Oadir |
Great time for any RP I suppose, Oadir is on his way up, but I think we can all gather around and debrief.
I would also suggest, with a week off, we quickly go about doing an End-of-Session. It's beyond appropriate with the Druid defeated, the temple taken and the week off.
DM Mooshybooshy, "the Foolish" |
Hey all, just letting everyone know that I feel very refreshed and revitalized after taking a week away from the forums entirely. I've got a lot to catch up on, but I've begun working on just that, and I hope to have updated every campaign I'm part of by early afternoon. Thanks for your patience once again.
Greas |
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![Kobold Devilspeaker](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO1130-Kobold3_90.jpeg)
Hello everyone. Anyone remember a while ago when I asked about GMing?
Yeah, I've actually decided to try that.
I've put up a thread here, so if anyone's interested, come on in. If you're interested, I'll see you there.
DM Mooshybooshy, "the Foolish" |
Did I forget to mention an end of session move? Yes, that's absolutely appropriate here, in the time that Thunk and Sees were looking through the library and such.
End of Session
When you reach the end of a session, choose one of your bonds that you feel is resolved (completely explored, no longer relevant, or otherwise). Ask the player of the character you have the bond with if they agree. If they do, mark XP and write a new bond with whomever you wish.
Once bonds have been updated look at your alignment. If you fulfilled that alignment at least once this session, mark XP. Then answer these three questions as a group:
Did we learn something new and important about the world?
Did we overcome a notable monster or enemy?
Did we loot a memorable treasure?
For each “yes” answer everyone marks XP.
Level Up
When you have downtime (hours or days) and XP equal to (or greater than) your current level+7, you can reflect on your experiences and hone your skills.
Subtract your current level+7 from your XP.
Increase your level by 1.
Choose a new advanced move from your class.
If you are the wizard, you also get to add a new spell to your spellbook.
Choose one of your stats and increase it by 1 (this may change your modifier). Changing your Constitution increases your maximum and current HP. Ability scores can’t go higher than 18.
Greas |
![Kobold Devilspeaker](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO1130-Kobold3_90.jpeg)
Oooh, EoS! It's been a while. Hope other people remember the things I've forgotten.
Alignment: Managed to get into the Time Temple unnoticed, which was very helpful for the murder spree. Evaded the notice of the pigskins in the warehouse too. I'd say I'm good there. +1
Bonds: I'd call my bond with Oadir resolved. He's managed to go from useful tool to actual comrade. Resolving and looking to replace with "Oadir now stands as one of the Bloodguard. He is worthy of respect, and I will ensure he is shown it." +1
As for the bond with Sees, I think that wants resolving too. That would be changed to "Sees is under pressures I was not aware of. There is only one traitor here, and she must learn it isn't her." +1
I feel like there's another shift in the relationship with Retzack. Resolve and replace with "I know not what Retzack plans, but he shall bring ruin to us all. One day, I will kill that over-ambitious firestarter." +1
As for just adding them, "Thunk is an infuriating enigma. He is an ally, and a talented one at that, but I must figure him out."
Questions: Notable monster or enemy? The druid, easy. +1
As far as treasure goes, the aid of the Deathclaw will be a great treasure indeed. That crazy pocketwatch that is now Retzack's favourite toy works too. +1
I can't remember anything for something new and important about the world. I'm sure there's something, but nothing comes to mind.
If everyone agrees, then I have enough XP racked up now to take me to level 4. For now, I'll just go to level 3 - I think I'd like to take Poison Master and bump my intelligence to 13 for a lovely +1 INT.
"Thunk" |
![Red Dragon](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PF23-01.jpg)
Alignment...yes. Untraditional climbing, untraditional use of a dead body...need I go on?
I got the pan pipes and necklace
So +4 let me check bonds
Sees-Death |
![Animus Duplicate](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO9083-AnimusDuplicate.jpg)
I don't know if I'm capable of doing anything more than hurting Hegh, and that scares me.
