DM Mooshybooshy, "the Foolish" |
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Hello everyone, my name is DM Mooshybooshy, you can call me Moosh for short. I'd like to run a homebrew campaign using kobolds for evil purposes.
You don't need to know much about the world; much of it is just pointless detail to you. Why? You're a kobold, that's why. All that matters is your tribe. And your tribe...your greater scaly family, the nest of kobolds that dwells in Moontower Mountain, is in a bad way.
Like all large gatherings of kobolds, your culture revolved around the worship of those who were scaly and stronger than you. At the center of Moontower Mountain was a slumbering black dragon named Gorlaug the Corruptor. The Mountain, as well as all the miles of swampland around it, were his domain, and your tribe were his happy and loyal subjects under his protection. Until the adventurers came.
Drawn by legends of Gorlaug's wealth, a group of powerful heroes invaded your mountain home completely unprovoked! Slaughtering your tribe by the dozens as they leapt to Gorlaug's defense, the adventurers looted and pillaged as much treasure as they could, slaying the dragon in a climactic battle that destroyed the very mountaintop in a fiery eruption.
You are a kobold survivor of that dreaded day. The chieftain, the head witch doctor, the strongest warriors and best mages and trapmakers of you - all are slain. You are only beginning your journey into full maturity, still young, so you were overlooked in their mad quest for phat loot.
While picking through the remnants of what used to be your home, you found each other; kobolds of all different colors that survived, like you.
Enough hiding in strongholds and amassing loot to be stolen by others. This world, it seems, calls for murderhobos, not kobolds living in peace worshipping an acid wyrm. It's time to become adventurers and give the bastards who did this a taste of their own medicine.
It's time for revenge.

DM Mooshybooshy, "the Foolish" |

This campaign will be run using Dungeon World rules. If you've never played Dungeon World, I strongly encourage you to check it out. I prefer it over Pathfinder (even though I love PF) because DW is far less crunchy and obsessed with minor details. I want theatrics, I want drama, I want adventure, I don't want to waste time calculating a bunch of obscure modifiers from different sources.
Here's the skinny on how Dungeon World works.
1) The wiki is here. The "Playing the Game" section is very useful to read for beginners.
2) Everything revolves around 2d6. To do anything that requires a roll, you choose which of your stats makes the most sense for what you're trying to do, add that modifier to 2d6, and away you go.
If you roll a 10+, you succeed! You successfully attack and deal your damage, or you avoid an enemy attack, or you trick someone, or you cast a spell - whatever!
If you roll 7-9, partial success. You achieved what you set out to do, mostly, but I as the DM can add a messy complication.
If you roll a 6 or below, you gain an XP, and you fail at what you were trying to do.
Critical successes or failures for rolling double 6s or snake-eyes is also a thing.
3) The DM doesn't roll anything. If I want to do something, I do it, and it's on the players to respond. That being said, it's the DM's role in Dungeon World to be a fan of the players, so it's my job to make the combat and story exciting for you all.
4) There's no kobold racial moves offered for the classes listed in the SRD. Since racial moves are determined by class as well as race, let me know what class you'd like to play and we'll work together to homebrew a racial move that makes sense for kobolds. You can feel free to use kobold lore from Golarian regarding scale color to inform your character in my world.
I also offer alternative classes beyond what are offered in the SRD, though I do recommend giving the base classes a shot if you've never tried the system. They're great. One exception - if you want to play a Wizard or a Cleric, let me know and I'll get you the Mage or Priest playbooks instead. They're more flexible and fun.
List of Classes:
Arcane Duelist
Cleric (see: Priest)
Wizard (see: Mage)
Alternative Classes

DM Mooshybooshy, "the Foolish" |

Awesome. Write up a few sentences about your character/backstory when you can. The PDF for Shamans is here. You can re-flavor the Shaman Spirits to be more kobold-like if you want; no need to come up with a Racial Move, since Shamans don't have one.

MiniGM |

Meet Thunk
This bizarrely thick and muscular, yes muscular, kobold has wild eyes and is dressed in a strange mishmash of clothes. Pants from a human child, boots from two pair and a tunic pulled together from 4 to 6 others. He carries a large femur of some kind of animal in his two claws. Thunk was always in trouble and had been sent away for several weeks before the big attack, where he went ok one knows but now he is back wilder than ever and with a desire to Thunk and Thump
(Stat order, high to low) Con-Str-Dex-Wis-cha-int
Takes the bonus armor when wearing none option, and takes the two handed sword (though I took a two handed club, if ok)
Appetites for destroying things and riches

Aubster |

Grick Toebiter Backstory
While wailing in despair like the other kobolds, Grick secretly is also determined to turn the day of calamity to his advantage. So many skulls, so many potential totems, so much power now possible. He begins searching through the skulls for those of the most powerful of the clan already planning the ceremonies necessary to bind the spirits to their mortal remains.
Grick always was fascinated by the wonderful tales told by the old shaman Crunk. Stories of spirits and totems and powers enthralled the young kobold, so much so that he attracted the attention of Crunk who needed a new apprentice after disgusting dwarves murdered his previous one. None of the other clan leaders objected as Grick demonstrated little aptitude for the more traditional kobold skills of sneaking, rigging traps, biting or stabbing. Luckily for Grick he displayed an impressive ability to call to the spirit world and so his education proceeded as these matters normally go.
Now he looks for other kobolds to join with to make a group to go forth in the world and bring mayhem and destruction to everyone and everything that allowed the nasty adventurers to attack the beloved Gorlaug. Oh they will pay for this treachery, yes they will pay!

