Vengeance of the Downtrodden (Inactive)

Game Master DM Mooshybooshy, "the Foolish"

Campaign Wiki credit to Smoog

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Gearmaturge | Lvl 7 | EXP 0/13 | HP 17/23 | Dam 1d8+2 | Armor +3 | Charge 2 (3) | AA on hold +2 when Aided
STR+0 | DEX+2 | CON+1 | INT+3 | WIS+1 | CHA=0

Not a big deal but Smoog (not Flung) and Sees share Bolgir as an enemy from when he was a foreman of Smoog's tunnel team and they were digging waste removal tunnels that Scoops used. Smoog and Scoops met there and were both harassed and bullied by Bolgir. This is the basis for the bond we have with each other.

F Kobold Bard Lv 7.03 | HP:19/22 | Dmg:d6 AC:1 | CHA:+2 WIS:+2 CON:+2 DEX:+1 INT:0 STR:-1

Oh poo. I knew I was going to have trouble keeping things straight. I think I can make it out like Sees was playing to Flung's possible ambitions and separatly to Smoog's shared enemy. Sort of contriving a party out of disparate goals.

Gearmaturge | Lvl 7 | EXP 0/13 | HP 17/23 | Dam 1d8+2 | Armor +3 | Charge 2 (3) | AA on hold +2 when Aided
STR+0 | DEX+2 | CON+1 | INT+3 | WIS+1 | CHA=0

Everyone knows Bolgir and how horrible he is. It will not be a hard stretch to sell him as traitor true or not.

Male Kobold Druid | Lvl 3 | XP: 2 | HP: 16/21 | Armor 1 | d6 dam | STR 1| DEX 0 | CON 1 | INT 0 | WIS 3 | CHA -1 | C: 31

Pork would probably be unfamiliar with Bolgir himself, seeing how he spends most of his time munching on swamp fish and mushroom while playing in the mud, but, He does take issue with his kinds predisposition to mine and take things from the bosom of the earth. Punishing the man in charge of that would be something he would easily get behind.

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Smoog asked a good question about posting speed and how many posts/day I want to see from the group. Here's what I answered:

I'm trying to be accommodating to my players in regard to the way they want to play. Too many posts a day is overwhelming to all but the most seasoned of players, which I don't want. Too few, and the campaign loses steam and players to attrition. That's why my general rule is 1 minimum-3 maximum "action" related posts per day, and unlimited RP posts. That should keep the story moving forward at a comfortable pace for everyone.

Such potential in this group...every post is a pleasure to read. Very excited about this game with you all.

Kobold/Armor 2/ 14 HP left of 22 HP/ S 12 D 13 (+1) Con 16 (+2) Int 9 Wis 18 (+3) Char 8 (-1) Shaman Lvl 4 XP 6 Scroll of Mass Teleportation/ Reinforced Kobold Armor & Braces

Putting all of Grick's info into one spot

Grick Toebiter Backstory

While wailing in despair like the other kobolds, Grick secretly is also determined to turn the day of calamity to his advantage. So many skulls, so many potential totems, so much power now possible. He begins searching through the skulls for those of the most powerful of the clan already planning the ceremonies necessary to bind the spirits to their mortal remains.

Grick always was fascinated by the wonderful tales told by the old shaman Crunk. Stories of spirits and totems and powers enthralled the young kobold, so much so that he attracted the attention of Crunk who needed a new apprentice after disgusting dwarves murdered his previous one. None of the other clan leaders objected as Grick demonstrated little aptitude for the more traditional kobold skills of sneaking, rigging traps, biting or stabbing. Luckily for Grick he displayed an impressive ability to call to the spirit world and so his education proceeded as these matters normally go.

Now he looks for other kobolds to join with to make a group to go forth in the world and bring mayhem and destruction to everyone and everything that allowed the nasty adventurers to attack the beloved Gorlaug. Oh they will pay for this treachery, yes they will pay!

Grick Toebiter Description

Grick is a kobold of average height with deep red scales covering his body. He has intense eyes, a headress made of finger bones from adventurers that have fallen in battle with the kobolds in the past and armor consisting of a boneshirt made of ribs taken from the same adventurers. He carries a short spear useful for either stabbing or throwing and has a small ceremonial drum tied around his neck.

