Vengeance of the Downtrodden (Inactive)

Game Master DM Mooshybooshy, "the Foolish"

Campaign Wiki credit to Smoog

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Yes, the more schadenfreude the better

Male Kobold Thief | Lvl 4 | XP 4 | HP: 16/19 | Armour 1 | Damage 1d8 | STR 0 | DEX 2 | CON 1 | INT 1 | WIS 2 | CHA 0

That moment where you expect to have to get clarification as to if we're using the new DD rule proposed, and get double sixes instead.

Unexpected, but no less glorious. I should make fruit grenades more often.

Dark Archive

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m Goblin Necromancer lvl 5 | HP: 18/20 | Armor: Wait, what? | XP: 3/12 | Toe Eaten?: Nope | Bodies: 4/5 |Power: 3
Greas wrote:
"Klaatu, Barata...Nikto."

Retzack stiffens. "Someone is playing with powers...FAR BEYOND THEIR COMPREHENSION!!!1!"

*dun Dun DUNN!!*

Rule number one: If you come across a screaming book bound in human flesh, always open it and start reading aloud. That's never gone poorly. =p

F Kobold Bard Lv 7.03 | HP:19/22 | Dmg:d6 AC:1 | CHA:+2 WIS:+2 CON:+2 DEX:+1 INT:0 STR:-1

Psst, guys! Do you think Mooshy will notice if I re-post my action and hope for better rolls?

In all seriousness, Mooshy, I posted a minute before your previous post, and it looks like it's been overlooked.

Male Tiefling Channeler (Shadow/Ice) | Lvl 6 | XP 5 | HP 14/28 | CON +3 STR +2 DEX -1 INT +2 WIS +0 CHA +0 |

Wow, that's some safe and good rolling there... I'll see if I can take some risks in my upcoming posts. I can hardly imagine the bugs are still standing after all this, but damn is this a slaughter.

Super busy day at work, post inc tomorrow

Sick and un-creative today so no post, my apologies. Everyone mark an XP while I'm gone because my birthday was last Friday.

Male Kobold Thief | Lvl 4 | XP 4 | HP: 16/19 | Armour 1 | Damage 1d8 | STR 0 | DEX 2 | CON 1 | INT 1 | WIS 2 | CHA 0

Well, it's delayed, but Happy Birthday Mooshy! Hope you're feeling better soon.

Dark Archive

m Goblin Necromancer lvl 5 | HP: 18/20 | Armor: Wait, what? | XP: 3/12 | Toe Eaten?: Nope | Bodies: 4/5 |Power: 3

I regret that the party is completely separated. If I had it to do over again I would have made sure that I at least kept up with someone.

Gearmaturge | Lvl 7 | EXP 0/13 | HP 17/23 | Dam 1d8+2 | Armor +3 | Charge 2 (3) | AA on hold +2 when Aided
STR+0 | DEX+2 | CON+1 | INT+3 | WIS+1 | CHA=0

I kind of like it.
I bet the crazy antics we are about to unleash will end up showing us how better we are as a team and not romping about on our own.

Hey guys, sorry I've been so quiet this past week. I can't explain why, but it's been really difficult to force myself to sit down and update the campaigns I'm in, both as a player and as a DM. I regret leaving you all hanging for this long and I don't intend to abandon ship, if you'll all still have me; I just need to get back into my creative mindstate and this flu I had for a few days recently really took it out of me.

As soon as I'm able to, I'll resume my regular schedule. I'll be trying every day...I'm just finding it very difficult to focus and just think. My mind is very...unsettled. Anxious. I don't know what kind of mental fugue I'm in but I want to get through it and be done. I don't like struggling this much just to write a few simple paragraphs of text.

Sorry about this, guys. I feel like I fall off my regular posting schedule all too often, every month practically, and all I have to say is that I'm thankful to be able to come back and rejoin my online gaming crew.

Just wanted to give you all an update so you don't think I died or something. :)

DM Mooshybooshy, "the Foolish" wrote:
force myself to sit down and update the campaigns I'm in

No. Don't do that. Don't even try to. Whatever the reason, you shouldn't force yourself.

It looks to me like you've got other issues to deal with before anything else. If you don't know what they are (and from the sounds of it, you don't), you should try to figure them out and address them before handling anything here. If you don't address the root of this, it's just going to crop up again later.

So...relax. I don't mind waiting. I doubt anyone else does either. I'm staying for as long as you're willing to run and I'm able to play. I'm not worried about time.

Take some time off, alright? Figure out the problem, and don't rush things. Bashing your head into the problem's just going to make it worse. Don't even think about trying to update 'til you're at least feeling better. You don't have to worry about keeping us waiting or anything, though it would be appreciated if you'd let us know how you're doing every once in a while. We want to know if you're alright, after all.

Hope you're feeling better soon, Mooshy. I mean it.

[Sheets] [Map]

Yeah, our one advantage in PBP is how the campaign will be there when we have time to get back to it.

I'm muscling through midterms both at work and in my own classes as well as getting ready for an interview, so believe me when I say I'm right there with you creatively.

Come back to it in your own time, we'll be glad to have you back whenever that is.


just giveng this a little bump, in the hopes the tMooshy is feeling up to playing again.

Unholy Abomination

I spoke with Mooshy. This game is officially called off.

Male Kobold Thief | Lvl 4 | XP 4 | HP: 16/19 | Armour 1 | Damage 1d8 | STR 0 | DEX 2 | CON 1 | INT 1 | WIS 2 | CHA 0

How come?

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I'm sorry everyone. I wish I could be better. I can't do this anymore. Not for awhile at least. You are all excellent players and I was privileged to DM for you for awhile.

Gearmaturge | Lvl 7 | EXP 0/13 | HP 17/23 | Dam 1d8+2 | Armor +3 | Charge 2 (3) | AA on hold +2 when Aided
STR+0 | DEX+2 | CON+1 | INT+3 | WIS+1 | CHA=0

Thank you Mooshy!
It has been a privilege playing with you all.
Together we made quite a unique and memorable story with characters that for me truly came to life.
We each will finish this story in our heads an I am completely satisfied with how things turned out.
Good luck to all of you and I hope to game with you again sometime.

Male Kobold Thief | Lvl 4 | XP 4 | HP: 16/19 | Armour 1 | Damage 1d8 | STR 0 | DEX 2 | CON 1 | INT 1 | WIS 2 | CHA 0

I honestly feel like this was more of a privilege for me. You're, without any doubt, an amazing DM, and I was seriously lucky to have you for my first serious foray into DW, and RPGs like this in general. I can't even be upset - this was amazing, and I'm just happy I got this chance. It led me to places I'm more than happy to be.

You're more than good enough. You can only have so much control over what goes on in your life, and if it means you won't be able to DM for us, that's fine by me. As long as you're ok, I will be too.

Hell, everyone's been amazing. Can't thank you all enough.

Good luck to you, Mooshy. Hopefully, we'll see you around sometime in future, whatever the circumstances are there.

Thanks for everything.

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