Giantslayer: Against the Giants Redux

Game Master Branding Opportunity

Welcome to Trunau. A town where life is tough and orcs are plenty.

People & Places

Combat Map

Loot List


[dice=Brogann Initiative]1d20 + 2[/dice]
[dice=Gabsen Initiative]1d20 + 4[/dice]
[dice=Schwertleite Initiative]1d20 + 1[/dice]
[dice=Tooantuh Initiative]1d20 + 0[/dice]
[dice=Cetan Initiative]1d20 + 4[/dice]
[dice=Sigrun Initiative]1d20 + 3[/dice]
[dice=Towering Brother Initiative]1d20 + 0[/dice]
[dice=Nimble Companion Initiative]1d20 + 2[/dice]


[dice=Brogann Perception] 1d20 + 5 [/dice]
[dice=Gabsen Perception] 1d20 + 0 [/dice]
[dice=Schwertleite Perception] 1d20 + 3 [/dice]
[dice=Tooantuh Perception] 1d20 + 1 [/dice]
[dice=Cetan Perception] 1d20 + 5 [/dice]
[dice=Sigrun Perception] 1d20 + 6 [/dice]
[dice=Towering Brother Perception] 1d20 + 0 [/dice]
[dice=Nimble Companion Perception] 1d20 + 6 [/dice]

651 to 693 of 693 << first < prev | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | next > last >>

Female Half-Elf Bloodrager (Urban) 3 | HP 42/42| AC 16 (T 12, F 14) | CMB +6, CMD 18 | F +5, R +4, W +3 (+5 vs Charm and Compulsion) (All +1 vs Arcane Spells) | Init +3 | Perc +6 | Speed 30 | Rage 10/10

"There is that half-orc that worked for Sara Morninghawk for a few days then didn't come back, Urnsul I think is her name. She is not long in town."

"The marks might be for the attack. Places that are important as rally points, or maybe to cut off and hold parts of the town. We should look at all the places with those kinds of things in mind."

Male Human Fighter (3) Init+4 HP 45/45 AC 16 FF 14 Touch 10 Fort +6 Ref +2 Will +1 Per+0 Spd 30

Perhaps some weak points to attack? The guard should send a few men on alert to patrol there, just in case.

HP 33/33|AC 18(20 w/ Shield),Touch 14, Flat-Footed 14(16 w/ Shield)|F+3,R+1,W+3 (+1 vs. fear)|Init.+0|Perception +3|Hero Point 1| Shoanti Aasimar(Angelkin) NG Male Oracle 3

"Maybe the marked points have something to do with what they were digging for? Maybe there is an old orc tunnel into town. I can try talking to some of the older residents and see if they know about something like that."

Gather Information: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (1) + 9 = 10 -_-

Discord Chat

I'll just summarize the results of your investigations and then we can move on to the funeral, unless someone has something else they want to accomplish before then (the ceremony starts at sunset).

You investiage the five locations with similar markings in and around Trunau, but none seem to be located at points that would be vulnerable during an attack on the town, or would be crucial for an invading army. The only thing all of them have in common, is that they have been painted on large rocks or boulders. The first is on the Barterstones, large boulders outside of the walls where trade occurs occasionally. The second is on the stone floor of the Commons amphitheater, while the third has been marked on the large boulder behind the Hopespring, the town's reservoir. The fourth is on the rock face behind the Sanctuary, while the last is a 30-foot-tall white cross on the palisade's South Tower. How someone was able to paint something that size on a location in town that is garrisoned 24 hours a day remains a mystery.

Tooantuh asks around for other places around town where orcs may have dug in the past, but nobody has heard of such things and doubts they exist.

The town's inhabitants have been trying for days to wash off these markings, but so far have been unsuccessful even though the markings are not magical. Anyone succeeding at a DC 16 Intelligence, a DC 14 Knowledge (arcana) or a DC 12 Craft (alchemy) check could infer that alchemy is involved.


