
Oadir's page

238 posts. Alias of Firzenick.

Full Name





Channeler (Shadow/Ice) | Lvl 6 | XP 5 | HP 14/28 | CON +3 STR +2 DEX -1 INT +2 WIS +0 CHA +0 |




Neutral - Discover something fundamental about the world


Common, Kobold (which is Draconic), Spiritual (+1 TBA)

Strength 16
Dexterity 8
Constitution 18
Intelligence 16
Wisdom 9
Charisma 12

About Oadir

Bō staff (close, two-handed, 1 weight)
Smelling salts
1 antitoxin
1 healing potion(s)
3 uses of rations
Adventuring gear (5 uses, 1 weight)
Music Box
Torn anti-magic collar (Given to Smoog)
Leather armor that transforms wielder into aminal when going below 1/4 health.

Intense eye(s)
Muscular body
Wild 'hair'
Tattered clothing
Arrow-tipped tail

STR +1
DEX -1
CON +2
INT +1
WIS ±0
CHA ±0


Silhouetted Flash: Teleport + Blast (1d8 if close)
Shadow Spear: Projectile (1d6 if near) + 2 piercing
Shadow Eruption (ST): Blast (1d8 if close), Forceful, Hazard

Starting Moves:

Summon Elemental
When you beckon inwards to call forth an Elemental being,
choose any Technique tag and roll+CON. ✴On a 10+, the Elemental
flows out of you and a stream of magic connects it to your Emanation
Point like a leash. The Elemental's nature and appearance wholly
embodies the tag you chose. You gain 1d4 Control.
✴On a 7-9, the Elemental is also moody or troublesome, choose one:
• You must immediately spend 1 Control
• It embodies a different tag instead (the GM will tell you which)
• It resents you and will certainly be hostile later
As long as the Elemental remains leashed, you have the Elemental
Protection and Elemental Attack moves.
When you have 0 Control, your elemental is released! It acts on
its own, can use its tag at will, and its HP is 2x your level. Maybe
it's friendly, hostile, mischievous, or just bored.

You can emit a small amount of your Primary Element for mundane tasks or to impress
someone without having to Channel.

When you open your Conduit up wide and channel magic through your body, roll +CON.
✴On a 10+, raw magic of your Primary Element flows out of your Emanation Point. Use one
of your Techniques. ✴On a 7-9, the same, but the power is too much. You can use your body
as a dam and take 1d4 damage (ignores armor) or allow the power through. If you allow the
power through, the GM will tell you of one or more complications, such as:
• The magic flows out of a different part of your body or is of a different element
• The magic has an unintended effect on the environment
• The magic causes a blast wave and you are thrown backwards

You have special Techniques that allow limited control over the flow of magic. When you spend several hours developing a new Technique, add it to your list or replace an existing one. You can learn up to 3 Techniques.

Keeping in mind your Primary Element, name the Technique and choose 2 tags:
- Projectile (1d6 damage if Near)
- Blast (1d8 damage if Close)
- 2 Piercing
- Barrier (+1 Armor until next Channel)
- Hazard (Environmental effect)
- Forceful

Elemental Protection
When you or your leashed Elemental takes damage from any source, you
lose 1 Control and the damage is negated.

Elemental Attack
When you command your leashed Elemental to use its tag, roll+Control.
✴On a 10+, success. ✴On a 7-9, you also lose 1 Control.

Advanced Moves:

You gain access to the "Teleport" Technique tag. When a Technique has this tag, you instantly move somewhere Near. Describe what it looks like. Examples:
Shadow Defense (Barrier, Teleport), Frost Bang (Teleport, Forceful).

Signature Technique
You gain an additional Technique slot. This Technique can have 3 tags. Examples:
Thunderclap (Blast, 2 Piercing, Forceful), Shadow Orb (Projectile, Burst, Hazard)

Conduit Warrior
Your Primary Element engulfs the weapons you wield. When you Hack and Slash
and roll a 10+, you can add 1 Technique tag to the attack.

Dual Conduits
Choose another element. With a grunt or a snap of the fingers, you can toggle your Primary Element to this second element, or vice versa. Only one of the two elements can be considered your Primary Element at a time. Your Techniques are the same and use the same tags, but the element changes.

Don't Blink
Techniques with the "Teleport" tag can now be used on others.
No more DD for using Teleport on another.

Hegh uses the elements like me, I must make him my ally.
Hegh is dead, but not forgotten. His legacy lives on. I will do my best to fill a new role in this clan now that he is gone.
Not an actual new bond, but a line of resolution.

I got Greas caught, I'll have to make it up to him somehow.
I owe a great debt to Greas, but he seems to accept me. I must show that I am worth his acknowledgment.

I've fallen head over heels for Sees-Death, I must see where I stand with her.
Sees-Death has only affirmed she is worth my adoration, but she seems not to accept me like Hegh did in his final moments just yet, I must prove myself to her.

Thunk has promised to teach me how to Thump, I must show my worth to him.
I understand now that I'll never learn to Thump like Thunk, but I'd still love his mentorship.

Smoog seems to have a very thorough understanding of the world, we have much to discuss.

Retzack would have me fight next to those I oppose. They don't want to, and I'm seriously doubting whether I do.[/s]
I have found that I most certainly don't like fighting alongside Retzack's creations, but he's got his uses elsewhere, so I'll put up with it.

Krish and I seem somewhat kindred spirits, I'll try to look out for him, I hope he'll do the same for me.
I have found that Krish can look out for himself all right, now he's just got to look out for the rest of us.

A little abrasive, that Kibra, maybe he'd like some true blackness. Kibra left