Tooantuh "Sky Voice" |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Just noting that I am still here for GM Sky Voice just doesn't have anything he can do for a few hours because of bad Diplo roll.

Cetan "The Dark Wind" |

This is an FYI that I'm going to be traveling and away from computers Aug 1-12. I will be unable to post during that time, so feel free to bot as needed.

Brogann |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

That would be helpful.
Also, if there is a way to help nudge us along, it is a fact that PbP games do need momentum and investigations can take quite a while.
I am trying to not to be too pushy in moving things forward.

Brogann |

Love the angry recitment of a mantra. Brogan's version of counting to ten. And I took no offense at your previous quip I think you and I have switched front brains for how Malakar and Brannart act vs Brogan and Sky Voice XD
Yeah, I had intended for them to be different (aside from the fact that I seem to have been on a Celtic-flavored name kick).
Brannart knows he isn't terribly smart, so he tries to be patient and looks to others to come up with ideas.
Brogann is smart, but rather impatient and eager for battle. That Caution. Prudence. Diligence. Grrr... was grumbling about things that annoy him but that he nevertheless knows are often necessary. He doesn't like being cautious or diligent. He won't be a Leeroy Jenkins, though, if someone else in the party has a plan that requires patience.
Both characters are the way the are in part so that I don't go overboard in trying to plan strategies for the party. That can be a failing of mine as a player sometimes.
There's a quote from the Marvel Comics version of Ares that, while exaggerated, is not all that far off from the approach that Brogann would take if left to his own devices:
"The chain of command. Rules of engagement. This Geneva Convention thing. Medical evac. Supply lines. The white flag. The Red Cross. Worrying about evacuees and refugees. Taking prisoners. Losing the battle but winning the war. Cursed diplomats. The proper standard of grooming. Sensible things like having enough bullets before you go into battle. That's the dung my sister cares about. I'm the other God of War."

Sigrún the Magpie |

Brogann will probably find eventually that Sigrun is a decent planner. She's more about winning than fighting (which is simply a common means to an end). Being dead and famous isn't nearly so much fun as being famous and around to enjoy it.

Cetan "The Dark Wind" |

Hey everyone. I'll be away in the wilderness this weekend, Starting Friday evening and through Sunday evening (Pacific time). Thursday night is likely the last time I can post beforehand, but I should be able to catch up Sunday night!

Brogann |

Brogann's level-up:
+1 BAB
+1 Will
+1d6+3 HP (+9, new total 18)
+5 skill points (Spellcraft, Arcana, Religion, Dungeoneering, Planes)
+2 background skill points (Nobility, History)
+2 1st-level spells known (Feather Fall, Liberating Command)
+1 1st-level spell per day
Sword of the Mage range 30'
Sword of the Mage 7 uses per day

Cetan "The Dark Wind" |

Back! And Cetan has been leveled-up.

Sigrún the Magpie |

Sigrun Level 2
+1 BAB
HP +13
Bloodrage: +2 Rounds/day
Class Ability: Uncanny Dodge
Skills Points +4: +1 to K Local, Spellcraft, Stealth, Climb
Background Skills +2: +1 to K Geography, Profession (Guard/Mercenary)

Schwertleite, Child of Stone |

Warpriest 2!
- +11 hp (22)
- +1 BAB (+1)
- +1 Fortitude, Will (+5, +6)
- +1 Handle Animal, Heal, Knowledge (engineering), Survival
- Fervor!!! (1d6)

Cetan "The Dark Wind" |

Back! And Cetan has been leveled-up.
Okay the details:
Eldritch Archer 2
HP +10
BAB +1
Fortitude +1
Will +1
Class abilities Spellstrike, Ranged Spellstrike
Spellbook spells Chill Touch, Snowball
Prepared spells/day Cantrips +1, 1st-level +1
Skills knowledge (arcana) +1, knowledge (nature) +1, perception +1, spellcraft +1, stealth +1
Background skills knowledge (geography) +1, knowledge (history) +1

Tooantuh "Sky Voice" |

I have Sky Voice leveled on paper just haven't punched it in on here yet will try to do so today. Oracle level 2 is pretty uneventful tho.
Bab +1
Will +1
Mystery Spell to Spells Known: Calm Animal
Spells per day +1
Adventure Skills: Diplo., Perception, Ride, Survival +1 rank each
Background Skills: Craft(tattoo), handle animal +1 rank each.
HP: +11(1d8+2con+favored class)
Towering Brother
Hp: +10(1d8+2 con)
Feat: Power Attack
Skill Point: +1 rank to acrobatics

Tooantuh "Sky Voice" |

I joined the R20 game. I am quite familiar with r20 and GM'd a few games for a while so if it is easier for you, you can grant me control of my Journal and I can fill out the character sheet pretty easy noting that I would need an extra sheet for Towing brother and nimble companion.
I only stopped being a pro sub to r20 because my games ended and fg unity and foundry were on the horizon to try.