Resolved... +1
Smoog really came through, and after all I've put him through, he deserves a second chance.
Resolved, replaced with "Smoog and I are growing distant. I hope I have time to make things right." +1
Thunk has saved me from a tight spot, and has as much a right to thump as I have to speak.
Replaced with "Am I just replacing Hegh with Thunk, or am I returning to a simpler relationship?" +1
I don't have time for men who won't worship me. Greas needs to toe the line or leave.
Resolved and replaced with "I don't deserve Greas' pity. He doesn't know the half of what happened that night." +1
That long-legged crossbreed Oadir presumes much, but if I can endure his affections I may be able to use them.
Resolved, replaced with "Oadir is just another lost soul like the rest of us. I need to make things right with him." +1
Also Kibra's bond... +1
Evil - Use your art to take advantage of someone.
This sort of sadistic, self-destructive spiral of madness is what got her here. I don't remember when the last EoS happened, so I don't have an example, and so much else is happening XP-wise I won't count it, but I believe this needs to change again.
Lawful- Repair a relationship wounded with words.
Party Questions
Did we learn something new and important about the world?
If I could just read this book...
Did we overcome a notable monster or enemy?
The Druid. +1
Did we loot a memorable treasure?
Retsack's ring, The panpipe key, the book I still don't have info on, the pocketwatch, the spoon, a temple... +1
7 + 8 = 15 - (6+7) = level 7.02
Taking CON 16, making it a +2, and 22hp and the move Eldritch Chord, which allows me to double one of the effects of an Arcane Arts. (for a maximum of +4d4 damage, 2d8 healing, or +4 when aided)
MiniGM |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |
The One Who Knocks and +1 STR for Barbarian
When you defy danger, on a 12+ you turn the danger back on itself, the GM will describe how.
Tanard (Red 'Nard)
Controls (the sun, the seas, the skies): The Flames and the Downtrodden
• Represents (love, death, war, wind): Conquest
• Worshippers (nobles, dwarves, wizards): Kobolds and Enslaved Races
• Enemies (demons, undead, heretics): Goody goodies
• Demands (sacrifices, secrets, victory): Victory and Riches
When you call out for your deity's aid in a time of need, choose a Blessing and roll +WIS.
On a 10+, your deity will intervene on your behalf - the GM will tell you how. On a 7-9,
your deity will grant your Blessing, but you will also need to choose a Requirement.
• Your invocation manipulates the realm your deity Controls.
• Your invocation commands something your deity Represents.
• Your invocation bolsters your deity's Worshippers.
• Your invocation rebukes your deity's Enemies.
• Your invocation is obvious and immediate, drawing attention to you.
• The intervention is subtle or takes a while to manifest.
• Your deity demands something in return. The GM will tell you what.
• The divine experience leaves you dizzy with euphoria (or terror). You take -1 ongoing
to Invoke until you have time to pray quietly for a while.
Divine Ward
When you call upon your deity for protection for yourself or an ally, roll +WIS. On a
10+, grant two of the following effects to the subject of your prayers. On a 7-9, grant one,
and your prayers draw unwanted attention.
• Heal 1d8 damage
• Take +2 Armor forward
• Take +1 forward to Defy Danger
• An approaching enemy is driven back
Lead the Flock
When you preach to a mob, roll +CHA. On a 10+, hold 3. On a 7-9, hold 1. On a miss,
the mob turns on you. Spend your hold 1-for-1 on the following:
• bring people forward and deliver them to you.
• bring forward all their precious things.
• unite and fight for you.
• fall into a frenzy of emotion: joy, sorrow, or rage, as you choose.
• go quietly back to their lives.
Smoog |
EoS -
With Thunk the Barbarian...
"Is Thunk too stupid to be our leader? I might have to help him." +1
now is..
"Thunk is not stupid, he just has trouble expressing himself.
I might be able to help him.
