Vengeance of the Downtrodden (Inactive)

Game Master DM Mooshybooshy, "the Foolish"

Campaign Wiki credit to Smoog

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F Kobold Bard Lv 7.03 | HP:19/22 | Dmg:d6 AC:1 | CHA:+2 WIS:+2 CON:+2 DEX:+1 INT:0 STR:-1

Our equipment? Or is that hand-waved back to us?

Unholy Abomination
Sees-Death wrote:
Our equipment? Or is that hand-waved back to us?

I think I would have brought it all back with me. Didn't think of it when I was posting though.

You definitely would have scooped it up when you were gathering Shieldbearer. I'll handwave the weight problem.

Male Sanctioned Psyker | Wounds: 13/13 | Armor rating: 4 | Fate: 4/4 |

I am back. Sorry for the absence. I will post something tomorrow. Too tired tonight.

Male Tiefling Channeler (Shadow/Ice) | Lvl 6 | XP 5 | HP 14/28 | CON +3 STR +2 DEX -1 INT +2 WIS +0 CHA +0 |

If I have some time this weekend I'm going to read my way up to this point. Just about 30 pages of reading so I'll need quite some time but I think it's a good idea if I know what's going on exactly. Other than that Oadir of course will not know, but he's very dedicated to getting all these guys as allies at this point. Greas is being a bit of a dick but Oadir feels he deserves that as well while Sees is just a real life fantasy, Hegh is fascinating to him and Thunk has promised to help him learn to Thump better.

No problem Krish!

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Unholy Abomination

Waking up to 9 new gameplay posts. It's like Christmas morning!

F Kobold Bard Lv 7.03 | HP:19/22 | Dmg:d6 AC:1 | CHA:+2 WIS:+2 CON:+2 DEX:+1 INT:0 STR:-1

I'm leading those not obsessed with locked doors to the safe-ish dry area for a short rest. Leveling up can happen any time we have a few in-game hours of downtime, and requires 7 + <current level> XP. The end of session thing happens whenever the DM lets us, but usually it involves resting, since we don't really have sessions. There were also the backstory levels Mooshy was offering, the rules of which I don't recall.

Male Tiefling Channeler (Shadow/Ice) | Lvl 6 | XP 5 | HP 14/28 | CON +3 STR +2 DEX -1 INT +2 WIS +0 CHA +0 |

Yeah I've burnt up my backstory level-ups.

Sorry if it feels a bit like I'm spamming posts at the moment. Also really sorry if I was pushing too hard for that music box. I'm being overzealous so I suppose Oadir is characterized as overzealous now too.

Also really wondering about that non-lethal damage and when it'd wear off. Feel like enough time would have passed especially with us waiting out Hegh for about an hour and then waiting for Kibra about an hour as well with the map, add to that the short wait before we went after Greas and I would suggest enough of a period of 'rest' has already happened?

Male Kobold Thief | Lvl 4 | XP 4 | HP: 16/19 | Armour 1 | Damage 1d8 | STR 0 | DEX 2 | CON 1 | INT 1 | WIS 2 | CHA 0

So, ah...what's the closest kobold equivalent to a dog/puppy? Bonus points if it tends to cause trouble if left unattended. On an extra special level, I mean.

[Sheets] [Map]

What about an immature mimmic? Immune to acid, and shares a fondness for traps.

Male Kobold Thief | Lvl 4 | XP 4 | HP: 16/19 | Armour 1 | Damage 1d8 | STR 0 | DEX 2 | CON 1 | INT 1 | WIS 2 | CHA 0

Immature mimic? I like the sound of that. Plus, you get so many variations on the most ludicrous things proceeding to try to eat you, steal from you, get stuck on you (apparently they're adhesive?), or eat your dinner. I was asking for comparative purposes for use in bonds.

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Male Tiefling Channeler (Shadow/Ice) | Lvl 6 | XP 5 | HP 14/28 | CON +3 STR +2 DEX -1 INT +2 WIS +0 CHA +0 |

Hey everybody, I'm here through bad connection with Paizo and I thought it's about reasonable in this situation.

It's Bonding Time!

Current Bonds:

Hegh uses the elements like me, I must make him my ally.
I got Greas caught, I'll have to make it up to him somehow.