Just before sunset you make your way to the Flame of the Fallen, a pyre erected in an open area near the southern palisade wall next to the Longhouse. Those of you who are native or have spent more than a few weeks here know that the dead of Trunau are not interred, but are instead cremated here in order to prevent orc desecration. The pyre itself is always kept stocked with plenty of dry wood, as the Flame also serves as a beacon to warn the closest Lastwall soldiers in Castle Everstand of an attack on the town.

In addition to Rodrik's brother Kurst and his father Jagrin, Brinya (Rodrik's half-orc girlfriend) and Omast (his friend from the militia) are also present, along with the elderly, blind half-orc Katrezra. A number of other people in town are also present. All seem somber, particularly Jagrin, who thanks you all for coming. As you are making polite small-talk, a procession arrives from the church lead by High Priestess Tyari Varvatos. Behind her come the pall bearers carrying the body of Rodrik on a long plank of wood decorated with flowers. This group carefully hoists Rodrink on to the top of the 10'-tall pyre while the High Priestess blesses everything with a large bundle of sacred herbs soaked in holy water.

Those of you who would like may post your reactions to the first part of the ceremony, talking with the people present, or discussing any part of the your previous investigations may do so here.

Discord Chat

I just realized that we have not played out what happened to Brinya's actual hopeknife you found at the Plague House. Remember that Rodrik was first thought to have committed suicide with her hopeknife until you discovered that a) that wasn't actually her blade but was a replacement hopeknife that he had asked Sara Morninghawk to make after he lost hers, b) they had given their own hopeknives to each other when they secretly became engaged, and c) he was murdered and not a suicide. If you don't remember the hopeknife details, don't worry about it; it's been a while since you dealt with all these facts. I am assuming that at some point after you get back from the Plague House, one or more of you give the hopeknife back to Brinya.

The reason I bring all of this up is because Rodrik's about to be cremated with his hopeknife, which reminded me that we hadn't dealt with this yet. Please let me know if you have any questions are are confused about any of this. It took me quite a while to figure out the chain of custody of all the hopeknives, and I have the book in front of me. Don't worry if it doesn't make complete sense, as the hopeknife issue was mainly used to provide clues to prove to you that he didn't commit suicide.

M Human Wizard (Sword Binder) 3 | HP 27/27 | AC 16 T 12 FF 14 CMD 15 | F+3 R+4 W+3 | Init +2 | Perception +7 | Active: Mage Armor | Sword 7/7

Knowledge (Arcana): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (9) + 8 = 17
"There's something alchemical about that paint. Won't be easy to remove. But if we can't remove their symbols, let's confound them."

Brogann ask Kurst or Omast for permission before attempting this plan. The idea is to get as many militia members as he can to spend the whole day painting similar white swords on many more locations - boulders and stone walls all over town.

"The Twisted Nail thinks they can use these markings to coordinate their attacks somehow. Well I will call it the Sword of Gorum, and you can call it the Sword of Iomedae if you like. We will paint this symbol all over town, confuse the orcs, and honor our own gods. Mimic their style as best as you can."

Brogann will return Rodrik's Hopeknife to Brinya. "I am sorry that he was treacherously slain and denied the chance to die a warrior. He was a good man. His death was not in vain. His efforts led to us discovering an imminent orc attack on Trunau. Should this attack happen, I pray to Gorum that I may kill many orcs in Rodrik's name."
It is perhaps not the most comforting way to speak to one grieving the loss of a loved one, but it is from the heart.

At the funeral, he will stand near Katrezra and try to keep a lookout for anyone eyeing the elderly half-orc. Katrezra feared for his life; I don't know if that threat has passed.
Perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (12) + 5 = 17

Male Tiefling Magus (Eldritch Archer) 3 | hp 30/30 | AC 17 t14 ff13; resist cold/electricity/fire 5 | CMB +2 CMD 16 | F+4 R+5 W+4 | init+4 | Darkvision 60'; Perc+7 SM+1 | Speed 30' | Arcane Pool 4/4 | Darkness [_] | Spells: 1st color spray, hydraulic push, ray of enfeeblement, snowball | Active conditions: none

Cetan will not speak at the funeral. He would not presume to speak on Rodrik's behalf, particularly, because he is still a relative newcomer to town.