With Hegh +1
with Kibra +1
Chaotic - Use a Gadget in a new and surprising way...
Welding with the eye? +1
Party Questions
Did we learn something new and important about the world?
How to acquire an Airship? +1
Did we overcome a notable monster or enemy?
The Druid. +1
Did we loot a memorable treasure?
Retsack's ring, The panpipe key, the book, a temple... +1
Sees-Death |
![Animus Duplicate](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO9083-AnimusDuplicate.jpg)
That reminds me, we need to check to see if this time temple's detachable room is here. We might have three options for transportation. Unless the panflutekey is for the airship...
I'll take that lore XP too. Unless we're going to get an update on what's in the book of copper wires.
Krish |
End of Session:
"It's clear to me Retzlak has a troubled spirit."
Resolved .. Replaced with "I am not sure if Retzlak is more dangerous to us or the humans." +1
"Greas' spirit and my spirit are bound together."
Resolved .. Replaced with "The connection to Greas concerns me. Can it be bent to serve us or will it hinder us both?" +1
"I have heard the spirits speak of Tessith's power."
Resolved ... +1
"Oadir must learn to respect the spirit realm."
Resolved .. Replaced with "Oadir has attracted the attention of the spirits. How can I use this to my advantage?" +1
Alignment: Chaotic - Facilitate a spirit's revenge .. Not really.
Party Questions
Did we learn something new and important about the world?
How to acquire an Airship? +1
Did we overcome a notable monster or enemy?
The Druid. +1
Did we loot a memorable treasure?
Retsack's ring, The panpipe key, the book, a temple, a love potion... +1
Enough to level up.
Krish is now a level 5 Shaman.
Gained +1 Intelligence.
Gained Web of Whispers.
Oadir |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Time to update some bonds:
Hegh uses the elements like me, I must make him my ally. +1
Hegh is dead, but not forgotten. His legacy lives on. I will do my best to fill a new role in this clan now that he is gone.
Not an actual new bond, but a line of resolution.
I got Greas caught, I'll have to make it up to him somehow. +1
I owe a great debt to Greas, but he seems to accept me. I must show that I am worth his acknowledgment.
I've fallen head over heels for Sees-Death, I must see where I stand with her. +1
Sees-Death has only affirmed she is worth my adoration, but she seems not to accept me like Hegh did in his final moments just yet, I must prove myself to her.
Thunk has promised to teach me how to Thump, I must show my worth to him. +1
I understand now that I'll never learn to Thump like Thunk, but I'd still love his mentorship.
Smoog seems to have a very thorough understanding of the world, we have much to discuss.
We haven't talked at all, really, no resolution here.
Retzack would have me fight next to those I oppose. They don't want to, and I'm seriously doubting whether I do.[/s] +1
I have found that I most certainly don't like fighting alongside Retzack's creations, but he's got his uses elsewhere, so I'll put up with it.
Krish and I seem somewhat kindred spirits, I'll try to look out for him, I hope he'll do the same for me. +1
I have found that Krish can look out for himself all right, now he's just got to look out for the rest of us.
A little abrasive, that Kibra, maybe he'd like some true blackness. +1 as Kibra left
I did have a proposed bond with Tessith myself, but since he never actually seems to have seen any play with me, it doesn't feel right taking an experience on that.
Then on to the questions:
Did we learn something new and important about the world?
People die if they are killed!
Seriously, I'd say I learned that Necromancy is more than okay amongst the Humans, something I hadn't expected. +1
Did we overcome a notable monster or enemy?
The Druid. +1
Did we loot a memorable treasure?
I'd say I gained the Ice element with the help of Hegh, got basically knighted and I have yet to check this leather armour, but memorable treasure is everywhere to be found around here. +1
That leaves me with +10 from EoS, putting me at 15, more than enough to level, so I'm going to work on that as well.
