the ship.Anything?
Sorry, went past this.
Vaëlorin activates his interface; he finds most of the systems are off-line due to the low-power status. He could attempt to hack into the emergency monitor program and divert power from another system to bring something (cameras, for example) online.
What sort of battery is in that device? If it's the same size and such as one of the ones I'm carrying, Vaëlorin can charge it up real quick.
Not ignoring you here, but I'll go with Cherry's roll on this while you deal with your holo interface.

rando1000 |

Cherry determines the tablet is not a trap. The Vesk engineer manages to bring the system out of low-power mode by using an adapter from her kit and one of her own power batteries.
When activated, it crackles to life with a garbled audio log. The voice is distorted—stressed, hurried.
"This is Engineer Raziya...Something went wrong with the containment field. We sealed the bulkhead, but Lieutenant Desnesen...she’s still inside. We couldn't get to her in time. She kept screaming for us to let her out, but the rad leak would have killed us all. I did what I had to do, gods forgive me."

Vaëlorin |

Vaëlorin wrote:Vaëlorin wrote:Vaëlorin will cast holographic interface and try and see if he can connect up to any internal monitoring, cameras, or diagnostics type systems to be able to scout the as yet unexplored areas of the ship.Anything?Sorry, went past this.
Vaëlorin activates his interface; he finds most of the systems are off-line due to the low-power status. He could attempt to hack into the emergency monitor program and divert power from another system to bring something (cameras, for example) online.
Vaëlorin will see about pirating some power from any non-critical systems he can get it from. And, umm, life support IS considered non-critical for this purpose. Gravity is considered CRITICAL, for now.

James "Joyride" Maxwell |

James listens intently staring at the floor, then looks up at the vesk. Desnesen is a beautiful name. Reminds me of a word I'd heard as a child meaning... butterfly? Another liftime.
When? When did that happen... how old is the log? Desnesen... she is who is here, you reckon? She took Clarissa's pistol.
Frack... Hope she doesn't hold a grudge.

rando1000 |

Why not? We all have suits on, with self contained life support.
[dice=Computers (C)]1d20+12
Vaëlorin briefly gets cameras online. Examining the forward cabins, he flits through to find a med-bay, an office, a dining hall, two more storage units, a science lab, and several crew/passenger cabins. All are empty, save one.
A middle-aged Elven woman can briefly be seen, siting in one of the crew cabins (toward the front of the ship) reading a tome of some sort. Her cabin seems to have power, as it's not on emergency lighting.
As soon as the woman realizes the camera is on, however, the image changes, and she is no longer visible (though the cabin remains).

Cherry Bomb |

" Haunted eh. Interesting? Maybe we.can find where she was sealed off and maybe give her a proper sendoff? I don't know which way though, glorious death in combat or been burned after you pass atop the grisly trophies of your greatest enemies" Cherry says nonchalantly as if it was a regular thing.
Computers: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (10) + 11 = 21
Checking to see the recording date for this particular incedent

Burlap 'LongTail' |

The Ysoki peeks at the datapad shared by the talls. "That's real-time. She's alive and doesn't want to be found. Better turn the life-support back on."
Burlap moves to the opposite door, ready to sweep and clear that room as well. "On you, Juliet."