Greas, 3 Tieflings -- Squad Spider
Smoog, 5 Strix --Squad Phoenix Hawk
Thunk, 5 Orcs -- Squad Vindicator
Retzack, 12 goblins, 13 kobolds -- Squad Warhammer
Oadir, Half-Giant, 3 Trolls, the Duergar, 10 kobolds -- Squad Atlas.
Ariza's hit list:
Umlaut, Hemmerschmidt's personal chef, wanted for extraordinary acts of cruelty to the slaves
"Princess" Joanna, Hemmerschmidt's daughter, not actually a princess. She wasn't particularly cruel but she held all sorts of precious jewelry all over herself and her vain attitude was quite annoying.
Trelawney, the mountain lion - has a taste for Tiefling flesh that has been nurtured by Hemmerschmidt's personal wild animal tamer, Minerva the elf.