Proposed Bonds:
I've fallen head over heels for Sees-Death, I must see where I stand with her.
Thunk has promised to teach me how to Thump, I must show my worth to him.
Smoog seems to have a very thorough understanding of the world, we have much to discuss.

This leaves me an open 'slot', anyone feeling particularly left out? I did have a bond in mind for Tessith but then he's been MIA so I'm assuming that's the first drop-out since the new batch?


here are my bonds

Sees uses words not weapons, he must learn that an enemy that is dead, does not need to be talked to.

Smoog can possibly teach me new ways of breaking things.

Hegh is a conduit of a powerful God, he should learn the powers of the All Eater

Kibra thinks he can thump, but he should learn that twang is good too

So I need some new bonds

Dark Archive

m Goblin Necromancer lvl 5 | HP: 18/20 | Armor: Wait, what? | XP: 3/12 | Toe Eaten?: Nope | Bodies: 4/5 |Power: 3

Speaking of bonds I idea. The pre-set ones for the Necro are simply not interesting.

Any suggestions? I'm willing to take a suggestion and run with it.

Male Kobold Thief | Lvl 4 | XP 4 | HP: 16/19 | Armour 1 | Damage 1d8 | STR 0 | DEX 2 | CON 1 | INT 1 | WIS 2 | CHA 0

It would appear I need bonds too. And I am also short a proper set of ideas. But something needs to be put forward!

Ok, I have no ideas to help Oadir and Thunk. Sorry about that. Though Oadir would likely have ideas for me anyway if I'm going to get a new bond from him. As for you Retzack, since you have literally no bonds? I doubt you'd miss Greas's attitude towards you. It should be pretty obvious he has a problem with you. And if not, I need to fix that. If you're stuck for bonds, think how Retzack would respond to Greas's behaviour. Curiosity? Anger? A desire to make peace? What would you think?

Is there a reason that Curse and Replacement Parts are missing from your moves, by the way? Curious.

Yeah, the bonds written on your sheet are often insufficient and designed to be written up personally. Don't think too hard - just imagine what your character thinks and feels toward another PC. If your character doesn't pay any thought at all to the feelings or actions of another PC, that's your bond there! There's no wrong answer for Bonds.


Retzak dirty. Maybe there is power in dirty.

Male Kobold Thief | Lvl 4 | XP 4 | HP: 16/19 | Armour 1 | Damage 1d8 | STR 0 | DEX 2 | CON 1 | INT 1 | WIS 2 | CHA 0

Mooshy, if you can read this is time, that End of Session spoiler needs fixing. Badly. Very happy about the trap though - as soon as I have the trigger, I am going to have so much fun.

EDIT: Now that I have a moment to think and an editable post to work with, I'm not actually sure I've given Greas the appropriate alignment for how he's acting. So, ah...does Chaotic or Neutral seem more appropriate to anyone else?

Chaotic: Leap into danger without a plan.
Neutral: Avoid detection or infiltrate a location.
Evil: Shift danger or blame from yourself to someone else.

Who knows, maybe it's none of the above and I have some work to do. From the way Smoog's talking, evil might have been appropriate at a time, but I'm not so sure for right now.

I suppose it's somewhat appropriate that I'd be following in HEGH'S footsteps if I do end up changing. Albeit with differing direction and reasoning.

Thanks for the heads up Greas, I did miss that. Fixed.

Gearmaturge | Lvl 7 | EXP 0/13 | HP 17/23 | Dam 1d8+2 | Armor +3 | Charge 2 (3) | AA on hold +2 when Aided
STR+0 | DEX+2 | CON+1 | INT+3 | WIS+1 | CHA=0

End of Session
Choose one or more of your bonds that you feel is resolved...

+1 for Bond with Sees the Bard...:

"Sees is quite bossy. She will either earn a medal or a black eye someday."
Sees and Smoog have a unique teeter-totter relationship.
After Smoog discovered her mind-wound (a black eye of sorts) he has swung to the care for/protect side of the equation so I feel this bond has matured and needs to be replaced.

not yet with Thunk the Barbarian :( ... :

"Is Thunk too stupid to be our leader? I might have to help him."
He is still a mystery to Smoog but now that Smoog can navigate the Mental Plane,
maybe we will get some straight answers from Thunk.

