
Omen43's page

28 posts (70 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 aliases.


MiniGM wrote:
hmm i onder if flung is always getting in trouble or shares my desire for destruction and riches

Flung definitely has visions of grandeur regarding his battle prowess and the amount of destruction he can cause on humans!

Does Thunk keep an eye out for Flung (and vice versa) or do I have to worry that Thunk has a death wish?

Awesome! Meet:

Flung - the Kobald Skirmisher

Flung is a lithe, black kobald dressed simply in a worn, battle kilt apparently made of leather. He was quite content in his training to be a full-fledged Skirmisher. But then the so-called “heroes” besieged Gorlaug, the Conqueror, their mighty protector. Flung was ready to give his life for the mighty wyrm, but the chieftain had other ideas - using him to relay battle directions from the chieftain to the various warriors leading the battle clans. While trying scampering towards Groglauk’s clan, Flung suddenly saw stars, having been struck in the head by a random projectile. Upon waking, everyone around him was dead and the mountain was on fire! He grabbed a nearby spear, looking for any other survivors to give him some direction in his now suddenly, aimless life.

STR - 12
DEX - 16 (+2)
CON - 13 (+1)
INT - 8 (-1)
WIS - 15 (+1)
CHR - 9

If you are still accepting players, I would love to join as a skirmisher. If so, I will write up something in a bit.

GM: It's been about a week since someone else besides the two of us posted. Hopefully, the others will start posting again. I will check during the week to see if others start posting again.

If not, thanks for GM'ing. I thought you did a great job and I had fun!

FYI: I am going to wait for a couple of days to see if the others are going to post.

Well played! But that door's wide open now, so it's probably time for some movement. What next?

Can we see out the door so that have an idea what we are dealing with outside?

Felicia can't stand the thought of poor, sweet Gwenn at the mercy of the beasts. She looks at the planks and uses her hands to search for any way to open the planks to get in the room above. She turns to Yadue and says "We have to find a way up there to help Gwenn!"
Discern Realities: 2d6 ⇒ (5, 1) = 6

Jane swats Bevo on the rump with the butt of her spear in the hopes that will cause the ox to burst forth from the lodge trampling even more dog-men under its massive hooves.

Being one of the only dwarf children in town, Gwenn was always made fun of by the other kids in town, especially when her beard started coming in. She always took the teasing with a quiet dignity and would spend time with Felicia at her stall watching her mend pots.

Felicia grabs Yadue's arm and says "That sounds like Gwenn, the blacksmith's daughter! We have to help her!" Felicia has a particular fondness for the girl as she often comes by to watch Felicia work on the copper pots she often repairs.

Having heard Gwenn's pleading, she tries to drag Yadue towards the sounds of Gwenn in trouble.

Fred looks worriedly at Ceridwen, afraid he would be more of a hindrance than help if he tried to assist her and Raina. <cough,cough> "Dear, we have to get out of here! <cough,cough> Please be careful!" <cough,cough>

Joe grabs a javelin, thinking that would come in handy, because he knows how to poke things with a stick! Seeing Key drop from the ladder amidst the cloven smoke (OOC: i like it!), Joe grabs her hand and says "Come with me, we have to get out of here!" and goes to the trap door.

Jane realizes that Durga and Aurelia need some help with the back door, and starts to join them, clutching the fancy spear nervously.

Felcia down underneath the floor can feel the breeze and grabs Yadue's sleeve to pull him towards the source of the breeze "Come on! We have to get out of here!"

Jane grabs takes the spear and says to Joe, Raina and Ceridwen "Here take these!" while trying to hand the buckler and javelins to the others.

Felicia goes to light one of the torches and turns to her brother as they head down the trap door and asks "Where's Aleph? He should join us."

Fred picks himself off of Jari and bends down to help him up "Thanks!"

Joe tries to calm the sheep Defy Danger: 2d6 ⇒ (1, 4) = 5

Felicia resists Yadue's efforts to push her down into the darkness "I don't want to go down in the dark all by myself! You need to at least give me a torch! Also, you know how the smoldering fumes get to you when I am repairing pots? Well I wonder what would happen to the dog-men if you put that jar in the fire?"

Fred replies to Jari "That is my wife, <cough, cough>I will be damned if I let some mangy dog get her! Having said that, Fred climbs the table and swings his shovel with both hands down on the claw holding Ceridwen's spear Hack&Slash: 2d6 ⇒ (4, 2) = 6

Jane calls out to the others "Hey, I found Caludan's spare arms! Come grab something!" She starts pulling out the items in the crawl space and thinks to herself 'Blessed Deos, please let there be something useful!' Luck: 2d6 + 1 ⇒ (6, 5) + 1 = 12

Felicia sticks close by Yadue's side while he his searching "Yadue, what are you looking for? How are we going to get out of here??!!" she exclaims as she starts to weep.

Joe notices the animals are getting restless. He approaches the sheep trying to calm them down, muttering to himself 'Where is that no-good swineherd? She should be taking care of these animals instead of me!'

Jane tends to hang quietly around in the background, especially when she is putting out traps, and people often forget that she is there. She recalls just the other day when Caludan was talking with his crew as they were polishing their spears and he told the others that he had spare arms hidden underneath the floorboards. Although, she didn't hear exactly where they were kept, she does remember that the crew like to call themselves the "Iron Hand". Jane starts looking for a symbol of a hand etched in the floorboards.

Fred notices the creature grabbing Ceridwen's spear. He uses his shovel to smash the creature's claw grabbing the spear.