Quick edit:
XP from alignment is basically an extra +1 whenever the first party question is answered yes. I'll take it now, but it might be worth rediscussing something for that Alignment going forward, something that actually comes forth from the character, since I don't feel I've been playing to actively pursue this one. This puts me at 16 pre-'level up' and that means 4 XP afterwards.
Also I'd like to do that quick Spout lore leather armor: 2d6 + 2 ⇒ (3, 6) + 2 = 11 as I didn't get around to that and it feels weird putting it up after all that's happened in the gameplay thread since the time I had.
Oadir |
I have chosen to level up and take the new move Don't Blink which means I can now use the Teleport tag on others without a Defy Danger. It's a bit underwhelming of a development, especially for the 6th level, but don't you worry, it'll soon become super awesome. Also putting a point in Constitution, going for that +3 on rolls.
![]() |
![Erdrinneir Vonnarc](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/A7_Norrayl_Vonnarc_highres.jpg)
Ugh. Now that I'm starting to have a better handle on the game, that is just making EoS even harder. Buncha stuff, buncha stuff....
Learn something? Yes. Apparently Tanard is important. It took a horde of NPCs to show up for me to get the exposition I was missing.
Enemy? Yep. I killed an entire temple full of humans. =3
Treasure? If there is a treasure greater than this f%#%ing thing, I have no idea what it is. =}
Alignment? I animated people beyond my limit. That counts as unique.
Hegh is in constant danger, I will keep them safe.+1
hehe. I guess that one is done! =P
Sees-Death will play an important role in the events to
come; I have foreseen it!
Changing that to: Sees-Death sees a large picture, but not the Big Picture. I must address that.
Thunk is woefully misinformed about the world; I
will teach them all that I can.
I can aid Thunk greatly. I need to just get him to accept it.
I trust Greas implicitly; they are good and faithful.+1
Greas has opened a fire. I must see it quenched. One way...or another.
Oadir is keeping an important secret from me.+1
Oadir is the only one I can count on.
For advancements, as Retzack grows into his roll of Anti-Hero; that of being on the outside looking in, he's needed to get better to speaking to people. Hence, Imma get +1 to Cha. Everything else I'm still waffling on. ;p
Oadir |
Big post, was going to do it here, out of character, but felt it needed to be said by Oadir in gameplay.
I'm sorry, it's just gotten to be too much. I get it Retzack, you're having tons of fun, and it's 'delightfully evil'. Except that's something I'm looking for in an antagonist.
From the start this campaign has been described to me as a moral gray area, and I've treated it as such, but this is far beyond the range of what an anti-hero does.
You've absolutely crossed into antagonistic behaviour. No, scratch that, you're absolutely villainous.
You are making the kind of comments that an outright cartoonish villain would do to his minions, but you are doing so in the context of Necromancy.
You were aware that certain members of the party had gripes with the whole concept, you should have expected someone to speak up.
I really didn't want to do this, but I feel it's how the character would respond to the situation.
I generally try to avoid PvP, in DW it feels weird and messy, but I can't magic these actions away.
DM Mooshybooshy, "the Foolish" |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
I think that inter-character disagreements are great fodder for good roleplaying, as long as the antagonism is only between characters, not players, and it doesn't get in the way of others sharing the spotlight too.
I want to point out the word in parenthesis at the end of the gameplay thread title. Not saying you're wrong in your objections at all, Oadir, but I do want to say that I've created a bit of a safe space for characters to be a little evil, or even very evil.
I mean, if you think Retzack is morally objectionable, you would have loved Gorlaug the Corruptor, the Moontower Mountain Clan's original patron dragon. He was a black dragon of the swamps, and a necromancer himself.
Sees-Death |
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![Animus Duplicate](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO9083-AnimusDuplicate.jpg)
It's my opinion that the calling-card of an evil party is constant infighting and backstabbing, especially just when any one character starts to assume too much power or comes too close to their personal goals.