+1 for Bond with Hegh the Dragonmage...:

"Hegh is talking to himself more than usual. I will listen more closely."
Having watched Hegh with Tanard, Smoog is beginning to realize the link they share.
This Bond needs to move on to better reflect this.

+1 for alignment...:

If you fulfilled that alignment at least once this session, mark XP.
I think getting sucked into the brain of another being is a new or unusual use of a gadget.

Group Questions +1 +1 +0:

Then answer these three questions as a group:

Did we learn something new and important about the world?
Is the Krondar-Kobold-Bounty information important enough?
We learned that we are all wanted and now have a price on our heads.
I vote yes to this being a +1 for all

+1 for...
Did we overcome a notable monster or enemy?
The Dragonborn Slaver / City Guards are pretty notable.

Did we loot a memorable treasure?
No, not this session.

F Kobold Bard Lv 7.03 | HP:19/22 | Dmg:d6 AC:1 | CHA:+2 WIS:+2 CON:+2 DEX:+1 INT:0 STR:-1

Current Active Bonds:
+2 Thunk has saved me from a tight spot, and has as much a right to thump as I have to speak.
+3 I don't know if I'm capable of doing anything more than hurting Hegh, and that scares me.
+3 Smoog really came through, and after all I've put him through, he deserves a second chance.
+1 Kibra and I have a past I'd rather not share.

Potential Bonds:
+1 I don't have time for men who won't worship me. Greas needs to toe the line or leave.
+1 That pig-skinned goat Oadir presumes much, but if I can endure his affections I may be able to use them.
+1 What would Retzack even feel like... I'm as intrigued as I am horrified.

Krish is more beast than kin, and I don't understand him.

End of session:
Bond: I don't think I have a bond that feels resolved. Lots of new players, though, so I should get something next time.

Alignment: Use your art to take advantage of someone. I think her arts have taken advantage of Oadir, even after she compelled Dufus to his death. She tried to dispel magical bonds, and it was a potent casting, but in the tussel she couldn't see if it did anything, and may very well have pushed herself off the deep end trying. I think this session she's played with a lot of very different applications of this alignment, so I'd like to count this one. +1

The Party Questions:
Did we learn something new and important about the world? With all the new players, we've filled in a lot of environment information. We also learned a lot about Estr's past, and another clan of Kobolds. +1

Did we overcome a notable monster or enemy?
We've cast the town of Estr into chaos, murdered a dragonborn and a named slave driver accomplice to Krondor. +1

Did we loot a memorable treasure? Eachother? The slave group got some loot, but the OG groop mostly looted allies. I don't know if I can count this one.

Level up?
I count 3, possibly 4 XP. Sees is at 9, and would need 12, so in either case, tonight she touches death. +1 CON to 15, and the 6-10 multiclass Fighter move "Through Death’s Eyes": When you go into battle, roll+WIS. ✴On a 10+, name someone who will live and someone who will die. ✴On a 7-9, name someone who will live or someone who will die. Name NPCs, not player characters. The GM will make your vision come true, if it’s even remotely possible. ✴On a 6- you see your own death and consequently take -1 ongoing throughout the battle.

Totally agree to the bond change.

Male Tiefling Channeler (Shadow/Ice) | Lvl 6 | XP 5 | HP 14/28 | CON +3 STR +2 DEX -1 INT +2 WIS +0 CHA +0 |

First thing's first, if you're going to call Oadir pig-skinned at all you'll find you are sorely mistaken. Oadir has been canonized to have scales, either from Orcs, Daemons or somewhere else in the eternally muddled Daemon bloodline.

Also question time: What do I do with Ice? Would me hurting the wench zombie suffice in fulfilling that urge?
I have some ideas on what I can do with Ice but I'm not entirely sure.

Then when it comes to Bonds I don't think I've had time to resolve any, I'm just starting to make some, with my newfound knowledge of 'there is no limit to the amount of Bonds really' I shall go out of my way to find a Bond with every character, dead or alive (looking at you Tessith).