He will watch any half-orcs present, and other inhabitants of the Longhouse for interesting reactions.

Sense motive: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (9) + 1 = 10

Female Half-Elf Bloodrager (Urban) 3 | HP 42/42| AC 16 (T 12, F 14) | CMB +6, CMD 18 | F +5, R +4, W +3 (+5 vs Charm and Compulsion) (All +1 vs Arcane Spells) | Init +3 | Perc +6 | Speed 30 | Rage 10/10

Sigrun goes to the funeral but doesn't speak either. She's new in town and only met Rodrik once briefly. It seems to her it would be out of place.

Discord Chat

How does everyone feel about Brogann's idea? There is time to perform it before the funeral if you are interested. I skipped over most of the day to get to it.

Discord Chat

At this point of the funeral, Brinya hands Rodrik's hopeknife to the priestess of Iomedae who places it on the pyre. One of her attendants then opens a bottle and pours a noxious smelling liquid over the corpse and the hopeknife. Those of you who are native to Trunau know that this is an alchemical accelerant that helps the body burn more quickly, and also turns the flame a shade of green. Since this pyre is also used a signal fire warning of attacks, a green flame indicates a funeral, while a red flame warns the soldiers of Lastwall that an attack is occuring. The accelerant also helps the body burn more quickly, which cuts down on the amount of wood need to completely cremate the deceased, a regrettable necessity here on the plains where wood is relatively rare.

After several people speak about Rodrik's life (no mention is made of a suicide, which means that the results of your investigations have been head), the pyre is lit and all stand reverantly as the deceased and sent into the Great Beyond.

Once the fire dies down, the hopeknife is recovered from the ashes. Now completely blackened, it is handed back to Brinya. She tearfully receives it and then excuses herself.

Talking to the Graths and other citizens of Trunau after the ceremony, they are certainly on edge when you mention the possibility of an attack, but feel that as long as the militia keeps watch, there is no way the town can be caught off-guard. Whatever else you have uncovered during your investigations, you have not discovered a way for an attacker to bypass the tall and well-built defenses of Trunau, so there is some cautious optimism despite the warning that an attack may be brewing.

Something that I want to make clear and state explicitly, is that none of the half-orc strangers who were in town are present anymore. Because Daktani, the half-orc you caught, was a native, some of the people are talking about rounding up all the other half-orcs, while others council against this, stating it would be unfair. If you wish, you may post your own feelings about this.

Let's resolve if anyone helps Brogann with his "painting the town white" idea and post any post-funeral stuff. Once those are done, we can move forward unless someone has other issues that need to be addressed.

Female Half-Elf Bloodrager (Urban) 3 | HP 42/42| AC 16 (T 12, F 14) | CMB +6, CMD 18 | F +5, R +4, W +3 (+5 vs Charm and Compulsion) (All +1 vs Arcane Spells) | Init +3 | Perc +6 | Speed 30 | Rage 10/10

I blanked on that. I think it's a really good idea. If we can't figure out what the crosses are for, it's the best way to ignorantly make them useless assuming they serve a purpose.


"So when do we start painting?"

Male Tiefling Magus (Eldritch Archer) 3 | hp 30/30 | AC 17 t14 ff13; resist cold/electricity/fire 5 | CMB +2 CMD 16 | F+4 R+5 W+4 | init+4 | Darkvision 60'; Perc+7 SM+1 | Speed 30' | Arcane Pool 4/4 | Darkness [_] | Spells: 1st color spray, hydraulic push, ray of enfeeblement, snowball | Active conditions: none

Same (on blanking, assuming it would be decided). Leaning into the graffiti is a terrific plan. I suppose it's dependent on some diplomacy and convincing the local guard on it.

