BastianQuinn |
![Queen Esmyra](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO9072-QueenEsmyra_500.jpeg)
For those who have no idea what I'm talking about:
Undertake a Perilous Journey
When you travel through hostile territory, choose one member of the party to act as trailblazer, one to scout ahead, and one to be quartermaster (the same character cannot have two jobs). If you don’t have enough party members or choose not to assign a job, treat that job as if it had rolled a 6. Each character with a job to do rolls+Wis. On a 10+ the quartermaster reduces the number of rations required by one. On a 10+ the trailblazer reduces the amount of time it takes to reach your destination (the GM will say by how much). On a 10+ the scout will spot any trouble quick enough to let you get the drop on it. On a 7–9 each roles performs their job as expected: the normal number of rations are consumed, the journey takes about as long as expected, no one gets the drop on you but you don’t get the drop on them either.Make Camp
When you settle in to rest consume a ration. If you’re somewhere dangerous decide the watch order as well. If you have enough XP you may Level Up. When you wake from at least a few uninterrupted hours of sleep heal damage equal to half your max HP.Take Watch
When you you’re on watch and something approaches the camp roll+Wis. On a 10+ you’re able to wake the camp and prepare a response, the camp takes +1 forward. On a 7–9 you react just a moment too late; the camp is awake but hasn’t had time to prepare. You have weapons and armor but little else. On a miss whatever lurks outside the campfire’s light has the drop on you.
All four of the WIS characters can take watches, I don't think taking a travel role prevents you from taking watch, I'm just trying to be equitable with the XP opportunities. The more people taking watches, the shorter the watches have to be, the faster we all get sleep, and the less likely we are to encounter something in the night.
Smoog |
Yes, WIS seems to be our party's strongest stat (5 +2's, a +1 and no -1's). Perilous Journeys and Taking Watches should not be too risky for us. Let's get moving and see what happens.
Smoog |
Just some more number crunching...
If anyone is interested in party skills analysis…
We are pretty well-rounded and great with DEX CON and WIS.
Hegh and Thunk are the strongest (both +2; with Pork as the only +1)
Flung is the swiftest/nimblest (+2) (5 others have +1)
Thunk is the hardiest +2 (with 5 others at +1)
Smoog is the smartest at +2 (and 3 are at -1, uh oh)
Fssst, Grick, Pork, Sees and Flung are all WISE at +2 (also a +1 and no -1's)
Sees Death has the most charisma with Fssst close behind (but 3 ugly ones at -1)
Fssst |
![Churgri of Vapula](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO9542-Churgri_90.jpeg)
I see Fssst as having a pretty simple worldview, that just happens to clash with most others. Fire isn't a god to him. It's a natural force that can't be bargained or reasoned with. At best, one can unbalance it in a certain direction, knowing that it WILL come around again.
It's a lot like how many people see Karma, but with more 3rd degree burns and screaming. Fssst is a horribly evil being, not because he enjoys pouring molten ashes down the throats of his enemies, but because he sees it as a necessary function of the world that he do so. And those unwilling to make sacrifice are those quickest to get onto his list of enemies.
Fortunately, every member of the party has just recently sacrificed their very HOME and GOD to the flames of the mountain (not willingly, sure, but unwilling sacrifices are the best sacrifices), so you guys are all in pretty good stead for a while.
Smoog |
Well now it is complete. Every single one of us has lost everything. Sorry Pork, you put up a great fight but I guess it was not to be. As they say in poker, we are All In.
Sees-Death |
![Animus Duplicate](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO9083-AnimusDuplicate.jpg)
Uhm.. We've gotta figure out what direction this 'cano is blasting. Mt St. Helens' spat hot faya for 15-20 miles in the direction of the culdara collapse. Humans can only travel 26 miles on foot in one day. We're a third the height of humans. I don't think we can escape this.
Pork the Swamp Druid |
![Squealy Nord](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO9500-5-SquealyNord.jpg)
This might actually work well wiith how I see Pork developing. It does present an interesting conundrum. How are we gonna pick up the trail of these adventurers before the mountain blows and buries everything under lava and ash!?
Smoog |
We have wings and some magical means. If Hegh and Pork transform and carry one or two. I am trying to devise a shield sled propelled by magnetic force. Any other wild ideas?