Greas |
![Kobold Devilspeaker](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO1130-Kobold3_90.jpeg)
I don't feel like the problem is being morally objectionable. This is an evil campaign, and you have points about Gorlaug.
The issue is not being evil, but being against the rest of the party's interests. I would not have stated an intent to kill in that earlier bond if I was not about to seek ways to follow through. I like what Retzack's doing, personally. Crazy, maniacal goodness. Well, not GOODness, but you know what I mean. The issue is that said crazy maniacal goodness now gives good reason for all the rest of the party to want him dead. Greas already believed he'd ruin them, and now he has something to present.
Red 'Nard is off limits.
Oadir |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
I feel like there is still the insider-outsider distinction there.
I'm absolutely fine with Necromancy, it can be awesome. It's the fact that his actions give him motive to want allies dead.
Necromancy on the fat bastard, 100% okay with me.
Necromancy on the 'innocent bride and groom', 95% okay with me (the missing 5% was really only in the execution, would have hoped for more flair and less strong-arming)
Necromancy on Hegh, I can live with, say about 75% okay. He died by himself and then you went and picked him up.
A lot of it is helped by the fact that this world clearly separates soul and body after death.
It's when you go and place your eyes on allies, who have not yet died, and make them sign a contract, with eager looks of amassing an undead army, that you start getting on my bad side.
When you then go and target the new godly dragon with this ambition, you have sincerely and completely crossed a line, that's where it goes too far.
Oh and as a player, I have no objections against any Necromancy at all, and Gorlaug sounds absolutely awesome every time I learn more about him. The only thing not so awesome is how he was defeated by anything less than a massive army, but a ragtag group of adventurers can do a lot of things, after all.
![]() |
![Erdrinneir Vonnarc](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/A7_Norrayl_Vonnarc_highres.jpg)
May the Defendant be allowed a word in his defense?
Thank you.
I'm not usually one to debate like this, but since I seem to be the center of attention, it seems appropriate right now.
So, I'm playing this game, trying to have a little fun, and I get a magic item and I think that I've finally got a combo with some synergistic effects and then...
I have no idea what you people are talking about.
It looks like there's been a miscommunication here.
1) Oadir, your post -about- Retzack represents more words than have ever been said -to- Retzack.
At no point have any of you tried to start a dialogue. I didn't even -know- that Tanard was important until just now. I -asked- what was going and was just told something like "making trouble". Perhaps if one of you approached Retzack about his actions and motivations, much of this could be avoided.
the calling-card of an evil party is constant infighting and backstabbing,
This would appear accurate, expect that you all have been tight as a family, and have -only- shown antagonism against Retzack. Indeed, Retzack BACKED YOU UP in an argument and he got STABBED for it. And you didn't even ACKNOWLEDGE the effort.
What I learned from that was "Try to befriend a Kobold, you'll get no thanks. But you will get stabbed."3) Of note, the "I hope that isn't foreshadowing" was Out Of Character. It seems like there is a LOT of talking going on that is taking that not only In Character, but as meant ironically. Isn't wishing someone to be immortal a good thing? Isn't hoping that someone never dies a sign of affection?
4) Yep, it -is- an evil campaign. Apologies if I took that literally. That usually goes hand-in-hand with "win by any means necessary". Playing in an evil campaign and then objecting to someone on moral grounds seems like an oxymoron.
5) Am I going to make a verbal argument for having Tanard sign a Pact? Yep. Will the entire party debate that? Yep. Am I going to take 'no' for answer? Also, yep. Will that be some great Role Playing when I argue that it's is more loyal to carry insurance that ensures that your dragon carries on even after death than to allow it to become a martyr? Yep. Is that something you can debate against? Also, yes. Indeed, it wouldn't even be affected without signing.
You don't want to keep fighting against the humans after death? Don't sign.
6) I PM'd MCKhaos about Hegh. He whole-heartedly endorsed me animating him.
7) Do you want me to just leave?
