Tracing your origin

Game Master Azih

Let's create level 1 characters:
Safety Tools.
Form Fillable Character Sheet

DC, the d20, and action economy of pf2e
Ancestry character options
Conditions and Critical Success/Failure
Casting a Spell
Armor Class
Background Choices

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The fish, spooked by the sudden influx of cold damage darts away! End Stage 3 for Boudoon.


You get more responsibilities as you grow older and one of them is taking care of making sure the crops are well tended and clearing the area in the places that need it. It's hard work but you've proven to be capable of it.

Go ahead and making a Farming Lore check to see if you can figure out the best place to put your efforts in the task. (Farmhand gave you proficiency in that so it should be at least +2).

Then you can actually carry out the task you've determined for yourself and since it's a DC12 task you can just do it thanks to the Assurance Athletics feat that you got..


Unlike the first attempt at walking which you almost certainly don't remember, you've grown up to be excellent at navigating the land and the jungle around you.

Because of this sometimes you get chosen to ferry messages between Tripkee's who are working in different parts of the territory.

You can make your way through the trees without slowing down like some of your compatriots have to thanks to Jungle Strider. And you have a lot of confidence in going over narrow ledges and branches which lets you take shortcuts.

Roll an Acrobatics check to see how well you balance on the path you're choosing to use. (DC 11)

While you're crossing one of these a large seed happens to fall on you!

Seed attack! against your AC: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (9) + 2 = 11

Thanks to Jungle Strider you don't take the off-guard condition to reduce your armor class while you're going across a ledge which most characters would suffer from. What's your AC? If it's higher than 11 then the seed misses you!

Armor Class (AC) Your character’s Armor Class represents how difficult they are to hit in combat. To calculate your AC, add 10 plus your character’s Dexterity modifier (up to their armor’s Dexterity modifier cap), plus their proficiency bonus with their armor, plus their armor’s item bonus to AC and any other permanent bonuses and penalties. Everyone is trained in being unarmored, which is probably what you are at this stage.

Off-Guard means You take a –2 circumstance penalty to AC

Finally you find the Tripkee that you are to send the message too. They're at the bottom of a very large tree, and you decide to just glide down rather than climb down. You can do this without fall damage thanks to being a WindWeb Tripkee!.


Kepa looked over the lo'i, looking for ways to improve on his father's design, a design that was a time-honored tradition...

Farming Lore: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (15) + 2 = 17 Nice!

Racing through the jungle has always been exciting, one of the few activities Krrys'tall will roll out of their hammock for. They preferred doing it for fun, not for work. All the same, every tripkee had to help in the village. Krrys'tall's unparalleled agility and speed allowed them some privileges, so long as they used them for the good of the village. So with a lazy moan, Krrys'tall reluctantly accepted the job given to them.

After a lazy trudge to the edge of the village, Krrys'tall took a moment to stretch and enjoy the midday jungle humidity. Finishing the final stretch, they took a breath and bounded into the trees.

Acrobatics: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (13) + 1 = 14

Reaching the canopy was no easy task, but Krrys'tall was a master of the rainforest landscape. A quick climb to better vantage, a leap across a gap, even a short freefall to catch an errant branch. Krrys'tall was in the jungle and of the jungle, a spirit free as the drops of delicious water falling off the massive leaves all around.

The joy of traversing the jungle clouded Krrys'tall's mind, making them forget the dangers of seeding season...

GM Stargin wrote:
Seed attack! against your AC: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (9) + 2 = 11

Versus Krrys'tall's AC of 10 + 2 Proficiency + 1 Dexterity = 13

But when you are in the jungle and of the jungle, the Jungle Provides. Krrys'tall bounds off the branch they were standing on just before the massive seed smashes the branch to splinters. They make a shrill chirp signaling falling doom to any people or animals below and continue on their way. No use waiting around. If the giant seed hit anyone that far down... then Krrys'tall can't help them anyways, and cleanup is the fungi's job.