What really makes Grick stand out even more than dressing himself in garb made of bones are the three kobold skulls he wears tied around his waist. Based on the shapes of the skulls as well as bits of scales still stuck in various places the other kobolds can tell he carries the skulls of:

Marlok the clan priest (spirit of mending)
Azder the clan channeler (spirit of lightening)
Padler the clan trickster (spirit of small illusions) just a suggestion, I'm thinking he can alter the appearance of himself or one of his clan mates so they can blend into the background as long as they aren't moving..."What kobold? I don't see a kobold, I only see a rock"

S12 D13 Con15 Int9 W16 Char8
Damage 1D6 Armor +1 HP 21
Alignment Chaotic

Flung has a troubled spirit
Sees-Death and my spirit are bound together
I've heard the spirits speak of Pork's power
Thunk must learn to respect the spirit realm

[Sheets] [Map]

Ooo, oo, MooshyBooshy, did I just insult the ancestry? The potential for interesting things happening is so awesome between "choose an additional target" and "call unwanted attention". I'd totally take a contingency that one or both has to be an interfere. Sees hungers for drama, discord, and/or xp.

I just saw some snark opportunities, and wanted Sees to work toward her alignment... maybe get us a +2 on some hide and seek rolls...

Ah, Sees-Death, proving that you can have exceedingly high Charisma and still be a total b*tch! (I only censor my own writing because it's better than paizo's automatic censors.) Our bard's personality reminds me of Handsome Jack from Borderlands 2...

If you and the spirit world were in a Facebook relationship, it would be "It's Complicated". Be prepared to explore it in greater depth later on.

Well I don't think it'll bother anyone else, and frankly, it's hilarious to me.

[Sheets] [Map]

Dirges are the best for evil campaigns. The characters will hate her, but she'll benefit the party if only by inspiring them to spite her.

If it gets to be too much for anyone,I can scale it back. It's all in fun from my end.

Male - Smoog's Player - RPGer/37th Lvl -

I am really liking the diverse and colorful personalities being fleshed out in the group. Has anyone heard from Fssst the Firestarter? Fssst has such interesting potential as well. Hope he can catch up if he is still on board.

Haven't heard from him, I'm hoping he chimes in soon.

Male Ashen Kobold Immolator - 3rd Level - HP 9/15 - STR 9 (+0) - DEX 8 (11) - CON 13 (+1) - INT 11 (+0) - WIS 18 (+3) - CHA 15 (+1) - Dam 1d8
DM Mooshybooshy, "the Foolish" wrote:
Haven't heard from him, I'm hoping he chimes in soon.

I AM on board! Caught a terrible cold, but I'm here! In all my charred and almost-on-fire glory.

Character stats, assuming I screwed nothing up:

Str:9 +0
Dex:8 -1
Con:13 +1
Int:11 +0
Wis:16 +2
Cha:15 +1

HP: 17
Damage: d8

Alignment: EVIL - The undeserving will feed the flames.

Race: Kobold - Nonmagical flames and heat do not hurt me.

Gear: Adventuring Gear (5 uses, 1 weight), Dungeon Rations (5 uses, 1 weight), 2 healing potions, The Charred and Deformed left claw of my Master.

Starting Moves: Burning Brand, Fighting Fire with Fire, Zuko Style, Gimme Fuel Gimme Fire, Hand Crafted

Grick has felt the hellish touch of fire, now they know my strength.

I will teach Pork the true meaning of sacrifice.

I cast something into the fire for Sees-Death and still owe them their due.

Smoog and Fssst disturbed something ancient and deep within the mountain during their escape together.

Be warned, I also am new to this. Let me know if I miss something.

Happy you're here, Fsst! May your enemies be burned to a crisp.

[Sheets] [Map]

Would Flung be within "far" range to use the atlatl? I looked at the gear on Flung and Thunk to see who would get in range first. It's hilarious if Flung just doesn't understand high draconic, but that's the second stick to which Sees was referring.

Hmm, not sure what that bond might mean, Fssst, did he burn something valuable of Sees'? I think if he owes her, she's telling his tale so that he can't escape his debt. Monsters far and wide will learn of Fssst debt to Sees-death.

Male Black Kobald Skirmisher - Level 3 | XP: 7 |HP 18/18 | STR+1; DEX+2; CON+1; INT-1; WIS+2; CHR

Ha ha. I didn't really notice the 'second stick'. It is my impression that using an atlatl wouldn't work very well in a wooded area. But give Flung some open ground and I will let fly.

FYI: "far" range should include being able to hit things within shouting distance.

Male Kobold Druid | Lvl 3 | XP: 2 | HP: 16/21 | Armor 1 | d6 dam | STR 1| DEX 0 | CON 1 | INT 0 | WIS 3 | CHA -1 | C: 31

Sorry guys, got swamped with work today. Looks like I missed a bit! I'll do my best to catch up

No worries Pork!