I think it's a brilliant idea, Brogann. A few symbols could be easily replaced even if we could erase them easily, but flooding the town with them would require massive cleanup on the part of the infiltrators. It's the best foil. I hope we can convince the town guard of this after the funeral.


During the funeral...

Cetan turns and whispers to Sigrun. What are the odds that the Twisted Nails would use the green flame as a signal to attack and catch the town off-guard...

He stands nervously for some time until the flames die down and the knife is recovered from the ashes.

Exhaling, he remarks Glad to be wrong about that!

HP 33/33|AC 18(20 w/ Shield),Touch 14, Flat-Footed 14(16 w/ Shield)|F+3,R+1,W+3 (+1 vs. fear)|Init.+0|Perception +3|Hero Point 1| Shoanti Aasimar(Angelkin) NG Male Oracle 3

Failed every one thus far despite a +9 bonus but I am gonna try and gather information on the twisted nails to see what we are up against.

Diplomacy Gather Info - Twisted Nails: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (7) + 9 = 16 -_-

When tha party begins painting the symbols Towering brother is curious and dips his trunk in the paint and tries to copy. He has an int of 6 so with practice he might be a good painter(for a prehistoric elephant that is)

Discord Chat

With your connection to the town militia and after clearing the name of one of their fallen, it's easy to convince them to go along with your "painting" plan. They promise to start on it the following morning, but could certainly use all the help they could get, as those who are on duty obviously can't participate.

Discord Chat

Tooantuh, asking about the Twisted Nail gets you similar information to what you already gathered: they are feared even by the other orc tribes for their brutality. The only bit of news is that there have been sightings of their banners in the lowlands in the past few months. This is vey unusual, as they have lagely kept to the mountains in the past.

M Human Wizard (Sword Binder) 3 | HP 27/27 | AC 16 T 12 FF 14 CMD 15 | F+3 R+4 W+3 | Init +2 | Perception +7 | Active: Mage Armor | Sword 7/7

Brogann has nothing else to do during the day (the funeral is at sundown) so he will paint what he can before the funeral.

Glad everyone liked my idea!

Male Tiefling Magus (Eldritch Archer) 3 | hp 30/30 | AC 17 t14 ff13; resist cold/electricity/fire 5 | CMB +2 CMD 16 | F+4 R+5 W+4 | init+4 | Darkvision 60'; Perc+7 SM+1 | Speed 30' | Arcane Pool 4/4 | Darkness [_] | Spells: 1st color spray, hydraulic push, ray of enfeeblement, snowball | Active conditions: none

Cetan helps with the painting of extra symbols on buildings. He tries to keep to the style that is already there, but every now and then he slips in a symbol from his own Quah. Most likely none here in Belkzen would recognize it. It is the symbol for a "restroom" hut.

Female Half-Elf Bloodrager (Urban) 3 | HP 42/42| AC 16 (T 12, F 14) | CMB +6, CMD 18 | F +5, R +4, W +3 (+5 vs Charm and Compulsion) (All +1 vs Arcane Spells) | Init +3 | Perc +6 | Speed 30 | Rage 10/10

Sigrun paints as well.

Male Human Fighter (3) Init+4 HP 45/45 AC 16 FF 14 Touch 10 Fort +6 Ref +2 Will +1 Per+0 Spd 30

Gabsen either paints or help the guards making their rounds to secure the town

HP 33/33|AC 18(20 w/ Shield),Touch 14, Flat-Footed 14(16 w/ Shield)|F+3,R+1,W+3 (+1 vs. fear)|Init.+0|Perception +3|Hero Point 1| Shoanti Aasimar(Angelkin) NG Male Oracle 3

Being a tattooist Sky Voice shouldn't be a bad hand at painting. So inbetween or after his gather info check he will help(as will Brother).