As for my questions...
Did we learn something new and important about the world? Wouldn't know really, maybe you could argue Oadir learnt the meaning of discretion, pretty damn important if you ask me, but arguable on the side of new. Let's not get greedy then. +0
Did we overcome a notable monster or enemy? Arman was a monster in his own right, I'm mighty glad though to have gotten the killing shot on his wench. +1
Did we loot a memorable treasure? The collar will be quite memorable for Oadir, not just for what it did but for what it showed him about himself. How he's practically addicted to the Shade now. +1

That Dragon Blood will surely suffice as a new discovery, but seems entirely fundamental to the world of this new gang... Other than that again that importance of discretion stuff. The idea of a creature eating spirits with Deathclaw. Oadir has been a bit of a wandering Hermit so I suppose the alignment is fulfilled for now, it will get more difficult as we go on, but there is a lot of the world yet to figure out. +1

This leaves me at 11 XP, not enough to lvl up right now (just 1 shy) but that's ok. Maybe next lvl I want to gain a new Element, trying to kick that Shadow addiction a little. If anyone's got any great ideas Oadir is fully open to suggestions. Personally wondering what element Tanard is running with as that could be a nice tie-in with the group and would help Oadir mend with Tanard somewhat maybe. But alternatives are also welcome.

Oh and then I almost forgot about my bonds again.
I currently have a Bond written up for the characters Smoog, Greas, Sees, Thunk and Hegh

The remaining characters Kibra, Krish, Retzack and potentially Tessith I shall suggest some right now.

Retzack would have me fight next to those I oppose. They don't want to, and I'm seriously doubting whether I do.

Krish and I seem somewhat kindred spirits, I'll try to look out for him, I hope he'll do the same for me.

A little abrasive, that Kibra, maybe he'd like some true blackness.

[Tessith] attributes Fire to the gods, he and I see things differently, I wonder if we can convince one another.

So that's me covered for today, I've now been up from 05:00 till past 01:30 so I'm very much ready to crash. Goodnight everybody!

Male Kobold Thief | Lvl 4 | XP 4 | HP: 16/19 | Armour 1 | Damage 1d8 | STR 0 | DEX 2 | CON 1 | INT 1 | WIS 2 | CHA 0
Dungeon World wrote:
XP equal to (or greater than) your current level+7

I'm pretty sure 7+4 is 11, Oadir. You're good.

F Kobold Bard Lv 7.03 | HP:19/22 | Dmg:d6 AC:1 | CHA:+2 WIS:+2 CON:+2 DEX:+1 INT:0 STR:-1

There's a difference between has scales and is scaly. I wasn't under the impression Oadir qualified as the later. I may have been misled by the portrait. I also figured there would be something overtly orcish about him, and orcs are totally pig-skinned, maybe boar-skinned. You know, because tusks.

Sees always starts relationships intent on keeping herself emotionally distant, but she doesn't actually have the guts for that kind of evil. She's far too prone to growing attached to her "underlings". Bottom line: Sees being under the impression that your genes won't mesh is to your advantage in the long run.

Male Tiefling Channeler (Shadow/Ice) | Lvl 6 | XP 5 | HP 14/28 | CON +3 STR +2 DEX -1 INT +2 WIS +0 CHA +0 |

Yeah I picture Oadir as the latter. Orc skin genes are far from dominant, the tusks however are so dominant you'll find them on anything that has some Orc in them (so pretty much 50/50 on spawn of Oadir).

Still trying to think of an interesting element for my lvl up then, have been thinking several things, any outside input on this is much appreciated.

Aside from the element of Tanard, whichever that is, I've also been considering the element of Earth, which could see me carving tunnels or what have you. The elements of fire and lightning are excellent for making light and shadows by proxy. For lightning I would definitely use the horns as my place of conduit.

So my current thoughts are pretty much all over the place.
I wonder what use Frost would be and if I would be impeding on Hegh territory then.

I'd also like to be a little creative with an element as well, but right now all the obvious options are already so interesting.

Unholy Abomination

Tanard is fire. But you should feel free to take Ice. That would give a reason for a connection between our chars, feeds off the Ice thing, you can attribute it to the dragons ... Also it would provide a narrative hook for aid rolls where we help each other with ice.

Male Sanctioned Psyker | Wounds: 13/13 | Armor rating: 4 | Fate: 4/4 |

Current Bonds:

"It's clear to me Retzlak has a troubled spirit."
After much observation, it seems that though he is strange beyond anything I have ever known, his spirit is actually rather at peace.
Retzlak, this seems resolved to me, do you agree?