Smoog |
I am enjoying Retzack's character exploration and growth.
Whether he has the greater party's best interest in mind when he does the things he does is debatable but that is what makes the dynamics of this group so interesting.
I agree with points 1 thru 6.
As for point 7, no I do not want you to leave.
Greas |
![Kobold Devilspeaker](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO1130-Kobold3_90.jpeg)
It looks like there's been a miscommunication here.
I think that's Retzack in a nutshell. You kinda have to consider that as a character, he drives anyone who's seen much of him to be very wary. The goblin's proven ruthless, devious, manipulative, and generally quite intelligent. They're also quite pushy about the way they view things, and dismissive to anyone who doesn't agree. You've generally come off as an over-ambitious plotter, hungering to push things further and further, at least as far as I'm concerned. All anyone else knows is what has been presented.
The stabbing comes from...basically, being hasty. You didn't know the situation, just an action. You then come into it, throwing words about that show you don't really understand and only make things worse. Calling it a "game" isn't a point in your favour either. Acting like that in the first place just seems strange to me for the character. At the time, you came off to me as simply wanting to be included. Admittedly, I'm not the best in these areas, but you'd think Retzack would at least be better at reading a situation from his behaviour. Or at least, would make sure they know what's happening before acting.
The character as shown isn't someone you'd talk to about what they're thinking. They're one you keep a good eye on. The only way to know the way Retzack's really thinking would be mind-reading, or to use information that our cast could not access - information that doesn't really come up too often to be remembered. Apart from that, you do NOT seem trustworthy. Retzack, looking at it, appears to be lacking in self-awareness and surprisingly oblivious of how he sounds to everyone else.
In short, you have terrible PR.
Not wanting you to leave. Understand what you're saying. Remembered a few things from that which shifts what I'm seeing. Just trying to say just why these things have been said, as my understanding allows.
I'm just trying to point out that...really, it's easy to manage to communicate something different to your thought or intent, and same to not noticing it until it's pointed out. Not everyone thinks the same way, and of the same things, which leads to differing viewpoints on the same thing. As something I know about quite personally, I thought I'd address it in that way.
Oadir |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
1) Oadir, your post -about- Retzack represents more words than have ever been said -to- Retzack.
At no point have any of you tried to start a dialogue. I didn't even -know- that Tanard was important until just now. I -asked- what was going and was just told something like "making trouble". Perhaps if one of you approached Retzack about his actions and motivations, much of this could be avoided.
As you have stated before, Oadir has been one of the few to actually acknowledge you, as fully as he could. He's been on the other side of a party split for quite a while. He's been clear that he is uncomfortable with the idea of Necromancy in general, and your methods of doing it.
I understand at the same time, that this is mere deflection on my part. Yes, it's a problem. Yes, I'll acknowledge that it is one. Yes, something should have been done about this.
2)Sees-Death wrote:the calling-card of an evil party is constant infighting and backstabbing,This would appear accurate, expect that you all have been tight as a family, and have -only- shown antagonism against Retzack. Indeed, Retzack BACKED YOU UP in an argument and he got STABBED for it. And you didn't even ACKNOWLEDGE the effort.
What I learned from that was "Try to befriend a Kobold, you'll get no thanks. But you will get stabbed."
You did back up Sees, but Sees was out of line at that time. Could Retzack have known this? Maybe not. Could he have been smart and realised that in-fighting is counter-productive. It's just a thought, but that was my gut reaction.
3) Of note, the "I hope that isn't foreshadowing" was Out Of Character. It seems like there is a LOT of talking going on that is taking that not only In Character, but as meant ironically. Isn't wishing someone to be immortal a good thing? Isn't hoping that someone never dies a sign of affection?
People were already suspicious of the character, if the foreshadowing had been done out of character, then it would be fine, but the foreshadowing itself was done so In Character, meaning people with some intelligence to them will be able to pick up on it, especially when you're pretty much the only one out there to keep notice of, the rest is at this point still strangers.