Discord Chat

You are able to complete the painting of the white crosses only shortly before the beginning of the funeral, and some of you still have the tell-tale white splatters on your skin or clothing while Rodrick's body is consigned to the flames.

Following the ceremony, most of his friends and family (with the notable exception of his fiancee Brinya) retire to the Ramblehouse to have a few drinks to the fallen man. You are all invited but are not required to attend if you'd rather do something else. The somber festivities end relatively early, and everyone heads home for a good night's sleep after such an emotional day.

Where is everyone sleeping (he asks for no particular reason)? Please let me know if you are unsure, but it is most likely that you continue to stay at the Ramblehouse, as it is the only inn in Trunau. If you are NOT sleeping at Ramblehouse, please take a look at the MAP and let me know.

M Human Wizard (Sword Binder) 3 | HP 27/27 | AC 16 T 12 FF 14 CMD 15 | F+3 R+4 W+3 | Init +2 | Perception +7 | Active: Mage Armor | Sword 7/7

Brogann stayed at the Ramblehouse when he first moved to Trunau, but everything seemed too small for him.

These days he lives at the Longhouse barracks with some other militia members.

He will go to the Ramblehouse for a drink of course.

HP 33/33|AC 18(20 w/ Shield),Touch 14, Flat-Footed 14(16 w/ Shield)|F+3,R+1,W+3 (+1 vs. fear)|Init.+0|Perception +3|Hero Point 1| Shoanti Aasimar(Angelkin) NG Male Oracle 3

Sky Voice will have some driks at the rabbelhouse and socialize for a bit. If it is a clear night of comfortable temperature Sky Voice will find a place outside to sleep. Against a tree or natural hill or wall. This is his preference unless weather doesn't permit than he will sleep inside.

Discord Chat
Tooantuh "Sky Voice" wrote:
If it is a clear night of comfortable temperature Sky Voice will find a place outside to sleep. Against a tree or natural hill or wall. This is his preference unless weather doesn't permit than he will sleep inside.

The weather during this time of year tends to be pretty dry in this part of the world. Wait, have you previously set what time of year it is? Also, I'm assuming you mean that you find a place to sleep INSIDE the walls of Trunau, correct?

OK, where is everyone else staying?

HP 33/33|AC 18(20 w/ Shield),Touch 14, Flat-Footed 14(16 w/ Shield)|F+3,R+1,W+3 (+1 vs. fear)|Init.+0|Perception +3|Hero Point 1| Shoanti Aasimar(Angelkin) NG Male Oracle 3

Correct, in town but outdoors. You know nature oracle who lived in the mountains with a hill giant and an elephant for 2 years and was part of the Soanti before then. So shelter and 'home' are wherever I currently am and usually under the stars

Discord Chat
Tooantuh "Sky Voice" wrote:
Correct, in town but outdoors. You know nature oracle who lived in the mountains with a hill giant and an elephant for 2 years and was part of the Soanti before then. So shelter and 'home' are wherever I currently am and usually under the stars

Cool, cool. Can you pick a place on the map where you are sleeping? Not asking for any particular reason, mind you ...

HP 33/33|AC 18(20 w/ Shield),Touch 14, Flat-Footed 14(16 w/ Shield)|F+3,R+1,W+3 (+1 vs. fear)|Init.+0|Perception +3|Hero Point 1| Shoanti Aasimar(Angelkin) NG Male Oracle 3

The tree between the Ramblehoise and the Clamor looks comfy and is in eye and earshot of guards incase I need a warm glass of milk.

Male Tiefling Magus (Eldritch Archer) 3 | hp 30/30 | AC 17 t14 ff13; resist cold/electricity/fire 5 | CMB +2 CMD 16 | F+4 R+5 W+4 | init+4 | Darkvision 60'; Perc+7 SM+1 | Speed 30' | Arcane Pool 4/4 | Darkness [_] | Spells: 1st color spray, hydraulic push, ray of enfeeblement, snowball | Active conditions: none

Cetan will join Sky Voice to rest outside, unless he insists on solitude.