Porkgasm |

Pork the Kobold Druid! I like a gimmick, sue me :P
Pork, unlike your typical Kobold, is actually quite hefty compared to most of his species. He spends most of his days lazying around the swamps surrounding Moontower Mountain, generally scarfing down whatever random edible thing he happens to find (Mushrooms being a particular favorite). He was wallowing in the mud of his swampland home when he noticed the Mountain explode! Pork grew quite concerned, considering his Kin occasionally held great feasts which he always made sure to partake in! Looks like it's time to waddle back up the mountain and see what exactly is going on...
Looks wise just picture a Fat, stinky Kobold covered in bits of rotting hide and bone.
(Stat order, high to low) Wis-Con-Str-Int-Dex-Cha
Born of the Soil - The Stinking Mire. His Tell will be a pair of tusks that curl up from his maw.
Gonna need a racial move..hmm..
Thinking Scale color will just be Green.

DM Mooshybooshy, "the Foolish" |

Barbarians occupy a weird space for racial moves. Instead of having different ones for each race, Barbarians get the racial move "Outsider."
You may be elf, dwarf, halfling, human, or kobold, but you and your people are not from around here. At the beginning of each session, the GM will ask you something about your homeland, why you left, or what you left behind. If you answer them, mark XP.
Now, if for the purposes of this campaign you would rather be a local kobold, that's totally fair and we can work on making a custom racial move for barbarian kobolds. Otherwise you can just use the racial move that is already there.

Omen43 |

Awesome! Meet:
Flung - the Kobald Skirmisher
Flung is a lithe, black kobald dressed simply in a worn, battle kilt apparently made of leather. He was quite content in his training to be a full-fledged Skirmisher. But then the so-called “heroes” besieged Gorlaug, the Conqueror, their mighty protector. Flung was ready to give his life for the mighty wyrm, but the chieftain had other ideas - using him to relay battle directions from the chieftain to the various warriors leading the battle clans. While trying scampering towards Groglauk’s clan, Flung suddenly saw stars, having been struck in the head by a random projectile. Upon waking, everyone around him was dead and the mountain was on fire! He grabbed a nearby spear, looking for any other survivors to give him some direction in his now suddenly, aimless life.
STR - 12
DEX - 16 (+2)
CON - 13 (+1)
INT - 8 (-1)
WIS - 15 (+1)
CHR - 9

Chronsy |
I would be interested in playing a Channeler.. Poor Kobold got hit with a poorly worded spell and instead of killing him it opened up a portal inside his body to the elemental realm. He's always leaking some sort of energy and most of his scales are gone from the overwhelming and uncontrolled power flowing through him..
Unfortunately for everyone involved the element that inhabits his portal is a wind elemental and his Emanation point is his mouth. Yes that's right he belches power.

Omen43 |

hmm i onder if flung is always getting in trouble or shares my desire for destruction and riches
Flung definitely has visions of grandeur regarding his battle prowess and the amount of destruction he can cause on humans!
Does Thunk keep an eye out for Flung (and vice versa) or do I have to worry that Thunk has a death wish?

Atomicknyte |

Smoog was mining at the time of the attack and was caught deep underground in a cave-in. Alone and lost, Smoog wandered thru forgotten tunnels, tubes and causeways of the mountain's underbelly trying to escape. Finally he stumbled on one of the dragon's minor treasure chambers. Inside he discovered gadgets, gizmos and do-dads of strange design and materials. Being the "smartest" of his brood-brothers, Smoog chose these over the gold and gems; deciding that he had been meant to find these. After all no one else was using them. He saw their power and knew he should claim it. (O.K. he took a little gold also, who are we kidding)
Smoog had no way of knowing that this was actually an ancient Dwarven workroom from days gone by when Dwarves owned the mountain B.G. (Before Gorlaug). Along with several working gadgets were some manuals and tomes describing the Gadgeteer/Artificer trade. Smoog could kind of read so he took these as well hoping to learn more about his new life calling.