Krrys'tall hears their destination before they see it, as the croaks of a tripkee celebration dance through the towering trees. With a short freefall into a massive leaf, Krrys'tall slides the rest of the way down. They approach a large tripkee, clearly of the bullfrog lineage, and recite the message, a song penned for the newly hatched tadpoles of this village.

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Kepa looked over the terraced lo'i and came up with an idea. The largest obstacle that they came across was getting a steady irrigation, taro needed a constant source of fresh water. Traditionally, water from the mountains was diverted through the terraced patches.

Ho'okepa looked at the plants, inspecting the leaves and stalks. The second obstacle were the insects. What if we have the taro share the space with the o'opu'u from the stream?

Spending the afternoons up in the mountain streams, he caught enough of the little fish to populate one of the lo'i and paid special attention to the health of both the taro and the o'opu'u, finding that the fish would eat many of the bugs that plagued the taro plants. It was a success! The makahiki was coming again soon! Kepa wanted to make sure that they had a great harvest!


As you grow up you find yourself strangely comfortable in stormy weather. One incident in particular happens when you're outside in a very rainy day with thunder and lightning booming and flashing around you. Can you tell us if you're outside alone in this weather or is someone with you?

A flash of lightning comes down and hits a tree and then flashes right at you! You're knocked back by the force, but strangely don't feel hurt at all! (Stormtossed gives you electric resistance of 1 which is enough to make this 0)

As you lie on your back staring up at the rainy sky you see the shape of a large bat, probably spooked by the lightning swooping right at you! You don't know what's happening and so you scramble for a stone to put in your sling and fire it at the bat!

(Usually because of the concealment caused by the rain you'd have to roll a flat check to even have a chance of hitting, but thanks to Stormtossed there's no such concealment. Go ahead and roll a strike for the sling!)

Right after you fling the stone though, you feel a buildup of energy that you cannot explain and you fling your hand out and lighting comes out towards the bat!

Follow the rules for the electric arc spell to cast it!


You are in a workshop and have been tasked with creating a small statue.

You decide to create something that you think the person in charge of the workshop will like.

Roll a Recall Knowledge check using Guild Lore (Artisan background gives training in this) to see what kind of scultupure you should make.

And roll a Crafting check with a +1 bonus (bonus from the Specialty Crafting feat you got from Artisan plus it gives you trained proficiency in this as well) to see how well you make it!


You're in class and the teacher is casting a spell in the tradition of magic that you have focused on (Is it Arcana, Nature, Occultism, or Primal)? and the task is to identify the spell and write a paragraph on the history of the spell.

As this is a common spell of 2nd rank or lower, you just automatically identify it thanks to the Recognize Spell unique reaction that you gained from the background (What spell is it?). Go ahead and roll an Identify magic check though to see if you get a critical success! You got training thanks to the background.

Then Roll Academia Lore (which you have training on thanks to the background) to see how well you know the history of the spell and how well you convey it in your written assignment.

Guild Lore Recall Knowledge: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (15) + 4 = 19

Crafting: 1d20 + 4 + 1 ⇒ (15) + 4 + 1 = 20

Magnus continues his studies of the arcane, watching as his instructor prepares another spell for the class. Immediately, he understands this incantation and its effects -- it is the spell Summon Animal. Quickly a giant frog appears in the room for an instant. The gnome thinks he understands the complex equations behind this spell after seeing it cast just this one time.

Magnus Identify Magic, Arcane: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (19) + 6 = 25

As the mysteries of this magic are unraveled by the student, he tries to tie back this knowledge - the history, uses, and similarity of this spell to others. Things seem to lock into place for the young caster, and he writes this paper with apparent ease.

Magnus Academia Lore: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (13) + 6 = 19

Magnus still has not filled all his base attributes, if I am supposed to I missed it. He would add another point to INT when that is complete, and get a final result 1 higher than shows here. Imagine that is critical success for the first and a success for the second...