HP 33/33|AC 18(20 w/ Shield),Touch 14, Flat-Footed 14(16 w/ Shield)|F+3,R+1,W+3 (+1 vs. fear)|Init.+0|Perception +3|Hero Point 1| Shoanti Aasimar(Angelkin) NG Male Oracle 3

Sky Voice is fine with company, especially a brother from the Quah's.

Male Human Fighter (3) Init+4 HP 45/45 AC 16 FF 14 Touch 10 Fort +6 Ref +2 Will +1 Per+0 Spd 30

Where were the original signs painted? Gabsen will stay near those.

Discord Chat
Gabsen wrote:
Where were the original signs painted? Gabsen will stay near those.

see here

Male Tiefling Magus (Eldritch Archer) 3 | hp 30/30 | AC 17 t14 ff13; resist cold/electricity/fire 5 | CMB +2 CMD 16 | F+4 R+5 W+4 | init+4 | Darkvision 60'; Perc+7 SM+1 | Speed 30' | Arcane Pool 4/4 | Darkness [_] | Spells: 1st color spray, hydraulic push, ray of enfeeblement, snowball | Active conditions: none

Cetan casually lays out some extra clothing for padding as he sets up near Sky Voice.

It seems I find myself in many places where unusual individuals might find acceptance. It is unfortunately that many such places are scarred by continuous violence.

He looks upward to see how clear the night is, enjoying what seems like a calm before an imminent storm.

Discord Chat

Still waiting for a few folks before I move the story forward ...

HP 33/33|AC 18(20 w/ Shield),Touch 14, Flat-Footed 14(16 w/ Shield)|F+3,R+1,W+3 (+1 vs. fear)|Init.+0|Perception +3|Hero Point 1| Shoanti Aasimar(Angelkin) NG Male Oracle 3
Cetan "The Dark Wind" wrote:

Cetan casually lays out some extra clothing for padding as he sets up near Sky Voice.

It seems I find myself in many places where unusual individuals might find acceptance. It is unfortunately that many such places are scarred by continuous violence.

He looks upward to see how clear the night is, enjoying what seems like a calm before an imminent storm.

"Indeed, you and I are not that different. Although I see that some are more accepting of my blood than yours, I seem to notice when ones blood is celestial it is not that they are more accepting it is they want to worship or idolize. That is part of the reason I left the Quah to pursue the call of nature and my cursed voice. You are right tho, places of acceptance are plagued by violence by those jealous or hateful of that difference. Fear not tho brother Cetan, I would never exclude you or stand by while others tried to do so. It is our Shoanti blood that taught us about bonds of brotherhood and together we can overcome any challenge."

Female Half-Elf Bloodrager (Urban) 3 | HP 42/42| AC 16 (T 12, F 14) | CMB +6, CMD 18 | F +5, R +4, W +3 (+5 vs Charm and Compulsion) (All +1 vs Arcane Spells) | Init +3 | Perc +6 | Speed 30 | Rage 10/10

Sigrun will be in her room at the Ramblehouse, either with Chayton or without depending on his availability.

Male Tiefling Magus (Eldritch Archer) 3 | hp 30/30 | AC 17 t14 ff13; resist cold/electricity/fire 5 | CMB +2 CMD 16 | F+4 R+5 W+4 | init+4 | Darkvision 60'; Perc+7 SM+1 | Speed 30' | Arcane Pool 4/4 | Darkness [_] | Spells: 1st color spray, hydraulic push, ray of enfeeblement, snowball | Active conditions: none

Cetan smiles weakly at the last statements.

No, I wouldn't expect you to. My mind is simply wandering tonight. I do welcome the brotherhood. I suppose... in a way I'm bracing myself for the inevitable violence to come here.