With everyone yelling at her, Felicia finally comes to her senses and starts moving. She grabs one of the broken chair legs and comes over to Yadue. "Yadue, I am sooo scared! Why is this happening?" she exclaims.

Jane tries to remember what Caludan said about where he kept their spare arms Spout Lore: 2d6 + 2 ⇒ (5, 1) + 2 = 8

Fred joins Ceridwen and the others to use his body weight to keep the table wedged against the door. "I hope this table holds! 'cough, 'cough'" Fred says to Ceridwen with a note of concern in his voice.

Joe goes over to help Jari break the legs off of the furniture for makeshift torches.

Jane was sitting in the corner by the hearth working on mending a trap when the ruckus started. She stared incredulously at Yadue's comment, and then shakes her head. Relieved that the others got the table up in time to block the door, Jane gets up to see if she can find Caludan's armory, since it looks like they will need more weapons than they have currently.

Felicia was staring coyly at Aleph when the baying started. Too frightened to move, she just stands in the middle of the hall chewing on her fingernail.

Joe: Aurelia insulted me by calling me names.
Fred: Durga owes me a drink.
Jane: I will soothe Raina's concerns about their missing loved one.
Felicia: I lied to Aleph about my feelings.

Hi all,
Looking forward to getting started!

With Flyingmoof joining are we going to be using 3 characters or 4? By the way, I am fine with either 3 or 4.

I am fine with all proposed kinships. If anyone wants to add another, please feel free.

I would be happy with some random bonds:

Joe's Bond: 1d100 ⇒ 6
Fred's Bond: 1d100 ⇒ 16
Jane's Bond: 1d100 ⇒ 96
Felicia's Bond: 1d100 ⇒ 34

I will be travelling this weekend so probably will not have a chance to post until Monday, 11/3.

Felicia and Yadua's liver with their mother near the pig farm. They hadn't seen her since early morning, but are worried because the dog-men came from that general direction, so must have passed their house.

Fred had come to the Market Square to get his only teapot mended by the Tinker and joined Felicia and Yadua to take refuge in the Lodge.

Jane had been setting rat traps in the Town Hall Lodge. She had been very busy the past week setting traps, almost like all the rats had been fleeing the surrounding countryside. She was worried about her husband, Shane, who had been working at the mill when the dog-men attack came.

Dog-Men Rhyme:
Watch out for the dog-men
If you hear their baying
You best begin your praying
Run! Here come the dog-men!

Fattums wrote:
Yadue visits Fred. "Hey, Fred, when you gonna let me have at some of them worms from your worm farm? <haha>"

Fred: "Cough, cough. You are welcome to come grab some worms that I have out back beside my shack. Cough, cough. We just need to make sure we don't disturb the graves. Cough, cough"

Fattums wrote:
Jari has been losing sheep from his flock. He suspects beasts of some sort. Hmm...perhaps Jane can help me. If I can catch or kill these beasts my flock will stop behaving so weirdly or dying.

Jane: "I would be happy to help, but so far I have only made rat traps. Do you think the beasts might be rats of unusual size? If so then I am your girl!"

Tell me what is so remarkable about this "Deos" the town worships. What makes him/her worth worshipping?

Deos is the god of life, death and rebirth. At one point, everyone in the village worshiped at the temple, but over the past several decades the numbers worshiping at the temple have steadily decreased, generation by generation.

And what does this shrine look like?

It is a 2 story stone structure, made of river stone and square in shape with the 2nd story about half the size of the ground floor. Once a fine looking shrine, it has fallen in a state of disrepair, with only one, aged, half-blind priest to cater to the spiritial needs of his few remaining elderly parishioners.

Finally, how has Fred been dealing with the recent increase in grave-robberies?

Fred's job is really to put bodies into the ground, not worry about people taking them out of the ground. Even though few people still worship at the temple, most of the villagers still bring their bodies to the shrine for burial. Sometimes he hears noises outside in the graveyard, while he is sitting by the fire, drinking some warm herbal tea hoping it will help his cough. So that he doesn't get in trouble, Fred quickly recovers the graves (luckily it is only the fresh graves that seem to be robbed) early in the morning, before any one notices.

I am still interested in playing. Give me a day or so to catch up with the comments.

GM: I was going to wait to see if the others responded to your first set of questions, before responding to my specific questions, but so far nothing...

Do you know if the others are still interested in participating?

The town's name is Windsor's Mills.

Oh, by the way, we rerolled Fred's Occupation and he is now a gravedigger.

Joe seems to have been overrun by the rats he was supposed to catch. Fred, Jane and Felicia will do their best to carry on in his memory.

I would like to reroll Fred's occupation
occupation: 1d100 ⇒ 51

Hi, Saw your ad in the Dungeon World Tavern and am very interested in playing. Here are my villagers:

Joe - STR = 6, DEX = 10, CON = 7, INT = 8, WIS = 13, CHA = 11, LUCK = 10
Occupation = 76
Gender = Male
Physical Trait = 38
Personal Trait = 89

Fred - STR = 12, DEX = 10, CON = 9, INT = 7, WIS = 11, CHA = 14, LUCK = 11
Occupation = 49
Gender = Male
Physical Trait = 62
Personal Trait = 42

Jane - STR = 8, DEX = 12, CON = 15, INT = 16, WIS = 8, CHA = 8, LUCK = 13
Occupation = 90
Gender = Female
Physical Trait = 97
Personal Trait = 50

Felicia - STR = 15, DEX = 10, CON = 14, INT = 11, WIS = 9, CHA = 6, LUCK = 10
Occupation = 89
Gender = Female
Physical Trait = 77
Personal Trait = 60