Vengeance of the Downtrodden (Inactive)

Game Master DM Mooshybooshy, "the Foolish"

Campaign Wiki credit to Smoog

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I'd be tempted as I've been wanting to play an evil campaign AND the story is very interesting, but I've no idea how Dungeon World works and sadly I'm very slow when it comes to learning new system game rules and the like :p

Most of us have never played it, check out the srd for it

It's basically make up stuff as you go, try to fit it into what's in the SRD, and wait for MooshyBooshy to correct you if what you did makes no sense. I figure it'll be a few weeks before any of us have a firmish grip on the limits of the system anyhow.

Fsst pretty much nailed it. Calling Dungeon World a "loose" system is a bit of an understatement, especially with my DM style. I follow the Rule of Cool.

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Greetings all. I played a druid at the start of the game, Pork. Unfortunately, real life took a downturn for me, and I had to step out. Life has taken an upturn, and I now have some time to be able to dedicate to DW fun. You guys still open to players?

HELL YES! So glad to see you again, Pork! Get in the gameplay thread immediately, mister. I'll handwave it, you were following them as a tusked sparrow the whole time, whatever.

Yeah, welcome back, Pork.

Pork! You old space ogre, good to see you!

Great! Thanks folks. I'll try to get Pork in there without too much fuss.

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Actually, would you guys be opposed I I rerolled a character? It's been awhile since I played Pork, and alot has gone on through the mental scale since then. I also remember feeling like I was stepping on toes, with a Shaman in the party, and now a Necro...

Pretty good time to do that. We just freed some slaves, and they haven't really been described much. I think it would be easy to say that you were one of those slaves.

Pork had some really cool things going and there is really no one in your "space".
The goblin necromancer is so far away from a traditional zombie-master that you could still do that or just focus on the Death Druid angle.
Whatever you choose it is nice you are able to come back :)

Good to see you back, sorry if I jumped the gun on including Pork.
Might I interest you in some Class Warfare write-ups?

Sanguine Blade

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Greetings all, it's Pork. I've decided to roll with a Kobold Monk. I'm running with the idea that he is one of kobold slaves recently freed. I'll let our DM figure out how to make it all work. I look forward to digging in and seeing what adventures await.

May I ask if you're still recruiting?

I don't have a player cap on this campaign. Let's hear your character idea.

At the moment I'm mostly just keeping an eye! I don't know DW, mostly watching the characters being created and trying to see what comes of it :)

See I didn't even notice all the commotion over here. I was wondering where you guys got it from that Pork was back before he'd posted anything...

My bad, welcome back Porkgasm, and welcome Hundred-Claws.

I've been wondering, with seeing Hegh with his Shieldmaster as a potential follow-up if Hegh were to ever die...

Could I take one of the Yellow-jackets under my wing and teach them to use the Lightning element? Or would I not be allowed another Channeler if I got this one killed?

I'm not planning on getting killed or anything but I like the idea of Oadir as a bit of a mentor as well.
I had been considering it for a few days now and decided I'd throw it out there for feedback.

I feel Channelers don't easily step on each other's toes with there being a bagillion elements possible and just as many build paths, so much so that I've been considering starting my own PbP at some point with an all-Channeler campaign. I'd say add as many multiclass options as possible to allow player freedom outside of just the build paths.

Ooh and maybe if I can't be a Channeler next can I pretty please get a Drider? we could make it some sentient Amalgamation of Retzack's... OOH YEAH.

See here's my problem, I have all these ideas for characters I'd find awesome but I can't play them all. Why does DW have to have so many awesome people making even more awesome classes, there's not enough time! :(

/ramble rant

Hello everyone, I'm new to this whole thing. After reading the story it sounds fun. Hoping to have a good time with everyone.

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Well. It seems that we have some new faces here. Wasn't expecting to see any posts in recruitment. Don't worry if you're totally new to this, Joker - you'll get the hang of things if you can stick around. Just don't step on the toes of anyone else and you'll be fine. I was new to all this myself, but I feel like I'm doing fine. Everyone's great here.

Just figure out what you'd like to do. There's plenty of classes out there, but here's some that we don't have in our cast that you should be good to play.

Base Classes:

Arcane Duelist - wielder of sword and sorcery, capable of channeling magic through your blade for added effect.
Cleric (see: Priest)
Druid - The one at one with nature, capable of shifting into the forms of natural creatures from their homeland.
Fighter - Tempered muscle, capable of destroying any physical obstacle and wielding a very special weapon unique to them.
Paladin - A paragon of all things good. Thankfully, "Good" is a matter of perspective.
Wizard (see: Mage) - The ever prepared caster.

The Priest and Mage are alternate versions of the Cleric and Wizard. There was a Priest in the group I joined with, but he seems to have dropped out for the time being. If you're interested, talk to Mooshy about them - he probably knows better than I do about them.

The base classes are pretty great, so don't just jump for the other stuff. You can find them on the Dungeon World SRD with some quick googling.

Alternative Classes:

Most of these come from a supplement called Grim World, available for purchase. If you don't have it, but are interested, let us know, and we might be able to figure something out.

Grim World:
Battlemaster - A masterful strategist. Things to note are the ability to switch between a selection of buffs known as tactics, and the ability to provide helpful things through gambits.
Skirmisher - Master of the Spear and Team Player. You can set someone as your "Fulcrum", which allows you to aid them more easily and bring pain to anyone that hurts them, or that they hurt.
Channeler - Ok, we DO have one of these, but he's cool. Oadir would be able to talk better about this, but they basically unleash raw elemental magic from their body. There's more nuance to it, but I'm not the one to talk about it.
Slayer - You're equipped to kill just about anything, but you're kind of addicted, and have a dependency. Honestly, I don't recommend this, as it requires a bit of a balancing act.
Templar - The paladin's more wrathful cousin. You're a capable combatant, and are capable of wringing information out of people - through admittedly very harsh methods. A zealot through and through.

If there are no notes or nondescriptive notes, it means I really didn't know what to say. Everyone, feel free to correct me or add in what I missed - seriously, it's probably necessary. Hopefully though, this'll be helpful. If you find anything else you want to use, just run it by Mooshy.

Oh - and don't feel you have to be a kobold. Just use something that isn't a traditionally "good" race, or is otherwise heavily discriminated against to the point as being seen as evil, and you'll be fine. Just ask the tiefling and the goblin.

Thanks Greas, I've been researching wizards and might go with that. Mooshy, let me know if that is ok with you, and how that will be introduced in the story, and i'll run with it.

I think that the Mage is a superior alternative class for the wizard ... Unless you are a big fan of vancian casting.

Ah, here we go. If you click this sentence, you'll be shown the Mage. Good stuff here. As I can see, it's a bit more free-form than the Wizard - which makes it just about perfect for showing what Dungeon World can do with a good DM.

Just as a side note: don't be put off by the fact Cast a Spell always has a flaw. Magic works like that in the other game I'm in, and that's good. Problems are where all the interesting stuff is.

Agreed. If you're drawn to Wizard, I'd recommend making a Mage instead.

i was unable to open that file Greas, but i found and alternative playbook that i can use for Mage. I think i'll go with a mage class then and i'll stick to kobold as the race. I also sent a message to Mooshy and I'm waiting for the official ok before i post anything with my character.

It was just meant to be a viewer. The thing can be kind of temperamental anyway, so you generally want to refresh it a few times. Just to be sure, I believe this is the most recent version of the class.

You're cleared to go Joker, let's see your character :)

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Alright, I've decided to go with a Mage with the clock spell focus.

A time mage eh? Interesting...

Wow, the mage looks so awesome and fun.

you can't really have too many evil mages right?

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