"Greas' spirit and my spirit are bound together."
This one does not really feel like it still applies. The bond I felt with him seems to have faded since he was reunited with his fellows.
Greas, this bond does not seem to apply any longer. What do you think?

"I have heard the spirits speak of Tessith's power."
Unresolved. I cannot say yet if the spirits are speaking the truth.

"Oadir must learn to respect the spirit realm."
Oadir still uses his spirits (elementals, whatever! they are still spirits) as if they are his servants and slaves. He must learn to work with them from a position of respect.

I did not really help any spirits get vengeance. So I am gonna skip that one.

Group Questions (+1, +1, +0):
I do not feel like I can answer these from the point of view of either the whole group or the original group. So I will answer them from the point of view of the slave group.

Did we learn something new and important about the world?
Yes. The slavers are using kobold blood for something terrible. We learned that there is a group of kobolds fighting back. +1

Did we overcome a notable monster or enemy?
Yes. The slaver, the slave market, and by redirecting it, the deathclaw (though maybe that does not count as overcoming the deathclaw). +1
Did we loot a memorable treasure?
Not really. We looted some interesting things, but not really memorable.

F Kobold Bard Lv 7.03 | HP:19/22 | Dmg:d6 AC:1 | CHA:+2 WIS:+2 CON:+2 DEX:+1 INT:0 STR:-1

Is this scathing racism more acceptable?
+1 That long-legged crossbreed Oadir presumes much, but if I can endure his affections I may be able to use them.

Another thing I should know: If the shadow elementals are spiritual, would someone who is blind to magic be able to see them? Sees-Death can see the physical effects of magic, like fireballs or cloying shadows, but she is blind to anything purely paranormal, such as her own arcane magic. We haven't run into any ghostseses, but I would imagine she would have some trouble with them.

Male Tiefling Channeler (Shadow/Ice) | Lvl 6 | XP 5 | HP 14/28 | CON +3 STR +2 DEX -1 INT +2 WIS +0 CHA +0 |

The elementals coalesce shadows like a cloak around them, the spirit layer would at best be a bit of a glow inside the cloak. So you would see a bodyshaped shadowblob. Also yeah that bond is ok.

Male Kobold Thief | Lvl 4 | XP 4 | HP: 16/19 | Armour 1 | Damage 1d8 | STR 0 | DEX 2 | CON 1 | INT 1 | WIS 2 | CHA 0

Right. Time to get down to business.

The Arman Gang:

"Retzack is far too naive. I have to educate him before he gets in more trouble." I think after his display, attitudes have changed a little. Proposing to resolve and change to "Retzack deals in fearful abominations. That wretch needs watching carefully."

"Oadir knows little discretion for an inhabitant of the dark. He may prove a liability." Hmmm. I think he's shown his use and an ability to listen...somewhat, so the sentiment would be slightly different. "Oadir reminds me of my old mimic. If can keep him leashed, he'll be just as useful." If you feel this is right, congratulations. You've graduated from disposable to frequently misbehaving pet.

"Krish appears well attuned to the spirits. Perhaps he can help me appease Gorlaug?" I have to admit, this hasn't been explored in the slightest. I don't think you really did much with your bond either. We can either leave them be and try to make good on them in future, or mark them both off. I would think being spirit bound to someone would bring things to notice about them that would otherwise be invisible, and you would surely have something to notice. Plan?

The Tanard Guard:

"Thunk is quite simple, but if he's as powerful as I'm told I may have to leverage that." I think that explains itself. This kobold hasn't had much time for impressions with him.

"Smoog thinks me heartless, and sees me with spite. I will learn why, and I will change that." If a tiefling can eavesdrop (due to lack of spoiler tags), then a thief certainly can. And it doesn't do to be rejected by those remaining from your lost home.

"Scoops seeks things of me that I have no time for. There must be a way to circumvent this." The idea is simple - Greas is simply not interested right now. Things could continue as they are, or one of us would shift their stance on things. But things can't continue as is.