Pork the Swamp Druid |
![Squealy Nord](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO9500-5-SquealyNord.jpg)
I'm thinking it might be wise to try and travel under the swamp if the lands above are about to be covered in lava. Perhaps there is a cave or ruin in the swamp that leads underground? Or, we make for the city, and try to see where these sewers lead? LIKE RATS FLEEING A SINKING SHIP!
Smoog |
Yes, I am sure we must go to the city. The watch-compass-beacon I found is pretty much leading us there. The mountain explosion will hold the attention of every citizen of Bastion and will provide us quite a bit of cover.
"Thunk" |
![Red Dragon](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PF23-01.jpg)
Once bonds have been updated look at your alignment. If you fulfilled that alignment: Chaotic-Not really, we didnt encounter the civilized world. Though I did destroy the outpost we started in, so maybe that counts.
Did we learn something new and important about the world? yes
Did we overcome a notable monster or enemy? yes
Did we loot a memorable treasure? hell yea magic gloves of phat lootz
For each “yes” answer everyone marks XP.
You can use this time to level up, if you find yourself with enough XP after completing the end of session move. Thunk, if you would level up with the +1 XP from answering the Barbarian question about your homeland at the start of next session, you can level up too.
Started exploring some bonds, but have not completed any for sure.
so with my question +5 puts me at 8
Hegh |
![Kbold Chieftan](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO1130-Kobold4.jpg)
End of Session (my thoughts)
New Knowledge - Yes, learned about adventurers, where they went, and Gorlaug's desires, plus learned the swamp is doomed
Worthy Adversary - Yes, Bolgir
Loot - Magic Hat, Magic Locket, Magic Gloves, Walking Stick, Magic Wine Skin
Alignment - Arguably Yes, I endangered several party members when tackling Bolgir, in a failed attempt to gain power from they Geyser
Bond: I'd like to resolve "Flung has helped me in the past. I will follow him." Gorlaug has called on Hegh to serve Flung, and Hegh has pledged his sword.
Sees-Death |
![Animus Duplicate](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO9083-AnimusDuplicate.jpg)
I agree that we've met the three goals.
For bonds, I would like to resolve "Thunk too often solves his problems by tooth and nail" changing it to "Thunk got me out of a tight spot, and has as much a right to thump as I have to speak."
As to my alignment, I know I didn't affect Bolgir at all, but Sees was sure trying to be a buzzkill the whole time. Maybe next time?
I think that will put me at 9 xp, (7+2) raising me to level 3. I'll have to think about what move to take if that is the case.
Smoog |
Proposed bonds to resolve...
+1 With Sees the Bard...
"Sees and Smoog share a common enemy, we will get our revenge together."
+1 for NE alignment: Salvaged a lost or forgotten piece of technology.
+1 Did we learn something new and important about the world? Yes
+1 Did we overcome a notable monster or enemy? Yes
+1 Did we loot a memorable treasure? Yes
+1 for a missed roll
Total EXP = 6/8
Pork the Swamp Druid |
![Squealy Nord](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO9500-5-SquealyNord.jpg)
I've never really been familiar with bonds, but, I've got nothing to resolve atm.
I did not fufill any alignment stuff.
I do believe we defeated a notable enemy, my never ending wineskin is notable to me, and learning that the swamp is about to asplode seems an important thing to learn! :P
Fssst |
![Churgri of Vapula](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO9542-Churgri_90.jpeg)
I agree that we met all three goals pretty solidly.
Bolgir's physical form was sacrificed to the magical font of energy. It was sloppy, but he certainly wasn't willing.
For bonds, I would like to resolve both "I will teach Pork the true meaning of Sacrifice" and "I cast something into the fire for Sees-Death and still owe them their due."
I'll add the bonds "Sees-Death follows the flame, may it char her enemies", assuming Sees-Death agrees, and "Pork has made great sacrifice, may he reap the balance."
If my count is correct, I'm at 10xp. Woot level 3! I'll take another point of Wisdom, putting me at 18, and I'll take the move Ogdru Jahad.
Grick Toebiter |
![Enga Keckvia](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/A14-Kobold-Ratcatcher_final.jpg)
Goals - yes to all 3
Bonds - uh, nope
Previous XP - 2 from failed rolls
Alignment "facilitate a spirit's revenge" - going to say yes for helping to kill the traitor
Total 6 XP
Fssst |
![Churgri of Vapula](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO9542-Churgri_90.jpeg)
Fsst, could you update your profile to resemble Pork's or Sees's? It'll help me to keep track of your gear, and what advanced moves you have and such.
Sure thing!