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Magnus: Yup you're supposed to fill it out as you go so at this point you should have your attribute ancestry and background boosts, and the proficiency levels you've been getting along the way. Your max should be +4 at this stage, but honestly it's not a big deal if you've made yourself level 1 and picked a class as well. As long as you're enjoying the play and learning the game, it's working!


Boudoon knows exactly what kind of sculpture to create and does a wonderful job of it. I imagine that he might feel that he's found his profession for life!


Magnus not only knows what spell it is but everything about it and he's able to incorporate that knowledge into his essay answer. He's got the reputation of being an excellent student. How does he feel about that?

Kobold Sorcer 1
GM Stargin wrote:


You can decide what kind of creature is buried here that would make sense for the region of the underworld you're in. But whatever valuables it might have had have long since rotted away. There are a few gold coins though. Gold lasts.

With your siblings helping you out you're able to get out and get treatment for your pretty serious injuries. You can play this out but either way. End Stage 3!

Gold? Dead people have GOLD? Why, what for? they can't use it. I can! Cupping my prize like the dragon I am kin to, or so they say, I stare at the corpse again. Human I think, or it was. There were signs of once fine garments but time had worn them through. I noticed a broken chest nearby ,there was once MORE treasure here, and it had been robbed, a life time ago I suspected.

I could only imagine the wealth that must have been here at one time but is now gone. So much that gold coins left behind was NOTHING? A sense of desire for fine things came to me. Wealth should belong to the living, right?

My siblings help get me up, I don't tell them about the gold. Not just because I don't want to share the shiny metal YET, but because I'm too thoughtful. The injuries will heal, but the lessons remain. I'll have to be careful, the traps prove the dead are protected, and some are very fussy about their ancestors, who can blame them? But, they really don't need as much wealth as they have do they?

I don't think I'll fish for a living like father after all.

Just posting to get myself back on track and to make 'grave robber' ICly chosen as well as OOCly

Boudon likes making sculpture and more physical types of art, but yearns for the open road, sleeping under the stars, and the wandering life.

GM Stargin wrote:


As you grow up you find yourself strangely comfortable in stormy weather.

My parents would often claim that we were blessed by Hei Feng on the storm-tossed voyage that brought us from Kwanlai to here. They thought that we weren't going to make it, but by Hei Feng's fickle whim, we survived.

One incident in particular happens when you're outside in a very rainy day with thunder and lightning booming and flashing around you. Can you tell us if you're outside alone in this weather or is someone with you?

I'm with an older human guardsman named Neilar. My father has befriended him, and Neilar has agreed to train me in the use of weapons commonly found in Avistan. We are practicing basic forms. If I show enough aptitude, I've been promised my own sword!


A flash of lightning comes down and hits a tree and then flashes right at you! You're knocked back by the force, but strangely don't feel hurt at all! (Stormtossed gives you electric resistance of 1 which is enough to make this 0)

As you lie on your back staring up at the rainy sky you see the shape of a large bat, probably spooked by the lightning swooping right at you! You don't know what's happening and so you scramble for a stone to put in your sling and fire it at the bat!

(Usually because of the concealment caused by the rain you'd have to roll a flat check to even have a chance of hitting, but thanks to Stormtossed there's no such concealment. Go ahead and roll a strike for the sling!)

Ranged Strike: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4

Damage: 1d6 ⇒ 3

It's not surprising that I can't effectively fire my sling while lying flat on my back. The surprising part was that I could load it and fire it at all!


Right after you fling the stone though, you feel a buildup of energy that you cannot explain and you fling your hand out and lighting comes out towards the bat!

Follow the rules for the electric arc spell to cast it!

There's nothing in the spell description that says I need to make an attack roll, so I think it just hits.

Electricity damage: 2d4 ⇒ (4, 3) = 7 <-- But the target gets a basic Reflex save.

Beak hanging open in surprise, Neppka is shocked, and doesn't understand what happened....

GM Stargin wrote:
As long as you're enjoying the play and learning the game, it's working!

Based GM.

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