"Kibra made a misstep, but I made a greater one. This will be problematic if it continues." It's easy to get caught up in a grudge, and easier to take one too far unintentionally. As much as being stabbed is unpleasant, it's not as bad as potentially taking away a key facet of someone's identity irrevocably. The hope is that this doesn't escalate.

"Hegh has always coddled me. He will be shown how unnecessary that is." If Hegh sees me as needing protection, then there's only one appropriate reply.

End of Session:

Learning something new and important about the world? Oh yes. Kobolds being captured, sold, and scrapped for parts for a war machine is deeeefinitely important. +1

Overcome a notable monster or enemy? How about Estr itself? It's only one conflict, but our group here managed to both delay, weaken, escape from, and run the militia ragged. +1

Loot a memorable treasure? Generally speaking, not really, but the reveal of what the pen does has stuck in my mind.

Does any of these sound good to the individuals they're for? And Sees, I like the bond. Which is why I wrote the one for you the way I did.

EDIT: Still thinking of shifting alignments. I just don't know what to.

F Kobold Bard Lv 7.03 | HP:19/22 | Dmg:d6 AC:1 | CHA:+2 WIS:+2 CON:+2 DEX:+1 INT:0 STR:-1

That's what I was thinking, Greas.

Ranger | Lvl 3 | EXP 8 | HP 21/21 | Dam 1d8 | Armor +1 (+1 Nature-Based) | CON +1 STR+0 DEX+2 WIS +2 CHA -1 INT +0

Missed a day and came back to 20+ posts. Goodness!

Ok End of session stuff:

Resolved Bonds:
Sees has changed so much since I last saw her, is she still the same young Kobold I remember?This seems to be the only one I would resolve, I would say See's has changed since I last knew her. She is not the young kobold I grew up with. +1 XP

Chaotic (free someone from literal or figurative bonds)
Definitely freed some folks from literal bonds this session. +1 XP

Did we learn something new and important about the world?
Learned of new members of our party, of the new clan of Kobolds and learned about deathclaws. +1 XP

Did we overcome a notable monster or enemy?
I will agree with the others, the town of Estr may be considered a notable enemy. At the least I could say the Dragonborn. +1 XP

Did we loot a memorable treasure?
No, maybe the pen? I wont count it unless anyone else does

Level Up:
Not Yet, I have 8 XP now, I think I need 10 to Level.

F Kobold Bard Lv 7.03 | HP:19/22 | Dmg:d6 AC:1 | CHA:+2 WIS:+2 CON:+2 DEX:+1 INT:0 STR:-1

Considering I picture Scoops as having been something like a castle handmaid, like his royal highness' maid of chamberpots, and Kibra may have seen her as someone who has never had to fight for her life, seeing Sees-Death cling so desperately to life would confirm this bond change.

Male Sanctioned Psyker | Wounds: 13/13 | Armor rating: 4 | Fate: 4/4 |
Greas wrote:
"Krish appears well attuned to the spirits. Perhaps he can help me appease Gorlaug?" I have to admit, this hasn't been explored in the slightest. I don't think you really did much with your bond either. We can either leave them be and try to make good on them in future, or mark them both off. I would think being spirit bound to someone would bring things to notice about them that would otherwise be invisible, and you would surely have something to notice. Plan?

I think you make an excellent point. Would you like to resolve this, or should we start to define the way the bonded spirit affects us?

Also: I am leveling up.

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Male Kobold Thief | Lvl 4 | XP 4 | HP: 16/19 | Armour 1 | Damage 1d8 | STR 0 | DEX 2 | CON 1 | INT 1 | WIS 2 | CHA 0

I'd find it more interesting to define how the bonded spirit affects us. There's a lot of potential here. But as the spirit attuned individual here, I'll let you take the big steps in defining this. If there's anything I have to say, it's this - if our spirits are bound, that's potentially going to give you a lot of information simply on a passive level, whether I want to give you it or not. And with your expertise, you'd know how to ply more from that bond, or whether I'd attracted the attention (or ire) of any spirits in particular. Particularly one as powerful as a dragon's. I think some sort of empathic link would be a good baseline.

Go ahead and PM me as you wish regarding this stuff. This is too much fun to pass up.

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Male Tiefling Channeler (Shadow/Ice) | Lvl 6 | XP 5 | HP 14/28 | CON +3 STR +2 DEX -1 INT +2 WIS +0 CHA +0 |

I'd argue I'm far from using my elementals as slaves but I do agree it could come off like that. The bond will be alright.