Porkgasm |

For Pork, I'm thinking a Racial move could be something simple like being able to transform into any animal of The Depths of the Earth, similar to the Elf racial move. Kobolds are usually underground and making tunnels, digging, etc. It could be a racial affinity.
Problem I see what that is I dont know off the top of my head what sorts of animals fall into that category, beyond maybe bats and moles perhaps. *shrug*
Also, just to make sure I'm on the right track, Does my Shapeshifter move allow me to shift into Any Animal that could realistically live in my land? Or should I stick with creatures found in the MM if possible? I'm unsure. My previous game's rule was basically "Any non-fantasy creature who dwells within that area irl" is what I could shift into using Shapeshifter.

Fssst |

Yessssss, Kobolds is Best.
Presenting Fssst...
Every good clan needs a firekeeper. Apprentice Firekeeper Fssst was born to be the best, named after the sound of the smallest flame winking out, scales of ash and ember red. Fssst kept the egg creche warm during the breeding months. Fssst kept the tunnels hot and damp through the cold winters. His master was no more cruel than most, and less than some.
Fssst was more intelligent than the others of his clan, though he hid it. He hid it like he hid during the attack, deep and still. A Fierce will and a quiet anger now burns behind his yellow eyes. He'll find those who snuffed the flames he was meant to tend. He'll find those that froze the eggs he was to care for. He'll find them, and they will burn.
((Is immolator available? If not, I'm sure I could make due with some troll grease and a torch))

BastianQuinn |

If there are still openings I would like to throw in my hat.
Sees did not hold a place of great honor in the old tribe, despite whatever her betters may have told her. Shoveling Gorlaug's leavings was a chore passed down to only the most pitiful, scrawny, crossbred imbecile in the tribe. What the job did grant her was a name of honor, and not in any way she might have guessed.
Sees had been known as Scoops on the day Gorlaug was slain. It had been right in front of her. The sight of Gorlaug's severed horn clattering to the floor at her feet haunts the poor kobold's dreams still. Her friends in the high chamber had all been slain in protection of Gorloug, but she ran. She had taken the horn to every kobold she met on her way out of the caves--evidence to add weight to her awful tale. By the time the dust had settled, Scoops had a new name and reputation as Sees-Death, Gorlaug's Dirge, and against reason everyone blames her for their God's death.
Sees still carries the horn, polished and carved into a horn of a different sort. The names and sins of heroes past and present are ascribed to the enamel of the horn. Now that she has found a group of kobolds that do not cringe at the sight of her mottled black scales, streaked with red-orange like seeping blood, she vows to keep a closer eye on these friends. Vows to alert them to danger even if she cannot turn it aside on her own.
STR:8(-1) DEX:13(+1) CON:12(0) INT:9(0) WIS:15(+1) CHA:16(+2)
Damage:d6 Armor:0 HP:18
Alignment: Evil - Use your art to crush someone's spirit?
Race: Kobold - When you meet an intelligent monster, you can ask the GM for one fact about the history of that race?
Bardic Lore: Legends of Heroes Passed (get it?)
Flung does not trust me, and for good reason.(Omen43?)
Pork is often the butt of my jokes.(Porkgasm?)
This is not my first [job] with Smoog. He knew me when I was Scoops.(Atomicknyte?)
I am writing a ballad about the adventures of Fssst. (Fssst?)
Gorlaug's Horn
Popsmith's garb
Slingshot(near, 1 weight)
Smooth Stones (3 ammo 2 weight)
Adventuring Gear (5 uses, 1 weight)

Aubster |

Grick Toebiter Description
Grick is a kobold of average height with deep red scales covering his body. He has intense eyes, a headress made of finger bones from adventurers that have fallen in battle with the kobolds in the past and armor consisting of a boneshirt made of ribs taken from the same adventurers. He carries a short spear useful for either stabbing or throwing and has a small ceremonial drum tied around his neck.
What really makes Grick stand out even more than dressing himself in garb made of bones are the three kobold skulls he wears tied around his waist. Based on the shapes of the skulls as well as bits of scales still stuck in various places the other kobolds can tell he carries the skulls of:
Marlok the clan priest (spirit of mending)
Azder the clan channeler (spirit of lightening)
Padler the clan trickster (spirit of small illusions) just a suggestion, I'm thinking he can alter the appearance of himself or one of his clan mates so they can blend into the background as long as they aren't moving..."What kobold? I don't see a kobold, I only see a rock"

DM Mooshybooshy, "the Foolish" |

Man, I can tell this is going to be a great party. I'm excited to see what you all will do.
Smoog, I love that you discovered some old Dwarf tech and repurposed it. That's awesome.
Sees-Death, I love your Race/Alignment hacks, let's roll with those.
Fsst, Immolator is still available. Welcome!
Robert Hodgson, join us whenever you're able to!
Grick, I love your spirits idea. Plus with your clan decimated there are lots of angry kobold spirits within the mountain...
Pork, normally druids stick to the normal, non-magical animals that dwell within their Lands. For your character, let's start you out with the "only mundane creatures" rule; but if you are able to study a magical creature's essence, you may be able to shift into one of them as well. It will be one way that your character progresses.