Gearmaturge | Lvl 7 | EXP 0/13 | HP 17/23 | Dam 1d8+2 | Armor +3 | Charge 2 (3) | AA on hold +2 when Aided
STR+0 | DEX+2 | CON+1 | INT+3 | WIS+1 | CHA=0

I was using the Move "use gadget" with the roll+int for seeing thru the goggles since I thought it was more of a gadget enhancement than just perception.
Is it more of a Discerning realities move? roll+wis?

Male Kobold Druid | Lvl 3 | XP: 2 | HP: 16/21 | Armor 1 | d6 dam | STR 1| DEX 0 | CON 1 | INT 0 | WIS 3 | CHA -1 | C: 31

Instead of Defy Danger, can I roll and use my shift move? Pork is not exactly quick on his toes...

Of course you can! Shapeshift time koboldruid!

Smoog: No, your goggles would logically enhance your Discern Realities attempts, since that's when you're using your senses to discover things.

Gearmaturge | Lvl 7 | EXP 0/13 | HP 17/23 | Dam 1d8+2 | Armor +3 | Charge 2 (3) | AA on hold +2 when Aided
STR+0 | DEX+2 | CON+1 | INT+3 | WIS+1 | CHA=0

O.K., just trying to figure out the difference then between goggle and no-goggle D.R.?

Male Kobold Druid | Lvl 3 | XP: 2 | HP: 16/21 | Armor 1 | d6 dam | STR 1| DEX 0 | CON 1 | INT 0 | WIS 3 | CHA -1 | C: 31

I cant seem to figure out the text to roll dice for moves :(

Gearmaturge | Lvl 7 | EXP 0/13 | HP 17/23 | Dam 1d8+2 | Armor +3 | Charge 2 (3) | AA on hold +2 when Aided
STR+0 | DEX+2 | CON+1 | INT+3 | WIS+1 | CHA=0

go to the "how to format your text" show button and copy paste with appropriate editing of the string. it is at the bottom of the posting box.
change Perception to whatever you are tying to do and the dice to 2d6+stat bonus

Male Kobold Druid | Lvl 3 | XP: 2 | HP: 16/21 | Armor 1 | d6 dam | STR 1| DEX 0 | CON 1 | INT 0 | WIS 3 | CHA -1 | C: 31

Allrighty. Now I am good to go for GLORY AND ADVENTURE!

Smoog: the goggles will occasionally give you a +1 on your DR roll at DM fiat, if they actually contributed somehow; beyond that, they passively reveal magical auras when you look through them, so they're always useful.

Gearmaturge | Lvl 7 | EXP 0/13 | HP 17/23 | Dam 1d8+2 | Armor +3 | Charge 2 (3) | AA on hold +2 when Aided
STR+0 | DEX+2 | CON+1 | INT+3 | WIS+1 | CHA=0

O.K., cool.

Male Kobold Druid | Lvl 3 | XP: 2 | HP: 16/21 | Armor 1 | d6 dam | STR 1| DEX 0 | CON 1 | INT 0 | WIS 3 | CHA -1 | C: 31

Gah. I missed so much in a single day I'm posting for events long past! I thought we wre still going down the mountain but folks are already fighting skeletons! Bah!

Actually, pork, you're in a great position to jump on into the fight. When you shapeshift it on your way down the mountain, you never specified which animal you would like to turn into. If you were to turn into a flying creature, like a giant vampire bat for example,you could fly over the fight and dive bomb bolgir with the skeletons.

[Sheets] [Map]

Are rolls on this forum deterministic? It seems like when I preview my post I can see the result, and it doesn't change when I post.


that is correct the preview is what it is.

sometimes it bugs out

Male Ashen Kobold Immolator - 3rd Level - HP 9/15 - STR 9 (+0) - DEX 8 (11) - CON 13 (+1) - INT 11 (+0) - WIS 18 (+3) - CHA 15 (+1) - Dam 1d8

ok, spill, how are you guys getting your stats to show up at the top of your posts?


go to your profile and type them into the race and class lines

Male Ashen Kobold Immolator - 3rd Level - HP 9/15 - STR 9 (+0) - DEX 8 (11) - CON 13 (+1) - INT 11 (+0) - WIS 18 (+3) - CHA 15 (+1) - Dam 1d8


[Sheets] [Map]

Fsst, in regards to how to push someone into a burning geyser of destructive power, think about what is important to you when doing it, and how your character physically intends to achieve it. Come at it straight on, and it might be a Hack and Slash or Defy Danger: STR which you might not prefer, but depending on how you describe it, it could be any number of other things. Start from your strongest stat and try to find a way to make the case that you can accomplish your task with that stat. After that, you're in the hands of the DM as to what actually happens.