Greas seems more like the Neutral alignment for the moment if you ask me, Chaotic is the absolute opposite of what you do, but I also agree that you're taking responsibility for your actions mostly.

I will go with the Ice element then.

Did some digging today and found enough (on) elements to fuel like 10 more channelers, making me consider starting an all Channeler campaign. The 5th element or Quintessence is very interesting, being basically the element of space itself. I'd have a really hard time not making it overpowered but then any failure would be catastrophic as well. The element also goes by the name Aether by the way and a couple variations of spelling that.

Retzack, what are your initial, in-character thoughts on what you've seen from the other characters, try to make Bonds out of them. Also I was considering taking the move Fallout to give you some really nice bodies with elemental 'enhancements'. Just putting that out there, it'd also help me resolve the bond if the bodies are broken beyond recognition.

Oh yeah Greas I like our bond developing but you're either going to have to screw me over big time or have me cover your ass big time before I consider my bond with you resolved in any way, if that's okay with you. If you're not you're free to tell Oadir to stop feeling guilty when you deem that appropriate, that would develop the bond from Oadirs side as well.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
F Kobold Bard Lv 7.03 | HP:19/22 | Dmg:d6 AC:1 | CHA:+2 WIS:+2 CON:+2 DEX:+1 INT:0 STR:-1

Every other camp:
Sees: I have feelings and needs outside of combat.
Everyone else: yeah, so we arrive at the next place.

This camp:
Sees goes straight to bed.
Hegh: What do you want from me?
Kibra: Let's make some preparations.
Smoog: How's Falla? I'm trying not to hate you since you survived her.
Oadir: let's explore the greater ramifications of spirits
Krish: yeah, we should understand the forces that compel us.

Dark Archive

m Goblin Necromancer lvl 5 | HP: 18/20 | Armor: Wait, what? | XP: 3/12 | Toe Eaten?: Nope | Bodies: 4/5 |Power: 3

@Greas. Concur.

@ Oadir. Absolutely! I find that any formula that includes (Fallout + gaming) is always a winner. If there happen to be way whole bunch more betterer bodies around for my pleasure, so be it!

Lvl stuff:

Alignment: Neutral: Animate a particularly powerful or unique corpse. Four armed monstrosity? Check!

Did we learn something new and important about the world?
Yes. Slavery is a thing. And slavers make -excellent- drones.

Did we overcome a notable monster or enemy?
Yeppers! Head slaver and a dragonborn.

Did we loot a memorable treasure?

Yes. Rhymes with "grenade" and goes off in 2-5 seconds. ;-)

+4 XP

Dark Archive

m Goblin Necromancer lvl 5 | HP: 18/20 | Armor: Wait, what? | XP: 3/12 | Toe Eaten?: Nope | Bodies: 4/5 |Power: 3

Bond musings.
Obviously I need to do better here. Let's try writing words and see what happens:

Oadir is keeping an important secret from me.

Sees-Death will play an important role in the events to
come; I have foreseen it!

Thunk is woefully misinformed about the world; I
will teach them all that I can.

I trust Greas implicitly; they are good and faithful.

Smoog called me mad. Mad! I'll show them!

Hegh is in constant danger, I will keep them safe.

Kibra does not trust me, and for good reason.

Did I miss anyone?

F Kobold Bard Lv 7.03 | HP:19/22 | Dmg:d6 AC:1 | CHA:+2 WIS:+2 CON:+2 DEX:+1 INT:0 STR:-1

I hereby disavow playing an important role in events to come. Sees is going to wake up with a clutch of fertile eggs and she'll just retire and become the home-base NPC. I'll be back with Jace, the Yellowjacket Peacekeeper

Mostly joking.

Male Kobold Thief | Lvl 4 | XP 4 | HP: 16/19 | Armour 1 | Damage 1d8 | STR 0 | DEX 2 | CON 1 | INT 1 | WIS 2 | CHA 0

I forgot about the grenades! Beautiful, explode-y goodness. Meaning, don't expect to keep them too long once I learn what they do.