Especially Oadir, who has come to wish to unite the group, Including Retzack (up to this point) has4) Yep, it -is- an evil campaign. Apologies if I took that literally. That usually goes hand-in-hand with "win by any means necessary". Playing in an evil campaign and then objecting to someone on moral grounds seems like an oxymoron.
I don't play a distinctly evil person, never have done. And there is always such a thing as 'honor among thieves'. Of course reality isn't actually really like that, but this isn't reality, this is fantasy. Nobody had coloured outside the lines in my book yet, they all came to free slaves, pretty common Good thing to me.
If you want an evil character, that can be arranged. I can go that way. Starting tomorrow Oadir can be consumed by darkness from several different angles. Heck, one of those is basically in your hands (bugs in brain). It's just not what I personally expected from context.
Also, consider this being Oadir stabbing Retzack in the back if you will, consider Oadir more along the lines of a Lawful Evil and you just broke one of his laws, whichever way you twist it, this reaction is warranted. Heck, in Oadir's mind, Retzack is possibly being controlled by the bugs, putting him completely out of moral responsibility altogether. He's just trying to look out for you, man. You seem a little out of control at the moment.
5) Am I going to make a verbal argument for having Tanard sign a Pact? Yep. Will the entire party debate that? Yep. Am I going to take 'no' for an answer? Also, yep. Will that be some great Role Playing when I argue that it's is more loyal to carry insurance that ensures that your dragon carries on even after death than to allow it to become a martyr? Yep. Is that something you can debate against? Also, yes. Indeed, it wouldn't even be affected without signing.
Except that you can and have raised the dead against their permission, just having it be less permanent. Still, whatever the rest of the party does is none of my concern.
6) I PM'd MCKhaos about Hegh. He whole-heartedly endorsed me animating him.
As was clearly obvious when he used his character to report as such. There's a difference between his player endorsing it, his character endorsing it and finally the party endorsing it. Out Of Character it has been more than clear the Sees for example would not be happy if/when she found out. I haven't made any statements on Oadir because I try to live in what happens, not what might/will happen in the campaign. The story has taken much more interesting turns than I personally could have imagined when I had certain ideas in my head that I didn't opt to post out there as well.
The only time I choose to post of something that might happen is as it happens, asking if it could happen this way that I thought was really awesome.7) Do you want me to just leave?
Absolutely not. I don't know what I want, this just seemed like an in-character thing to do. The group can still decide to keep you around, and Oadir may even be convinced of your Goblin-ness once more. Consider this the breakthrough that makes Retzack important not just to the plot, but to the other characters as well. (Greas has been hostile toward Retzack from the start though, can't help that myself. Oadir has been hesitant, but giving you the benefit of the doubt.)
Anyway, that's just my responses to all your questions. I already said I'm following my vision of the character first, that was my choice. I'm sorry if it has caused you any harm in this, and yeah, our visions of where this thing could go differed. I seem to have gotten the common posters on my side, but I never wanted there to be sides.
If I do get to be in the campaign set by Greas (DM Loopy) then you'll probably end up seeing that I can and will play someone more evil, brutal and cruel, it's just not what I had in mind for Oadir just yet.
Oadir still has room to grow that way if that's where we want the party to go though. Just listing a few things:
Lastly, know that I do care about you, or I wouldn't have taken an hour in the middle of the night to respond to you in as full detail as possible. *Also edited for prettiness
MiniGM |
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So for a disclaimer I am at the Edinburgh fringe fest performing a new play and I may have been out at a pub for the last several hours. I am not confirming that just saying it is a possibility. As far as this goes I think our friend the goblin has done a fantastic job building his character. That said he is veering towards something that is against the groups interest, and I think it is up to us to guide him back to the proper path, that is part of the reason that thunk just became a war priest.