"Thunk" |
![Red Dragon](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PF23-01.jpg)
snagged this (took a fighter one as my move)
When you deal damage, deal +1d4 damage.
Also I need a bond w Hegh. thoughts Hegh?
BastianQuinn |
![Queen Esmyra](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO9072-QueenEsmyra_500.jpeg)
Sounds good, Runelord. I have a feeling Thunk and Sees will be going back and forth a bit. We make an interesting duo.
Fssst, I think you can only resolve one bond per session. I like the change for Sees, but you might get more use out of a stronger bond with Pork imo. Up to you though. You can hold on to the other for next session, in case you don't run into much character development while we're murdered by swamp slimes.
Hegh |
![Kbold Chieftan](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO1130-Kobold4.jpg)
Also I need a bond w Hegh. thoughts Hegh?
So from your point of view, Hegh flew down out of nowhere, tackled Borgir, and attempted to strangle Borgir as the body disappeared. Hegh has a servant, and was able to tell you what your magic gloves do. He appears to have conversations with an imaginary friend and you've also seen him attempt, but fail, to stop lava with a frost breath. So all in all, a pretty unusual Kobold.
He has told you that Gorlaug has chosen you to fulfill some task.
You probably think he is a dangerous nutjob. I'm not sure how your character would feel about that. Kindred spirit?
My bond with you is "My god has a special task for Thunk."
Flung |
Bond: I'd like to resolve "Flung has helped me in the past. I will follow him." Gorlaug has called on Hegh to serve Flung, and Hegh has pledged his sword.
Hegh, sounds good. A bond I would like to have with you: I will lead Hegh into glory on the battlefield!
Flung |
Bonds: Things never go as planned with Sees around. This one does not seem relevant, so would like to consider it resolved . +1
Alignment: Evil - Provoke someone into doing something they will regret. I don’t think that really happened. +0
Did we learn something new - yes +1
Did we overcome a notable enemy - yes +1
Did we loot a memorable treasure - others did, Flung did not :( +1
Total experience: 5/8
Hegh |
![Kbold Chieftan](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO1130-Kobold4.jpg)
Quote:Bond: I'd like to resolve "Flung has helped me in the past. I will follow him." Gorlaug has called on Hegh to serve Flung, and Hegh has pledged his sword.Hegh, sounds good. A bond I would like to have with you: I will lead Hegh into glory on the battlefield!
Sounds good to me. As a fan of symmetry I'll add: Flung will lead me into glory on the battlefield!
Sees-Death |
![Animus Duplicate](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO9083-AnimusDuplicate.jpg)
A reminder to everyone: getting from level 2 to level 3 is 9 experience (7 + lvl 2)
Flung, what did you want to replace the bond with? It does not have to be another bond with Sees. You can have as many active bonds as there are players, I think. Resolved bonds and unresolved ones all stack together.
Smoog |
I was not sure if Bolgir died, was destroyed, vaporized or just disappeared so yes, if he is NOT dead we still have that bond.
The only one I have a bond with that has not already resolved with someone else is with Grick...
With Grick the Shaman...
"Grick is suspicious of my gadgets; he thinks they insult the spirits by mimicking their power. I will win him over."
and we did not close that one out yet so missed out on that little bit of EPX, oh well.
Hegh |
![Kbold Chieftan](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO1130-Kobold4.jpg)
I was not sure if Bolgir died, was destroyed, vaporized or just disappeared so yes, if he is NOT dead we still have that bond.
The only one I have a bond with that has not already resolved with someone else is with Grick...
With Grick the Shaman...
"Grick is suspicious of my gadgets; he thinks they insult the spirits by mimicking their power. I will win him over."and we did not close that one out yet so missed out on that little bit of EPX, oh well.
Bonds do not have to resolve symmetrically. I can resolve a bond with Flung, and you can resolve your bond with me.
As I understand it, only the character resolving its bond marks XP.
Smoog |
If that is true and bonds do not have to resolve symmetrically then I would like to resolve my half of either...
With Fssst the Firestarter...
"Smoog and Fssst disturbed something ancient and deep within the mountain during their escape together."
I feel the mountain's death pretty much ended that.
With Flung the Skirmisher...
"Keep your friends close and your enemies closer. Flung will be my second skin/kin?"
Following you into battle for the first time I feel like the friend/kin half of this bond emerged and Smoog now has deeper respect for Flung. A new bond should emerge from this.
Fssst or Flung, what do you think?