Personally, this would be a string of Defy Dangers, none the least of which is trying not to end up in the stuff yourself.

Good advice from our evil bard.

Male Kobold Druid | Lvl 3 | XP: 2 | HP: 16/21 | Armor 1 | d6 dam | STR 1| DEX 0 | CON 1 | INT 0 | WIS 3 | CHA -1 | C: 31

Aww man! I did not know Druids get special moves in animal form! My previous GM just had me describe what I was doing and roll Hack and Slash. I think these animal moves wil make things much more interesting!

I took a hint and shifted into a Giant Vampire bat, but, I am curious as to what exactly I can shift into naturally. My Previous game, I was only allowed to shift into Creatures that naturally live in the environment I am attached to IRL, Leaving Giant Vampire b ats out. Not that I'm complaining, as this opens my options a bit for some creativity. I just wanna know where these creature movs come from!

Bats live in marshes too! Plus you have two Lands as a druid since you're a Kobold - the Depths of the Earth and the Stinking Mire. ANY animals that live in either of those two very broad ecological environments is fair game. Don't be constrained by anything but your imagination, my friend.

And oh yeah, druids get badass moves when they shift into Animal form. And you can just DO them by spending a hold, you don't need to roll to do them. That doesn't mean they automatically succeed always due to the fiction interfering, but you can always successfully attempt them.

[Sheets] [Map]

Sees' Hard lesson #1: Don't aid a melee character by hand, especially when they got themselves into trouble in the first place.

Yay! 2 XP! (maybe?)

I misread the aid effect on Arcane arts, btw. The full text is: "The next time someone successfully assists the target with aid, they get +2 instead of +1." Effectively, Sees is the only one who can be a second Aid roll, and she can do so preemptively.

[Sheets] [Map]

OMG I think Sees is magic-blind. I don't think she sees the geyser, and I don't think she sees her own magical effects. She just thinks music and poetry happen to coincide with things coming up her way. She worships Gorlaug concretely as the earthly personification of a draconic ideal, and always figured all the mysticism was a metaphor. Not that the results of magic wouldn't hurt her, but that she has absolutely no sense of it. She would need those eChroma glasses.

So sad that she's in the undeathgrip of a ravenous skelebold and will probably die soon.

Male Ashen Kobold Immolator - 3rd Level - HP 9/15 - STR 9 (+0) - DEX 8 (11) - CON 13 (+1) - INT 11 (+0) - WIS 18 (+3) - CHA 15 (+1) - Dam 1d8

Yeah, Fssst is pretty much a raving fanatic about some things. I suspect trying to blast him in there with fire would be more effective, but magic has proven to be kinda bendy around this thing.

...of course, not rolling 2s might also help.

Oh well!

Love that idea about magic blindness, Sees. We'll see how long that worldview lasts.

Fsst, loving how crazy you are so far.


i think i deserve a national poetry award for that last post

Thunk, you sure do have a way with words. Way to use your limited vocabulary to its utmost.

Male Ashen Kobold Immolator - 3rd Level - HP 9/15 - STR 9 (+0) - DEX 8 (11) - CON 13 (+1) - INT 11 (+0) - WIS 18 (+3) - CHA 15 (+1) - Dam 1d8

Oh man, over the last Sixteen d6s, I've rolled a 1, Seven 2s, Four 3s, Two 4s, Two 5s, and zero 6s. One of those two fives was a damage roll against myself. I'm starting to think Fssst might be in trouble.

EDIT: For those of us that love math, that's an average roll of 2.8125! This is awesome :D

[Sheets] [Map]

Well, go ahead and gain your 8 hp. Something else might get healed or Thunk and I may be in for another round of playing Neo in a mound of Smith, but you most definitely gain 8 hp.

You have to live so I can find out what your bond with Sees means!

Gearmaturge | Lvl 7 | EXP 0/13 | HP 17/23 | Dam 1d8+2 | Armor +3 | Charge 2 (3) | AA on hold +2 when Aided
STR+0 | DEX+2 | CON+1 | INT+3 | WIS+1 | CHA=0

Well I just added to the team's "1" count!
Yeah, for EXP!

F Kobold Bard Lv 7.03 | HP:19/22 | Dmg:d6 AC:1 | CHA:+2 WIS:+2 CON:+2 DEX:+1 INT:0 STR:-1

All hail Smoog Groog the Ancestral Techno-lich!

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