I think the characters should have a bit of a come to Jesus with him and see where goes
Oadir |
Planted here since I think any further talk belongs here, not in gameplay:
World Religions is one of those areas where I like to have everyone contribute to the worldbuilding. Whatever the party of players wants to go with in terms of major religions is fine by me - Pathfinder deities, old D&D gods, or homebrewed deities - it doesn't matter which. To all kobolds, of course, dragons are the gods.
So, yeah, I understand that much, but if Dragons are to consider Bahamut and Tiamat as deities themselves, then wouldn't Kobolds also consider those the Gods-above-gods? It's all very muddled anyway.
But yeah, Oadir is not ready to call Tanard a God, nor would he have called Gorlaug a god.
He would consider them maybe at the same level as Liches, powerful entities with possibly god-like abilities, but at the same time birds can use sticks and we don't call them people, now do we?
DM Mooshybooshy, "the Foolish" |
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I've received a few PMs regarding Thunk's multiclassing and I felt I should address it here in the discussion thread.
It was all cleared with me beforehand, first off. I didn't see any harm in allowing him to multiclass because he has access to his 6-10 leveled talents. But, I didn't make it clear to everyone that everyone has that option; so I'm doing that now.
Houserule: If you want to begin leveling up as a different class, as long as you are level 6 and above, you may forgo your Advanced Move when leveling up in favor of taking a level in another class of your choosing. This has to be backed up with in-game actions or thoughts, of course.
This does alter the existing rules posted here. It's a small change though - if you follow that link, just delete the third bullet point as it no longer applies to that situation.
Greas |
![Kobold Devilspeaker](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO1130-Kobold3_90.jpeg)
Kinda hoping we don't have to kill him as well. Wouldn't have called myself a talker, frankly but looking at my posting habits, let alone that monster just now, I would see why others might not agree.
I hope there's SOME sort of out in there...or that someone else will make one. It would be really needed right about now.
...I get the feeling that if I multiclass into anything, it'll be Templar. This certainly feels like an inquisition right now.
Greas |
![Kobold Devilspeaker](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO1130-Kobold3_90.jpeg)
...I didn't say I wouldn't be enjoying myself a lot if it turned out that actually, yes, it IS killy-time. Besides, we're allowed to hope it doesn't go that way, right? Just as long as it's not forced. Besides, that doesn't mean he can't die later, perhaps after I get my hands on Alchemist...
Yours is an interesting idea though. We're all in for a shock if this works.
Oadir |
I'm going to try and get another monologue in, this time aimed at Retzack himself. Oadir is the most goody two shoes in this bunch, so he's going to try and convince Retzack to be a little more of that as well.
Oadir |
At some point I might kill the goblin myself if that's what it takes to get Sees back on the market. She'd probably love it, too.
No, but seriously, I think Oadir is about ready to move on from Sees he had a big crush on her but she is in no way making sense with her proposal to Retzack. Or in general, really. The whims of this woman have gone beyond the infatuation that Oadir might have held for her and passed on massively in the realm of 'dafuq?' o.0
In other news, I hear we have some slaves, who knows if one of them is short, black and most importantly female. DM?
Sees-Death |
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![Animus Duplicate](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO9083-AnimusDuplicate.jpg)
Having a husband is just a way to keep the people Sees seduces from talking to each other. It's obviously a political marriage, and nobility is practically required to have some action on the side. Now she can properly frame the private narratives with which she'll control her underlings.
"Oh, Oadir~ Retzack is so filled with wrath in private. He does terrible things you don't need any proof to believe, and shouldn't ask any invasive questions about. I wish I had someone big and strong and passionate and who won't ask too many questions to take care of him for me... Sex? Oh, no, of course not. I never had sex, not with a Goblin. That would be weird. I don't have, or desire weird sex. That's never been a characteristic of mine. You? Oh that wouldn't be weird. Do you think I'm weird?"
In all honesty, though, dating within the party in an evil campaign is... inadvisable.