Discord Chat

The wind picks up during the night, blowing in great, frigid gusts down from the Mindspin mountains to the north and causing the numerous flags and banners around Trunau to dance and snap.

A few hours past midnight, the calm is broken when a single alarm horn breaks the silence, followed by another from a different watchtower.

As you stumble to your feet and look outside (or look around if you are already outdoors), you hear shouts and screams from the militia members manning the palisades. Out of the corner of your eye you see something moving at incredible speed that impacts the southernmost watchtower, causing it to burst into a shower of flaming splinters. Trunau is under attack!

From all around, you can see the citizens of Trunau pouring out of their homes. These people fall into two groups: those who seem trained in combat and those who clearly are not. Many of the former are already holding weapons and are putting on armor or hoisting shields and are looking around to find a uniformed member of the milita for orders. The latter group (made up largely of the young and the elderly) are looking around in panic, not knowing what to do.

Here's what I need from you: 1) a quick post (if you like) about where you are and what your first reaction to the attack is, and 2) an indication if your instinct is to try and fight the attackers or to help secure the noncombatants. Let us assume for the moment that there are no enemies in your line of sight at the moment, but that you can flag down a member of the militia if you need to. You can hear the sound of combat, but at the moment that is mostly coming from the watchtowers that are firing arrows at targets outside of the city.

Don't forget that there are two defensive levels in Trunau: the Inner Quarter and the Outer Quarter. The Inner Quarter is the most defended part of the city and is marked as "L" on the Trunau map. It includes everything east of the South Tower (marked as "E"), south of the Sanctuary (marked as "F"), and north of the Inner Gates (marked as "K"). The Outer Quarter is everything else. If the outer wooden palisade wall is breached (that surrounds less than half of the city to the north) or the attackers manage to somehow climb up the cliffs that protect the southern part of Trunau, everyone will be ordered to withdraw to the Inner Quarter.

Everything you accomplish during the attack on Trunau (whether its killing the attackers or helping noncombatants) will earn you "Resolve Points". The more Resolve Points you can earn, the better the outcome of the attack (in terms of Trunau lives lost and properties damaged).

Other things that you might consider are: do you want to track down a specific NPC that you are close to personally or who would be nearby? Is there anything from your past that might influence how you react to an all-out attack on Trunau? Sometimes it can be interesting to not play the super-confident and super-effective PC, but to play someone with flaws or who has trouble with stressful situations.

Male Tiefling Magus (Eldritch Archer) 3 | hp 30/30 | AC 17 t14 ff13; resist cold/electricity/fire 5 | CMB +2 CMD 16 | F+4 R+5 W+4 | init+4 | Darkvision 60'; Perc+7 SM+1 | Speed 30' | Arcane Pool 4/4 | Darkness [_] | Spells: 1st color spray, hydraulic push, ray of enfeeblement, snowball | Active conditions: none

Cetan sits up as soon as the horn sounds, quickly nudging Sky Voice.

It is time, Brother. We should...

He thinks for a few moments before continuing.

I should join the guard at the towers with my bow. I think someone from our group should help direct the young and elderly to safety. That could be you, but I trust your judgement and those of the rest of our group.

Once he sense consensus in this, he will rush off to join the guards in firing on advancing orcs, showing off the arcane elements of his bow shots.

Male Human Fighter (3) Init+4 HP 45/45 AC 16 FF 14 Touch 10 Fort +6 Ref +2 Will +1 Per+0 Spd 30

Gabsen puts his armor and takes his weapons.

He takes a big, slow breath, and get a last good look at the town, before the carnage begin.

His right hand shoots at the pouch under his neck, and rubs it between his fingers, smelling it.

He walks calmly toward the war to come, to the nearest watchtower. Only a few, faint tears quickly wiped show briefly his emotion.

He doesnt stop for the civilians. He's not a great talker, or a strategist.

He's a soldier.
He's a butcher.
And maybe, tonight, he will be a survivor.

But even Gabsen doesn't bet on it.