Brogann |

I think I have joined the Roll20 game. I have used it before but am not that familiar with it.
In a PbP PF game I just use it for moving my token around.
In a 5E game that met via Zoom in real time, I used it for moving my token, keeping a character sheet, and making die rolls.

Schwertleite, Child of Stone |

Hey folks, sorry for my extended absence. It's been a combination of work stress and in-person GM'ing commitments, but I'm feeling overwhelmed with everything going on in my life. I'd thought - I'd hoped - that things would blow over in a week and I'd fall back into the swing of things, but it's just not happening and it's not fair to everyone else in this game to have me "here-but-not-here". I need to withdraw.
I wish you all the best of luck with the game, and it has been wonderful playing with you even for the little time I had. Remember to do everything the correct way (which would be the dwarven way, of course), and may the dice be ever in your favor!


Sorry to see you go, Schwerleite! Would you like to be removed from the active player list?
On a similar note, I need to apologize for my recent absence. I managed to catch COVID, and although it was pretty mild overall, my brain was fogged over for most of the week. I'm feeling better now though, so we can get back to our regularly scheduled programming.

Cetan "The Dark Wind" |

Oh wow. Yes, glad to hear it wasn't worse, and you're better!

Cetan "The Dark Wind" |

Hello. I will be away in nature and away from computers and the ability to post this coming Saturday and Sunday (11/6-7). I will return and resume posting late Sunday (US/Pacific time).

Sigrún the Magpie |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Sorry for the long absence, it's been quite a month or so! First work busyness, then Thanksgiving, then my car got totaled, then I had to deal with insurance and scramble to find a new car. Now I'm back to just regular work busyness.

Cetan "The Dark Wind" |

Wow, really hope everything is settled back down for you!

Brogann |

With Schwertleite's departure, do we want to recruit a replacement?
We have:
We are definitely a powerful party that can dish out a lot of damage, so another PC wouldn't need to contribute a lot there. We do lack a rogue-type as the current situation shows.

Sigrún the Magpie |

If we're looking mainly for a trap finder and disabler maybe we could split the difference between not having it and recruiting a 6th player.
Sigrun could dip a level into Trapper Ranger to pick it up. Her dexterity isn't exceptional, but it should be adequate for the job.
It wouldn't be any trouble either, She'd pick up a few extra goodies for her trouble. A good reflex save, some useful skills in class, a favored enemy (giants of course), not bad.
Given what we know about what's coming down the pike, I think a pure Rogue would have a really hard time of it unless they were a specialized halfling, or maybe a dwarf build.

Brogann |

If we're looking mainly for a trap finder and disabler maybe we could split the difference between not having it and recruiting a 6th player.
Sigrun could dip a level into Trapper Ranger to pick it up. Her dexterity isn't exceptional, but it should be adequate for the job.
It wouldn't be any trouble either, She'd pick up a few extra goodies for her trouble. A good reflex save, some useful skills in class, a favored enemy (giants of course), not bad.
Given what we know about what's coming down the pike, I think a pure Rogue would have a really hard time of it unless they were a specialized halfling, or maybe a dwarf build.
Oh yeah, you had mentioned that idea earlier. Seems good. Six PCs really would be a lot.
I have no idea how many traps there could be. In general, Pathfinder does seem to love traps, haunts, and swarms - the encounters where 2/3 of the party stand around as spectators.
As to Rogues, now you have me wanting to run an all-Rogue campaign of Giantslayer. Maybe Chained Rogue to make it more exciting. But I wouldn't want to spoil this AP for myself.

Tooantuh "Sky Voice" |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

I think we are good. I wouldn't complain about a 6th but we have a lot of bases covered already that will only get better with levels.
While all 3 of our magic useres are martial focused with Wizard the sky is the limit. And while my foucs is buffs as a spontaneous caster I always have heals in my pocket.
In my games that are mossing rogues I usually handwave the rogue class feature requirements to disarm magic traps and just allow anyone with DD as a skill to do it. Maybe that could work here.
But from what I have heard about this AP it is very combat focused so I think of there are traps just spotting them and avoiding or tripping from a distance should work for us.

Tooantuh "Sky Voice" |

Copy pasta go!
Posting early because I will be driving to visit family tomorrow.
Merry Christmas, Yule, Saturnalia or whatever else you may celebrate.

Cetan "The Dark Wind" |

Happy Holidays, Happy New Year!