Careful when using those namefill bonds. Greas's for example, might have made sense earlier, but they don't do that so much now that he's started behaving in a more hostile manner towards you. If you were going to use that, I'd want a reason why I'm so trusted when I pretty obviously don't like you. You'd probably have noted the change in attitude after the first time you raised a body.

Oh, yeah, and you forgot Krish.

Also, Smoog? If you're still going with the bonds you posted in the gameplay thread as a draft, then I'd be fine accepting the one you wrote for me. Gives me something to work on.

Male Tiefling Channeler (Shadow/Ice) | Lvl 6 | XP 5 | HP 14/28 | CON +3 STR +2 DEX -1 INT +2 WIS +0 CHA +0 |

I'm surprised on the important secret bit. If Oadir is keeping a secret from you that is weird, because he doesn't know you and any secret he's keeping from you he would be keeping from everybody...
(Unless of course he does know you, maybe from your prior campaign, I mean the Void is a legitimate element according to this here image!

So if that's where you wanted to go with that I could somehow see that being a thing, I had a prior ally who dealt with the Void and they spoke of a Retzack in another plane. I would have to write a different bond then. Also yeah my secret would then be: I know your secret.

Dark Archive

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m Goblin Necromancer lvl 5 | HP: 18/20 | Armor: Wait, what? | XP: 3/12 | Toe Eaten?: Nope | Bodies: 4/5 |Power: 3

@Greas. Hee. Yep. That makes it even yet more funnerer. Even as I rant and gloat and seek to cover the planet in my spoor, I keep thinking that you're a keen fellow, even as you openly plot my death. =)

@Oadir. What's the deal with the box? What about the box? Let's open the box. Why do they love the box? What do you know about the box? Let's open the box.

That's the secret, and I wanna know it. You could just give it to me.

And then run. =)

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Yes, please feel free to open the box. Open both of them at once. I definitely encourage that.

Male Kobold Thief | Lvl 4 | XP 4 | HP: 16/19 | Armour 1 | Damage 1d8 | STR 0 | DEX 2 | CON 1 | INT 1 | WIS 2 | CHA 0

Bond accepted, but full disclosure - the moment you try to open the box, you will have every single knife I have sticking out of you.

And then I shall find some salt and lemons.

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I updated my action post to include some parts for Krish and Oadir that I didn't include before. Bear in mind that if I don't mention you in one of my action posts and I overlooked something you wanted my input on, a question or an action that you performed or something, just let me know here in the discussion thread and I'll correct the gameplay thread ASAP. Sometimes (fairly often) I overlook a character's action post as I'm trying to come up with something badass for some other character.

Unholy Abomination
DM Mooshybooshy, "the Foolish" wrote:
I updated my action post to include some parts for Krish and Oadir that I didn't include before. Bear in mind that if I don't mention you in one of my action posts and I overlooked something you wanted my input on, a question or an action that you performed or something, just let me know here in the discussion thread and I'll correct the gameplay thread ASAP. Sometimes (fairly often) I overlook a character's action post as I'm trying to come up with something badass for some other character.

What's the deal with this spellbook?

Dark Archive

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m Goblin Necromancer lvl 5 | HP: 18/20 | Armor: Wait, what? | XP: 3/12 | Toe Eaten?: Nope | Bodies: 4/5 |Power: 3

Why? What's in the box? Why are you afraid of the box? What if I can kill the box? What's in the box? We should open the box. Why don't you like the box? What else might in the box? We should open the box. I promise to only use the box for good. Two wrongs don't make a right, but three rights make a open the box. Eenie, meenee, minee, open the box. Once upong a time there was a little boy who opened the box. I'll trade you the box for this thing in my pocket. You've got a problem, you've got a box that isn't opened...Coincidence? I'll give you the box when I'm done with it. We should open the box. What's in the box? Why do you think the box is bad? What's in the box? We should open the box. =3

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F Kobold Bard Lv 7.03 | HP:19/22 | Dmg:d6 AC:1 | CHA:+2 WIS:+2 CON:+2 DEX:+1 INT:0 STR:-1

Are we at a point where Sees wakes up to see if she's barren? Is there nothing, eggs, or weird shit in the nest in the morning?

"Gooses! Geeses!
I want my geese to lay gold eggs for Easter"

(cannot stop laughing IRL)

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