M Human Wizard (Sword Binder) 3 | HP 27/27 | AC 16 T 12 FF 14 CMD 15 | F+3 R+4 W+3 | Init +2 | Perception +7 | Active: Mage Armor | Sword 7/7
GM BrOp wrote:
Sometimes it can be interesting to not play the super-confident and super-effective PC, but to play someone with flaws or who has trouble with stressful situations.

I think Brogann is going to go 1-for-2 on that. Super-confident but probably not so effective. We'll see.

Brogann awakens with a start. He curses. Sooner than I thought, he thinks to himself. Did us catching Daktani have something to do with this?

He casts Mage Armor.

Of all those in Trunau, he feels the closest kinship to Agrit Staginsdar (who also blends martial and magical skill), and he is friendly with her wife Sara Morninghawk. He also likes Brantos Calderon, and regards the Iomedans as solid allies to have (even if a bit stuff).

After debating in his head for a brief moment, he heads towards the Sanctuary.
This is a metagaming decision to have less splitting of the party; because the Sanctuary had one of the graffiti swords, it is plausible that Gabsen might be there. If Brogann were to go to find Sara and Agrit, it seems like he would be on a solo adventure.

Female Half-Elf Bloodrager (Urban) 3 | HP 42/42| AC 16 (T 12, F 14) | CMB +6, CMD 18 | F +5, R +4, W +3 (+5 vs Charm and Compulsion) (All +1 vs Arcane Spells) | Init +3 | Perc +6 | Speed 30 | Rage 10/10

Well, confidence is Sigrun's calling card, so...

When the clamor awakens Sigrun, she elbows and shoves Chayton awake before getting dressed and armed. She yells at Chayton to do the same if he shows signs of tarrying.

Walking out of the her room is the end of Sigrun's momentum though. Either she hasn't been in town long enough to know what she should be doing, or she wasn't paying attention if she was ever informed, hard to say which.

Sigrun questions Chayton to find out if there's anything he must be doing at a time like this.

So I'll leave this to the DM.

1. Chayton is supposed to go to Sara Morninghawk's smithy to help defend it or some other pre-established thing: Sigrun lets him go on his way to do what he's supposed to then starts looking around for someone she knows to link up with.

2. Chayton doesn't have anything: Sigrun instructs him to remain at the Ramblehouse and keep alert to the situation. If there is a breakthrough, fire, or other circumstances that put the building in danger, he is to evacuate everyone and bring them into the Inner Quarter.

After parting with Chayton, Sigrun wades out into the choatic streets to find someone she knows to link up with. She knows nothing about any citywide defensive plans, so she will have to depend on someone else to get her to the best place to join the fight.

Perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (17) + 6 = 23

HP 33/33|AC 18(20 w/ Shield),Touch 14, Flat-Footed 14(16 w/ Shield)|F+3,R+1,W+3 (+1 vs. fear)|Init.+0|Perception +3|Hero Point 1| Shoanti Aasimar(Angelkin) NG Male Oracle 3

Sky Voice wakes with Cetan and Towering brother. He nod's at Cetan when he states his intention. Sky Voice gets up and dons his armor(hide). This act and the sounds of violence bring over him the familiar bindings over his language and his voice deepens and becomes loud.

"I will do what I must. Come (Towering)Brother, let us fetch Companion and due what we can to protect the people."

After donning his armor Sky Voice will take Towering Brother with him to go get Nimble Companion and mount him. Than he will head to the Towers between the Inner and outer quarter directing and defending non-combatants as well as he can (Sky Voice can only speak Giant while in combat and I assume this whole situation counts). Given the kind of situation we are in I will save all 5 of my slots to be used for Cure Light Wounds I am assuming it will be needed.

Male Human Fighter (3) Init+4 HP 45/45 AC 16 FF 14 Touch 10 Fort +6 Ref +2 Will +1 Per+0 Spd 30

Hello GM, still here? We had a war coming on...

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